Chapter 1204

Like the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo, as a victorious country in the World War, the Kingdom of Mozambique finally achieved independence at the Paris Peace Conference and formally broke away from Portugal legally.

This means that no matter how the Kingdom of Mozambique develops in the future, it has nothing to do with the former suzerain country. This is very easy to operate. With the referendum frequently mentioned during the Paris Peace Conference, colonialism has a new form and Carrier, began to enter a new phase.

The Kingdom of Mozambique is rich in forestry resources, as well as rich in mineral resources. The kingdom’s coal reserves exceed 320 billion tons, titanium reserves exceed 600 million tons, tantalum reserves rank first in the world, about 750 million tons, and natural gas reserves 5.5 tons billion cubic meters, and most of the deposits have not yet been exploited.

The main reason is that the technology is not mature enough, such as titanium. Although this element was discovered by Gregor, an amateur mineralogist in England in 1791, it was not until 1910 that the American chemist Hunter used sodium to reduce TiCl4 for the first time. 99.9% titanium metal.

It is worth mentioning that Gregor was a priest.

The same is true for tantalum. Although tantalum was discovered in the early 19th century, metal tantalum was not extracted until 1903, and it has not yet been industrially produced.

The role of titanium and tantalum is important, especially for the military industry.

While the Securities and Exchange Commission was reviewing Binga Forestry’s listing qualifications, Alva Noel, the general manager of Binga Forestry, was visiting Christian’s home, hoping that Christian could provide help for Binga Forestry’s listing.

"Binga Forestry meets all the requirements of the stock exchange. Last year our profit reached 25 rand. This year we are going to develop mineral resources. We have enough human resources, but we don't have technology and capital, so we need to trade in the stock exchange. listed.” Alva Noel is hopeful that Binga Forestry has mainly shipped timber to southern Africa through Christian these years.

The Kingdom of Mozambique is also the largest source of cheap labor in southern Africa. Through Christian Human Resources, nearly 10 people in the Kingdom of Mozambique work in southern Africa all year round.

"Your profit is 25 rand? If there is, then you can develop mineral resources without raising resources." Christian did not believe the data provided by Alva Noel. It doesn't cost much, and the main cost is in labor costs.

The "mining" here does not include refining after mining.

The surrounding countries and regions in southern Africa basically do not have the ability to refine ores, including Madagascar and Portuguese West Africa, they also want to sell ores to enterprises in southern Africa for smelting, although those smelters are all built in the local area , but not under the management of the local colonial government.

There are three major mineral resources companies in southern Africa, namely Fawalt Steel, Johannesburg Mining Union, and Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd.

Among them, Fawalt is mainly steel, the Johannesburg Mining Union is mainly gold, and the Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. is mainly copper and aluminum.

"Mr. Christian, you know the situation in the Kingdom of Mozambique. Although the profit of Binga Forestry is indeed 25 rand, our cost is too high. In the end, we can only break even. The Kingdom of Mozambique is not Niassa. Lan." Alva Noel had a bitter face. Compared with Nyasaland, the business environment in the Kingdom of Mozambique is indeed a bit worse.

The Kingdom of Mozambique is the first country in Africa to be independent from the suzerain country, not counting Ethiopia, which has not been conquered by colonial countries until now.

Slag has proved with facts that Africans who have not received a good education do not have the ability to independently manage the country.

The establishment of the Kingdom of Mozambique has a lot to do with Nyasaland’s support. Binga Forestry mainly relies on exporting timber to southern Africa for profit. The pricing power is in the hands of southern African companies, so profits will naturally not be too high.

Those dignitaries in the Kingdom of Mozambique are indeed quite speechless. When Zha Zha was alive, all the living utensils in the bedroom were made of gold, including the bed.

"Come on, if Binga Forestry is in Nyasaland, you won't make a profit at all." Christian didn't believe Alva Noel's nonsense that Binga Forestry's status in the Kingdom of Mozambique was the same as that of South African companies Rhodesia is almost the same, controlling almost every aspect of the Kingdom of Mozambique. Will such a company make a profit?

If it is true, it can only prove that there is something wrong with Alva Noel's ability.

"Mr. Christian, help me. If Binga Forestry exploits mineral resources, it will definitely be sold to Nyasaland. This is beneficial to us." Alva Noel doesn't blush. Taxes will be generated, which will not affect the salary and share of Alva Noel and their managers.

"Us?" Christian was good at focusing.

"Of course——" Alva Noel opened the briefcase he was carrying, took out a share confirmation letter, put it on the table and pushed it to Christian.

That's right, there are benefits to be motivated.

Rock doesn't care about Christian's little tricks, the stock exchange will mobilize the whole body, the idle funds of the society will be effectively used, and the funds obtained by enterprises can be used to expand reproduction. The federal government also has appeals, hoping to issue 5000 million rand of national bonds for the construction of Victoria Public transport facilities within the State and the State of Dias.

During the German colonization of Victoria and Dias, the main mode of transportation in Victoria and Dias was railways. Although there were roads, they were not even paved with asphalt, and the traffic conditions were very bad.

In southern Africa, the most developed transportation is still the three northern states——

Now it should be the three states in the middle of the country, and the transportation of these three states is the most developed in Transvaal. Before that, the first high-grade road in southern Africa that was fully paved with asphalt was built between Pretoria and Johannesburg. Now Transvaal The highways in Wa have extended in all directions. While connecting to Bloemfontein in the south, they have also extended to Salisbury, the capital of Rhodesia, in the north.

Relatively speaking, there is not even a single asphalted road in the state of Victoria and Dias, which is a problem that the federal government needs to solve urgently.

Not only roads, but also railways. Before the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government, all the railways in Southern Africa were monorails. Now the transformation of these railways is also in progress. Nyasaland took the lead in converting all the railways in the territory Transformed into a double-track railway, the railways in Rhodesia and Transvaal are being transformed, and the federal government hopes to increase investment in public construction, so that the federal government can continue to benefit from subsequent operations.

In the past, all public facilities in southern Africa were under the responsibility of private individuals, and the federal government and local governments basically did not participate.

For example, the railways in Rhodesia are all built by South African companies. In this way, the subsequent profits generated by the railways have nothing to do with the federal government or the state government, and are all exclusively enjoyed by South African companies.

The South African Company is a giant left over from the colonial period. To put it bluntly, if a war breaks out and the South African Company refuses the federal government to use the railways in Rhodesia, the federal government does not even have the right to compel expropriation.

Stoudemire certainly won't do this now, but maybe in the future, he's not afraid of [-], just in case.

Before the establishment of the stock exchange, the federal government sold national bonds, all of which were contracted by the Rand Bank. The Rand Bank did not need to find foreign capital, and directly digested them in southern Africa.

Now that there is a stock exchange, treasury bonds can be sold on the stock exchange. Although the profit of treasury bonds is not as high as that of stocks, treasury bonds are more stable and guarantee income in drought and flood. There are many people who are willing to buy treasury bonds.

For example, the Rand Bank, in the past, the federal government issued treasury bonds, and they sold them if they could sell them. If they couldn’t sell them, they were all covered by the Rand Bank. That’s why the Rand Bank has its current status.

"The popularity of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange has stimulated many people. I heard that Cape Town is also preparing for a stock exchange. Do you have any ideas?" Henry is not interested in Cape Town. Cape Town is the judicial capital of southern Africa. Henry The Attorney General spends less than half of his year in Cape Town.

When the federal government was established, in order to balance the interests of all parties, it was strange to determine three capitals, namely Pretoria, Cape Town, and Bloemfontein, which is probably the only one in the world.

Now it seems that the disadvantages of the three capitals are becoming more and more obvious. A few years ago, some people proposed to abolish the capital status of Cape Town and Bloemfontein, and bring the judiciary and legislation back to Pretoria, but it was rejected by Cape Town. And the backlash from Orange.

Now the economic center of southern Africa has been moving northwards, first Cape Town, then Johannesburg, and now Los Angeles, Cape Town's status is constantly declining.

Cape Town must be dissatisfied with this, but there is nothing to do. Even Durban, which has been marginalized, has not yet spoken. Cape Town is still the capital after all, and it is not qualified to raise opinions at all.

The tragedy in Durban was entirely caused by Nyasaland.

When the federal government was established, Durban was also eligible to compete for the capital, but because of its remote location, Durban eventually lost the competition, and Bloemfontein became the legislative capital of southern Africa.

However, Durban did not gain nothing. At that time, Durban was the largest port outside Cape Town in southern Africa, so Durban obtained the qualification for import and export. Although it did not get the title, it gained actual benefits.

It's a pity that with the rise of Port Edward and Walvis Bay, let alone Durban, even Cape Town's status is declining. Durban's import and export trade rights have basically been taken away by Port Edward and Walvis Bay. completely marginalized.

"Anywhere, the stock exchange can be opened anywhere, but the stock must be sold." Rock is not afraid of competition, and Cape Town can try it if it feels like it has a head.

(End of this chapter)

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