Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1174 What's wrong with being shameless

Chapter 1174 What's wrong with being shameless

Looking at the "St. Josephine" slowly leaving the berth, Jackson and Scott were completely dumbfounded. Only then did they realize that they had been cheated. There were mercenaries from the Umbrella Company on duty not far away, but they dared not Go get help.

The sky was getting dark, the lights on the pier were brightly lit, and the flow of people was like weaving. Zheng He Port was so busy every day, all night long.

Jackson and Scott were still sitting on the iron chairs for people to rest by the pier. They were unaccompanied and had nowhere to go on Zhenghe Island.

"We—" Jackson said pitifully.

"Shut up!" Jackson was interrupted by Scott as soon as he opened his mouth. Scott wanted to kill Jackson now.

"It's not entirely my fault. You gave half of our money to the first mate." Jackson widened his eyes and tried to defend himself. Jackson was indeed responsible for the situation they had fallen into, but Scott was also responsible.

"Who would have known that the Frenchman was a liar?" Scott admitted that he had his own reasons.

"I didn't know that Indian was a liar either." Jackson said confidently.

Then the two were silent for a long time, and they didn't eat for a long time. It was really boring to quarrel.

There was a strong aroma coming from the nearby restaurant, and there was a faint smell of wine.

Not far away, a girl was selling a kind of food called Chaos, which looked delicious, and a bowl cost only one shilling, but it was a pity that Jackson and Scott's pockets were cleaner than their faces.

A child gnawed on a pie and walked past Jackson and Scott. Scott and Jackson kept their eyes on the pie, and Jackson swallowed his saliva in disappointment.

Scott held his forehead and was speechless. If it weren't for the two fat and strong South African mastiffs following the child, Jackson would have gone up to snatch it.

Watching the child lead two South African mastiffs wagging their heads and tails away, Scott still had to face the reality.

"Do you have anything valuable on you?" Scott looked at the ring on Jackson's hand while speaking.

"What are you doing?" Jackson immediately covered his hand very sensitively. This is Jackson's wedding ring. When he was betting red just now, Jackson didn't even think about the wedding ring.

Scott didn't speak, and took off his ring from his finger, then took off his watch, and finally took out a lighter from his pocket—and an empty wallet, which might still be worth some money. In any case, it is also a luxury product produced by Itno.

What about crocodile skin——

"Please Scott, I can't do this, my Anne will kill me." Jackson also hurriedly took off his watch, wallet, and even wanted to take off his leather shoes.

Oh, no need for leather shoes.

"You think of Anne now?" Scott looked fiercely.

Jackson bowed his head and said nothing.

Scott took off Jackson's hat, put everything in, and walked towards the girl who sold chaos.

"Welcome--" the girl who sells Chaos greeted enthusiastically. There was a lazily sleeping puppy on the girl's cart, and there was a sign on the handlebar, which read in Chinese and English "This is the younger sister of three older brothers. Before you want to do something, you must think carefully."

Jackson started to swallow his saliva again, there was no other meaning, the closer he was, the more fragrant he was.

"Miss, I would like to ask—" Scott felt his face blushing violently.

"Oh, over there, the black window is a bit like the one in the bank—" The girl was very clever, and when she saw what was in the hat, she immediately pointed to Scott where the pawn shop was.

"Thank you—" Scott simply fled in despair.

Pawn shops are very common in major ports, and the business is pretty good. The staff here are ruthless, even if it is brand new and unopened, at least half of it will be cut off.

For Scott and Jackson's two watches and a ring, the staff only gave an estimate of twelve rand.

"My watch is brand new. I just bought it not long ago, and it cost me twenty pounds!" Scott argued.

"Sir, as long as you unpack it, it's not brand new, and you've used it for so long that the dial has scratches, so it's only worth five rand now." The staff was serious, and this It's really not intentional to lower the price, even five rands are already given too much, and under normal circumstances, it starts with a [-]% discount.

Five rands is five rands, Scott gritted his teeth and endured it.

But twelve rand is not even enough for a boat ticket, Scott thought for a while, raised his hand and pulled out a pistol from his armpit.

The staff panicked for a moment, but they remained calm. Since Adan Company took over Zheng He Island, there has never been a vicious security case like robbery on Zheng He Island.

Scott weighed the gun in his hand, turned it upside down and handed the pistol to the staff with the barrel.

It was obvious that the staff breathed a sigh of relief.

But it is not easy to cut the price: "The knight detective revolver produced in 1915, the new price is 25 rand, and now it is worth 4.5 rand."

"The new price is 45 pounds!" Scott's veins were showing, and it was fine to haggle hard, it was nothing.

"The price of 45 pounds is in the British Isles. In our southern Africa, it is only 25 rand. Moreover, in 1915, during the World War, in order to facilitate mass production, the Nyasaland military industry simplified the production process. , so the value of the pistols produced during this period is not high." The staff knew the situation very well, and pushed the guns out after speaking.

The meaning of this is obvious. If you like to sell it or not, you can sell it for 4.5 rand. If you don’t sell it, you can keep it for yourself.

Scott stopped talking, and gave Jackson a look you know.

Jackson pulled out his gun, pointed it directly at the staff, and yelled "Don't move!"

Not to mention the staff, even Scott was shocked by Jackson's brain circuit. At the moment when Jackson shouted "Don't move", Scott fell into deep self-doubt. He really didn't let Jackson Pull out the rob to rob.

"Don't move, put down your guns, or we will kill you on the spot!" A mercenary shouted from the door, and two mercenaries appeared at the door, one on the left and one on the right. , another mercenary armed with a shotgun.

"Don't shoot, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding—" Scott held up his hands and desperately clarified, thinking of the dozen or so armored vehicles in the barracks, he was robbed on Zheng He Island because of his insane mind.

Jackson stared at Scott with wide eyes.

"What are you looking at? I told you to take out the gun and sell it. I didn't tell you to take out the gun and rob it—are you going to kill us both?" Scott dared not use his eyes to signal at this moment However, it is still necessary to express clearly in words so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Jackson's expression was also broken.

In order not to cause the mercenaries to misunderstand, Jackson slowly put the gun on the counter in front of him. Two mercenaries rushed in and knocked Jackson to the ground.

Not surprisingly, Jackson and Scott were sent back to the mercenary camp.

What a coincidence, the officer on duty was still Lao Chen.

When he saw Jackson and Scott, for a moment, Lao Chen's expression was also confused.

"What's going on?" Old Chen asked the mercenaries who captured Jackson and Scott.

"These two guys are robbing the military service agency, so it's so hard to figure it out." The burly and bearded mercenary replied happily, such a tough guy is not common.

"We didn't rob!" Jackson seriously argued.

"Can you get us something to eat first?" Scott gave up his resistance. This was considered his second entry into the palace, so there was nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, Lao Chen had seen Scott and Jackson look even worse.


The worse appearance of Scott and Jackson was caused by Lao Chen.

"I want coconut cake, he likes cocoa powder cake—" Jackson couldn't forget, this Tie Hanhan is really a qualified foodie.

In other words, most qualified foodies are Tie Hanhan.

"Did you guys treat this place as a restaurant?" Old Chen was angry, these two guys were simply fading spirits, haunting them.

"Hey, the law and order in your Zhenghe Island is too bad. We were cheated twice today. It all happened under your noses. Don't you know?" Scott didn't hide it now. , anyway, the identity has already been exposed.

"What?" Old Chen was at a loss.

So Scott told Old Chen everything about what happened to them today from the beginning to the end.

Halfway through Scott's speech, Lao Chen had the handcuffs released for Scott and Jackson, and then sent coconut cakes and cocoa powder cakes.

Such unlucky people are actually quite pitiful.

"—that's how it happened, first a Frenchman, and then a group of Indians, we were cheated out of our pennies, so we went to the pawn shop to collect some money, and the result—" Scott glared at Jackson.

Jackson, who was munching, didn't notice.

"You guys are really—" Old Chen couldn't complain, there were too many complaints.

"We are penniless now and have nowhere to go. You can't just ignore us like this." Scott is relying on Lao Chen.

"Make it clear, okay? You are MI[-] agents, shouldn't agents be omnipotent?" Old Chen almost said that we were enemies.

"MI[-] is also a British government department, and you are a British company. Our boss and your boss are still old friends, and we were still cheated on your territory, so you are responsible." Scott did not delay eating while debating.

"Who is your boss?" Lao Chen subconsciously said.

"Winston!" Scott's answer was unexpected, but reasonable.

In theory, Winston is indeed the largest British government employee.

"Okay, okay—William, go and get back the mortgaged things from these two gentlemen. You two will live here today, and we will talk about what you have to do tomorrow." Lao Chen gave in. Since Scott is so shameless, Lao Chen Chen also really couldn't drive Scott and Jackson out.

"Just live here?" Scott pushed forward. There is not even a bed in this office.

"Good idea!" Old Chen sneered, he still wanted to live in an office, so it would be nice if he didn't throw you on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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