Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1155 Young people are the future

Chapter 1155 Young people are the future

Winners and losers, history is always written by the winners, it really doesn't matter what the truth is.

At noon, Rock and Kitchena stayed on the farm for dinner. The two generations of hostesses tried their best to cook a table of rich and delicious dishes, which gave Kitchena a deeper understanding of the farms in southern Africa.

In order to entertain Rock and Kitchener, the farmer killed a sheep and two chickens, together with vegetables and wine produced on the farm, the meal was a feast for the guests and host.

When Rock and Kitchener left, regardless of the farmer's refusal, they insisted on leaving one hundred rand as compensation. On the way back to Los Angeles, Kitchener learned more data, similar to the farm he just visited, There are 120 million in southern Africa.

A single farm is not enough to shock Kitchener, but 120 million farms add up, and Kitchener suddenly feels a little in a trance.

This number is actually not that big. The current development in southern Africa is far from enough. If one farm is calculated on the basis of 100 acres of land, 110 million such farms can be built in Victoria alone.

In the current state of Victoria, the number of farms is only 20, and the potential for development is huge.

After learning more data, Kitchina can only sigh that the natural conditions in southern Africa are indeed unique. In time, southern Africa will replace India and become the most dazzling jewel in the king's crown.

"In Victoria and Dias, we are experimenting with state farms. Victoria has several state farms with an area of ​​more than one million hectares. We plan to use large agricultural machinery for cultivation. Compared with private farms, state farms are much larger. Bigger, more costly, and more profitable. Cecil has also made some attempts in Rhodesia, mainly to carry out large-scale farming to provide raw materials for his South African company, and the results seem to be good so far. "Rock has confidence in agriculture in southern Africa. Let's take Victoria as an example. If the land in Victoria is fully developed, Victoria alone can feed 4.7 million people.

4.7 billion!

The current population of India is not so large.

What's more, Victoria is not the only state with potential in Southern Africa. Rhodesia was once known as the "African Bakery". Although the area is smaller, the soil in the Transvaal is more fertile, the land development is more mature, and the economic value generated is higher.

"This is a very good idea. If it can be realized, it will have a strong reference value for both Australia and Canada." It is standard that the land is sparsely populated, and there are large tracts of land available for development.

Speaking of this, I have to sigh, the conditions of the British Empire are really good, if these places are handed over to the Chinese——

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs.

Back in Los Angeles, Kitchener was non-stop, and was going to visit Nyasaland Heavy Industry in the afternoon.

Nyasaland Heavy Industry is a company split from Nyasaland Automobile Group, which mainly produces armored vehicles and tanks. During the World War, Nyasaland Heavy Industry played an important role in the victory of the Allied Powers over the Allies. After the end of the World War, Brasil There was also some friction between Germany and the London Military Intelligence Bureau because of the technology of Nyasaland Heavy Industries, so Kitchener's request was somewhat tentative for Roque.

Roque doesn't care. The technology of medium tanks is actually not that advanced. Looking at it separately, almost every single technology is an upgraded version applied to light tanks. It is not technology but resources that restrict the development of tanks in European countries. There are not enough Without more steel, without enough oil, it is impossible to develop a sufficiently powerful armored force.

Kitchener also knew about what happened between Brad and the Military Intelligence Bureau. After Roque agreed to visit Kitchener to Nyasaland Heavy Industry, Kitchener laughed dumbfounded.

"I thought you would refuse." Kitchener didn't expect Rock to agree so happily.

"How come, Nyasaland's business is no secret to London. The previous discord between Brad and the Military Intelligence Bureau was also the fault of the Military Intelligence Bureau. It is not difficult to understand the technology of medium tanks, as long as Winston sends a telegram , I can send a medium-sized tank to the Military Intelligence Bureau, and let them take it apart and study it casually." Rock is generous, the UK actually doesn't have much demand for armored forces, and as long as the Germans can't cross the English Channel, they can't pose a real threat to the UK .

If the Germans crossed the English Channel, it would be of no use to equip the British Home Army with medium tanks.

The gap between the British Army and the German Army cannot be bridged by the level of equipment at all.

What's more, Germany's equipment level is not fundamentally different from that of the United Kingdom. The army may be stronger. It is because of the first-mover advantage that Rock was able to beat the Germans in the World War that just passed. Unprepared, the Germans should not make similar mistakes next time, and the British Empire will face a stronger Germany by then.

"What do those people know, it's a waste to give them—" Kitchener doesn't like MIA. In fact, no one likes intelligence agencies. You must know that MIA will not only spy on information in southern Africa, but will also spy on local Carry out comprehensive monitoring. Big figures like Kitchener are the key monitoring targets of the Military Intelligence Bureau.

Otherwise, the military intelligence bureau in the UK will keep a secret, some things cannot be announced, and if they are announced, the world will be in chaos.

Rock smiled and said nothing. Giving medium tank technology to British professionals is actually a waste. The main arsenals in the UK are the Royal Small Arms Company and Enfield. Hastily established during the war, there were no factories producing tanks at all.

With the small amount of funding that the British Army receives every year, it is not capable of producing heavy weapons such as tanks. Even if it does, it will not be able to play a real role due to production issues.

Therefore, tank technology is only useful for continental countries like southern Africa. For a maritime country like the United Kingdom, tank technology is useless.

The factories of Nyasaran Heavy Industries are all located in Milna in Rhodesia. There is only one research institute in Los Angeles, and only some research on vehicle-mounted weapons is carried out.

The research institute is located in the middle of the King's Avenue in Los Angeles. There are research institutes and technology development departments of major companies nearby, and Nyasaland Heavy Industry is just one of them.

Since the gray fox incident, the security force of the Nyasaland Heavy Industry Research Institute has been strengthened again. Like the gate of the Los Angeles City Government, there are double posts. Rock and Kitchener enter the research institute, and theoretically they also have to undergo strict inspections. , In fact, it must have been much looser when it was executed. At least the sentry didn't get down to see if there was anyone hiding under Rock's car.

Entering the research institute is a straight passage nearly [-] meters long. Towering trees are planted on both sides of the passage. Some trees are more than two meters in diameter. These trees are all transplanted from the mountains around Los Angeles, with a bust of two meters. The real giant tree is not too big, the bust of a real giant tree reaches more than ten meters. This kind of tree cannot be transplanted at all, and it is difficult to survive after transplanting.

The cars of Rock and Kitchener came all the way to the front of the office building. The director of the institute and the chief engineer came downstairs to greet them in a hurry. Raymond, the chief engineer, was still wearing a white coat for work. The director Ma Nan was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. Despite his Chinese name, Ma Nan was actually a standard Caucasian.

Although more and more Chinese youths have graduated from Nyasaland University in recent years, when it comes to major companies, the leadership is still basically white, and those Chinese youths who graduated earlier can only climb up to It will take a few more years for middle-level leaders to enter the leadership of major companies and truly become the people in power in southern Africa.

Manan directly invited Rock and Kitchener to the reception room for a rest. Rock didn't care, but Kitchener was impatient, and asked to visit Raymond's studio before finishing a cup of coffee.

Rock didn't object, and Manan and Raymond certainly didn't object either. Raymond's studio area is very large, covering more than 50 square meters. The room is full of bookshelves and piles of materials. Rock Feeling a bit out of place.

"Go back and prepare a bigger studio for Raymond, and then equip Raymond with a few life service personnel. The chief engineer should look like a chief engineer, and don't make the studio look like a bullpen." Luo Ke expressed dissatisfaction with Manan's work. Manan was not a technician, but a purely administrative bureaucrat, and sometimes it was inevitable to ignore the technicians.

"Yes Lord, I will free up my office and use it as Raymond's studio later." Manan immediately promised. In fact, this is not the solution. To really solve this problem, we still need to move the research institute out of Los Angeles. City, moving to Milna City in the deep mountains and old forests can completely solve this problem.

It was also at this time that Rock understood why the higher the level of confidentiality, the more remote the address of the unit. It is not that the city is not good, but that it is determined by the particularity of the work. It is impossible for researchers to be as free as ordinary people. Only by relocating to deep mountains and old forests can researchers have a certain degree of freedom.

"Remember that there are life service personnel. A chief engineer at Raymond's level should have students. Those students should help Raymond solve some life problems." Rock's life problems are limited to research institutes, such as Raymond As for the sanitation problem in the Mond studio, those Raymond students should take the initiative. They don't have much vision, so how could Raymond teach them everything.

"Yes, my lord, I will arrange it right away--Raymond is now leading six students, all of whom are working in Raymond's research group. They are all young people who have just graduated in the past two years. They are full of energy, full of confidence, and have a bright future. Infinite." Ma Nan used a bunch of adjectives to express his love for those young people.

That's right, young people are the future.

(End of this chapter)

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