Chapter 1205 Old Clothes

The attitude of the British government on the issue of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange is extremely ambivalent.

During the World War, London's financial market was severely damaged, and now it has not recovered from the trauma, and capital has not found a suitable investment channel.

As far as the British government is concerned, it is definitely unwilling to see the establishment of a stock exchange in Los Angeles, but British capital is happy to see its success. Capital is all about profit. Rock has a lot of high-quality assets under his name, and there is no shortage of funds. It has never been listed on the London Stock Exchange. Now, in order to prosper the southern African financial market, the company under Rock's name is gradually listed. The British capital that is outside the financial market swarms like a shark smelling blood. As a matter of fact, this situation directly affects the attitude of the British government towards the Los Angeles Stock Exchange.

Unlike Los Angeles, which is changing with each passing day, Cape Town in 1918 has not changed much compared to 20 years ago. As more and more young people leave Cape Town for the three central states, Cape Town is like a city. The elderly in their dying years are being forgotten by southern Africans.

Rock still has some feelings for Cape Town. After all, Cape Town is the starting point of Rock’s career. Rock’s house on Mill Street is still preserved. Oak Town is still the largest Chinese gathering area in Cape State. Over the years, many Cape farmers had to sell their farms and leave southern Africa due to poor management. There are also more and more Chinese farmers in Cape.

Rock firmly implemented the concept of encircling the cities from the countryside, and bought these farms in the form of a company, and then sold them to the new immigrants who came to southern Africa. The farms run by white people in Cape State cost thousands of acres, and they became Chinese in the hands of the Chinese. Small farms of one or two hundred acres.

Small is a bit small, but as long as it is managed with care, it is no problem to support a family. In remote areas of Cape State, Chinese-run farms have already accounted for more than half of the total number of farms.

In Winterton, which is only [-] kilometers away from Ladysmith, Sheriff Gilbert has been in a bad mood recently.

During the Second Boer War, the Boer coalition and the British Expeditionary Force fought fiercely in Ladysmith. The Boer coalition once surrounded the troops led by Lieutenant General George White in Ladysmith for five months.

The Boer War brought great damage to the surrounding areas of Ladysmith. After the war, the surrounding area of ​​Ladysmith was empty and full of ruins.

It was not until 1910 that some Boers returned to Ladysmith, and with the arrival of some new Chinese immigrants, Ladysmith and its surrounding areas gradually recovered.

Winterton is a small town with a population of less than [-] people. More than half of the residents are Chinese, of the remaining half, about one-third are Gurkhas, one-third are Boers, and the remaining three are Chinese. One third are whites who immigrated from Europe.

Like most small towns in southern Africa, Winterton is built along the river. A seasonal river called Tughra runs through the middle of the town. Most of the Chinese and Gurkhas live on the left side of the Tughra River. The Boers and whites from Europe live on the right bank of the Tugra River.

Southern Africa has a distinct rainy season and a dry season every year. From October to March of the following year is the summer in Southern Africa, and it is also the rainy season in Southern Africa.

During the rainy season, the Tughra River overflows, often causing seasonal floods. In the dry season, it will dry up completely and the river will stop flowing. This period is the most suitable time to strengthen the embankment and clear the river.

This year is also the same. During the dry season, the Chinese and Gurkhas living on the left bank of the Tugra River used the gravel and cement from the bottom of the river to build a solid embankment, and planted a lot of golden silk red sandalwood on the embankment. The entire left bank They are all under the protection of the river embankment, and did not suffer much damage when the rainy season came.

The white people living on the right bank of the Tugra River were unlucky. This year, there was a lot of rain. It rained for half a month at the beginning of the rainy season. The right bank of the Tugra River was covered with ocean and suffered heavy losses.

They both live in Winterton, but the situation is very different across the river. When the rainy season comes, the Chinese and Gurkhas on the left bank of the Tugra River are hardly affected, but the whites on the right bank suffer heavy losses. This makes many whites very sad. Dissatisfied, they not only did not reflect, but asked the Chinese and Gurkans on the right bank to move out of their houses and let them live in them.

The Chinese and Gurkhas on the right bank did not accept this request, so conflicts occurred frequently. Since October, in just one month, three small-scale conflicts broke out in Winterton, and the Chinese and whites each suffered damage.

"Who can you blame? It's not that you didn't remind you during the dry season, but you didn't do anything. At that time, it seemed that you were still laughing at those who used the dry season to repair the river. Now you can still make such unreasonable demands. If it were you, Can you accept it?" Gilbert also lives on the left bank of the Tughra River, and during the dry season, Gilbert also participates in the renovation of the river.

"We are not robbing their houses, but we just hope that we can live there for a while. We also live in Winterton. Shouldn't we help each other? They shouldn't do nothing to save them." Khalifa, who lives on the right bank Kesi plausible.

Halifax is a Boer. He originally had a large farm, but it closed down due to poor management. The farm was bought by Cape Corporation and sold to the Chinese who later moved to Winterton. Halifax usually Li relies on doing part-time labor for Chinese farms to make ends meet.

"Stop talking nonsense, you lazy guy, don't think I don't know what you're up to - and you, don't think about relying on others when you encounter difficulties, you should reflect on what you are doing when others are working hard ’” Gilbert knew very well what Halifax was, he was a scoundrel, and he didn’t deserve pity at all.

The disaster has brought out the darkest sides of people, and many on the Right Bank feel the same way as Halifax.

"Even if we want to repair the river, it will have to wait until next year's dry season. What should we do during this time?" Halifax is still irrational, and this is not the first time such a thing has happened.

"Yes, we want to live!"

"We are all from Winterton, can't you help us?"

"It's all these damn outsiders, they took away the life that should belong to us!"

The people who followed Halifax to make trouble immediately started clamoring. There were probably dozens of them, all of whom were young and middle-aged.

"Dream! We will never give up our home."

"You should be responsible for your actions, this is the consequence of your laziness!"

"That's what you said last year—"

The Chinese and the Gurkhas do not show weakness. Southern Africa is no longer what it used to be.

"Shut up!" The mayor of Winterton is called Winter, which is also a habit in southern Africa. Many towns are named after the first settlers: "Everyone should pay for their mistakes, It is because of your own mistakes that you are in today's difficult situation. You can live in the school temporarily, but you must not infringe on other people's property. This is Winterton's rule, and those who do not abide by the rules are best to leave. "

The mayor also lives on the left bank of the Tugra River and just moved here at the beginning of the year.

While southern Africa is introducing a large number of new immigrants, it is also forcing those who are not suitable to stay in southern Africa to leave. Almost every month, some people leave southern Africa for Australia or Canada. Of course, some people are unwilling to leave, such as Khalifa Max, this kind of person is the same even if he goes to Australia and Canada.

By the way, after Halifax sold the farm, his wife had left Winterton with the children and disappeared.

This era is like this, sometimes leaving is a farewell.

"What shall we eat at school?"

"What about our home?"

"There can't be room for all of us in the school—"

Halifax is still dissatisfied with the mayor's arrangement. There is an elementary school in Winterton, but the scale is not large. There are only a dozen classrooms. It can actually accommodate people if they are crowded.

"School is not your home. You have to save your home by yourself. Don't always pin your hopes on others." Gilbert's attitude is firm. The Chinese and Gurkhas are really willing to provide basic food. Yes, it's a pity that people are not enough.

"We can't save it now, even if we want to repair the river now, it's too late." Halifax did not give up.

"Then who can you blame?" Gilbert snapped.

Halifax and the others were finally speechless. Gilbert was right, they had no right to blame others.

With the mediation of Gilbert and Winter, the white people in Winterton finally crossed the river and settled in the school on the left bank.

The Chinese and Gurkhas sent food and clean water. Although Halifax is hateful, those women and children are not responsible.

The situation in the school is actually not good. There is no warm and dry bed, so they can only lie on the ground.

The number of rooms is not enough, two or three families are crowded into a classroom, the adults are irritable, and the children are crying and crying. Some people learn from the pain and decide that the river must be repaired after the rainy season, but some people are unwilling to be lonely and still have ulterior motives.

"The mayor, Gilbert and those Chinese are in the same group. They are completely on the side of the Chinese, regardless of our interests. We must use the knife in our hand to take back everything that belongs to us." Halifax He is a standard white man with a deep-rooted bandit mentality. This kind of person will not know how to be grateful even if he goes to church every day.

"But they have too many people, and we have few people, so we can't fight—"

"If there is a big trouble, we will also be in trouble."

"Hold on, when the rainy season is over, we will also repair the river."

There are also rational white people.

"Even if the river is repaired, it will be a few months later. What should we do now?" Halifax's face was gloomy. The clothes he was wearing were just sent by Gilbert. Although they were a bit old, they were well washed. clean.

(End of this chapter)

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