Chapter 1147 Idiot

When Angie started preparing for his wedding, Patton had arrived at Dartmouth, a small town in southwestern England, with his new wife, Hannah, to start his studies at the Naval Academy.

Dartmouth is a small town, 50 kilometers west of Plymouth. There is beautiful natural pastoral scenery here. The beautiful Dart River passes through the city. The Royal Naval Academy, known as the cradle of the British Navy, is located in this small town.

It was still winter in Dartmouth in January, with an average temperature of only four to seven degrees. Because he only needed to live in Dartmouth for one year, Barton did not buy real estate in Dartmouth, but in a house not far from the Naval Academy. I rented a house.

The landlord of the house is an elderly British couple. They are a little curious about Barton's identity, but fortunately Hannah is a standard British person, so the British couple are reluctant to rent the house to Barton and Hannah.

In mainland England, even in a small town like Dartmouth, the cost of living is almost the same as in Los Angeles. The house that Barton and Hannah rented is a bit old. It is said that it was built in the 60s of the last century. Around 60 years old, older than Barton and Hannah combined.

But the better thing is that the state of the house looks pretty good. Although there is moss on the stone at the bottom of the outer wall, Hannah likes this antique feeling very much. The outer wall of the house is covered with vines. It is in winter, so it looks a bit messy, but in summer, it will be full of greenery, and the stairs in the house are not damaged, so it can be seen that it is well maintained. The annual rent for such a house is about 24 pounds.

For Barton and Hannah, although the price of 24 pounds was a bit expensive, but because Hannah liked the house very much, Barton still paid it happily.

Patton was also paid during his studies, and his salary was increased on a normal basis with an overseas allowance. He could get about 650 rand per year. This was Patton's salary as the captain of a naval destroyer. After finishing his studies, he returned to the south After Africa, Patton will have the opportunity to serve as the captain of a light cruiser, and Patton's salary will be further increased by then.

Compared with Barton, Hannah's income at Nyasaland University is higher. In addition to the basic teaching income, Hannah is also a researcher at the Abu Biological Laboratory. The salary she gets from the biological laboratory alone is 1000 Lan Special and above.

Not to mention that behind Barton and Hannah are Barker and Douglas. One is a member of the Southern African Congress and the other is the Minister of Education and Health in Southern Africa. There is no problem buying a house.

After renting the house, Hannah remodeled the house according to her wishes. For this, Hannah paid the old couple an extra 10 pounds, and promised to keep the added furniture and decorations in the house after leaving. The old couple Only then did Hannah agree to make some changes to the house.

However, the old couple obviously did not expect that Hannah's renovation of the house far exceeded the "renovation" in their concept, so the renovation had just started, and the old couple directly stopped it.

"This house has not been lived in for a long time. Although the furniture and everything are complete, I still want to replace them all. Don't worry, the furniture after replacement will be kept here. This is what we have negotiated. The telephone and power supply system need to be installed, and the bathroom and kitchen have to be redecorated, but don’t worry, I will be responsible for all the expenses. After all the renovations are completed, you can get a new house, and the rent can be doubled next year .” Hannah has a lot of money, and the cost of remodeling in this way is higher than directly rebuilding a new house.

"That's not what we talked about before. I thought you were only replacing some unusable furniture, and you are not staying with the two of you now. This is not in line with the conditions we negotiated." The old man talked about the price. At that time, he didn't have the elegance of a British gentleman at all, and his penny-pinching appearance was even more hateful than a penny-pinching businessman.

There were indeed more than Barton and Hannah in the house. The security situation in the British mainland was more than one level lower than that in southern Africa. Apart from Barton and Hannah, there was also a female security guard and a maid living in the house.

"It's okay, if you don't want other people to live in your house, I can find another place for Sharon and Kelly." Hannah has a good temper, and it's normal for the old man to have such worries.

Sharon is a field worker of the Umbrella Company, and she is a standard white person from the name. Kelly is a maid hired by Hannah from Christian Human Resources Company, a Gurkha from India.

Don't underestimate Kelly as a little maid, and don't know how Christian Human Resources Company trains these maids. Kelly's proficiency in firearms is no less than Sharon's, and her proficiency in cold weapons is even higher than Sharon's. .

This is also normal, Gurkhas, what kind of Gurkhas can't be considered as Gurkhas if they don't know how to scimitar twice.

While the old couple was negotiating with Hannah, Sharon stood behind Hannah, staring intently at the old man's eyes.

Kelly was busy serving tea and water, but the scimitar on her waist seemed even more frightening.

Kelly's scimitar is a special kind, and it seems to be smaller than the scimitar used in the army, but this does not affect the power of the scimitar. This small and exquisite weapon is more powerful in a small space at close range , in addition to being suitable for chopping, it is also suitable for stabbing.

"It's hard to find houses in the town now. There are always many people looking for houses at this time of year." The purpose of the old man is not to drive people away, but to raise money.

In fact, Barton did not enroll normally, but came to the Royal Naval Academy temporarily to study, which is commonly known as a "transfer student". At this time, there were really few people renting houses in Dartmouth, and the whole town was pitifully small and sparsely populated. Hundreds of households, shopping and so on are very inconvenient.

This is to accompany reading, otherwise Hannah would prefer to live in big cities like London and Plymouth, but winter in big cities in England——

Not to mention.

"Then what advice do you have?" Hannah gradually became impatient. Although Hannah liked the house very much, if the old man's desire was too difficult to fill, Hannah would not just tolerate it.

"There are two more people in the house, and the cost of two people will be increased. If there are two of you, then it will be 24 pounds. If there are four of you—" The old man really wanted money, and he probably wanted to turn over the money from this tone. times.

"How much for four people?" Hannah smiled half-smile.

"Fifty pounds!" The old gentleman opened his mouth, which was more than doubled directly.

This is not necessarily the case. I guess the old man’s meaning is still doubled. It’s just that the British are so poor in mathematics. It is estimated that calculations of this level require a pen to formulate calculations. For most people, mental arithmetic is Chinese. A special ability that can only be mastered.

"Heh, Mr. Ashkenazi, isn't fifty pounds too much?" Hannah only remembered what the surname "Ashkenazi" meant at this time, and she was really good at doing business.

It's just that this kind of "goodness" is easily disgusted by people, which may be the reason why a certain ethnic group is unpopular in Europe.

Fifty pounds is not a small amount of money for the British. According to last year's statistics, the annual income of an ordinary British policeman is probably a little more than fifty pounds. Those handywomen working for the British government earn less than Fifty pounds.

"Fifty pounds is not much. It's pitifully small for southern Africans like you. Aren't you southern Africans always rich?" Ashkenazi's words became more and more indecent. Finally, there was no smile on his face.

"Mr. Ashkenazi, a Southern African like us, may I understand this as a verbal attack?" Hannah is not an ordinary southern African. If Ashkenazi wants to blackmail Hannah, Then Ashkenazi picked the wrong guy.

"Why, I'm admiring you, the rich southern Africans, we spent billions of pounds during the World War in Britain, and you South Africans made tens of billions, so fifty pounds is nothing to you ” Ashkenazi said with certainty, probably wanting to represent Buckingham Palace to punish the profiteering behavior of making war money in southern Africa.

But if it was Ashkenazi who made a lot of money in the war, I am afraid that Ashkenazi would be very proud of himself. To put it bluntly, it is you southern Africans who made a fortune——

"Mr. Ashkenazi, you seem to have forgotten that our southern Africa is also part of the British Empire—" Hannah didn't want to talk to Ashkenazi anymore, it would be a waste of emotion to talk to such a person: "—then we Just terminate the contract, I will not rent your house anymore, so as not to affect your chance of renting the house at a good price."

"Are you going to tear up the contract? Then you have to pay the penalty for tearing up the contract!" Ashkenazi felt that Hannah was determined. If it was Barton, then Ashkenazi might be more restrained .

No, such a person would not be restrained by anyone else. They only have money in their eyes and nothing else. Greed has already made them lose their minds.

"I didn't tear up the contract first, Mr. Ashkenazi. Now you are the one who wants to raise the rent, so you are the one who broke the contract." Hannah argued hard, as if this kind of person was very good at hitting back.

"I said it was you who tore it up, and it was you who tore it up. This is England, not your southern Africa!" Ashkenazi waved his hands emphatically, as if he was George V.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, wait for my lawyer's letter." Hannah doesn't talk to idiots, idiots are best at bringing your IQ down to the same level as him, and then use his rich Experience beats you.

(End of this chapter)

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