Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1208 The U.S. Army Needs You

Chapter 1208 The U.S. Army Needs You

As might be expected, the news of the death of Louis Botha caused great repercussions among the Boers.

The "Orange Journal" was the first to publish the news of Louis Botha's death, and then there were rumors that the federal government had deliberately murdered Louis Botha in order to completely suppress the Boers.

There is no evidence for this statement. The root cause of the marginalization of the Boers is not the suppression of the federal government, but the degeneration of the Boers as a whole. It is also for this reason that Yang Smotz left England.

Lamenting its misfortune, anger is indisputable.

However, most Boers will not consider deep-seated issues. They only want to believe what they want to believe. The day after the news of Louis Botha's death was published in the "Orange Journal", Freiburg, the fourth largest city in Orange, There was a rally to commemorate Louis Botha, which turned into a march the next day, demanding that the federal government investigate the cause of Louis Botha's death.

This is very funny. Some Boers think that the federal government murdered Louis Botha, and then they ask the federal government to investigate. Maybe they really think that the federal government will enforce the law impartially.

Of course, this impartial law enforcement needs to be quoted. If the investigation results are in their favor, then it is impartial law enforcement.

If the results of the investigation do not satisfy them, then it must be the protection of officials.

As for why it is the "fourth largest".

The largest city in Orange is undoubtedly the capital Bloemfontein, the second largest is the famous diamond city Kimberley, the third largest city is Wilcombe on the border with the Transvaal, and the fourth largest is Verkham. Rayburg.

There are about 5000 people in Freiburg. It is located in a remote mountainous area in the northwest of Orange State. Most of the residents are traditional stubborn Boers.

The federal government has been in existence for more than ten years, and its policy towards the Boers has gone through several different stages from the initial aid to the subsequent support, and then to the current indifference.

During this process, the Boers were gradually marginalized, and the traditional Boer settlements also gradually shifted from Bloemfontein to remote areas, and most of them are now concentrated in Freiburg.

Freiburg is the only region in Southern Africa where only Boer is spoken.

"The situation in Freiburg is very dangerous. Mayor Adela resigned two hours ago, and the municipality has been paralyzed. The highest official in Freiburg is now the chairman of the city council, Price. Price is a Boer. Memorial Minister Botha's opportunity was first initiated by Price." Rock reported to Ade immediately.

Ade's health is also very bad.

When Rock met Adelaide 20 years ago, Adelaide was still in his prime and an outstanding colonial official.

Now Ade has also reached the stage of his dying years, especially after the news of Louis Botha's death came, Ade aged a lot overnight.

The death of Luis Botha is a sign that his generation is coming to an end.

"How many people do we have in Freiburg?" Alder poked his face, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

"There is no garrison in Freiburg, and the police station has only 60 people, and most of them are Boers. In this situation, all Boers are not trustworthy." Rock is not optimistic. The situation in Freiburg is indeed very serious.

"Has it gotten so bad—" Ade finally had an expression on his face, which was sad.

"It has been almost 02 years since the signing of the "Peace Agreement" in 17. In order to appease the Boers, we have paid tens of millions of pounds, giving them money, giving them farms, producing living materials for them, and building schools for them. , build hospitals, build railways, build water conservancy—why is this happening now?” Ade really couldn’t figure out why the Boers weren’t satisfied, even in the Orange Free State era, the Orange government didn’t try so hard.

Rock didn't speak. The traditional Boers' resistance to the federal government has nothing to do with how much benefits they get from the federal government. War is the original sin.

What the Boers want is not only a happy life, but also unfettered freedom. Whichever of the two has not been satisfied is more important.

Fish, what I want; bear's paw, what I want.

You can't have both—

The princes and generals are so kind!

"Where is the nearest army to Freiburg?" Ade is the prime minister, not only to ask why, but also to come up with a solution, otherwise he will become a troll.

"Klarksdorp has a regiment of the 180st Armored Division, and South Mountain Fort in Bechuanaland has two battalions of the [-]st Cavalry Division." Fort Ray is about [-] km away.

Nanshan Castle is closer to Freiburg, less than 120 kilometers away.

Ade stared at Roque seemingly inadvertently, knowing Roque's thoughts clearly.

The Ministry of Defense does not have troops stationed in Freiburg, but Rock has deployed many troops around Freiburg. In Orange, the closest city to Freiburg is Kimberley, and the Ministry of Defense also has troops stationed in Kimberley, but Rock said just now that all Boers are not trustworthy now, so Rock didn't mention it.

"Mobilize troops directly, be careful—" Rock couldn't help reminding.

On weekdays, Rock would not hesitate to send troops to Freiburg.

It's different now, Ade's resignation is imminent, if there is a big trouble at this time, maybe Ade I's fame will be ruined.

Roque didn't want that to stain Adelaide's political career.

"It doesn't matter. I will resign soon. If possible, I hope that the issue of the Boers can be resolved during my term of office, and I won't leave this difficult problem to you." Ade really has nothing to say to Rock, and would rather take the blame himself , nor leave those so-called historical issues to Rock.

Now the situation is becoming clearer and clearer. After Adelaide leaves office, Philip will definitely become the next prime minister.

After taking office, in order to win over the support rate, Philip probably will not be cruel to the Boers, and most of them will still lure them for the benefit of appeasement and stability.

In this way, the problem of the Boers will continue.

And after Philip's term ends, as long as Roque is still alive, then Roque's position is almost certain, and this trouble will still be Roque's.

That's why Ade doesn't even care about his own feathers.

"The problem of the Boers was created by me, so I will end it, and I will bear all the consequences." Ade's thin body is extremely tall at this moment, and Rock's mood is agitated, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Go, arrest all the troublemakers, and that "Orange Daily", this newspaper needs time to rectify, as for Price - you know what to do." Ade did not leave any future troubles, Once the army enters the field, the situation will definitely be out of control.

"Why don't you wait first—" Rock was not in a hurry. Violence is not the only way to solve the problem. Looking at it another way, there are actually many ways to solve the problem.

Ade looked at Rock in puzzlement, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Rock's gourd.

"I'm going to blockade the surrounding areas of Freiburg, let the Boers in Freiburg make noises, wait for them to be exhausted, and then the army will enter the field—or the army will not enter the field, and let them fend for themselves." Rock smugly ,no Zuo no Die.

Now it was Ade's turn not to speak.

Rock's method is indeed a bit shady, but it will not cause damage to the reputation of Adelaide and the federal government. Don't the Boers want freedom, then give them freedom and see how far they can go.

If Ade was the Virgin, he would worry about whether the peace-loving people in Freiburg would be affected at this time.

However, there are no eggs under the overturned nest. In Freiburg's situation, it is hard to say how many people are innocent.

If you really love peace, you can ask the federal government to send troops into Freiburg to stabilize order. The federal government will definitely obey the public opinion.

Since Ade didn't speak, Roque took it as Ade's agreement.

Back at the Ministry of Defense, Rock immediately ordered the troops stationed at Kraksdorp and Nanshanburg to move to Freiberg.

At the same time, the Transvaal and Bechuanaland were ordered to carry out three-level mobilization, and if necessary, additional troops should be sent to Freiburg at any time.

In charge of this operation is the former commander of the 103rd Division and the current commander of the Transvaal Military Region Richard Brown.

Richard Brown and Ford Lew, then Commander of the 105th Division, were court-martialed for refusing to carry out orders of Haig, then Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force during World War II.

Although the court-martial did not confirm that Richard Brown and Ford Lew were guilty, they dismissed Richard Brown and Ford Lew from their posts on the pretext of physical reasons.

After the sentencing, Ford Lew went to Najd, where he served as Commander-in-Chief of Najd's Legion and is still serving in Najd.

Richard Brown returned to southern Africa, served as the director of the logistics department of the Ministry of Defense, and after the end of the world war, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Transvaal Military Region.

The Transvaal is located in the center of Southern Africa, and its capital, Pretoria, is also the administrative capital of Southern Africa.

Before leaving, Rock gave Richard Brown an opportunity.

"The surrounding areas of Freiburg are completely sealed off, no one is allowed to enter or leave, and no materials are allowed to enter Freiburg. I have sent people to blow up Freiburg's radio station and cut off the power supply to Freiburg. Without my order , No one is allowed to enter the city of Freiburg, and let them fend for themselves." Rock is cruel, and there is no self-media at this time anyway, so no matter what happens in Freiburg, it is difficult for the outside world to know.

"What if you are attacked?" Richard Brown was unsure of Rock's bottom line.

"Don't you fight back when you are attacked? What are armored vehicles and tanks for you? Your guns are not fire sticks." Rock looked at Richard Brown like a fool. It is not southern Africa if you can't fight back. Army style.

"Understood, even if they kill people in front of us, we don't care." Richard Brown is still very smart. In fact, it is normal to drive tanks into Freiburg.

In 1932, veterans of the First World War in the United States gathered in Washington for their pensions. The U.S. government sent MacArthur to communicate with the veterans, and MacArthur mobilized the tanks.

Join us, the U.S. Army needs you.

ps: There is no typo in the *** in the last chapter, it is indeed a post, and there is a comma between it and "Lun", so it turned into an asterisk.

The last two sentences of this chapter are the recruitment slogans of the United States before World War I.

(End of this chapter)

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