Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1144 Life Imprisonment

Chapter 1144 Life Imprisonment

It has only been ten years since the establishment of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, and it is far from the level of class solidification.

For ordinary farmers, both Tiger and Tom can be regarded as successful people, but they are not satisfied. Even Rock is strict in educating his children, and they have no reason to relax, just like the famous joke, People who are better than you work harder than you, and if they fail to catch up with the times, they will be abandoned by the times.

The convoy drove all the way back to Los Angeles No. [-] Middle School.

Watching the yellow school bus drive into the gate, Tiger and Tom felt relieved.

"What happened just now?" Tiger asked Harrison who was sitting in the first car. Harrison was the captain of the guard Zach arranged beside Gavin.

"I don't know. It seems that there was a car accident. Let's wait for the report from the police station." Harrison is not clear either. The mission of these guards is to protect the safety of the students. No matter what happens, it is correct to protect the school bus and leave the scene quickly. processing method.

So those sections that describe blocking the road and shouting for injustice are all deceptive. If someone tries to stop the armored car that Roque is riding in, if they can't get around, the biggest possibility is that they will be directly hit and fly, and Roque will not get out of the car at all.

God knows if someone will shoot Rock directly when Rock gets out of the car.

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand possibility, Roque's guards will not let Roque take risks.

"Would you like a drink? It was really terrible just now. I really thought someone had launched an attack." Tiger was completely relaxed. The guards had a temporary resting place next to Los Angeles No. [-] Middle School. drinks inside.

"No, you should be careful during working hours. If you want a drink, go after work." Harrison refused. Tiger was a security guard hired by Ada from the umbrella company, and Harrison was an official agent of Brad's office. identities are different.

"Ha, you Brad's agents are so boring." Tiger was helpless, he actually just suggested a glass of beer, and Tiger would not touch the high alcohol during work.

"The report came out. It was a boring car accident. The driver drank alcohol and didn't control the speed. This guy is going to be unlucky." Annie, Roya's guard, walked into the temporary rest point and went to the small bar to make coffee.

"Hey, Annie, Roya and Arthur won't be in class tomorrow, do you want to go to a movie together?" Tom is Annie's suitor, and whenever he has the opportunity, Tom will send an invitation to Annie.

"No." Annie directly refused. She took the coffee and walked to the chair next to the window and sat down. From this position, she could clearly see the gate of Los Angeles No. [-] Middle School.

Annie is qualified to serve as Roya's guard. Apart from her outstanding skills, her personal qualifications are also excellent, especially her two shockingly long legs.

"To be honest, you have to think about yourself every day besides work, right?" Tom was not discouraged, and regarded this as a very challenging job.

"I'm sorry Tom, I've told you many times that you're not my type." Anne was blunt. Before Tom could speak, Tiger and Harrison, who had been silent next to them, spoke almost at the same time.

"A bunch of sympathetic guys." Tom was dissatisfied. Not only did the two captains not help, but they laughed at them, and they didn't look like leaders.

"Tom, what you need is not sympathy at all, but Annie's more direct rejection—" Tiger was not polite, and stalkers had to be divided.

"Annie, why don't you let him give up completely? We have many outstanding young men in the Secret Service. Shall I introduce one for you?" Harrison's fat is not in the field of outsiders. Annie's outstanding qualifications are best digested internally. .

"Come on, my working hours are already unstable enough. If the other half is also in our line of work, who will take care of the children?" Annie said realistically, holding a cup of coffee and looking at a middle-aged man across the street with sharp eyes : "That guy in the windbreaker across the street feels a bit wrong."

Tiger and Harrison got up at the same time, looked at the middle-aged man Anne mentioned, Tiger was not sure: "What's the problem?"

"I don't know, I can't tell, it's just that there is something wrong with my feeling." Annie was also not sure, and she had a damn sixth sense, which is said to be very keen in women.

"Tom, bring that guy back and ask." Tiger didn't miss any potential danger.

"Yes—" Tom lazily accepted the order, put on his coat and went out directly.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to be in a good condition. He was wearing a windbreaker that is common in winter, and he was wandering around the street on the other side of the road, looking at the gate of No. [-] Middle School in Los Angeles, muttering something.

Tom leaned closer and heard the middle-aged man muttering "fuck it all" and "bastard" or something.

"Sir, please show your ID card——" Tom immediately raised his vigilance, and it seemed that the nerves of the middle-aged man were a little abnormal.

The middle-aged man glanced at Tom, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Hey, stop, show your ID—" Tom raised his voice, and at the same time made a gesture to the temporary rest point for support.

Tiger and Harrison, who had been paying attention to this side, rushed out of the temporary rest point almost at the same time, and two security personnel rushed out with shotguns.

Seeing Tiger and Harrison rushing over, Tom's confidence was greatly increased, he took two steps to catch up with the middle-aged man, and directly stretched out his hand to pull the middle-aged man.

The moment Tom's hand touched the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man suddenly turned around and rushed towards Tom.

Only then did Tom notice that the middle-aged man was holding a dagger with a blade over 20 centimeters in his hand, and the dagger was stabbing towards Tom's abdomen.

The distance between the two bodies was too close, and Tom only had time to turn his body sideways to avoid the sharply stabbing dagger.

The dagger grazed Tom's body, and Tom could almost feel the chill as the dagger cut through his coat.

At a critical juncture, Tom had received rigorous training after all. Before the middle-aged man could retract his arm, Tom grabbed his arm and clamped his head, and then the whole person was turned by Tom and fell heavily to the ground.

The middle-aged man didn't say a word, and was thrown unconscious.

Only then did Tom feel a stabbing pain in his ribs. It was estimated that the dagger had scratched his skin just now.

However, there was no time to deal with the injury on his ribs at this time. Tom pressed the middle-aged man to the ground and tightly controlled the middle-aged man's hands.

Tiger and Harrison finally rushed over, broke the dagger out of the middle-aged man's hand, and handcuffed the middle-aged man. Only then did Tom have time to check the injury under his ribs.

"Damn it, you're hurt, Annie—come here—" Tiger called Annie, the blood stained a large part of Tom's shirt red, and kept oozing out.

Annie went straight to drive just now, and when she heard Tiger's call, Annie came over with the medicine box and tore Tom's shirt open.

"Wow, you won the lottery, but it's not a big problem, it's just a small trouble. If you don't dislike my rough technique, I can sew it up now—" Annie's tone was relaxed, and it seemed that there was really no big problem.

"I hate it! Send me to the hospital quickly, who knows if there is something wrong with this guy's dagger, I feel like I'm going to die—" Tom cried and howled, and Annie looked disgusted.

"Tom, I have to say, there is a reason for Annie to look down on you." Tiger shook his head and sighed. It seemed that Annie's sixth sense was indeed very keen, and she could see through Tom's weak nature at a glance.

"Fuck, can you have some sympathy? I'm injured!" Tom couldn't believe it. Is this how these guys treat the wounded?

Simply inhumane!

"Yes, yes, you are injured, congratulations, you will get a contribution medal, but I have a question, why did you approach him just now, isn't it good to control him from a distance?" Harrison looked down on the umbrella company The level of mercenaries, these mercenaries can fight, security is really not their strong point.

"I didn't know this guy had a dagger in his hand—" Tom grinned. Although Tom shouted to go to the hospital, Annie still treated Tom's wound briefly.

In fact, although the wound looked quite long and was ten centimeters long, and the appearance of rapid bleeding was terrifying, the depth of the wound was actually not deep, not even one centimeter deep. Annie didn't brag just now, and simple sutures are still possible.

In fact, Annie didn’t need to do stitching. Tiger and Harrison would also do it. They have all received training in this area. Only with excellent overall performance can they have the opportunity to work beside Arthur and Gavin.

"Then you're really lucky, in case this guy is strapped with dynamite—tsk tsk—" Annie sarcastically poured alcohol on Tom's wound.

Tom screamed suddenly, rolled his eyes and looked like he was about to faint.

Anne laughed, dismissive of Tom's behavior.

The police finally arrived late, and directly threw the middle-aged man into the police car and took him away. No matter whether the middle-aged man has mental problems or not, he will be severely punished.

In southern Africa, mental problems cannot be used as an excuse to escape legal responsibility. Even if you are truly mentally ill, you will be punished for committing a crime, and in most cases it will be the highest punishment.

For example, for crimes such as three to seven years, the normal person may spend three years, but the mentally ill must spend seven years, because the mentally ill have a greater chance of committing crimes and are more dangerous.

Behavior similar to that of a middle-aged person will at least be charged at the level of murder. This is a very serious crime in southern Africa. Regardless of whether the murder has serious consequences, it may be sentenced to life imprisonment.

For the mentally ill, it was almost certainly life in prison.

(End of this chapter)

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