Chapter 1207

Many people can prove that Halifax really fell into the river by mistake, and there is no other hidden secret.

Halifax is insignificant. His wife and children have left Winterton and disappeared without a trace. During the rainy season, the river flooded and could not be searched for. Although Halifax’s body has not been found, everyone agrees that Khalifa Max is dead, including his companions.

The impact caused by this is still there. All those white people who are ready to move have died down, and no one is coveting the warm and dry houses of the Chinese. Winter and Gilbert promised to help those white people who lost their homes in the flood to rebuild their homes. Now the river is repaired. It’s too late, but it’s still possible to rebuild the house. It doesn’t rain every day during the rainy season.

In the rainy season of this year, the rainfall in Cape State more than doubled that of previous years. Many rivers in the territory flooded, causing serious damage to residents on both sides of the river, and the economic loss reached about 5000 million rand.

The Cape State government was unable to provide timely relief to the affected people, which triggered a crisis of confidence in the state government. The governor was forced to take the blame and resign in December. As a result, it suffered a crushing defeat and lost the last ruling state.

When 1919 came, all 11 states in southern Africa were governed by the Liberal Party except Orange State, which was governed by the People’s Party. Philip, the leader of the Liberal Party, pushed the Congress to amend the Constitution again. , starting from 1920, the leader of the majority party in Congress directly became the prime minister of the federal government, and no congressional elections were held.

Under the new Constitution, Philip would automatically become Prime Minister of Southern Africa in 1920.

Although Adelaide has the support of the Liberal Party, Adelaide is not the leader of the Liberal Party, not even a member of the Liberal Party.

Also in December, the Southern African Congress held general elections, and one-third of the seats changed. After the general election, the Liberal Party in Congress remained the largest party, occupying all 75 congressional seats. 52 seats, the Progressive Party is still the second largest party, with only 9 seats left, the Nyasaland Party has 7 seats, and the Orange People's Party has only 3 seats, and the last 4 are taken by other Partisan division.

It should be noted here that the influence of the Nyasaland Party finally broke through Nyasaland State, and a Nyasaland Party Member of Parliament appeared in the Transvaal and Rhodesia states respectively. It's too turbulent, but it has already attracted some people's attention.

"Since both the Transvaal and Rhodesia states have MPs from the Nyasaland Party, it would be unreasonable to use the name Nyasaland Party." Owen smiled, and Roque was the founder of the Liberal Party. , now seems to have the meaning of self-establishment.

"If you have something to say directly, you know, the establishment of the Nyasaland Party is not what I mean." Roque is also helpless. The Nyasaland Party was founded by Eddie Marjorie, a professor of law at Nyasaland University. , the current party leader is Anton, and it really has nothing to do with Rock.

Roque is still a member of the Liberal Party.

Eddie Marjorie is of German origin. The original intention of founding the Nyasaland Party was to unite the Nyasaland people and protect the interests of Nyasaland.

Southern Africa is an immigrant country, especially Nyasaland. Almost all Nyasaland people have just immigrated in the past ten years. They urgently need a sense of belonging before they can settle down in Nyasaland.

It was against this background that the Nyasaland Party developed rapidly after its establishment, especially in universities and large enterprises in Nyasaland. Most of the students and employees of enterprises joined the Nyasaland Party. With more and more graduates leaving Nyasaland to work in other places, the influence of the Nyasaland Party has become larger and larger. Orange State now has a branch of the Nyasaland Party, but there are not enough members , the influence is not enough.

"I know it's not you, but you are the Marquis of Nyasaland. Everyone will think that the Nyasaland Party has something to do with you." Owen snorted. The gap, the Liberal Party did not dominate the country.

Rock knew why Owen was dissatisfied. Originally, after Philip became Prime Minister, Owen was very hopeful to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Now it seems that the person who is more likely to become the Speaker of the Congress is Adelaide, and Irving will have to wait a few more years if he wants to become the leader.

"Aren't you going to London? When are you leaving?" Rock changed the topic. Owen went to London to visit Louis Botha.

Immediately after the Paris peace conference, Louis Botha fell ill. Only then did Rock know that in recent months, Louis Botha has been dragging his illness to fight for the interests of southern Africa.

Louis Botha is currently receiving treatment in London, but the situation is not good. Rock has entrusted Barton to visit Louis Botha on behalf of Rock, and placed Louis Botha in Rock's manor on the outskirts of London for treatment.

London's winter is really not suitable for recuperating from illness. Anyone who has no illness can get sick. It is said that thousands of people have died in London this winter.

That is to say, Louis Botha is not suitable for a long journey, otherwise it would be more appropriate to take him back to southern Africa for treatment.

Now we can only wait for Louis Botha's body to gradually recover, but Roque doesn't feel very good. Another time and space Louis Botha seems to have passed away this year.

Compared with Louis Botha in another time and space, Louis Botha in this time and space is more depressed. In another time and space, Louis Botha participated in the Paris Peace Conference as the prime minister of southern Africa. In this time and space, Louis Botha is just Secretary of Agriculture.

Owen was entrusted by Ade and Philip to visit Louis Botha. If possible, Owen would take Louis Botha back to southern Africa for treatment.

"In a few days, Minister Botha has always been in good health. I hope he is fine." Owen also had a heavy heart when he mentioned Louis Botha.

People in good health are often like this, either there is no problem at all, or if there is a problem, it will be a big problem, and it will kill half of the person at every turn.

"Give my regards to Minister Botha, I hope he can recover soon, and tell him by the way that in Victoria and Dias, the national farm is becoming a reality, which is derived from his idea." Rock entrusted Owen to give Louis Botha brought good news, I hope Louis Botha can get better soon.

Before the outbreak of the World War, Louis Botha visited Nyasaland, hoping to learn the agricultural model of Nyasaland and push the agriculture of southern Africa to a new level.

However, after learning about the specific situation in Nyasaland, Louis Botha gave up this idea.

The reason why Nyasaland's agriculture is developed has nothing to do with the policies of the Nyasaland State Government.

Most of the farms in Nyasaland are run by Chinese. The excellence of the Chinese is not only reflected in Nyasaland. The Chinese in Transvaal and Rhodesia are doing very well. The government of Nyasaland is indeed The farms in Asaran have created a relatively good development environment, but the more important factor is people, not policies or funds, technology and other things.

After Southern Africa annexed Victoria and Dias, they used the "unowned wasteland" in Victoria and Dias to establish national farms. Most of Victoria was plantations and farms, and Dias was mainly forest farms. and ranch-based.

This is also based on the reality of Victoria and Dias.

Relatively speaking, the conditions in Victoria State are better. During the German colonial period, relatively mature plantations and farms were developed. After the Southern African State annexed Victoria State, a national farm with an area of ​​more than 600 million hectares was built in Victoria State. Now The development is going well.

The conditions in Dias State are slightly worse, especially the desert area in the south of Dias State, which is not suitable for developing farms at all.

During the World War, the Southern African Federal Government organized people to go to Dias State to control the desert, and used the fast-growing forest and Rock's golden finger to fight against land desertification. Now it has played a certain role and curbed the trend of land desertification expansion to a certain extent.

Although the southern part of Dias State is a desert area from the map, it is actually not the kind of desert in North Africa where no grass grows. In fact, there are rainy and dry seasons every year. It is only because of the lack of vegetation that it cannot retain water, so it gradually becomes a desert. desert.

In order to control the desert in Dias State, Roque funded the establishment of the Namib Company to control the deserts in the south of Dias State and the southwestern Cape. This work has now invested nearly one million rand.

"Minister Botha's situation is not good. Professor Harriman said that Minister Botha may die at any time. Pretoria is ready. If Minister Botha dies, he will enjoy a state funeral." Owen is not optimistic, and Louis Botha is only 57 years old now, which is actually the prime of life for national leaders.

However, referring to the average life expectancy in this era, 57 years old can also be regarded as a long life.

Louis Botha has a special status in southern Africa, especially among the Boers. Louis Botha has a very high prestige. There are still many Boers who insist that Louis Botha should be the Prime Minister of Southern Africa, not foreigners. Britons hold this position.

It is also because of this that Louis Botha is actually excluded in the federal government, and the Ministry of Agriculture can be regarded as the least valued department of the federal government.

Rock was in a bad mood.

The relationship between Louis Botha and Roque is a bit complicated. From the standpoint of the Boers, Louis Botha and Roque, who represent the Chinese, have a conflict of interest.

But from the standpoint of southern Africa, the Boers had to unite with the Chinese to fight against London. After the establishment of the federal government, the relationship between Rock, Louis Botha and Yang Smozi has been improving.

To Rock's regret, the news of Louis Botha's death came before Owen left London. After all, Louis Botha still hadn't waited for the day when the Boers turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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