Chapter 1169

These British nobles, even if London turns into a foggy city in winter, still insist that London is the center of civilization that everyone in the world should yearn for, but they themselves do not live in London in winter, but live in the environment. Nice airy country house.

People like the Duke of Bedford who haven't left the UK for 40 years are not uncommon in the British aristocracy. Their life range is basically no more than [-] kilometers around London, and they stubbornly hide in their castles. Ignore the vicissitudes of the world around me, let alone care about the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in southern Africa thousands of miles away.

Regardless of what the old Duke, who has not left England for 40 years, Roque thought, after the Earl of Gladstone went to Australia, he sent invitation letters to Nyasaland and Fawalt, hoping that Roque and Henry could go to Australia invest.

Henry doesn't know what mineral resources Australia has, but Rock knows it very well. Australia in another time and space is called "the country sitting on the mine cart", and its domestic resources are as rich as southern Africa, especially bauxite. Mine reserves account for more than one-third of the world's total reserves.

In addition to bauxite, Australia's iron ore reserves exceed 153 billion tons. Australia's iron ore is not only of high grade, but also easy to mine and transport, and the mining cost is extremely low.

"How about it, do you want to agree to the request of the Australian government—" Rock emphasized the "request", and now is a good time to start.

"Why go to Australia? Do you want to raise sheep?" Henry didn't know the situation in Australia yet. Australia is indeed famous for its wool, and the Merino sheep in southern Africa were imported from Australia.

In addition to the nickname about the mine cart, Australia is also known as "the country riding on the back of the sheep". Australia is the country that stocks the most sheep and exports the most wool in the world.

"Mining, this is the report of Christian Exploration Company." Rock is prepared. The report of Christian Exploration Company does not really reflect the situation in Australia, but at least it proves that Australia does have investment potential.

"Then why are you hesitating, let's go directly to buy land, buy as much as we can, if there is no mine, we will hire people to herd sheep—" Stoudemire is still simple and rude, as long as it is something that Rock is sure of, Stoudemire will be firm and correct execution.

"Okay, if you all want to buy it, then go ahead and buy it." Henry doesn't care, it doesn't matter whether he makes money or not, what he wants is the attitude of advancing and retreating with Rock and Stoudemire.

Rock can only lament that no one is blessed. Now in Australia, the price of land is unbelievably cheap. Someone in Western Australia bought a farm with an area of ​​nearly 2500 acres for only about one hundred pounds.

2500 acres is about ten square kilometers, and one square kilometer is about ten pounds.

With the intensity of investment like Rock and Stoudemire, the purchase of farms often starts in units of 7692024. The total area of ​​Australia is [-] square kilometers. In fact, it doesn’t cost much to buy them all.

I'm afraid the Australians won't sell it.

It is not necessary for Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire to come forward to buy land, as long as Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire are willing to pay.

Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire jointly invested 1000 million rand to set up an Australian company dedicated to investing in Australia. If all the money is used to buy land, referring to the land price in Western Australia, it should be able to buy 100 million square meters kilometer.

Rock also went to Australia with the idea of ​​buying land. Now in Australia, land prices are in an unprecedented low period. Now he takes the opportunity to buy at a low price. Even if he is unlucky, the land he bought has no mineral resources and invests in pastures. There is no loss in raising sheep.

Rock was not the only one who took advantage of the opportunity to buy assets at a low price under the guise of investment. After Ada found out about this situation, the Australian company's funds became 2000 million rand, and the extra 1000 million was invested by Rand Bank.

With a capital of 2000 million, it is a first-class company even in southern Africa, which immediately attracted Adelaide's attention.

"Yes, Australian companies are indeed mainly investing in Australia. Australia is rich in resources, such as minerals, forests, pastures, and farms—" Rock honestly said that there are so many geomantic treasures in the world. Except for the two and In addition to the nicknames related to mine carts and wool, there is also a nickname "the country with ears of wheat".

"The current 550 million square kilometers in southern Africa is not enough for you to invest? That's 2000 million. It's not good to stay in southern Africa and do something!" Ade was dissatisfied with Rock's behavior of turning his elbows outward. .

"Sooner or later, the resources in southern Africa will be our own. While the Australians are still unable to develop their own resources, let's occupy the mines in Australia first. In the future, Australia will have to live on our faces." Rock beat With a good calculation, thinking about how many sins Australia has done because of iron ore in another time and space, Rock has some wicked ideas.

If you exploit mineral resources in Australia, you have to pay taxes to the Australian government. When the Australian government is disobedient, Australian companies can reduce production, so that the Australian government can't make any money.

Taking a step back, once Roque starts to invest in Australia, then Roque will support his own interest spokesperson in the Australian government, so Australia will be a close comrade-in-arms in southern Africa by then—

Needless to say, Australia, like southern Africa, is an overseas territory of the British Empire. Blood is thicker than water.

"Lock, can you have a normal thought—" Ade is not as aggressive as Rock, and he always digs holes for his own people.

It seems that Rock is more British than Alder.

Luo Kedo looked at Ade innocently, originally serving Southern Africa wholeheartedly, but he did not expect to end up with such an evaluation, chilling.

"I think Locke is right. If we can establish a close relationship with Australia, then the entire Indian Ocean will be ours." Sidney Milner occasionally made some extreme remarks when he was all his own .

In fact, looking at the map, it is really like this. On both sides of the vast Indian Ocean, Australia is on one side, and southern Africa on the other——

Ah, no, there is an unsightly Madagascar in the middle.

By the way, Southern Africa disagreed that the French government was right to pay off Madagascar, and now the French government's rule over Madagascar collapsed again, and the French colonial government was forced to transfer to the Comoros Islands.

This is tantamount to relying on others, because the French government sold the Comoros Islands long ago to the Umbrella Company, which has its headquarters in the Comoros Islands.

Miraculously, although the French colonial government has withdrawn from Madagascar, there are still French companies operating normally on Madagascar.

Without exception, these normal operating companies are all under the protection of the umbrella company. They do not need to pay taxes to the colonial government for mining resources, but the taxes that should have been paid are handed over to the umbrella company as protection fees. As a result, the umbrella company is more expensive than the colonial government. The government can effectively protect the interests of those enterprises.

"What's right? If you are as radical as the two of you, the world will be in chaos sooner or later." Ade disagreed with Sidney Milner's statement. These are basically two systems. Ade believes that as long as everyone keeps their own place, then The world is naturally peaceful.

Rock and Sidney Milner are at the other extreme.

What extreme Rock and Sidney Milner dare not say.

"When has the world ever been peaceful—" Rock countered sharply. The whole world is indeed at war all the time. The Boer War was followed by the Italian-Turkish War. The Italian-Turkish War was followed by the Balkans, and after the Balkans was the World War. , Now that the World War has just ended, Britain provoked trouble again because of 7.5 million.

The subject was so heavy that neither Ad nor Sidney Milner spoke.

Probably feeling that the atmosphere in the office was a bit dull, Ade's cat jumped on Ade's lap and begged to be pampered.

Adelaide's cat is called Hesse Elf, which commemorates Adelaide's birthplace, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Germany. Adelaide has dual ancestry of German and British.

The Hessian is a gray and white British Shorthair cat with gray on its back and head and white on its belly and legs.

The status of the Hessian elves in the Palace of Justice is extremely high, and they are affectionately called "mouse catchers" by the staff of the Palace of Justice. However, Ade often reprimands the Hessian elves for not doing their job properly. He has never seen the Hessian elves catch mice. She only knows how to be shamelessly cute because of her cute looks.

The status of the Hessian elf in Adelaide's heart is definitely higher than that of Rock and Sidney Milner combined. Although the Hessian elf weighs more than five kilograms, Ade still let the Hessian elf lie on his lap , under Adelaide's gentle touch, the Hessian elf purred comfortably——

Then he was taken away directly by Sidney Milner.

"This guy is too fat now, and he only sleeps all day—fat boy, you have to take responsibility, you know? To catch mice——" Sidney Milner was looking for a cigarette, but he dared to start the mouse catcher. nickname.

The mouse catcher gave Sidney Milner a paw angrily, and then jumped onto Rock's lap.

Rock skillfully turned the Hessian elf over, and gently scratched the Hessian elf's chin. The Hessian elf immediately narrowed his eyes comfortably, hugged Rock's hand with two paws and started snoring again.

Ade's eyes were filled with relief immediately.

"I'm going to buy land in Australia. How about Sidney, do you want to join?" Rock sent an invitation to Sidney Milner, saying that Sidney Milner is actually quite rich now, so don't say too much , Hundreds of thousands will definitely be available.

Sidney Milner's dividends from companies under Rock's name are more than [-] rand per year.

"How embarrassing is that—" Sidney Milner happily showed his big molars, without any embarrassment.

Ade didn't speak, and quietly watched Rock and Sidney Milner stroking the cat together.

(End of this chapter)

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