Chapter 1175 Blank Check

Jackson and Scott, who entered the palace for the second time, completely let themselves go. Zheng He Island is also the territory of the British Empire. Jackson and Scott are also employees of the British government. The living conditions arranged by Chen were not very good, but there was nothing to be picky about, as long as they were not kicked out, Jackson and Scott were very satisfied.

In view of the performance of Jackson and Scott, Zhu Jun decided to directly help Jackson and Scott find a passenger ship to the British mainland, and send Jackson and Scott back to the mainland safely. As a result, the wait was three days.

On weekdays, Zhenghe Island has ships heading to the British mainland every day. For some reason, there is not one these days.

However, Jackson and Scott obviously didn't care. The two of them didn't think about the damn mission these days. Jackson never forgets.

On the morning of the third day, an Australian merchant ship bound for England finally docked at Zheng He Island. Zhu Jun entrusted the captain to send Jackson and Scott back to the mainland of England, and the captain readily agreed.

When Zhu Jun told Jackson and Scott the good news, Jackson and Scott didn't have much happiness on their faces, but were vaguely disappointed.

"Why, you're going home, aren't you happy at all?" No matter what Jackson and Scott thought, Zhu Jun was very happy. Finally, he was able to send these two plague gods away, and Zhu Jun returned the favor. They have prepared presents.

The gift is a specialty of Zhenghe Island. Each person has two boxes of coconut cakes and cocoa powder cakes. They can exchange them on the way and eat enough.

The watches and rings sold off by Jackson and Scott were also returned to them. Zhu Jun thoughtfully put some more money into his wallet, but this time it was not much, only twenty pounds in each wallet.

"Zhu—" Scott had a complicated expression.

"Shut up, I've said it many times, call me Zhu Jun!" Zhu Jun's expression turned ugly, and he suddenly regretted helping them find a boat, so he simply threw them into the sea and let them swim back to London by themselves.

"Jun—" Scott was not angry, he actually knew why Zhu Jun was angry, but he just couldn't help but want to die.

"Fuck—" Zhu Jun couldn't get angry, that damned guy Scott did it on purpose.

"Thank you Jun, I will always remember your friendship and Zheng Hedao." Scott finally said something human.

"It's okay Scott. If you finish the mission, you are welcome to bring your family back for a trip at any time. Then we can go fishing together." Zhu Jun calmed down. It's not worth caring about this kind of person.

"Speaking of tasks—" Jackson interrupted suddenly, and Scott suddenly had a bad feeling, and sure enough: "Dear Jun, can you do us a favor again, we need to find some people to prove—"

Scott suddenly covered Jackson's mouth to prevent Jackson from continuing: "Sorry Jun, this guy drank some wine just now, and he was talking nonsense."

Zhu Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he really didn't know how he lived so long for such a tough guy.

After a hearty lunch, Zhu Jun drove Jackson and Scott to the pier in his off-road vehicle.

Zhu Jun found the ship called "St. Helena". The captain didn't dare to release Zhu Jun's pigeons, so he waited by the gangway himself.

"I wish you all the best—" Zhu Jun shook hands with Scott and Jackson respectively, and thanked the captain again for his help.

"You're welcome, sir. It's an honor to serve you." The captain replied very decently. Zhu Jun couldn't help but glared at Scott to see how he was called, and then at you——

Scott didn't look at Zhu Jun, and he and Jackson were stunned.

Following the gazes of Scott and Jackson, Zhu Jun saw that several mercenaries were escorting two white men passing by not far away.

Coincidentally, the two white men escorted by the mercenaries were also staring at Scott and Jackson with expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

Zhu Jun felt abnormal, raised his hand and called the mercenary to stop him, and asked the mercenary to escort him over.

"Robert, are you okay--wahahaha, Nelson, you look really embarrassed--" the heartless Jackson greeted the two tied guys enthusiastically.

The two guys who were tied up looked like I wanted to die.

Scott's expression was hopeless.

"Oh, this is your colleague from MI[-]?" Zhu Jun was extremely curious, not knowing how stupid Jackson was.

"No, we're not—" Jackson finally remembered to deny, but the use of "we" was very inappropriate.

"Hurry up and let go of these two gentlemen. Fortunately, the ship hasn't left yet. Let's go, let's go to London together. Don't let me see you again——" Zhu Jun was completely desperate for the MI[-] agents. Hurry up and send them away. Looking at it like this, it is likely to be two plague gods again.

"Wait a minute, Zhu, we agreed that there will only be two people." The captain was a little anxious, and he would no longer be a husband this time.

"It's just two more people. Let the four of them live in one cabin. If they can't sleep, they can squeeze together." Zhu Jun didn't care about the fate of the four hapless agents, and hoped that they wouldn't be punished when they returned.

"Great—thank you very much—" Robert, who was still tied up, gritted his teeth. He and Nelson must have created a MI[-] record. They were arrested as soon as they got off the boat, and their identities were exposed before being interrogated.

Jackson raised his eyebrows, and Scott covered his mouth before he could speak.

"These are the staff of the Military Intelligence Bureau, you'd better take them with you, otherwise, believe me, you and your 'St. Helena' will definitely be in trouble." Zhu Jun really didn't mean to threaten, and reminded the captain not to do it. Wrong thing.

"Okay, okay, I'm unlucky, then gentlemen, let's get on board, I hope you have a pleasant journey—" The captain didn't want to offend the agents of the Military Intelligence Bureau, although the current Military Intelligence Bureau has just been established and there is no other A great reputation in time and space, but the "Military Intelligence Bureau" sounds like a very powerful organization.

"Then goodbye, sir, I hope that when we meet again, it won't be like this." Scott and Zhu Jun said goodbye seriously.

"As long as you don't come here to sabotage intentionally, Zheng He Island will warmly welcome you." Zhu Jun is also serious. In all fairness, Scott and Jackson are a little silly, but they are also cute. The experience of the past few days can be sorted out to make a movie.

Of course, not all the agents of MI[-] are Tie Hanhan. With the efforts of the MI[-], the British government really found a British man, Leander, who once lived in the Aldan Islands.

Leander previously operated a plantation in the Adan Islands. After Rock bought the Adan Islands, the Adan Company gave Leander a price that Leander could not refuse, and bought the plantation run by Leander.

After returning to the British mainland, Leander used the money to buy a plantation to re-purchase a farm in Ipswich, Suffolk in the east. The value of farms in the British mainland is very different from that in the Aldan Islands.

With the efforts of the Military Intelligence Bureau, Leander agreed to file a lawsuit against Adan Company as a resident of the Chagos Islands, demanding that Adan Company return the Chagos Islands, at least Diego Garcia, to all Chagos Islanders.

Under normal circumstances, such a case would not be accepted by the Supreme Court of London at all, and even if it is accepted, it is normal to delay it for three to five years.

But this time, the Supreme Court in London accepted the case as quickly as possible and announced that the trial would start in half a month.

The time left for Rock is only half a month.

"We can't do anything for half a month. We're going to London now, and we'll have to run for half a month on the road." Dan's company also owns Stoudemire's shares, which is the result of cross-shareholding. .

"What's going on with this Leander?" Rock was really curious, and he didn't even know where the Military Intelligence Bureau found such a person.

"Maybe it's fake, God knows who this guy is." Stoudemire let himself push others, if it was Stoudemire, Stoudemire would indeed do the same.

Rock was speechless. No matter what, the Military Intelligence Bureau was a department of the British government, so it wouldn't be so unreliable.

But this matter is not very reliable. One person wants to represent the entire Chagos Islands residents without asking other people's opinions?

"Send a telegram to Barton and ask him to visit this Mr. Leander." Rock wanted to try to see if there was any other solution, and hoped that the Military Intelligence Bureau hadn't noticed the protection of the client yet.

At the level of the Military Intelligence Bureau, this question is really hard to say. It is estimated that the agents of the Military Intelligence Bureau may not have this awareness.

"I also want to call Wells and ask him to form a team of lawyers. Isn't it just a lawsuit? Let's delay it for three to five years." slow consumption.

Anyway, there is no need to waste Stoudemire's time, Stoudemire only needs to pay for it.

"Send a telegram to Louis. We should unite Australia and Canada to put enough pressure on London." Rock still solved the problem fundamentally. The key was to establish the Commonwealth of Nations. As long as the Commonwealth of Nations is established, these problems will be solved easily.

Just as Rock had imagined, the London Military Intelligence Bureau did not pay much attention to Leander. Although the trial was about to start in half a month, the London Military Intelligence Bureau did not provide any protection or surveillance for Leander. Patton drove from Dartmouth himself. When Ci came to Ipswich Town, he found Liandel easily.

When Barton revealed his identity to Leander, it was obvious that Leander panicked for a moment.

Barton didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out a Rand Bank check, put it on the table and pushed it towards Liandel.

Leander's hand was trembling when he picked up the check. He opened the check, and there was no number in the amount column.

"You fill it in yourself, fill in as much as you want." Barton's expression was indifferent, as if he was giving a coin to a beggar casually.

ps: Brothers, it’s the end of the month again. Although the middle of this month is not strong, I haven’t been lazy in the past few days. There are three shifts every day. Isn’t it worth rewarding such a diligent fish head——

(End of this chapter)

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