Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1154 Blame the Colonial Government for Incompetence

Chapter 1154 Blame the Colonial Government for Incompetence

Westerners always talk about "private property is sacred and inviolable", but it is actually a lie. Regarding this point, the British farmers who were driven out of their homes during the enclosure movement have something to say. Oklaho, USA Residents of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, MA also expressed their opposition. Those who live on the streets because they cannot pay property taxes will tell you the western lies about "private property" with facts.

In fact, if you only have one shabby house, then the king will not enter, but it is definitely not because you can’t, but this shabby house cannot generate value. If this shabby house is built next to Buckingham Palace, then you will definitely Know the truth about "private property".

As for Nyasaland, King George V was not required to be there in person. Roque and Kitchener were already irresistible to the farmer.

In fact, it is a very ordinary farm family. The farmer and his wife are not yet 40 years old. The eldest son is married and stays on the farm to help out. The second son served in the army and retired after the end of the World War. He found a job in Los Angeles. Work, only go home on weekends, and the other three children are in school.

In addition to the above five children, the family also had two babies. Kitchener probably thought they were twins, and casually said to the hostess: "Your grandson is so cute", and the farmer's family was a little embarrassed.

Rock asked casually, but Rock was also a little embarrassed.

Not twins, but uncle and nephew.

In fact, it is quite good, which fully shows that the population of southern Africa is thriving and the future can be expected.

In fact, after the end of the World War, the population of southern Africa is about to usher in an explosive growth. In the next two years, a large number of babies will be born. The government of Nyasaland State and the municipal governments of various cities have made preparations. To expand, schools must also be expanded, and the demand for baby products will increase accordingly.

Kitchener did not care about the number of members of the farmer's family, but mainly observed how much wealth there was on the farm.

The result shocked Kitchener a little. The farm that Kitchener randomly selected had a total area of ​​150 acres, with 35 cows, 140 sheep, more than 20 pigs, and hundreds of chickens, ducks and geese.

From the vegetable field next to the house and the four full warehouses, it can be seen that the farm is in good condition. The farm in Nyasaland uses fast-growing forests as the boundary line of the farm, and sometimes fruit trees are also used, and the fruits are also from the farm. An important source of income, South African companies buy it all year round, make it into cans and sell it all over the world.

"Life has been getting better and better in the past few years. I am planning to buy another farm for my eldest son and a house for my second son in Los Angeles. My daughter is about to graduate from the School of Finance and Economics. It is said that she has signed a contract with Nyasaland Company. Intention contract, you can work after graduation—” The farmer was full of energy, and offered to offer Roque and Kitchena a taste of his own wine. Wine has almost become a feature of southern Africa, and almost every farm has a vineyard.

However, it is obvious that the wine made by the Chinese is different from the traditional wine made by the white people. The wine made by the white people is mostly dry red wine with no sugar or very low sugar content.

The wines made by the Chinese are basically semi-dry, semi-sweet, or simply sweet wines, and some sugar is more acceptable to the Chinese.

Both Kitchina and Roque are unscrupulous, and you can drink dry red and sweet wine. After tasting it, Kitchina gave a good evaluation.

Rock's evaluation was higher. There was milk to drink, meat to eat, and surplus grain or fruit to make wine, which fully proved that the farm's operating conditions were normal.

"Is there any problem that I need to help solve?" Kitchener is not picking on faults, but really helping the farmer solve the problem. After all, the farmer is also British now.

After Rock translated, the farmer looked terrified: "No, no - the people here are very nice, even the government, they help us build roads, help us with loans, and help us choose the right breed of sheep and cattle. ——My lord is our great benefactor—”

The last sentence Roque will not translate. In fact, there is a problem, but Roque can't solve it.

"If there is a problem, the main problem now is that the price of agricultural products has always been very low. Southern Africa is sparsely populated. As the farm operations become more mature, the supply of agricultural products is also increasing, and the price is falling all the way. It’s going down, now because of the demand in Europe and India, this problem is not serious, and it will be hard to say in a few years.” Rock knows the problem, but Rock has no solution.

In Rock's memory, the economic situation is probably better this year and next year because of the reconstruction of Europe, but it is estimated that an economic crisis will break out in two years. It does happen that farmers dump milk into rivers.

It's not that the farmers would rather pour milk into the river than sell it to the poor, but that there are no real poor people in southern Africa, which is completely different from the situation in the United States where milk is poured into the river.

The reason why the operating conditions of farms in southern Africa have been rising all the way in recent years is mainly because from the outbreak of the world war until now, southern Africa has exported a large amount of food to Europe and India. India is still in a state of famine, and millions of people starve to death every year People, Europe especially Germany are also in famine, which will not be fundamentally relieved in a short time.

When Europe returns to normal in a few years, the farm products in southern Africa will inevitably be unsalable to a certain extent. Rock and Stoudemire are now committed to developing the Asian market, hoping that Asia will become another growth point by then.

"Yes, there are dozens of cows, more than 100 sheep, and hundreds of chickens, ducks and geese. The family can't finish eating eggs every day. We must pay attention to this issue." Kitchina is now the governor of Southern Africa. I am qualified to say this to Rock.

"We have thought of a lot of ways to deeply process agricultural products as much as possible and then export them to the outside world. However, this problem is still palliative, not the root cause. If we want to completely solve this problem, it is mainly internal digestion. The population of southern Africa is still too small—" Rock I know the solution, and I'm trying to figure it out.

Agricultural products have a shelf life, even if they are processed into cans, they still have a shelf life.

Fortunately, there is no uniform standard for food processing these days. Appropriate addition of some other ingredients can effectively extend the shelf life of food, otherwise the problem will be more serious.

Of course, these agricultural products with other ingredients are basically not sold locally in southern Africa. The farm products sold locally in southern Africa must not add anything. Hour.

"Then you still drive Africans abroad?" Kitchener still couldn't figure out why the federal government of Southern Africa did this.

These days, human resources are the expression of national strength, just look at the importance Britain attaches to India.

What makes Kitchener puzzled is that the Africans in southern Africa are very obedient, whether they are workers or soldiers, but the federal government of southern Africa has always rejected Africans, which really makes Kitchener Sodium is beyond comprehension.

"Otherwise, what should we do? We are different from Africans in terms of appearance, language, culture, and living habits. Since the federal government does not include Africans in the scope of statistics, then simply include Africans. Separate from us, this is also the federal government's promise to Africans after the outbreak of the world war." Rock also learned the high-sounding of white people, the same thing, explained from different angles, the conclusions drawn are indeed different.

Before the outbreak of the World War, Africans in southern Africa were actually slaves to white people. Before the federal government of southern Africa was established, members of the British Parliament also attacked the British government at that time because of this.

After the outbreak of World War II, in order to recruit Africans to participate in the war, the federal government of Southern Africa promised to return the Africans in southern Africa to freedom after the war. Now the federal government is fulfilling its promise.

Of course, it is estimated that those Africans did not expect that the so-called "freedom" is based on leaving southern Africa.

Fortunately, the current national concept is not clear enough. Africans in southern Africa still exist in the form of tribes, which gives the federal government the greatest convenience in moving Africans to neighboring countries. Those Africans who leave southern Africa, They don't know what they have lost at all, and it will be several generations before their descendants realize this problem.

"Stupid! Now that there are more and more agricultural products, why not give these agricultural products to those Africans, so that they can continue to rule those Africans." Kitchener still has to face, and did not directly use "squeeze" and "slavery" , "exploitation" and the like.

"Marshal, it is not wise to continue to squeeze those Africans. Look at the Portuguese and Belgians before. Sooner or later, the Africans will realize that their situation is not fair. How to solve this problem then?" Rock secretly changed the concept The situation in Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State really has little to do with the local Africans. Without the support of someone, the Africans in Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State would not be able to overthrow the Portuguese colonial government and the Belgian colonial government.

"Do you dare to say that what happened in Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State has nothing to do with you?" Kitchener didn't expect Roque to be so thick-skinned that he could distort the facts like this without blushing and heartbeating. Shameless.

"Of course not. If I were the manipulator behind the scenes, I can guarantee that Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State not only have no Portuguese and Belgians, but even Africans." Rock resolutely refused to admit any relationship with himself The Portuguese and the Belgians lost Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State, all because of the incompetence of the local colonial government, and had nothing to do with Roque.

ps: It’s been three months, and I finally got a recommendation, it’s still the homepage—— I just went to look at it, and I was so cold in my heart, I’m afraid I didn’t go to a fake homepage——

(End of this chapter)

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