Chapter 1153 Speak with Facts

The rift between Bullard's office and MI in London did not affect relations between Rock and Kitchener, or between Southern Africa and the British government.

This is like two geographically adjacent countries, there may be a little friction in the border area, but as long as the two governments do not deliberately provoke confrontation, then the two countries will not go to war unless one party deliberately Intensifying the conflict will lead to a complete breakdown of the relationship.

The relationship between southern Africa and the British government is definitely not broken. The British government hopes to continue to win over southern Africa, so that southern Africa will willingly transfuse blood for the British Empire. When the British Empire faces war again, southern Africa can compete with the First World War During the same period, he devoted himself to fighting for the British Empire.

What southern Africa needs is the internal market of the British Empire. The current British Empire is still a closed loop, and another time and space to fully open the market is after the Second World War. Although the First World War greatly weakened the United Kingdom, But Britain is still the most powerful country in the world.

As southern Africa is part of the United Kingdom, goods can flow unimpeded within the British Empire, which includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the British East Indies, and India.

If Southern Africa is completely independent from the United Kingdom, then Southern Africa will lose all the above-mentioned markets, and this consequence is unbearable for Southern Africa.

With so many countries in the world, looking at it now, only the United States and Russia have the strength to become the second British Empire. The most important reason for this is that the United States and Russia have huge markets themselves, and the United States still has strong industrial strength. It fully has the opportunity to replace the British Empire, but due to the sudden emergence of southern Africa during the World War, the United States did not play the same important role as in another time and space, and has lost the opportunity to compete with southern Africa.

Russia is still struggling in the quagmire, and its rise is nowhere in sight.

The reason why Kitchener chose Nyasaland as his first stop in southern Africa is also because of Nyasaland's important position in southern Africa. If there is no strong industrial strength of Nyasaland, then even Transa No matter how developed the farms in Wat and Rhodesia were, they would only become raw material producers of the British Empire, and they would never have their current status.

"So this is the reality. A complete British Empire is very important to all of us. Once the British Empire is torn apart, then we will lose our current status and the glory of the British Empire for hundreds of years." Kitchener hopes that Rock can To make the right choice, of course the "correct" here is what Kitchina himself thinks.

"Yeah, a complete British Empire is important to all of us—" Roark admits that Kitchener is right, but there is a twist: "—but the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations is also the general trend. If London is willing to give overseas Dominions have greater autonomy, so there is no reason for overseas dominions to separate from the British Empire. Just like our southern Africa, some people in the Southern African Congress now suggest that southern Africa be directly independent, but more people prefer to see that southern Africa is still the British Empire. Part of the empire, that's exactly what I thought."

If possible, Rock is certainly not willing to lose the huge market within the British Empire.

For the overseas dominions, the British Empire does not just mean a market. When the Boer War broke out, the British government mobilized troops from all over the world to southern Africa to fight, wiped out all the countries established by the two Boers, and then wiped them out. , and this is what is now Southern Africa.

If you break away from the British Empire and become independent, you will lose the help from within the United Kingdom when you face wars in the future. This is dispensable for Southern Africa now, but it is very important for other dominions and colonies.

Southern Africa is the only one in Africa, and the surrounding countries do not have the strength to compete with Southern Africa, so Southern Africa is almost threatened by war.

Southern Africa itself is getting stronger and stronger. The population problem that restricted the development of Southern Africa has been greatly alleviated. In time, the population of Southern Africa will increase rapidly. When Southern Africa has a population of [-] million like the United States, then Southern Africa would never have to worry about the threat of war.

"Since this is the case, why can't we maintain the previous situation? We work together and help each other, and we will never be defeated!" Kitchina is now almost 70 years old, and he has no other hopes. He only hopes that in his lifetime, he can maintain The last glory of the empire.

"Marshal, 100 years ago, except for a few parts of the world, almost all land in the world was a European colony. Now?" Rock didn't explain, letting Kitchener think for himself.

Kitchener's idea was good, but it couldn't be realized.

The general trend of the world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided. Some things really cannot be explained.

Kitchina lowered her head and remained silent. After a long time, she let out a long sigh and stopped discussing this issue with Rock.

Roque didn't talk to Kitchener, and led Kitchener around Los Angeles to see what kind of life the southern Africans are living, and let Kitchener communicate with southern Africans to understand the southern African people. What are Africans thinking.

What else can I think about? I want to live a better life. Kitchener actually came to the wrong place. If he chooses to go to Johannesburg and talk to the people from the Johannesburg Mining Union, he will understand why southern Africa needs greater autonomy. right.

Much of the gold now produced in Johannesburg still has to be sent to the UK to ensure that the pound maintains its status as a global currency.

What Britain took from southern Africa was gold, but what was returned to southern Africa was paper pounds. During the World War, in order to ensure the stability of the pound, Britain canceled the fixed exchange ratio between the pound and gold, causing the value of the pound to fluctuate. decline.

After the end of the world war, Britain was trying to fix the exchange ratio between gold and the British pound. At this time, the British government realized that the British pound was gradually losing its global currency status. rand.

The relationship between gold and currency was difficult for Rock and Kitchener to explain, so Rock led Kitchener to see what Kitchener could understand.

The first stop Rock led Kitchener to was the farm outside Los Angeles.

The farms in Nyasaland are not the same as those in other southern African states. In other southern African states, the farms are all privately owned and are the private property of the farmers.

This is not the case for the farms in Nyasaland. Nyasaland is the fiefdom of Rock, so strictly speaking, the land in Nyasaland belongs to Rock, not the farmer. The biggest difference in other states.

Private land ownership sounds great, but for the government, the consequences of private land ownership are serious.

The simplest reason is that there are still many railways in southern Africa that are monorails, which are inconvenient to use and have great limitations.

Southern Africa is trying to build all the railways in the territory into double-track railways, so that the railways can play a greater role and be more conducive to exchanges between regions.

At this time, a problem arises. The construction of the railway requires land acquisition. If the land is privately owned, the government will have to pay a higher price for the land acquisition. Nyasaland is the smoothest among all states in southern Africa.

Of course, the land acquisition by the Nyasaland state government is not free, and it will also give farmers financial subsidies normally, which prevents the possibility of farmers talking loudly, and we cannot expect everyone to be so enlightened.

Although the farm is not privately owned, the farmers in Nyasaland are still very serious about the operation of the farm. Generally speaking, the farms in Nyasaland are in good condition, especially those big cities such as Los Angeles and Port Edward. The farms around the city are now quite large and well developed.

When Kitchener was visiting the farm, Rock acted as an interpreter for Kitchener. Most of the farmers in Nyasaland are Chinese, and many of them have not learned to speak English until now.

"Why not let them learn English?" Kitchener was not very satisfied with the situation.

"Many of them are too old and have lost the ability to learn a new language, but we are serious about their education for the next generation. In any case, learning another language is not a bad thing." Rock explained in detail, Southern Public education in Africa is well developed, but not to the point where everyone can receive education.

Kitchener nodded, and walked into a farm on the outskirts of Los Angeles with Rock. This farm was chosen by Kitchener himself, and there was no possibility for Rock to prepare in advance.

The size of the farm is not large, it looks like one or two hundred acres. The farmer’s house is built on the side of the road. The number of the farm and the name of the head of the household are written in white paint on the black sign hanging on the white fence. Rock and Mrs. As Kitchener approached the fence, five or six hounds galloped from the farm and barked at Rock and Kitchener.

"It seems that we are not welcome—" Kitchener smiled, and he also liked the loyal animals of the hound.

Rock laughed loudly. Only then did the farmer notice Rock and Kitchener, and quickly called the hounds to the corridor to tie them up.

Rock and Kitchener didn't play micro-service private visits. There was a large group of more than a dozen cars, and the momentum was quite large. The farm owner was surnamed Zhang. After seeing Rock clearly, the farm owner was terrified and immediately opened the fence door to invite Rock in.

"Can we go in?" Kitchener was still pretending. There is a saying in England that the wind and rain can enter my shabby house, but the king cannot.

In fact, it is all nonsense. If the king is so reasonable, he is not a king.

(End of this chapter)

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