Chapter 1195 Poison Hand

The team that followed Mike Carlyle and Baekeland to New York consisted of 150 people, except for more than 20 security personnel from Delta, most of the rest were market investigators.

This puzzled Baekeland. In Baekeland's view, since it is a new company that intends to develop the American market, most of the team members should be technicians and market developers, and there is no need for market investigators.

Mike Carlisle attaches great importance to market research work. Before departure, he made dozens of various survey forms, covering everything from customer needs to insurance types. Faced with Baekeland's questions, Mike Carlisle is Explained like this.

"We don't produce cars for customers to use, but produce cars that customers need. Ford's business model is destined to be eliminated by the market, and we don't want to beat Ford in a short time. This is a long process. Take your time. .”

This is the first time Baekeland has met a general manager who pays attention to customer needs like Mike Carlisle.

Almost all large companies in the United States are government-backed. At present, when monopoly trusts are rampant, customers actually have no choice but to accept what products large companies provide, and customers will passively accept what products. There is no pursuit at all. A space of individual freedom.

This is not the case with Nyasaland’s company. During the time Baekeland was in Los Angeles, he found that Nyasaland’s companies attach great importance to customer experience. Even the South African company will regularly send investigators to conduct social surveys on the streets, soliciting public opinion Comments from South African companies.

It is hard to say whether South African companies will adopt these opinions, but the respondents do feel the respect of South African companies, so they are more loyal to South African companies' products.

These street surveys usually have small gifts that can be taken. The gifts must be the products of major companies, or various specially customized toy models. Nyasaland Automobile Group will specialize in the production of car models for external gifts. This has grown into an industry and people are making a living doing it.

"If customers need what kind of car, will we produce what kind of car?" Baekeland questioned, if that is the case, it is estimated that the cost will be pushed up to an unreasonable level.

"Let's put it this way, it's actually not that difficult, and you'll know when the time comes." Mike Carlisle couldn't explain clearly in a few sentences. Car customization service is not as complicated as going to a tailor to order a suit of clothes. There are rules to follow, and things that Baekeland finds difficult are actually very simple for Mike Carlisle.

Nyasaland's efficiency is indeed high. On May 25th, Mike Carlisle and Baekeland set off for the United States. Before them, a group of staff members had already arrived in New York ahead of schedule, and relevant preparations are now underway.

Rock did not go to the airport to see him off in person. A serious security incident occurred in Orange. After returning to his hometown, a veteran was treated unfairly by the local government. The veteran named Aldington was angrily shot dead. Killed the local mayor and sheriff, then killed two patrol officers, seized a police car used by the patrol officers, and fled to Pretoria via the Bloemfontein-Johannesburg road, allegedly The land is Nyasaland.

This incident had a great impact. After the end of the World War, some veterans showed symptoms such as personality changes, emotional numbness, impulsive irritability, and being easily frightened. Rock knew that this was post-traumatic stress disorder. One, also known as post-war psychological syndrome, but others don't know about it.

The current level of medical treatment has not reached the level of paying attention to the mental health of veterans.

"During the World War, Aldington was an excellent soldier and served in the 105th Division. After the World War, Aldington retired with the rank of sergeant major. He won a hero medal and two medals during the World War. The Medal of Contribution, he is a hero who has repeatedly made military exploits." When Paul Coker reported to Roque, he had a clear tendency.

When he heard the designation of the 105th division, Rock suddenly felt heavy.

The 105th Division was the first batch of troops in southern Africa to go to Europe to participate in the war. During the World War, the 105th Division made great achievements but also suffered heavy losses. It was almost revoked after being beaten three times.

After the end of the World War, the 105th Division did not disband, but remained in Europe to participate in the intervention that the Allied Powers were preparing to launch against the new Russian government.

In the southern African army, the sergeant major has a special status. Only those soldiers who have high qualifications but cannot become officers for some reason can serve. Almost every sergeant major is a big killer who has survived countless bloody battles. The Medal of Heroes is the highest honor that soldiers in southern Africa can get, and the police in Orange are indeed irresistible.

"What kind of unfair treatment?" Rock's focus is not only on Aldington's atrocities. Judging from Aldington's destination is Nyasaland, it is obvious that Aldington is looking for Luo gram.

"During the World War, both of Aldington's parents died, and the mayor and the sheriff partnered to occupy the Aldington family's farm. For a while, Aldington did not write home, and they thought Aldington must have died in battle, and then he was unscrupulous—" Paul Cocker sneered, there has never been gratuitous hatred in the world.

"It's cheaper for them!" As the Minister of Defense, Roque hates things that infringe on the interests of soldiers. This kind of thing can only happen in Orange. Now in southern Africa, Orange is a state with the weakest influence of the federal government. , Many federal government policies cannot be effectively implemented in Orange.

Such a tragedy could have been avoided if the Orange State had conscientiously implemented the regulations of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Both the Prime Minister and Minister Henry hope that we can send combat personnel to assist the Ministry of Justice in arresting Aldington." Paul Coker did not mix his personal opinions, and sent combat personnel to arrest a winner of the Hero Medal. It was a difficult decision for Rock and Paul Cocker.

This is emotionally traumatic for all soldiers.

"You can send someone to assist, but if you catch someone, you will be handed over to a military court for trial." Rock did not defend his shortcomings. Although the mayor and the sheriff were not guilty of death, the two patrolmen were innocent.

If you make a mistake, you will be punished.

"Minister Henry probably won't agree. Aldington has already retired and is not suitable for military courts." Paul Coker reminded Rock.

"It's okay, I'll deal with Minister Henry." Rock took the initiative to take responsibility, and the Ministry of Defense is also responsible for this matter. If the local military service agency and rifle association in Orange can learn about this matter in time, then perhaps it will be a tragedy. Nor will it happen.

It seems that the Military Service Agency and the Rifle Association are going to clean up.

Rock did what he said, and the next day all the troops stationed near Pretoria were dispatched to search for Aldington around Pretoria.

Aldington also knew that the target of driving the stolen police car was too obvious. After escaping from Orange, Aldington threw away the police car and is now missing.

What Roque can do is to expand the search area. Aldington, as the recipient of the Medal of Heroes, has clear photos to assist in the search, but it will take time to send the wanted warrants all over southern Africa. There are no computers or fax machines now. The images transmitted were limited by technical conditions and were not clear enough, which made it more difficult to capture Aldington.

But the good news is that guns are not banned in southern Africa, and the proportion of civilians owning guns is very high. The activity space is also very limited, but the living space is very large. The agriculture in southern Africa is too developed, and food can be found everywhere. If Aldington hides in the deep mountains, then with Aldington's ability to survive in the wild, we must find him It's really quite difficult.

The elite troops in southern Africa have all received a certain degree of field survivability. Aldington's ten outstanding sergeant majors are also outstanding in this regard.

There was also a problem with Rocco's communication with Henry. Henry did not agree to hand over Aldington to a court-martial. Even though Rocco promised that the court-martial would give Aldington the most severe punishment, Henry refused to take the initiative. Waiver.

"The result is not important. Even if Aldington is sentenced to death by the court-martial, if that guy is handed over to the court-martial, it would be an insult to the judicial system in southern Africa." Henry was determined. The result is not important, but the process is the most important. .

"You are now emphasizing the judicial system. When the mayor and sheriff of Aldington's hometown invaded the Aldington family's farm, where is the dignity of the Justice Department?" Rock confronted, regarding the Justice Department——

It is true that there are many long-standing bad habits, many of which have already appeared during Roque's tenure in the Ministry of Justice.

"I am not a god. The responsibility of the Ministry of Justice is to maintain the fairness and fairness of the law, so that those criminals will get the punishment they deserve. As for why those criminals committed crimes, this is not within the scope of the Ministry of Justice." Henry does not admit that the work of the Ministry of Justice has any Mistakes, and the justice system in southern Africa is indeed not about preventing crime, but about ending it.

Before Rock could speak, Henry's secretary hurried in through the door.

"My lord, minister, Aldington has struck again—" the secretary looked serious, and handed the telegram to Henry.

Henry glanced at the telegram, sneered a few times, and then handed the telegram to Rock.

Aldington shot again at a farm [-] kilometers north of Pretoria. This time, a couple of farmers were killed, both of whom were Chinese.

Fortunately, the farmer's children were all in school and were not at home at the time, so they narrowly escaped Aldington's murder.

(End of this chapter)

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