Chapter 1143 Normal

Roya was two years younger than Arthur and the same age as Gavin.

Girls develop earlier than boys, so Roya looks more mature than Gavin. Although Roya's clothes are also school uniforms, they are obviously carefully crafted. They are different from the school uniforms issued by Los Angeles No. [-] High School. Roya I am also very beautiful. Xiaosi and his wife attach great importance to Roya's education and never relax.

"There is an outing arranged by the school tomorrow, are you going?" Roya was looking forward to the outing, although she knew that Arthur and Gavin had little hope of participating.

"Maybe I can't go. I have four classes tomorrow, two in the morning and two in the afternoon." Arthur didn't look forward to it. Being born into an aristocratic family meant more homework, and he really didn't have time to go out. The arrangements are full, and there is not even a normal family holiday.

Don't think that the children of rich families are all ignorant and incompetent as described in literary works. There may be some arrogant and domineering ones, but there are really no ignorant and incompetent ones.

Most of them are born in nouveau riche families. Parents neglect to discipline their children because of their work, or they don’t know how to educate their children, so the children are unlearned and incompetent.

Both Ada and Phyllis were born in aristocratic families, and such families knew the importance of their children's education, so they never let up on their children's education.

For Arthur and Gavin, mastering multiple languages ​​is only a basic skill. They have been exposed to literature, history, economics, geography, and even international relations, which are difficult and obscure courses for children. There is simply no time for group activities like outings.

Of course, growing up in such an environment, it is not uncommon for children to grow crooked, but the probability is much lower than that of children born in civilian families. This is the so-called survivor bias, and individual exceptions do not represent the overall level.

"Then I won't go either, I'll read at home tomorrow—" Roya wasn't too disappointed, Roya would be really disappointed if Ada let Arthur go.

It is very difficult for girls from aristocratic families to achieve something, and most of the time they will be reduced to tools for family marriage, but this does not mean that the education of girls will be relaxed, on the contrary, the education of girls will be stricter than that of boys .

There is also a basis for family marriage. It doesn't mean that Xiaosi's daughter will definitely be able to marry Roque's son. If Arthur is not satisfied with Roya, then it is the same for Arthur to marry Christian's daughter, even if Christian's daughter is not satisfied. If he wanted, Christian would also tie up his daughter and send him to Rock's house.

So the story of the Prince and Cinderella is a fairy tale, but the story of the Seven Fairies and Dong Yong is a myth.

"I really want to go to college soon. We will be free when we go to college." Gavin is full of longing for college life, or the world of adults.

"Don't expect too much. We will have more and more homework after college." Arthur didn't expect too much. Their lives were planned from the beginning, and there are mature routines for what to do at any age , with basically no exceptions to speak of.

Unless it is the mud that can't be glued to the wall, it will be abandoned by the family, but being abandoned is not the kind of self-destruction. No matter what you do, it is the bottom line not to damage the family's honor. The consequences of breaking the bottom line are very serious. Confinement until death is a relatively light punishment. Think about the princess who died in a French tunnel, and you will know the consequences of pursuing individuality.

For Arthur and Gavin, just like ordinary students, the student stage is also the easiest stage for them.

Ordinary students may face problems such as work, marriage, family, and house after entering the society. Arthur and Gavin will start to get in touch with the operation of the family business. If the performance is not good, or even bad, then the status in the family will continue to decrease until it is completely abandoned by the family.

Don't think that Arthur and Gavin have the guarantee of the title, so everything will be safe. If the heir to the title performs poorly, the title will be revoked.

"Hey, just thinking about it makes people despair—" Gavin actually knew that going to college would not make him easy, it was just a hope.

"Don't think so, you are the next Marquis of Nyasaland, and you are born to bear more pressure than ordinary people." Arthur is already quite mature despite being only 15 years old.

"I know, I know, but sometimes I really want to give up the right to inherit the title, and then go to a place where no one knows me." Gavin is still very naive, but it is understandable, after all, Gavin is only 13 years old , It's normal to have a little bit of secondary illness.

"You won't." Arthur smiled. He also passed the second grade, but after being beaten up by Ada, Arthur never passed the second grade again.

"Why?" Gavin hasn't been beaten yet, that's the case for people who haven't been beaten severely.

"If you give up the right to inherit the title, father will be very disappointed with you—" Arthur was very patient with his younger siblings, no matter where they were.

Gavin stopped talking, the emotion of "disappointment" was invisible and intangible, but it was fatal.

"My father had a friend who did the same thing, but what he gave up was not the right to inherit the title, but the right to inherit the family business. Then this friend of my father was sent to London by his father, without money, without help, without asking, As a result, within three months, my father’s friend borrowed money to buy a boat ticket back to Rhodesia, and knelt down in front of his father to ask his father to forgive him.” Roya is not a second choice, girls always mature earlier.

"Who is so stupid?" Gavin was curious. His so-called renunciation of inheritance rights was just talk, and he would not actually do it.

"Uncle Aiden." Roya puffed her cheeks and suppressed a smile. It is unladylike to spread the dark history of her elders behind her back.

"Wow, I didn't expect members of Congress to be so self-willed." Gavin laughed, children are always keen on this kind of gossip, just like boys are keen to let their friends call themselves "Daddy".

"What is this? His Majesty was very willful when he was young." Arthur didn't have much respect for His Majesty the King. After all, southern Africa is far away from the emperor.

"So, Uncle Anton and the others were very self-willed when they were young, otherwise they wouldn't have come to Southern Africa." Roya actually wanted to talk about Roque, but she really didn't dare.

Now Roya is studying Chinese history systematically, not just Chinese, she has a detailed understanding of Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Slavic history, and Arthur and Gavin are the same.

"This is the difference in ability. Those who have the ability to jump out of the original family and be better than the original family are a minority after all—" Arthur concluded, before the words fell, the school bus suddenly made a sharp turn, and Arthur was almost thrown from his seat by inertia Throwing it out, there was an exclamation in the school bus.

Before Arthur and Gavin could react, the school bus suddenly accelerated, as if it had hit something.

The driver didn't brake, but accelerated and drove forward. Only then did Arthur and Gavin realize that there were several black cars in front of and behind the school bus.

"What's going on?" Gavin was curious, stood up from his seat and looked back, as if a car accident had just happened, and the school bus was leaving the scene quickly.

"Don't worry, Uncle Tiger will take care of anything." Arthur didn't panic, Tiger was Ada's escort for Arthur.

Although they were studying in a public school, Ada and Phyllis never relaxed about the safety of Arthur and Gavin. Los Angeles No. [-] Middle School went to visit the "Nyasaland Evening News", and there were guards driving to protect them all the way.

In the last black car behind the school bus, Tiger was also looking back to see what happened.

"It seems to be a car accident, don't worry—" Tom beside Tiger is also the guard arranged by Ada for Arthur.

Tiger didn't speak, and kept looking back with a pistol. There was also a loaded shotgun on the door next to his leg, although Tiger never got a chance to use it.

"The school is also looking for trouble. It would be great to be honest and take classes in school. If you have nothing to do, do some social practice. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible?" In fact, No. [-] Middle School does not engage in social practice every day, only once a month on average.

"Stop complaining, do you think the Lord's way of raising children can be the same as our way of raising children?" Tiger didn't notice a car catching up, probably it was just an accident.

"That's right, our children won't have any titles to inherit when they grow up—" Tom inadvertently revealed envy in his words, but not to the extent of jealousy.

There is nothing to envy about this kind of thing. The nobles have the life of the nobles, and the common people have the life of the common people. It is also a lifetime.

"Don't think too much, as long as my child can grow up safely, if you are lucky enough to be admitted to Nyasaland University, then find a good job, if not, then just stay at home and be honest It would be nice to actually run a farm, or continue to serve the little Marquis like us.” Tiger is satisfied, for an ordinary person like him, it is good for the next generation to have two or three choices, even if it is in the UK, those ordinary people British children do not necessarily have so many choices.

At the very least, it is impossible for the British in the UK to own farms with hundreds of acres or even thousands of acres in the UK.

Those who can own thousands of acres of farms in the UK are basically the aristocracy, and the common people don't even have to think about it.

Even in the UK there are public schools, but it is very difficult for the children of ordinary people to get into university. In the end, they have to work in factories or serve in the army, repeating the life of their previous generation.

For ordinary people, this is the norm.

(End of this chapter)

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