Chapter 1139

Containers with Southern African Ministry of Defense seals remain empty.

Most of the containers contained food and daily necessities, but one container contained two armored vehicles produced in southern Africa. The doors of the two armored vehicles were locked and could not be opened unless there was a key.

Picking the lock is useless. The lock of the armored vehicle can't be picked just as you want. Although the armor of the armored vehicle is relatively thin and cannot defend against shells and large-caliber machine gun bullets, ordinary rifles and pistols basically have no effect on the armored vehicle.

The captain circled around the two armored vehicles twice, unable to do anything, and Chrisman still said sarcastic words: "Are you here to find these two armored vehicles? Why don't you carry them away, and we can also rush to Berbera in time. In addition, I am afraid that you have to leave your name so that we can respond to the inquiry from the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa, and you have to prove to us that you broke the seal and have nothing to do with us."

The captain glared at Chrisman, who was unconscious.

"Receive the team—" The captain will definitely not leave his name. If the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa wants to pursue responsibility, then go to the Mediterranean Fleet Command.

"Sir, you can't do this—" Chrisman insisted, chasing the captain and wanting an explanation.

"Shut your mouth and go back to your bridge now, or you will go to jail!" The captain was angry, and he had never seen such an ignorant captain.

"Okay, I'll shut up—I'll go back to the bridge—" Chrisman finally gave up, muttering full of resentment.

After the sailors returned to the destroyer, the "Brave" restarted and left slowly, continuing to move towards Berbera.

Afterwards, all the way was calm, until the "Brave" crossed the Suez Canal and entered the Red Sea. Chrisman sneaked into the container containing the two armored vehicles with the key and opened the compartment of one of the armored vehicles.

Lying at the bottom of the carriage was a bearded young man with messy hair like a chicken coop. There were several shocking wounds on his face. His arm was fixed with a splint, but the bandaging technique seemed unskilled .

"How are you feeling, buddy, you're safe now, we're in the Red Sea—" Chrisman held a paper bag containing some sausages and a bottle of wine.

"Thank you, I feel much better—" The bearded young man is Wolfe, who can't be found by digging three feet from the London MIB. The agents of the London MIB are indeed inexperienced. It was only after an hour that Wolfe was missing. It was impossible to determine the exact location where Wolfe jumped off the boat, so Wolfe was able to escape smoothly.

Probably, the staff of the London Military Intelligence Bureau did not think that Wolfe had the ability to open the handcuffs by himself, and after being imprisoned for nearly half a month, Wolfe still had the ability to jump ship and escape.

"Come on, have something to eat. I admire you guys the most. During the World War I also wanted to join the army, but I was too fat to meet the requirements for joining the army. Because of this, I was sad for several days—" Chrisman is a peripheral member of Brad's office, and members of Brad's office have special contact information, so Chrisman can determine Wolfe's identity.

"Man, the captain is the most suitable position for you, otherwise I will definitely be swallowed by the crocodile now." Wolfe stood up with difficulty under the support of Chrisman, walked to the container mouth with the armored car and sat down slowly.

"What the hell did you do? Even the Royal Navy is chasing you?" Chrisman was curious, but immediately realized that this question should not be asked: "Sorry, I shouldn't ask this question, my curiosity is too heavy, this is The reason I was sent out to sail the ship."

Wolff laughed, and started coughing after laughing twice.

Wolfe also suffered a lot while being held by the London Military Intelligence Bureau.

"Slow down, slow down, fortunately you didn't make a sound when the captain was here, otherwise we would all be in trouble now." Chrisman was terrified, this kind of physical thing is uncontrollable.

"I want to say that I fell asleep at the time, believe it or not?" Wolfe lifted the weight lightly, and Chrisman immediately laughed.

The journey was uneventful, and shortly after entering the Red Sea, the "Brave" encountered two destroyers from southern Africa approaching at high speed, and then the "Brave" continued to advance to Berbera under the escort of the two destroyers.

When he came to Berbera, Chrisman found that the entire port of Berbera was under martial law, and a large number of armored vehicles were parked at the pier. After a simple physical examination, Wolfe was carried directly into the ambulance.

"Captain Chrisman, thank you for your help to Wolfe. I will report your actions truthfully, and you will be rewarded for your bravery." Angie, who has been promoted to the rank of colonel, looks upright. It is indeed a melting pot, making the good people better and the bad people showing their true colors.

"You're welcome Colonel, this is what I should do, God bless Bigwig Town—" Chrisman's last words would be confusing to irrelevant people, but Angie's eyes lit up when she heard it.

Brad's office was not born in Nyasaland, but in Ziwei Town, and now Ziwei Town has been upgraded to Ziwei City, most people would not say that.

The news of Wolf's safe arrival in Berbera shocked everyone like a thunderbolt.

The London Military Intelligence Bureau has lost all face. It is said that Director Frank called the head of the five domestic intelligence agencies to the office and scolded him for half an hour. Then the head was sent to Scotland to guard the warehouse.

For this reason, Winston had to send a telegram to Rock again, asking Rock to hand over William, code-named "Grey Fox", directly to the London Military Intelligence Bureau.

"It's okay to hand over people to the Military Intelligence Bureau, but the question is what benefits can we get?" Rock agreed to release people, but it's impossible without benefits, and this has nothing to do with Winston's personal relationship.

"What benefits do you want? Now is your chance. You can talk to Winston slowly." Ade didn't have time to take care of these shitty things, and it was Sidney Milner who came to communicate with Rock.

After the end of the World War, Sidney Milner returned to southern Africa and continued to serve as the Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister's Office. This position was the most suitable for him. In Sidney Milner's words, he would not change it for any governor.

"The benefits I want can't be given to Winston, Fitch, send a telegram to Frank and tell others that I can give him, but I want him to honor his promise immediately." Rock wanted more things, but first Stop all MIB activities in southern Africa, as Frank had promised.

"Alright, my lord." Fitch immediately sent a telegram, communicating with Frank should have been in charge of Zach, who was the general manager of Brad's office.

"What promise?" Sidney Milner was curious.

"Withdraw all the personnel deployed by the London Military Intelligence Bureau in southern Africa, and stop all the activities of the London Military Intelligence Bureau in southern Africa. We should use all our energy on other countries instead of killing each other in our country." Rock really I really don't like internal friction, this time Rock can make concessions, but if the London Military Intelligence Bureau breaks its promise, then the next time the security department in southern Africa captures the intelligence personnel of the London Military Intelligence Bureau, Rock will show no mercy.

If you want technology, you can, and Roark will not impose a technology blockade on the UK. As long as British companies are willing to pay, companies in Nyasaland will not refuse to cooperate with British companies.

The problem is that there will always be people who are smart and try to test Nyasaland's hole cards in other ways. This is what Rock can't tolerate.

"The base of the War Office on Likoma Island is also moved?" Sidney Milner knew that the War Office had a base on Likoma Island. This base has now become a thorn in Rock's side. Ke will also think of other ways to force the war office to move the base.

"That's for sure. Now that there are no enemies around Nyasaland, the base of the War Office on Likoma Island has become meaningless." Rock was willing to kill the donkey. Back then, Rock allowed the war to gain London's support. The office built a base on Likoma Island, and now the base has lost its premise of existence.

"Why are there no enemies? The Portuguese are still occupying West Africa—" Sidney Milner fanned the flames. Now in southern Africa, only Portuguese West Africa and the Kingdom of Mozambique are surrounded by the territory of southern Africa on three sides. A bit of an eyesore.

"West Africa is not in a hurry. The Portuguese will be unable to control West Africa sooner or later. It will not be too late for us to take over." Rock is not in a hurry. There are many farms and plantations run by southern Africans in West Africa, and there are also many Yaya's subordinates. As long as the time is right, West Africa will be broken up by Southern Africa like Portuguese East Africa sooner or later.

Portuguese West Africa is now the most important colony of the Portuguese, and was once called "Brazil in Africa".

The area of ​​Portuguese West Africa is about 125 million square kilometers. This is another typical case of the famous "snake swallowing elephant". The area of ​​Portugal is only a little over 9 square kilometers.

It is worth mentioning that in 1373, Portugal and England formed the famous Anglo-Portuguese alliance, which is still in force today.

During the World War, Portugal joined the Allied Powers and symbolically sent two divisions to the Western Front to participate in the war. These two divisions had poor discipline, outdated weapons, and serious insufficient training, and they did not play any role from beginning to end.

According to statistics after the World War, during the World War, the Portuguese army participated in a total of 17 operations, of which 11 were support operations, that is, they only undertook auxiliary tasks such as transportation, logistics, and fire support.

"Then you have to hurry up, the Paris Peace Conference is coming to an end, and our chances are getting less and less." Sidney Milner had a sense of urgency, but Sidney Milner probably didn't expect that the Paris Peace Conference was not An end, but a new beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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