Chapter 1196 Wild Boar

The mayor, the sheriff, two patrolmen, plus the farmer and his wife, six people have died in the hands of Aldington. Rock finally realized that Aldington had gone mad.

"This bastard, send everyone out, and dig three feet to find him!" Henry yelled at the table, if he didn't find Aldington as soon as possible, then he would definitely continue to commit crimes.

"Mobilize all the garrison troops north of Pretoria, the National Guard, members of the Rifle Association, search inch by inch, and kill them on the spot if they resist." Rock issued a kill order, and there is no need for a trial for such people up.

With the consent of Roque and Henry, the search scale increased suddenly. The combined bounty of the federal government and the Orange State government on Aldington has increased to [-] rand, except for the military and police around Pretoria. In addition, many bounty hunters have also heard the news, and now Aldington is a mobile gold mine.

Bounty hunters are a special profession in southern Africa. Southern Africa is sparsely populated and has many wild animals. As new immigrants open up farms, incidents of wild animals hurting people happen from time to time.

Although many new immigrants have weapons, they do not have the ability to hunt wild animals. More often than not, they can only shoot wild animals to scare them away. In this case, bounty hunters came into being.

Aldington last appeared in a small town 40 kilometers north of Pretoria. After shooting and killing two Chinese farmer couples, Aldington has disappeared without a trace.

Rock and Henry judged that it would be difficult for Aldington to escape in time without transportation, and it is likely that Aldington is still around the crime scene.

The terrain around the crime scene is not complicated, because it is relatively close to Pretoria, and the farms are relatively developed, which is not conducive to hiding people. The only disadvantage is that the local river network is densely covered, and Aldington may use the river to escape.

But this is unlikely. There are many wild animals in the rivers of southern Africa. If they are targeted by large wild animals, even Aldington will not be able to escape smoothly.

In order to arrest Aldington, Rock and Henry mobilized nearly 5000 people, formed two encirclement circles around the crime scene, and sent troops to conduct a carpet search. A team from the umbrella company also participated in the search mercenary.

"Keep your eyes open and pay attention to your feet, tree holes, and bushes. That guy may bury himself in the soil. Don't take it lightly. If you find it, you can shoot directly. Twenty thousand rand is not a small number. If you get hit If you get the award, you can retire directly—" The mercenary leading the team is also Jin Hua, who retired after the end of the World War.

During the World War, Jinhua served in the 103rd Division, and Aldington's 105th Division can be regarded as a brotherly unit.

Because of this, Jinhua couldn't understand why Aldington did this. In southern Africa, if veterans are treated unfairly, they can ask the military service agency and the Rifle Association for help, and even go directly to the Ministry of National Defense to find Rock. Ke's character of protecting his subordinates will definitely help Aldington to the greatest extent.

Now Aldington has gone mad. If it is justifiable for Aldington to shoot and kill the mayor and the sheriff, then killing the patrolman has already broken the bottom line.

Aldington, who killed two Chinese, is now unforgivably guilty. Rock himself is a Chinese, and he will protect the interests of Chinese at all costs. The order Jinhua received can reflect the change in Rock’s attitude. The order I received was to assist in the search, and now it has been upgraded to kill on the spot.

"That guy is really crazy. I felt sorry for him before, but now I just want to kill him—" a Chinese mercenary casually chatted with a white mercenary next to him while searching.

"This kind of person is not worthy of pity at all. Those who kill the mayor and the sheriff are heroes, and those who kill innocent people are bastards. If I see him, I will stab my bayonet into his chest—" the white mercenary said With a bayonet attached to the rifle, every inch of ground underfoot was spared.

The mercenaries are doing a dragnet search.

The area north of Pretoria originally belonged to Roque’s farms. Later, Roque resold the farms in this area to new immigrants who had just come to southern Africa. After more than ten years of development, the area’s The farm is already quite large.

Now the farmers have been mobilized, the men join the search team, or are on duty on the siege, vowing to find out the devil Oddington; the women are guarding their homes with guns, don't be underestimated. Looking at the determination of those hostesses to protect their own farms, any farm in southern Africa has three to five or a dozen hunting dogs. Even Oddington, facing the siege of more than a dozen hunting dogs, can't be completely defeated. retreat.

Imagine being besieged by a dozen hungry wolves, and you can imagine how cruel it would be to be besieged by a dozen hounds, and even more than a dozen hounds weighing more than one hundred catties, as long as they are thrown down, they will die.

"What I can't figure out until now is why he doesn't ask the lord for help. The lord loves his subordinates so much, and he will definitely uphold justice for him." Chinese mercenaries can't understand Aldington's thinking. For most Chinese , As long as there is still a slight possibility, he will not take risks.

"You have to know that not everyone trusts the Lord like you Chinese. Will you give Lord Farwalt unreserved trust?" The white mercenary could see through, and Lord Farwalt was referring to Henry.

"Of course not, I have given my trust to Lord Nyasaland!" The Chinese mercenaries are proud, and Rock is the pride of all Chinese in southern Africa.

"Wait—" The white mercenary noticed that there seemed to be movement in a pile of bushes in front of him.

"Who's there? Come out by yourself, or I'll shoot—" the Chinese mercenary immediately aimed his gun at the bushes.

The surrounding mercenaries reacted quickly, and a dozen rifles aimed at the suspicious bush almost at the same time.

The area of ​​the bush is about ten square meters, and it is as tall as half a person, and it is very lush. If you hide in it alone, you can't find it if you stand outside.

"Who's in there, come out!" Jin Hua's hands holding the pistol were sweaty. Although there were dozens of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company around him, Jin Hua didn't feel any sense of security.

At such a short distance, if Aldington fired, he was almost sure.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Justice, Aldington probably has two pistols and a rifle with an unknown number of bullets, and Aldington has received training in the use of explosives in the army, but it is not certain that Aldington Whether there are explosives on the body, if there is, then Aldington can make bombs or booby traps, which will greatly increase the risk of arresting Aldington.

No one spoke in the bushes, but after Jinhua shouted, there was obviously movement in the bushes, and there were faint voices.


Jinhua shot directly.

blah blah-

More than a dozen mercenaries followed Jinhua and fired at almost the same time.

A group of wild boars suddenly rushed out of the bushes, two big ones plus a dozen small ones, and the wild boars in the front rushed directly towards Jinhua.

Jin Hua didn't have time to shoot, so he rushed to the side, narrowly dodging the wild boar's impact.

Fortunately, the wild boar didn't like to fight, and rushed past Jinhua and fled.

A large group of mercenaries were all stunned, watching the wild boars rampage, and no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Jin Hua got up and pointed at the pigs going away and yelled at them. The gunfire was very sensitive at this time, and it was estimated that someone would come to inquire later.

"Continue to search, don't miss every inch of land—" Jin Hua dare not be careless, unless the command gives an order to stop.

The mercenaries didn't even miss the bushes where the wild boars were hiding just now, and searched carefully, but they felt that they were not looking for Aldington, but for wild boars that had been shot, so that there would be extra time at night. meal.

For three full days, more than 5000 military and police officers who participated in the search searched every inch of land within the encirclement, but no trace of Aldington was found.

The news was sent back to the headquarters, and Rock and Henry also fell into suspicion.

"Could this guy have already run away?" Henry suspected that Aldington had jumped out of the encirclement, otherwise it would be impossible to get nothing.

"No, it should still be in the encirclement—" Rock firmly believed that Aldington hadn't gone far. The transportation in this era was not developed, and there was no railway in the encirclement. All roads were blocked by military police. Aldington Having received military training and no other special training, it is very difficult to escape the encirclement.

The era of hot weapons is different from the era of cold weapons. In the era of cold weapons, a knife can roam the world, but in the era of hot weapons, logistical support is needed.

Aldington, a soldier who has received rigorous training, can play the greatest role in a mature and perfect system, and it is actually the same thing without logistical support.

"Continue to search?" Henry wasn't sure. He mobilized more than 1 soldiers and civilians to participate in the search, and the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice spent more than [-] rand a day.

The daily consumption of more than 1 people is not a small number. In addition to people eating and horse consumption, there is also a cash subsidy. Rand [-] a day is essential. The federal government will not reimburse this money, and it will all be paid by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense.

"Continue, search again from the outermost perimeter of the encirclement, divide and search carefully, unless Aldington has wings, he must still be in the encirclement." Rock did not give up. The autopsy of the farmer couple showed that Dington killed the farmer and his wife, and it took no more than three hours until the outer encirclement was formed. The outer encirclement was about [-] kilometers away from the crime scene, and Aldington could not run that far within three hours.

Rock's judgment was correct. On the afternoon when Rock and Henry decided to come again, a farmer in Piramide discovered that someone had stolen fruit from his orchard. After the farmer warned him, the thief fled. He disappeared into a wood next to the farm without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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