Chapter 1152

Like Brad, who raised his own funds, the funding allocated by the Department of War to the Military Intelligence Bureau is also not enough to support the 007s of the Military Intelligence Bureau to travel around the world. They still have to use various methods to raise funds themselves to meet the needs of "commercial" activities. need.

Products from southern Africa are marketed in Europe with the advantages of high quality, low price, and reliable quality. Because of the monopoly behavior of several companies such as South African Company, Nyasaland Ocean Trading, and Adan Company, the prices of southern African products in Europe remain high. So there is a lot of loopholes to exploit here, not only Brad, the London Military Intelligence Bureau also relies on southern African commodities, and can get a lot of profits from Europe every year.

The Humphrey Trading Company headquartered in Whale Bay is the background of the London Military Intelligence Bureau. The general manager Stuart Humphrey is a senior agent of the London Military Intelligence Bureau. He not only makes profits through the Humphrey Trading Company, but also uses his British Identity in Walvis Bay to gather intelligence for the London Military Intelligence Service.

In the past few days, a batch of motorcycles ordered by Humphrey Trading Company from Johannesburg Motorcycle Company has not been delivered, which made Stuart Humphrey unavoidably anxious.

Humphrey Trading Company is engaged in entrepot trade. In name, Humphrey Trading Company transports southern African goods to the United States for sale in the United States.

In fact, the merchant ships of the Humphrey Trading Company will not sail to the United States at all, but will be shipped directly to Europe.

In order to seize the American market, the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company, headquartered in Bigwig Town, has a certain price difference between the motorcycles sold to the United States and the motorcycles sold to Europe. With this price difference, Humphrey Trading Company can obtain tens of million pounds of profit.

"Hasn't there been shipments from Johannesburg yet?" Stuart Humphrey rang the bell to call the secretary in.

"Not yet. We have sent several reminders, but there is still no reply from Johannesburg." The shrewd and capable secretary is glamorous and generous. She is not from the London Military Intelligence Bureau and does not know the identity of Stuart Humphrey. .

"This group of bastards, are they crazy--" Stuart Humphrey yelled, Humphrey Trading Company not only raised funds for the London Military Intelligence Bureau, Stuart Humphrey himself also received It's not cheap, so it's not too easy to do something in this area. The monitoring of Humphrey Trading Company by the London Military Intelligence Bureau is not strong.

Impulse can't solve the problem, Stuart Humphrey still has to face reality after venting: "Book me a train ticket to Johannesburg at night—"

Stuart Humphrey was going to Johannesburg in person. The motorcycles produced in Johannesburg were not only reliable, but also unique in appearance and high in quality, which were in short supply in the United States and Europe.

In the world now, except for the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company, the motorcycle technology of other companies is still in a very primitive state. Not only the quality is not good, but the appearance is also very different from the motorcycles produced in Johannesburg, so even if it is produced in Johannesburg Motorcycles are expensive, but they are still wildly sought after by the market.

So far, the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company has launched four brands of motorcycles to the market, covering target groups with different consumption levels, and the prices are between 50 rand and 850 rand.

"Okay, do you need to book a hotel room?" The secretary recorded in his notebook that Stuart Humphrey is a member of the Rhodesia Hotel and can book a room at the Rhodesia Hotel in Johannesburg.

"Of course—" Stuart Humphrey waved his hand to let the secretary leave, and turned to open the safe. There were some documents and stacks of cash in the safe. Stuart Humphrey hesitated and took out Two stacks of them.

Stuart Humphrey went to Johannesburg as a maintenance channel, and it was inevitable to spend money, and maybe some additional costs were required to allow the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company to deliver the goods smoothly.

Just as I put the money into my underwear pocket, there was another knock on the door.

"Who!" Stuart Humphrey was impatient. No one had an appointment to see Stuart Humphrey at this time, so no one should bother him.

The door was opened directly, and three guys in vests, overalls, and checkered jackets entered one after another.

Just as Stuart Humphrey was about to sternly reprimand, he keenly noticed that the three of them were all wearing combat boots with vents, and their expressions immediately became serious.

"Mr. Stuart Humphrey?" A young man in the lead sat down on the chair opposite to Stuart Humphrey's desk and looked at Stuart Humphrey. Unscrupulous.

"I am, who are you again? Did you make an appointment with my secretary?" Stuart Humphrey was polite, and it was very impolite to break into someone's office without an appointment.

"Sorry, I don't have an appointment." The young man said truthfully, but there was no regret on his face.

"Then trouble you to make an appointment again. I'm going to Johannesburg right now. I'll talk about what's up after I get back from Johannesburg." Stuart Humphrey continued to pack his things, putting the documents on the table into a Sheldon Inside the briefcase produced by the company.

Sheldon Company is a company that has just emerged in recent years. It started with making leather saddles and is now the second largest leather goods manufacturer in Southern Africa.

It is undisputed that Eternal is the largest, and the gap between No. [-] and No. [-] in this industry is a bit large. The scale of Eternal is about ten times that of Sheldon.

"Wait, Mr. Humphrey, I came to you for this matter, why don't you sit down and have a chat." The young man was not in a hurry. The two strong men behind him were staring at each other, with their waists bulging. Clearly armed.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Stuart Humphrey sat back in his chair, briefcase at hand.

The young man smiled and took the initiative to introduce himself: "I am Evan Wright from the Whale Bay Taxation Bureau. We have noticed that your Humphrey Trading Company has violated the law. It seems that you have not followed the promise to the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company. , send the motorcycle you purchased from Johannesburg Motorcycle Company to the United States, do you have any explanation for this?"

Evan Wright took his time and sat on a chair with his legs crossed. This posture made Stuart Humphrey frown a little, but soon, Stuart Humphrey ignored it.

"Demi, pour a cup of coffee for the gentlemen—" Stuart Humphrey first called the secretary to buy some time, and then he organized the language and began to complain: "Mr. Wright, I swear I didn't, I have always followed the To do what the Johannesburg Motorcycle Company promised, our company has always distributed motorcycles for sale in the US market, this is a baseless allegation-"

Evan Wright bowed to thank Demi for the coffee and turned to Stuart Humphrey with a serious expression: "So how do you explain that the motorcycle you bought from Johannesburg will appear in the French market, Johannesburg Every motorcycle sold is numbered, so don’t try to shirk responsibility.”

"I don't know what's going on, I think I need to ask my partner in the United States, maybe there is some misunderstanding, please give me some time, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Stuart Humphrey looked upright, and it was the partner's fault if he was wrong, and it had nothing to do with Stuart Humphrey.

"Come on, Mr. Humphrey, since we came to you, it means that we know what you have done. Why don't we go back to the tax office and sit down and talk slowly, maybe we can help you remember something." Evan Wright tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and the two big men behind him immediately walked around the table to Humphrey.

"No, don't move, you have no right to do this." Stuart Humphrey's expression changed drastically, and he took out a pistol from his briefcase and pointed it at Evan Wright.

"Calm down, calm down—" The young man was taken aback and jumped up from his chair.

The two big men were also in a dilemma, and their eyes were fixed on the pistol in Stuart Humphrey's hand.

"Ah——" the secretary screamed, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground. The coffee cup shattered all over the floor, and some coffee splashed on Stuart Humphrey's trousers.

"Yes, I'm sorry—" The secretary immediately squatted down to tidy up.

"You stand over too—" Stuart Humphrey frantically waved his pistol, seemingly not thinking about the consequences of doing so.

"Mr. Stuart Humphrey, we are just investigating whether you have evaded taxes. Don't do this, you know the consequences." The young man tried to ease Stuart Humphrey's emotions.

"Stop talking nonsense, how did you find me?" Stuart Humphrey didn't think the young man was an employee of the tax office at all, and even the young man's name, Stuart Humphrey thought it was fake.

"Oh, well, the operation failed, how did you find us?" The young man was surprised.

"What's your name?" Stuart Humphrey was still in the mood to gossip. It must not know that bad guys die because of talking too much.

"My name is Evan Wright." Evan Wright said seriously.

"Well, your shoes, the gentlemen of the Inland Revenue don't like combat boots." Stuart Humphrey pointed out the mistakes of several young men.

The young man seriously nodded in agreement, then sat down on the chair again: "Put down the gun, we can still talk, we are not trying to arrest you."

Stuart Humphrey curled his lips. He knew that there was a tense relationship between the London Military Intelligence Bureau and Brad. If it fell into Brad's hands, could he please?

"And even if you can walk out of the office, how far can you go?" Evan Wright said earnestly, and the two big men watched the excitement with their arms crossed, not worried at all.

Before Stuart Humphrey could speak, Demi stood up slowly and suddenly pushed Stuart Humphrey's hand holding the gun.

Evan Wright and the two big guys immediately rushed forward.

ps: I wasn’t lazy yesterday, I don’t need an excuse to be lazy. Well, I borrowed a computer from a friend’s unit, and found that there were more people in their office than usual on Sunday—in their words, blowing in the office How good is the air conditioner to play with the computer, save electricity at home——

(End of this chapter)

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