Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1209 Didn't Make You Scared

Chapter 1209 Didn't Make You Scared

The only remaining army in southern Africa is the Northern Rhodesian Division, the [-]st Armored Division, and the [-]st Cavalry Division, which was once dismantled and then rebuilt.

After the reconstruction, the Southern African Army has a total strength of about 5 soldiers, and the soldiers with the lowest rank are also corporals. There may be more than a dozen sergeants in a company.

They are all excellent soldiers, and Rock really can't choose. Fortunately, there is already a demand for foreign troops in southern Africa, and the problem of military expenditure is gradually easing.

Of the 5 people, about 5000 were stationed in Mesopotamia, 3000 were stationed in British Somalia, and about 2000 people were stationed in Cyprus, the Adan Islands, and the Cocos Islands, plus the port of Medan in East India. One thousand and the one thousand of Kalimantan Island, the military expenditure required by the Ministry of Defense is actually not much.

Because of the special equipment, the First Armored Division stationed a brigade in southern Africa and Mesopotamia. Each brigade included two tank regiments, a motorized infantry regiment, a self-propelled artillery battalion, and an air defense battalion. Auxiliary troops such as barracks, maintenance battalion, logistics battalion, transportation battalion, etc.

The 3nd Regiment of the 31st Brigade stationed in Kraksdorp included [-] tank battalions equipped with [-] tanks, one of which was equipped with medium tanks that had just been commissioned.

In addition, there is a motorized infantry battalion, a self-propelled artillery company, an air defense company, and several other directly affiliated companies, with a total strength of about 1 people.

After receiving the order, the Second Regiment began to advance towards Freiburg. The front of the troops was the reconnaissance company. The company commander Ji Hongyuan participated in the World War and won a hero medal. After the war, he participated in the Nyasaland Army Academy A short-term officer training course, with the rank of captain.

The scouts of the armored regiment are equipped with armored vehicles and motorcycles. The company has four armored vehicles and twelve motorcycles, and the company has a total of 92 people.

Ji Hongyuan sat on the only armored command vehicle of the company, and the company deputy Fei Han studied the terrain near Freiburg.

"Freiburg is surrounded by mountains. We only need to seal the road to ensure that the people of Freiburg can't fly. However, the traffic conditions here are not very good. I don't know what the Orange State government is doing. The federal government has been established for ten years. , I can’t even repair a road.” Ji Hongyuan complained again and again, the shock absorption performance of the wheeled armored vehicle is actually very good, but Ji Hongyuan still has a backache and leg pain.

"Hehe, bear with it. Orange State's annual funding is pitifully small, and the state government has no other income. It would be nice to have a road in this place that doesn't shit. Do you think this is Nyasaland— —” Fei Han is proud, Orange deserves it, and money can’t be spent wisely.

After the establishment of Orange State, London and the federal government successively gave the Orange State Government more than 6000 million pounds in aid, which was 20 million 6000 years ago, not the current 6000 million.

The Orange State government did not use the money for infrastructure construction, but for living allowances for the people of Orange. Twenty years ago, the population of Orange State did not exceed 20. At the time when it was the largest, each person received a living allowance. One hundred pounds.

One hundred pounds, if placed in the Transvaal at that time, could almost buy a farm with an area of ​​about one hundred acres.

Now the price of a 1000-acre farm in the Transvaal, even in remote areas, has risen to more than [-] rand. Farms in the suburbs of Pretoria and Johannesburg have no market at all, and they cannot be bought with money.

"We are going to reach Schweizerlennick as quickly as possible, and cut off the movement space of the Freiburg people towards Bloemfontein. Has Bloomhof's National Guard been mobilized?" Ji Hongyuan was worried about the strength of the troops. Insufficient, the total strength of the second regiment is only more than 2000 people, and it is responsible for blocking the area between Delariville and Bodhitong, with a length of about 200 kilometers.

"No, your lord has not mobilized the National Guard in Orange. The National Guard in Kronstad and Randfontein will provide us with support later, but it is estimated that they will not arrive until the day after tomorrow." Ferhan did not Don't worry too much, Freiburg is in chaos now and has no ability to spread outwards. The response of the Ministry of Defense is still very timely.

At this time, the armored command vehicle braked slowly, and the sergeant major sitting in the co-pilot turned sideways to report.

"There are villagers in front of us who have blocked the road, and we are not allowed to pass through—"

Ji Hongyuan is unbelievable, and dare to stop the military vehicle?

How dare someone!

There was a tree trunk in the middle of the road in front of the convoy. More than a dozen nearby villagers carried weapons and completely blocked the road ahead. Two soldiers in iron-gray uniforms were persuading the villagers, but the villagers were indifferent.

"No, no, no, you can't pass through here. We must protect our homeland. Whether it is the army or the rebels, my house can be entered by wind and rain, but the king cannot enter." The bearded villager headed by him was full of confidence. Holding a pump-action shotgun, the muzzle was pointed at the sergeant major in front of him unscrupulously.

"We just passed by here, and we are going to Freiburg to quell the riots there. If you continue to obstruct, not only the people of Freiburg, if the rebels come here, you will also be unlucky." The sergeant major patiently, his Lee Enfield slung over his shoulders, ignoring the bearded villager's shotgun.

These sergeant majors who are still serving have basically participated in the World War, and have basically won various levels of combat medals. If they do it, the sergeant major can clean up all these villagers without using a rifle. Lose.

"You don't need to worry about that. If the rebels come to us, we will also drive them away." The bearded villager waved his rifle and shouted, and the villagers behind him seemed to be encouraged, and they immediately clamored.

"Yes, no one can invade our home—"

"Our home is protected by our own rifles!"

"We don't need you, you'd better get out of here immediately."

As the movements of the bearded villagers got bigger and bigger, the sergeant major was still worried, and kindly reminded the bearded villagers.

"Be careful with the gun in your hand, if it goes off, you know what will happen—"

"This is my gun, I can use it however I want!" The bearded villager didn't realize the danger of the weapon.

Just behind the sergeant major, the machine gunners in the armored vehicles were ready to fire.

The scouts on the motorcycles have also found cover, and the armored vehicles and the stones on both sides of the road can provide them with good protection.

If someone shoots at this time, the consequences are really unimaginable.

At this time, Ji Hongyuan strode over, condescendingly looking down at the astonished bearded villagers.

"Who allowed you to set up obstacles on the roads? These roads are the property of the federal government. Only our National Defense Forces are qualified to block them. Who gave you the right?" Ji Hongyuan sternly said that it was useless to reason with these villagers, no Whether they are unintentional or sincere, Ji Hongyuan doesn't have much time to spend here.

"This neighborhood is our home, of course we are qualified!" The bearded villager spoke stiffly, his wandering eyes and slightly trembling voice fully showed that the bearded man's confidence was not as strong as it seemed.

"5 minutes, I only give you 5 minutes to remove the roadblocks, otherwise I will regard your actions as hostile." Ji Hongyuan was not polite, and his fierce eyes patrolled the faces of the villagers one by one, like It's the same number of points.

"We won't back down!" The bearded villager sternly said.

"I don't care if you back down or not, you still have 4 minutes—" Ji Hongyuan raised his hand and gave the order as if he didn't hear it: "Get ready for battle!"

Fuck, this f*cking captain and company commander is really hardcore, and he was exposed to the guns of the bearded villagers.

The bearded villager's hands were shaking as he held his pump-action shotgun.

Facing the soldier who spared no room, the bearded villager's companions were also dumbfounded.

Don't look at all of them carrying guns, and some of them carry more than one. In fact, these weapons with good short-range power are not comparable to military weapons at all.

It's like the half-meter-diameter tree trunk in the middle of the road. It may provide some protection against pistols and shotguns, but it can be shattered into pieces by a single shot against the large-caliber heavy machine guns on armored vehicles. .

"3 minutes!" Ji Hongyuan had no intention of returning to the armored vehicle.

The bearded villager was in a dilemma, beady beads of sweat dripped down his cheeks, and his shirt was soaked with sweat.

"2 minutes!" Ji Hongyuan's voice was cold, and the sergeant major beside him silently took off the rifle from his shoulder, and began to put on the bayonet calmly.

There was a dazzling cold light on the bright bayonet, and the bearded villagers could not feel the warmth of the sun in the hot summer weather.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, let's move, let's move—" Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure and gave in.

The bearded villager finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's your name?" Ji Hongyuan said indifferently.

"William—what are you going to do?" The bearded villager felt something was wrong after reporting his name.

Ji Hongyuan didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the armored command vehicle.

"I'm not afraid of you, my name is William, remember—" William seemed to have suddenly regained his ability to speak.

dong dong dong-

The heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle fired suddenly, and a burst shot directly hit the tree trunk in the middle of the road.

The muzzle from the heavy machine gun was about half a meter long, and sawdust flew across the tree trunk with a diameter of about half a meter in the middle of the road, and was smashed into two in an instant.

William, who was still a tough guy just now, when the heavy machine gun fired, his first reaction was to raise his arms to cover his face, probably because he was afraid of being hurt by sawdust.

When the tree trunk was broken in two, looking at William, the trousers were already wet-stained.

Ji Hongyuan didn't speak, just pointed his fingers, and immediately soldiers went to confiscate all the weapons carried by the villagers, and registered them one by one at the same time.

These are all unstable factors. Don't think that the world will be peaceful after the wind blows, and the score will be settled after the autumn.

ps: Five is impossible, and it will never be five——Third has already worked hard, my hands are still covered with tape, and the author is almost turning into a dried fish——

(End of this chapter)

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