Chapter 1148

Ashkenazi knew that Hannah was from southern Africa, but did not know that Hannah's father was the Minister of Education and Health of Southern Africa.

Ashkenazi knew that Patton was a naval officer in southern Africa, but he didn't know that Patton had a father who was a congressman in southern Africa.

Probably in Ashkenazi's view, the two southern Africans who have no roots in the UK should let him, a pure Englishman, get whatever he wants. Apart from that, it is probably the [-] yuan on Hannah's wrist. The sterling watch caught Ashkenazy's eye.

This watch was a wedding gift from Phyllis to Hannah and Barton when Hannah and Barton got married. Barton also had one, but Barton never wore it.

What Barton was wearing was an ordinary wristwatch produced by Eternal, which was bought by Barton with nearly four months of his salary after he went to work.

Now that she no longer rented the Ashkenazi house, Hannah bought another house next to the Ashkenazi house as quickly as possible. That house is similar, but the house comes with a lawn and garden with an area of ​​about 1.5 acres, and Hannah can let Hannah transform it according to her own will, even if Hannah pushes the house to be rebuilt.

Just as Hannah said, Ashkenazi received a lawyer's letter from Hannah's lawyer three days later. According to the agreement Hannah signed with Ashkenazi, it was Ashkenazi who broke the contract first. , so Ashkenazi has to pay about three times the total contract value in compensation.

It needs to be explained that because Hannah paid Ashkenazi 34 pounds in total, Ashkenazi has to pay Hannah 102 pounds, as well as Hannah's legal fees to resolve this matter.

The lawyer's fees totaled £1800.

It wasn't that Hannah deliberately blackmailed people. Hannah dealt with Sharon directly, and then Sharon hired a team of lawyers including ten lawyers for Hannah.

Calculated, a lawyer is actually only 180 pounds. Referring to the legal fees in the UK, this price is not expensive. Sharon is not looking for a top lawyer, and the price of a top lawyer is even higher.

Even so, it was enough to make Ashkenazi's heart hurt. His house was not worth 1800 pounds, so after receiving the lawyer's letter, Ashkenazi came to Hannah angrily to argue.

In the end, Hannah didn't even see her face.

When Barton came home in the evening, he found out that Ashkenazi had caused a scene in the hotel where Barton and Hannah temporarily lived in the afternoon.

Dartmouth's police system is also really bad. Although Sharon called the police, the police officer and the sheriff arrived late, and did not deal with Ashkenazi after they arrived. Dartmouth riots.

This made Hannah very angry.

The UK is notorious for its xenophobic discrimination. Hannah never thought that a British person of her own standard would face such direct discrimination in the UK.

"Why is the lawyer's fee 1800 pounds? It's so expensive—" Barton didn't take Ashkenazy to heart at all, but was surprised at the expensive lawyer's fee.

Barton had never been involved in a lawsuit before, so he didn't know that lawyers' fees were so expensive.

"I am a lawyer hired directly by the company. If the lawsuit is won, the fee will be paid by the old guy. If the lawsuit is not won, the fee will not be paid. Those lawyers are hired by the company for a long time, and they are used exclusively by the company. Lawyers." Sharon didn't take it too seriously, as a big company like Umbrella does maintain a group of lawyers to deal with various lawsuits all year round.

"Don't be angry, if that guy comes again, I will deal with it." Barton actually didn't care about the money, but Hannah's mood.

Hannah also has a job in southern Africa. In order to accompany Barton to the UK for gilding, Hannah resigned from her job at Nyasaland University and the biological laboratory. Barton is grateful for this, and the relationship between the two of them is indeed very good. Very, the husband sings and the wife raises the eyebrows, the most enviable marriage model.

"I'm not going to be mad at a guy like that - the food sucks, I hope the house gets fixed soon so we can cook for ourselves." Hannah wouldn't be mad at that idiot, not because of someone else punish yourself for your mistakes.

British food is really hard to describe. During the World War, the most popular food in Britain was fried fish and fried potatoes. As a result, these two became the representative food of Britain. Dartmouth is a seaside city, and the types of seafood are still very good. Abundant seafood that is so fresh that it is easy to cook, but it has to be stewed with various seasonings when it comes to the UK, but the taste is a bit mixed, and the good stuff is wasted.

"How is your cooking skill?" Barton is very curious about the cooking skills of his new wife. Barton doesn't have high requirements, as long as he can eat.

"You'll know when the time comes!" Hannah was full of confidence, and she should look pretty good.

Barton had reservations, and then he saw an old man who was not tall and thin, wearing a top hat and carrying a cane, walked into the restaurant of the hotel.

When Sharon saw the old man, she immediately stood up, left the dining table and stopped in front of the old man.

"Go away, I'm not looking for you!" The old man was so aggressive that he actually wanted to pull Sharon away with his cane.

It's the kind of rude swipe, the kind that is a little bit forceful when you swing it over. I guess the old man didn't pay attention to Sharon, just a girl, how much fighting power can she have.

Sharon was not polite, and directly raised her hand to grab the cane, and bullied the old man's neck with a lightning shot in front of her, pushing the old man to the ground directly.

The mercenary really didn't make a move, and he was either killed or injured when he made a move. The old man was directly knocked down by Sharon, and the back of his head hit the floor heavily. His eyes turned white and he passed out.

"Wow, Sister Sharon is great——" Kelly clapped her hands and applauded Sharon. The way she clapped her arms together and clapped her hands together was so cute. Only Hannah knew that she was a petite, weak and easy-to-push little loli. , carrying not only the famous Gurkha scimitar but also a gun, an old man like Rolling Eyes, Kelly can probably beat twenty of them by herself.

"Are you dead?" Barton was simple and rude, without stopping the knife and fork in his hand.

If Ashkenazi had a better attitude, Barton could still communicate with Ashkenazi calmly.

Since Ashkenazi is like this, then Patton has nothing to say, as long as the person does not die, it is fine to speak slowly in court.

"No, he took the initiative to attack me just now, you all saw—" Sharon said this to the stunned hotel owner and his wife. This hotel is the only hotel in Dartmouth Town, the size of the hotel It's also a little small, with only a dozen or so rooms. The proprietress is in charge of the kitchen and also serves as a waiter, and the boss is in charge of cleaning the rooms and also serving as the supervisor of the lobby. It's a standard mom-and-pop shop.

Hearing Sharon's words, the boss and his wife nodded together, and then the boss cautiously asked, "Do you want to call the police?"

"Report, has this guy always been like this?" Barton was also very helpless for people like Ashkenazi, who just don't cry when they see the coffin, they deserve it!

"Mr. Ashkenazi was actually not like this before. Two of his sons died during the World Wars. One daughter died of dystocia a few years ago. Two of the three children left by the two sons died, and the last one died. I'm not in good health either—" The hotel owner shook his head again and again, such unlucky people are really rare.

"That's such a pity—" Barton didn't have much sympathy. Pity is indeed pitiful, but you can't impose your own pain on others just because you are pitiful.

The police hadn't arrived yet, but Ashkenazy woke up leisurely.

Ashkenazy, who slowly sat up from the ground, was in a daze, as if he couldn't remember what happened just now, but when he looked at Sharon again, there was more fear in his eyes.

"Mr. Ashkenazy, I think we can have a good talk." Barton didn't want to get too stiff. For Dartmouth, Barton and Hannah were just passing by, and there was no need to be aggressive.

"Oh~~Why am I here-oh, I remembered, you bitch hit me just now, you are finished, you must be finished--" Ashkenazy finally remembered what happened just now, but poor There must be something to hate.

"Honey, why don't you go back to the room first—" Barton wanted Hannah to go back to the room first, to see Ashkenazi's attitude, and the communication between Barton and Ashkenazi probably wasn't harmonious.

"No dear, I want to see how you take care of him." Hannah has a clear grievance, and the researchers in the biology laboratory are not as delicate as Barton imagined. After all, I don't know how many mice I have to dissect every day. of--

Barton understood, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and slowly wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Mr. Ashkenazi, if you still breathe out the fragrance like this, then I think we can only meet in court."

"This little bitch hit me just now, you are all together, I will definitely punish you—" Ashkenazi hadn't recognized the situation yet.

Sharon didn't talk nonsense, and lifted up the windbreaker a little, so that Ashkenazy could see the pistol under Sharon's armpit clearly.

Ashkenazy immediately shut up, his pupils dilated to the extreme in an instant, and looked at Barton and Hannah, his eyes were full of surprise.

Even if Ashkenazi is an idiot, he knows that people who can afford bodyguards and servants have a high probability of having an amazing background. It would be irrational to play tricks at this time. Ordinary British people are indeed so careless in front of ordinary southern Africans. Advantages, but ordinary British people don't count farts in front of the dignitaries in southern Africa. You don't need to do it yourself if you want to kill them. You can easily do it by finding a few litigants who are good at litigation.

It is really easy for British lawyers to bankrupt people. Among other things, they only need to prolong the litigation time, and they can easily bankrupt ordinary people.

Barton didn't speak, and still looked at Ashkenazy with a smile, but the smile at this time seemed a little creepy to Ashkenazy.

For a moment, Ashkenazi wanted to faint again.

ps: The previous setting for Angie’s wife is indeed a Rand Bank executive, but when I wrote it, I wrote it as a state hospital—sorry, the state is not very good recently, and it can be seen from the update that I am working hard to adjust ——

(End of this chapter)

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