Chapter 1138

According to the agreement, the next day was the day to exchange William and Wolfe, but because Wolfe had escaped, the exchange was forced to terminate.

After getting in touch with the headquarters in Los Angeles through the telegraph room of the Rhodesia Hotel, O'Connor prepared to escort William back to Los Angeles. William was taken from the Rhodesian Hotel.

"MIS agents check everyone who enters and leaves the Rhodesia Hotel, as do the vehicles. Do you see the military vehicles across the road? If we take William out of the hotel now, there may be a conflict with MI. , but we are definitely safe staying in the hotel, and the agents of the London Military Intelligence Bureau have not dared to rush into the hotel.” Robert, the local head of Brad’s office in Cairo, was full of sadness, and through the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows of the suite, he could clearly see Saw military trucks across from the hotel.

What the hell is a military truck produced by Nyasaland.

Just downstairs of the Rhodesia Hotel, there are about dozens of agents of the London Military Intelligence Bureau, who are inspecting the guests and vehicles entering and leaving the Rhodesia Hotel. .

Wolfe's escape caused disgrace to all members of the London Military Intelligence Bureau. O'Connor received news that the head of the London Military Intelligence Bureau in Cairo vowed to find Wolfe even if all the water in the Nile River was drained, regardless of life or death.

"Where is Wolfe now?" O'Connor was still concerned about Wolfe's whereabouts. Just like William who did not have time to send the information, Wolfe had no chance to send the information back to Nyasaland to find Wolfe. It is the last hope to obtain technology related to Parsons steam turbine.

"I don't know, we are also looking for it with all our strength, but we are short of manpower. The London Military Intelligence Bureau has mobilized the Cairo garrison and is conducting a dragnet search along the Nile River. I hope God bless—" Robert doesn't know much about the situation, and now Everyone is praying for Wolfe, hoping that there will be no accidents for Wolfe, let alone being found by the London Military Intelligence Bureau.

"We have to increase our manpower to prevent these bastards from rushing in to snatch people." O'Connor thought too much. Brad's office in Cairo only has a dozen operatives, and the team led by O'Connor is less than 20 people. , such a small number of people are really not enough to see the garrison in Cairo.

"It doesn't matter, the London Military Intelligence Bureau has not yet had the guts to attack the Rhodesia Hotel." Robert's words somewhat reassured O'Connor. During the World War, the British government made a large number of titles in southern Africa, using titles to win over the powerful classes in southern Africa. For a while, the number of nobles in southern Africa surged, which once caused Ade to send a telegram to Winston, hoping that Winston would stop using this method and artificially create a special class in southern Africa.

As the top dignitaries in southern Africa, Stoudemire must be among the British government's wooing. Before Cecil Rhodes was alive, the British government was worried that Cecil Rhodes would not be able to lose his tail. Rhodes knighted.

Now that Cecil Rhodes has passed away, southern Africa has also changed from a British colony to a British overseas dominion, and it has shown more and more important value during the World War. The influence of the British government on southern Africa is constantly weakening, so The British government had to adopt the method of knighting to increase the influence of the British Empire on southern Africa.

This method has both advantages and disadvantages. For the British government, knighting can indeed achieve its goal, but the expansion of the aristocratic class will inevitably lead to a gradual decrease in the value of the aristocracy. In the long run, it is actually not worth the candle.

Stoudemire's current title is Viscount Rhodesia. As Stoudemire's property, the Rhodesia Hotel has no courage to attack.

"Then let's spend it, and see who can spend more." O'Connor can only wait, and now it depends on whether Wolfe can escape the pursuit of the London Military Intelligence Bureau. As long as Wolfe can escape smoothly, then the current predicament It will be solved.

While O'Connor and Robert were trapped in the hotel, the transport ship "Brave" belonging to the Southern African Ministry of Defense was envoy from Cairo to British Somalia to deliver supplies to the Southern African army that was suppressing the rebellion in Somalia.

After the end of the World War, Roque was ordered to quell the ongoing rebellion in British Somalia. This task was a bit low-grade. Roque entrusted the task to Don Juan, the commander of the Second Cavalry Division, and left Angie in British Somalia to exercise. .

The Second Cavalry Division fought against the Germans on the Western Front during the World War. It was an overkill to deal with the rebels in British Somalia. Although the rebellion in British Somalia has not completely subsided, it has come to an end. After a large number of rebels were wiped out by the Second Cavalry Division, the remaining rebels fled into Italian Somalia and did not dare to stay in British Somalia.

Not long after leaving Cairo, the "Brave" was intercepted by a British Royal Navy warship. Interestingly, the warship that intercepted the "Brave" was stationed in Alexandria. During the World War, it was part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Fleet. The African Expeditionary Force has worked closely with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, which is dominated by the African Expeditionary Force.

A team of British sailors boarded the "Brave" under the leadership of a captain for inspection.

According to the request of the captain, Chrisman, the captain of the "Brave", ordered all the crew members to gather on the deck and accept the inspection of the British sailors.

The "Brave" is a 3000-ton transport ship, and there are 25 sailors on board. The captain carefully checked the list provided by Chrisman, and there were no mistakes.

"Yes, everyone is here, even the cats on the ship have been checked by you, Mr. Captain, is there any problem?" Chrisman looked angry, this kind of thing had never happened before, As long as it is a ship from southern Africa, it will be unimpeded in any ocean in the world.

There are a lot of rats on ships these days, especially ocean-going transport ships, so it is a tradition to keep cats on board. There are four cats on the "Brave", and the sailors check them carefully, even the gender of the cats.

"Open the warehouse, we need to inspect the warehouse." The captain has many requirements. It is not too easy to hide a person on such a large ship. The number of people is right, but it does not mean that there is no problem.

"Open all the warehouses? Are you sure?" Chrisman was surprised. The "Brave" is a container ship with nearly [-] containers on board. They have to be checked one by one. Let's not talk about the delay, just in case Who is to blame for the accident?

Don't overestimate the moral level of these British sailors. The descendants of pirates don't have any moral level at all. It's a small problem to steal sheep during inspections. Some dark-minded ones may even cause some sabotage for the purpose of extortion.

"Yes, open all the warehouses." The captain repeated the order word by word with an arrogant expression on his face.

In fact, let’s not talk about anyone. Some time ago, the southern African army was still extorting money from the outer port of Berbera. It was no less ugly than the British Royal Navy.

This is—

The Southern African Navy is also the British Navy, so don't be surprised if they are operating normally.

"Mr. Captain, I have gathered all the crew members to accept your inspection according to your request. Don't overdo it. Our ship is loaded with military supplies for Berbera. All the cargo lists are here, and they have been accepted when we leave the port. Passed the inspection by the Cairo Port Authority, what do you mean? Are you trying to embarrass us on purpose?" Chrisman waved his chubby hand and shouted, everyone is serving the British Empire, and the Royal Navy is nothing special.

During the World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was completely prestige in Europe. Before the World War, Chrisman could only cooperate honestly with such temporary inspections, and kept his dissatisfaction in his stomach.

It is different now. After the end of the World War, the confidence of the southern Africans has been raised to a new level. Facing the unreasonable demands of the British Royal Navy, Chrisman dared to argue with reason.

"No one makes it difficult for you on purpose. I'm performing official duties. You just need to cooperate!" The captain's face was also ugly. If it was a transport ship of another nationality, the captain would have obediently given a gift and let the captain Give and take.

The ships in southern Africa are now very horizontal, not to mention the benefits, even cigarettes, not only the captain, but other sailors are also very dissatisfied, but there is nothing they can do.

After the end of the World War, John Drogbeck, deputy commander of the Far Mediterranean Fleet, succeeded John Fisher as the commander of the Mediterranean Fleet. During the World War, John Drogbeck also fought side by side with Rock, and his personal relationship with Rock was still True, so Southern African ships had the same privileges in the Mediterranean as British native ships, and weren't very respectful of the Royal Navy.

"Honestly, Mr. Captain, are you looking for something?" Chrisman was curious, as the Royal Navy had never done this before.

The captain's expression was serious, but he still said every word: "This is not something you should understand."

Indeed not, Chrisman agreed to open the warehouse for inspection, but he did not forget to speak harshly, claiming that the Royal Navy would be responsible for the consequences.

The captain refused to budge, the crew opened the container, and the sailors checked one by one.

Most of the containers were filled with food and daily necessities. There were a few special containers filled with weapons and ammunition, with the seal of the Southern African Ministry of Defense on them.

"Sorry Captain, we don't have the authority to open these containers. If you must open them, please do it yourself." Chrisman stood by and stood by. The seal of the Ministry of Defense in Southern Africa, if you destroy it privately, you must bear legal responsibility.

"Go!" The captain is not afraid, even if he broke the seal of the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa, the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa would go to the Royal Navy to pursue the responsibility, and it was not his turn to take responsibility as a little captain.

When the sky falls, there are still tall ones holding it up.

ps: The memory function of this input method is really confusing. It is the same initial consonant, but the characters typed out twice are actually different, so there are so many typos——

(End of this chapter)

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