Chapter 1156 Computers

After Nyasaland University began to mass-produce graduates, key units like Nyasaland Heavy Industry can get three to five college students with excellent grades every year.

Nyasaland Heavy Industry treated these newly promoted staff very well. The staff who had just entered the job could be assigned to a single apartment with two bedrooms and one living room with a total area of ​​about [-] square meters.

The [-] square meters here is the usable area of ​​[-] square meters, without those messy public stalls and building areas, it is more than enough for one person to live in.

What needs to be emphasized is that the property rights of the single apartment belong to Nyasaland Heavy Industries, and the staff only have the right of residence, and have no right to lease or transfer. If the staff gets married, they can apply for a larger staff apartment, and the property rights of the staff apartment It is privately owned, and Nyasaland Heavy Industry will give a certain amount of house purchase subsidies. Individuals only need to pay a small part to have a real home in Los Angeles.

Considering that there are many dual-career families in Nyasaland Heavy Industry, Nyasaland Heavy Industry has an independent kindergarten. During working hours, employees can send their children to kindergartens with well-equipped facilities. Remove worries for employees.

When the children are older, they can be sent to King’s Road Elementary School. The strength of King’s Road Elementary School is qualified to enter the top three in Los Angeles. Most of the students’ academic performance is very good. The Los Angeles City Government is building King’s Road Middle School. When the secondary school is completed, children around the King's Road will be able to attend schools nearby.

By solving the problems of life to the greatest extent, the researchers can devote more energy to their work. The rapid development of Nyasaland Heavy Industry over the years, the staff's own efforts are of course important. The Los Angeles City Government and Nyasaland Heavy Industry Logistical support is also indispensable, which forms a virtuous circle. The better the development of Nyasaland Heavy Industry, the more benefits it will give employees.

The higher the living standard of employees, the more energy they will devote to work.

What Kitchener saw was only the research results of Nyasaland Heavy Industries, but he did not see the efforts made by the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government for these results. It is very difficult to replicate the miracle of Nyasaland in other places However, it is not enough to simply set up a research institute. Only with this whole set of social security system can they be initially qualified to replicate the miracle of Nyasaland.

It's just qualified. To achieve results, it depends on the quality of the researchers and the continuous investment of the superior leadership. Scientific research is not accomplished overnight, and it takes a long time to accumulate. In Nyasaland Heavy Industries, research similar to Los Angeles There are still 11 research institutes in charge of different directions. There are three research institutes competing with each other for vehicle-mounted weapon systems alone. A slight slack will lead to a reduction in funding for the next stage.

Nyasaland Heavy Industry is a private enterprise owned by Rock, not a department of the federal government, so working in Nyasaland Heavy Industry is quite stressful. Only real talents can enjoy the benefits provided by the municipal and municipal governments and Nyasaland Heavy Industry. various benefits.

The reason why Rock opened the door for Kitchener to visit is to let Kitchener understand Nyasaland’s industrial model. Rock’s investment is so large that the current situation in Nyasaland has come into being. It is impossible for Rock to be in harmony with People share, not even in London.

"Since the establishment of Nyasaland Heavy Industry, a total of more than 1000 million rand has been invested. I am not a philanthropist. Investment is for profit. The method of buying engineers by the Military Intelligence Bureau is wrong. I want the technology of Nyasaland Heavy Industry. It's very simple, with 500 million, you can get the latest research results of Nyasaland Heavy Industry, this condition is cheap enough." Rock is really not a lion, doing scientific research is burning money, Stoudemire's South African company, in order to solve the problem of food For the long-term preservation of the problem, millions of dollars are invested in research every year. If someone tries to steal the research results of the South African company, Stoudemire will kill people.

The same is true for Roque. For the high hand of the London Military Intelligence Bureau, Roque is already looking at "blood is thicker than water". If the Military Intelligence Bureau is not interested, then don't blame Roque for killing.

"The annual funding of the Military Intelligence Bureau is not a few million—" Kitchener was speechless. For Rock, a big capitalist, this was an easy task, but for the London Military Intelligence Bureau, it was as difficult as heaven.

"Hehe, Marshal, I'm afraid you don't know that the annual gray income of the Military Intelligence Bureau is more than a few million." Rock exposed the background of the Military Intelligence Bureau. The annual budget of the London Military Intelligence Bureau is indeed very small, but the London Military Intelligence Bureau is definitely not Poor, like Brad, there are many ways to make money for the London Military Intelligence Bureau, and I am afraid that Kitchener, the former Secretary of War, does not know.

Before the split, the London Military Intelligence Bureau was under the management of the War Department. It is normal for the Minister of War, Kitchener, not to know the specific situation of the Military Intelligence Bureau, just like Rock does not know how many members Brad has now.

"How is it possible, a few million is not a small number—" Kitchener was dubious. Before the outbreak of the World War, the latest dreadnought in Britain was only more than 100 million. Now the price has risen a little due to the soaring prices, but it is still It didn't rise to the level of millions.

"Yesterday, the tax department of Dias and the police department jointly launched a joint operation and seized several companies with illegal business practices in Walvis Bay. It is roughly estimated that the combined annual profit of these companies is more than 150 million rand. This is still being investigated. How many have been found out, and how many have not been found out?" Rock said lightly, but the shadow of swords and swords behind him made people shudder.

Kitchina frowned. Although Kitchina didn't know the specific situation, but Roque directly mentioned the matter, then those companies that were seized must be related to the London Military Intelligence Bureau.

And according to Roque, there should be a lot of information in Southern Africa, and all companies related to the Military Intelligence Bureau have not been seized. This shows that the relevant departments in Southern Africa are still merciful, otherwise Roque would not Add the last sentence.

In the open office on the third floor of the research institute, dozens of young people are working hard. The desks in front of each of them are full of manuscript papers. The large amount of data calculations required for research work are done manually here.

It can't be said to be manual. Many young people have a strange-looking machine on their desks. This is the most advanced hand-cranked computer.

Unexpectedly, computers have been invented since 1918.

It’s just that the computer in this period was relatively primitive, and it was a mechanical structure, not an electronic structure. As early as 1878, O’Neill, a Swedish scientist working in Russia, invented the world’s first hand-operated computer. Since then, computers have become popular all over the world. .

Manan noticed Rock's gaze, and immediately raised his hand to call a young Chinese man who was working over: "My lord, this computer was improved by Feng himself. The computer we used before had to be purchased from Germany. Not only is it expensive, but it also uses It is very inconvenient and makes a lot of noise. Feng is a genius. When he was six years old, he could joke with his teacher in English. At that time, he could do eight-digit division in his head. At the age of ten, he finished reading 48 volumes of world history, and at the age of 12, he understood Borel's "Theory of Functions"—"

Manan's face was full of pride, and Rock and Kitchener were inexplicably surprised. They thought this kind of "genius" only existed in novels, but they didn't expect it to actually exist in reality.

"So, Feng, how old are you now?" Rock was really curious, seeing that Feng was not very old, about the same age as a freshman who just entered college.

"My lord, I am already 18 years old. I graduated from Nyasaland University two years ago—" Feng Ding blushed with excitement. Two years ago—that is, I graduated from Nyasaland University at the age of 16.

Rock was in a trance for a while, as if he was still in high school when he was 16 years old——

It's really more popular than people. Compared with Luo Ke, Feng Ding is the child of other people's family.

"God, if he didn't say it, I must think this kid is in middle school—" Kitchener was shocked. Compared with whites, Chinese are indeed developed later. Many white teenagers in their teens look like they are 40 Many middle-aged people also have bitter hatred on their faces.

The development here refers to the body, and the intellectual development of the Chinese is not too late. In Nyasaland, in most cases, the academic performance of Chinese students is generally higher than that of white students, so that some white parents complain that the school pays too much attention to Chinese students. many.

In fact, it's all the same, teachers like students with better grades, it has nothing to do with skin color.

"Do it well, Feng—this kind of hand-operated computer should be considered quite advanced—" Rock's focus is different from that of Kitchener. From Rock's memory, it seems that the electronic computer will not be invented until 30 or 30 years later. Come out, then before the invention of electronic computers, hand-cranked computers should have application prospects for [-] to [-] years.

"Of course, we have purchased more than a dozen types of computers. The computer we use now is the best. Other research institutes will come to our research institute to learn from us and ask us to help them improve their computers." Ma Nan and You Rongyan , although Manan is the administrative leader, the research results of the six institutes also have a contribution to Manan.

"Then why not invest in building a factory and mass-produce this kind of computer?" Rock is not a scientist, but Rock is a qualified businessman.

"Mass production—we've thought about it, but we don't have the money—" Manan looked helpless. Although Liu has allotted funds, generating income is also very important. Who would think too much money.

"Go back and write a report to Nyasaland Corporation, Nyasaland Corporation invests, you six 20.00% shares, remember to give Feng the development fee must not be less, don't sleep on the results, continue to improve the computer, Work hard!" Rock's last words were to Feng Ding.

Feng Ding hadn't reacted yet, he didn't know that he was going to get rich.

ps: The number of chapters is so auspicious, I wish you all the best of luck——

(End of this chapter)

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