Chapter 1146 Passport

Angie's request was resolutely rejected by Rock. The upcoming war of the Allied Powers had nothing to do with southern Africa. Rock would not get involved, and Angie was strictly forbidden to get involved. He could keep the African division in Europe and let the British War Department dispatch him. Rock had already Fulfilling his responsibilities, Winston did not ask Rock to participate. Probably in Winston's view, it was easy to defeat Russia, which was still unstable in the country, by taking advantage of the Allies' prestige of winning the World War.

It is estimated that Napoleon thought so too.

It will take quite a long time for Southern Africa to digest the fruits of the world war. Dias and Victoria are just one aspect. How to adjust the economic structure of Southern Africa and face the economic crisis that may come in two or three years is the most important thing for Romania. Gram is the most important task now.

Now that Europe is undergoing reconstruction, it still relies heavily on the supply of materials in southern Africa. After two or three years, the reconstruction of Europe is completed, and enterprises in southern Africa will inevitably be affected.

Southern Africa is still focusing its energy on the reconstruction of Europe, but the domestic construction in Southern Africa is gradually slowing down. When the reconstruction of Europe is completed and the demand for materials in Southern Africa begins to decline, Southern Africa will be able to focus on the main energy at that time. Transferred to domestic construction, just relying on internal demand to fight the economic crisis.

This idea is good, but its realization still requires the full cooperation of all levels of the federal government, especially the Ministry of Defense. Now it is necessary to further reduce expenditures to reduce the burden on the federal government.

At this time, Roque will definitely not let Southern Africa fall into another war with no hope of victory at all.

"You don't have time to go to Europe in the future. The Ministry of National Defense is adjusting its personnel recently. There is a vacancy in the First Armored Division. You go to serve in the First Armored Division and study hard with Commander Feng Fu." Rock made other arrangements for An Qi. In World War I, the armored force will be the protagonist, and Rock hopes that Angie can shine by then.

An Qi was a little surprised, but still did not contradict Rock's arrangement.

"Two years after the World War, you also saw that the role of armored forces became more and more important. In fact, our use of armored forces was unreasonable at that time. The Army Academy was conducting deduction on the battles that occurred during the World War. It is very necessary for you to go back. Re-study at the Army Academy, combine your experience in the army, and focus on thinking about how to use the armored force more rationally, so as to display the true strength of the armored force." Rock has high expectations for An Qi and Patton, and Patton has already Leaving the navy to study at the Royal Naval Academy in Dartmouth, England, Angie can't be left behind.

In the next world war, Rock has become an old bone, and it is certainly impossible to charge for the British Empire.

At that time, this task will be handed over to the new generation of An Qi and Button. Twenty years later, both An Qi and Button are less than 20 years old. It is the perfect period when their energy and experience are at their peak. Rock is now Start preparing for the next world war, just like the end of the Boer War 50 years ago, when everyone else was celebrating the victory of the Boers, Rock has actually begun to prepare for the world war.

It is precisely because of Rock's precautions that southern Africa can soar in the world war.

"Okay, Uncle Locke, I remember—" At home, Angie and Rock were called more casually. When they were in Europe, Angie never called Uncle Rock.

Since he is an uncle, Roque has to take on the responsibility of being an uncle. In order to make An Qi and the young couple live a happier life after marriage, Roque prepared a farm for An Qi at the foot of Eagle Castle Mountain. Although the size of the farm is Not big, but the price is very expensive.

After leaving Eagle Fort, An Qi went home and changed a set of clothes, then drove a car to go out.

An Qi hasn't seen Qiao Jingyan yet. Although both Rock and Phyllis say that Qiao Jingyan is very good, An Qi doesn't want to marry blindly. Before the wedding is held, An Qi wants to go to Niah Saran State Hospital takes its chances.

Now the panic caused by the pandemic in the United States has gradually subsided. This disease is miraculous. It came without warning and left silently. This past winter, millions of people died of the pandemic in Europe and southern Africa. Because it is far away from the "civilized center", the impact is relatively small, and less than a thousand people are infected in the whole country.

In fact, the reason why the impact is relatively small is that the federal government is effective in prevention and control. In southern Africa, the federal government ordered the closure of state borders, which minimized the movement of people. Influence, European countries simply do not have this kind of execution.

Although the cities in southern Africa are very developed, generally speaking, the urban population is still a small number, and most people live on farms in the countryside.

This brings great convenience to epidemic prevention. Even if those farmers stay at home for half a year or a few months, they still have enough food to eat. They don't need to contact other people at all, so they naturally have no chance of infection.

The same is true for urban residents. Southern Africa also has a huge advantage in this regard. A strong urban management system, coupled with pervasive grassroots management agencies, makes the whole city look like a whole. Southern Africa still has no shortage of medical supplies. Supplies are plentiful, which ensures that southern Africa can respond to the US pandemic in the most effective manner.

It is still necessary to wear a mask when entering and leaving the Nyasaland State Hospital, and the outside of the hospital has been gradually relaxed, but for safety reasons, An Qi still wears a mask.

Nyasaland State Hospital is located on the shore of Nyasaland Lake, next to the beautiful Sunset Avenue. When driving into the parking lot next to the hospital, Angie has to register when entering the hospital.

"Is there a doctor named Qiao Jingyan in your hospital?" An Qi casually asked the security guard in charge of the registration.

"Yes, what is your business with Dr. Qiao?" The hospital security also seemed to be casual, but looked at An Qi with a little more vigilance.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm his friend, and I passed by here on a business trip to see her." The name An Qi left on the registration form was actually Alessa. Looking at this familiar name, Angie was in a trance for a moment .

The smiling figure standing in the sunset with her hands behind her back is already a bit blurred in An Qi's memory.

"You—your name is Aleisha?" The security guard was surprised, it was obviously a girl's name.

"Sorry, I'll level up again—" An Qi casually tore off the registration list that said Alessa.

"Hey, wait—" Before the security guard could stop her, An Qi had already torn off the registration list with Alessa on it, and then An Qi watched helplessly as the security guard blew the siren in his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?" An Qi was anxious, he just wanted to take a peek at his fiancée, not to make trouble.

The security guard did not answer An Qi's question, and at the same time he blew his whistle, he had drawn out his pistol and pointed it at An Qi.

Immediately, many security guards gathered around from the surrounding corners, the number of them was so large that even Angel was surprised.

Is the law and order in Los Angeles already tense?

In fact, there is really no, but today is a joint inspection by the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government, so the state hospital has temporarily strengthened its security forces, and An Qi has hit a nail.

"Put your hands on the wall, turn around slowly, and don't try to resist. If you make further attacks, we can kill you on the spot." The security guard leading the team reminded them in Chinese and English in turn.

"I just tore up a registration list—" An Qi argued in her mouth, strictly following the instructions of the security guards. If she didn't obey the instructions at this time, the security guards would really shoot.

When An Qi put her hands on the wall, the security guards were still on the verge of a formidable enemy. Now there were at least six pistols and shotguns aimed at An Qi, and the positions of the stations were quite scattered to ensure the control of the situation to the greatest extent.

"Don't care what you did, even if you just tore up a registration list, that's a violation of relevant regulations. I'm going to conduct a routine search on you now, don't resist. You won't be hurt—" the security captain inserted the gun back Standing behind An Qi in the holster around his waist, he kicked An Qi's feet away.

This idea is to let An Qi stand with her feet a little wider, so that it is easier for the security captain to search.

But this action made An Qi feel very uncomfortable, so An Qi said directly: "I have my ID in the pocket of my shirt, don't touch other places—"

"Shut up!" The security captain didn't like An Qi's attitude.

"I've already reminded you, I have my ID in my shirt pocket, don't touch other places—" An Qi said calmly, looking sideways at the security captain with a slightly cold gaze.

The security captain was stunned for a moment, and then obediently went directly to An Qi's shirt pocket to get his ID.

The first one to escape was An Qi's military ID card. The moment he saw the military ID card, the security captain put away his mocking smile.

"Not this one, keep digging—" An Qi didn't want to expose herself, what happened at the door would spread throughout the hospital in less than an hour.

Don't underestimate the gossip ability of those doctors and nurses.

The security captain didn't even open the military officer's card. He respectfully put the military officer's card back, and then took out a pass for Eagle Fort.

This certificate is more powerful, the security captain immediately stood at attention and saluted, and at the same time signaled the surrounding security guards to put away their guns.

"I'm really sorry, look at the misunderstanding—" The security captain was condescending. Although in southern Africa, the status of security personnel is very high, but the status of soldiers is even higher, especially those who have access to Eagle Fort.

"Shut up, don't spread this matter—" An Qi didn't talk nonsense, but fortunately she was wearing a mask, so no one could see how red An Qi's face was, so she hurriedly arranged for the security captain to say something, and An Qi went directly to the parking lot to drive.

Don't look at the fiancee, let's wait for the wedding to solve the mystery honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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