Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1168 The first hole card

Chapter 1168 The Second Hole Card

The Duke of Bedford's loyalty to the British Empire is unquestionable. During the World War, the son of the Duke of Bedford refused to fight for the country. As a result, the Duke of Bedford decisively canceled the right to inherit the title.

Such a person's resistance to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations can be imagined.

There are still only 20 dukes in the UK. Although most of these dukes have disappeared from public view, they still have huge influence on the British Parliament.

In fact, the influence of the British aristocrats on Congress has been greatly reduced now. It was replaced by 20 years ago, and the proposal of establishing the Commonwealth of Nations had no chance to be discussed in Congress.

Regarding the dispute between the House of Lords and the House of Commons in the UK, the British government has also handled it very badly.

The main members of the British House of Commons are the emerging bourgeoisie, while the main members of the House of Lords are the traditional aristocracy. The contradiction between the two was originally irreconcilable.

As a result, George V generously rewarded the House of Commons. As long as he is elected as a member of the House of Commons, he can at least get a lifetime knighthood. In this way, the members of the House of Commons have also become aristocratic class, and then the favorite butt decides the head.

Of course, there are people who are rich and can't do that, such as Winston. The British government once considered granting Winston the Duke of London, but Winston did not accept it.

However, Winston himself came from the family of the Duke of Marlborough, so this example is not representative.

In short, in the UK, it is almost impossible to deal with a duke. Otherwise, it will be backlashed by the entire aristocratic class. Not to mention Christian, even if the four outstanding young people in southern Africa are tied together, they cannot afford the entire aristocratic class. counterattack.

The four outstanding youths in southern Africa refer to Rock, Henry, Stoudemire, and Owen. Three of the four are members of the Matilda family, so it can be seen how powerful the Matilda family is in southern Africa. .

After learning that the most vehement opponent of the establishment of the Commonwealth was the Duke of Bedford, Christian immediately dismissed the idea of ​​using unconventional means. It doesn’t mean that the Duke cannot attack and the crown prince can be assassinated. The Duke has actually been pulled. Go down to the altar, but Christian is not qualified to make this decision. If he wants to use unconventional means to deal with the Duke of Bedford, he must be at least Rock's level to be qualified to make a decision.

Rock is also actively mediating. Christian can meet with Yang Smother, but he is not qualified to meet with the Duke of Bedford. Those who are qualified to meet with the Duke of Bedford are attending the Paris Peace Conference in Paris. Fortunately, Rock still has a backup Candidates.

Roque's back-up candidate is Neville Chamberlain, the British health secretary.

If the Matilda family in southern Africa is powerful, then the Chamberlain family in Britain is also powerful.

Neville Chamberlain's half-brother Austin Chamberlain is now Lord Seal and Leader of the House of Commons.

The Lord Seal Keeper is one of the oldest positions in the British government. As the name suggests, this position is just like his literal meaning. He is in charge of the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, responsible for keeping the Great Seal and drafting and issuing various government documents. He is the Chief Minister of the British Cabinet All the important British government decrees, treaties, parliamentary summons, king's reward orders, letters of appointment, and charters are drawn up and issued by the justices, but they must be affixed with the national seal to take effect.

Neville and Austin had a very good relationship, and Neville was drinking tea with Austin in the study when Christian visited Young Smudge.

"Some people are going too far. Just last night, Christian was assassinated on the streets of London. If it weren't for the sturdy car Christian was riding in, Christian would have died on the spot." Neville, who became the Minister of Health, became more and more serious. Steady, during the Great Influenza outbreak in the United States, the British Ministry of Health played an important role, so Neville was named a baron by King George V of England.

It looks a bit low, right? In fact, Neville was only knighted when he was elected as a Member of Parliament the year before last.

Don't think that Rock, a Chinese, was made a Marquis, which means that the British title is worthless, it depends on who it is.

Rock was entrusted with the title of Marquis because of his win-win value and his contribution during the World War. Thinking of Cecil Rhodes, who never even got a jazz, you know that the British How precious is the title.

"Who did it?" Austin was a little surprised. In the UK, street crimes are very rare, because it may trigger an uncontrolled chain reaction, so few people use such extreme methods.

To put it bluntly, once this start is made, everyone will be in danger, so Austin now has to be thankful that Christian didn't die last night, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"It might be a German or an American, who knows—" Neville had a clear goal, and both Germans and Americans were indeed very suspicious.

Most likely, it was impossible for the British to do this. No one was willing to take the risk of offending Roque to attack Christian. If the matter was exposed, he would face Roque's revenge.

Even if Christian is successfully killed, it will not have much impact on Rock. Everyone knows that Christian is just a tool.

Austin shook his head slowly with a solemn expression: "Don't say that without evidence."

The Minister of Health is also a cabinet minister. As a cabinet minister, words and deeds may have a serious impact, so it is better not to express your opinion lightly. This is the reason why most politicians will turn into poker faces. Table, joys and sorrows are not overflowing.

"The most important thing now is to establish the Commonwealth of Nations as soon as possible. As long as the Commonwealth of Nations is established, all disputes will subside." Neville still sees the problem superficially, otherwise he would not be famous in the history of "appeasement".

"The Commonwealth of Nations cannot solve all problems. On the contrary, if the Commonwealth of Nations is established, it will cause more conflicts." Austin is mature and prudent, otherwise he would not have been entrusted with important tasks by the King of England.

Although the current British Empire is full of internal conflicts, at least on the surface it has just won the world war and is in an unprecedented period of strength.

Once the Commonwealth of Nations is established, the weakness of the British Empire will be revealed. Some countries and regions that were originally intimidated by the British Empire will be ready to move, and the influence of the British government on overseas territories will further decline.

"The problem is that without the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations, the requirements of the overseas dominions cannot be met. Now the situation is not what it used to be. The British Empire is no longer the former British Empire." Neville lamented that the glory of the British Empire has gone forever.

"Arthur, your relationship with Locke is too close, and you are too deeply influenced by Locke, which will affect other people's evaluation of you." Austin bluntly said that the cabinet ministers and the feudal officials are too close, no matter where you are It's taboo all the time.

Neville didn't speak, and there were some reasons that he couldn't say.

Although the strength of the Chamberlain family is strong, it is limited in the UK after all, so the Chamberlain family has used almost all their resources on Austin, and Austin has made his way to the top.

In this way, the resources that the Chamberlain family gave Neville were obviously insufficient, so when Austin was already serving as postmaster, Neville was still doing business, accumulating capital for the family.

When Neville's business is going smoothly because of his cooperation with Roque, and he wants to achieve something in the political arena, the Chamberlain family cannot give Neville enough support at this time, so Neville will choose to cooperate with Roque in an all-round way. Only then did he successfully enter Congress, and then served as the Minister of Health.

These reasons cannot be said out loud, and speaking out will definitely affect the feelings between brothers and the unity within the family.

"Actually, my father and I both want to let you enter the political arena in a few more years. At that time, the power of the family can be fully tilted on you-you are doing very well now. If my father can see it, he will definitely do it for you." Proud." Austin also knows that Neville's journey has not been easy, and Austin also feels guilty about this younger brother.

Neville and Austin's father Joseph died in 1914, when Neville was mayor of Birmingham and had not yet entered Parliament.

Neville still didn't speak, but the circles of his eyes were obviously a little red. It's not easy for everyone in the adult world.

"I will talk to the Duke of Bedford about this issue at an appropriate time, and you have to remind Locke not to worry. The establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations is a major event, and it is impossible to make a decision in a day or two." When Austin promised, he also paid attention to Rock's reassurance is not enough, and Austin himself knows that the current British Empire is no longer the former British Empire.

"I'll do the work on Locke's side." Neville thinks he still has some influence on Rock's side, but it's not a problem to procrastinate: "But the Duke of Bedford, I really don't know what he is insisting on. "

Neville really couldn't figure out why the Duke of Bedford refused to face the reality. Everyone knew that the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations was inevitable, but the Duke of Bedford remained firm.

"Since 1877, the Duke of Bedford has never left the British mainland—" Austin really didn't complain about the lack of knowledge of the Duke of Bedford. Britain has never traveled thousands of miles to read thousands of books.

"Really? The Duke of Bedford should really go out and take a walk, especially in southern Africa. By the way, Austin, you haven't been to southern Africa, have you? I suggest you go and have a look, so you will know the southern Africa What an amazing place Africa is." Neville had been to southern Africa once, with Joseph, just after the Boer War.

Neville has never been to southern Africa in these years, but Neville is no stranger to southern Africa. Neville also looks forward to having the opportunity to go to southern Africa again and see what the legendary Nyasaland is like. what kind.

(End of this chapter)

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