Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1216 Performance Art

Chapter 1216 Performance Art

As a new immigrant city, Walvis Bay is not perfect. Other immigrant cities have the same problems as Walvis Bay. However, people who come to Walvis Bay for the first time can only see the straight streets and complete supporting facilities of Walvis Bay. Thus ignoring the dark side hidden in the shadow of high-rise buildings.

Willett Alcott was robbed by two vagrants during her visit. After the two vagrants came to Walvis Bay, they did not obtain immigration qualifications or a loan from the Rand Bank, so they took the risk. Want to grab some money and head to Australia to try your luck.

As a result, they were stopped by Wei En and another female security guard during the robbery, and the two homeless men died and the other was injured.

This accident gave Willett Alcott a deeper understanding of Walvis Bay. Walvis Bay is not as colorful as it seems on the surface, and there are various dark sides in every corner of the city, but Yu does not hide her flaws. Compared with European cities, Walvis Bay still has more advantages worthy of praise.

After knowing the cause and effect, Stuart Fonny was very disappointed. Robbery was commonplace in Europe, and the League of Nations did not have the right to supervise public security. This must be a stain on Walvis Bay, but Stuart Fonny could not take advantage of it. .

"Tomorrow we will continue to disperse our operations and strive to obtain more information. Violet, you will be with Wayne tomorrow. Mr. Maeda, you will be with me tomorrow." Stuart Fanny has already lost his position, Assigned tasks are inconsistent.

"Hi!" Maeda Yasushi was ecstatic, being able to be in the same group as Stuart Van Nistelrooy meant that Maeda Yasushi's status had improved.

The next morning, Maeda Yasushi came to Stuart Fanny's room early to stand by. Not only did he clean up the living room in advance, but he even squeezed toothpaste for Stuart Fanny.

Well, the radium logo on the toothpaste box is very eye-catching.

At this time, daily necessities containing radium were still very common in Europe and the United States, but they were rare in southern Africa. Only foreign-related units with special needs such as hotels would provide daily necessities containing radium.

Even if Yasushi Maeda didn't do the work of cleaning, the waiters would do their best, but Yasushi Maeda's hospitality obviously made Stuart Fanny very useful. After a simple wash, Stuart Fanny and Yasushi Maeda came to the restaurant together.

Table Mountain Hotel provides guests with a free breakfast, and it's in the form of a buffet.

Although there is a gap between the service standard of the Table Mountain Hotel and the Rhodesia Hotel, compared with the average hotel, the service standard of the Table Mountain Hotel is still a level higher.

The variety of breakfast is very rich. In addition to the traditional European milk bread, it also provides a variety of pastries that are very characteristic of southern Africa. There are buns, fried buns, siu mai, fried dough sticks, soy milk, etc. The types of buns alone are amazing. There are more than a dozen kinds.

Stuart Fanny was not used to pastry, so he chose fried eggs, cheesecake and veal steak. Yasushi Maeda was very satisfied with the breakfast at the Table Mountain Hotel. It was so full that Stuart Fanny felt quite ashamed.

There is still a long way to go for Japan to leave Asia and enter Europe, after all, it has only been rich for a few years.

"We are going to the sweatshops in southern Africa today to try to get more information. There is still room to be explored in this area." Stuart Fanny assigned tasks while eating.

"It is difficult for us to enter the factory. The security of the factory here is very strict. We have to find other ways—" Yasushi Maeda is not optimistic. The arsenal is not easy to enter, even under the banner of the League of Nations.

"We have to find a way to get rid of these guys. If they stay close, we can't do anything." Stuart Fanny looked at the four men in black suits on the table next to him and gritted his teeth.

These black suits followed Stuart Fanny and Maeda Yasushi just after they left the room. They had obviously had breakfast. When Stuart Fanny and Maeda Yasushi were having breakfast, several people Everyone ordered a cup of coffee, and they barely moved in front of them.

If you drink too much coffee, you have to go to the toilet, so you don't drink it at all, just for show.

"Or, I'll find a way to hold them back—" Maeda Yasushi tried hard.

"What can you do?" Stuart Fanny's eyes lit up immediately.

Maeda Yasushi looked death at home, picked up a large plate of buns in front of him, and walked towards the four black suits as if he was carrying a pack of explosives to blow up a bunker.

Stuart Fanny felt bad, but he didn't react for a while.

Yasushi Maeda walked to the side of the four black suits, and then smashed the bun in his hand hard at the face of a black suit with an inexplicable face.

Stuart Fanny closed his eyes helplessly, feeling extremely hopeless in his heart.

When Stuart Fanny opened his eyes again, Yasushi Maeda was firmly pressed to the ground by two black suits.

"Asshole, I'm a member of the League of Nations staff, I'm a nobleman, you can't treat me like this—" Maeda Yasushi struggled desperately, like a catfish thrown on the shore—


Mistake, it's perch.

At this time, it was officially breakfast time, and the restaurant was full of hotel guests having breakfast. This unexpected accident made the guests dumbfounded, and a waiter immediately came over to ask the black suits if they needed help.

A dull-faced black suit showed his ID to the waiter, and the waiter immediately left as if he hadn't seen it.

Stuart Fanny was full of sadness, and at a table not far away, Violet and Wayne were also having breakfast.

As if they didn't see Maeda Yasushi, the two stuffed fried eggs into their mouths in two mouthfuls, and then slipped out of the restaurant like thieves.


Stuart Fanny felt as humiliated as if he had been stripped naked.

"Let go of me quickly, or you will be in trouble, I am an official of the League of Nations—" Maeda Yasushi was still howling.

Stuart Fanny felt dizzy when he heard the word "League of Nations" now, and wanted to leave just like Violet and Wayne.

Then I was stopped by the waiter.

"Sir, milk can only be eaten in the restaurant and cannot be taken out of the restaurant—"

It was only then that Stuart Fanny noticed that he was still holding a milk glass——

What a mess!

What made Stuart Fanny even more sad was that when he walked out of the restaurant, two black suits still followed him every step of the way.

What is this?

Performance art?

"Gentlemen, can you give me a little freedom?" Stuart Fanny was hysterical. Anyway, he had already lost all his face by a guy who claimed to be a Japanese nobleman, and Stuart Fanny didn't Don't care about the strange eyes of others.

"Mr. Fanny, no one restricts your freedom." A man in a black suit looked embarrassed, so where did this start.

"What's your name?" Stuart Fanny took a deep breath, losing control of his emotions did not help solve the problem.

"Mu He—" The black suit had an honest face.

"Mu He—what a strange name." Stuart Fanny complained habitually.

"What's so strange? My father's surname is Mu, so I'm also surnamed Mu, can't it? There's a river next to my house, so I'm called Mu He. What's the problem?" But not to an unacceptable level.

“Okay, Mu, can you and this gentleman next to you not follow me?” Stuart Fanny tried to fight for greater freedom.

"Hey, I have a name. What's the name of the gentleman next to you?" Tool No. [-] expressed dissatisfaction, and his attitude was too perfunctory.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fanny, it's my job and Ivan's job to protect you. We can't neglect our duty." Mu He was serious. If this was a different scene, Stuart Fanny would definitely praise Mu He and Iwan.

This occasion must not work, Stuart Fanny finally recognized the situation, and silently walked to the side of the road to wait for a taxi.

While Stuart Fanny was waiting for a taxi, several people across the street suddenly raised their signs. The white sign was marked in black letters: Save the people of Freiburg!


Stuart Fanny was as excited as if he had been struck by lightning.

Although Stuart Fanny didn't even know where Freiburg was, Stuart Fanny was sensitively aware that there must be something unknown happening in Freiburg.

Just when Stuart Fanny was about to cross the road, the guys holding signs were knocked to the ground by the sudden appearance of black suits and police officers.

"Help us!"

"The people of Freiburg are being slaughtered, God, please look at what is happening in Freiburg—"

"Boers are people too—"

Several guys who were knocked to the ground howled desperately, but they were obviously not opponents of the black suits and the police, and were soon handcuffed and pushed into the speeding police car.


Stuart Fanny knew the history of Britain and the Boers, and that the Boers were not doing well in southern Africa, which seemed like a good place to start.

Stuart Fanny was very smart and didn't do anything, but when he passed the newsstand at the intersection, Stuart Fanny bought a copy of all the newspapers, and then took them back to the hotel room to carefully search for the newspapers he wanted. Information.

To Stuart Fanny's disappointment, there was nothing about Freiburg in any of the papers.

There are a lot of news about the Boers, but most of them are concentrated on the recently deceased Louis Botha.

The commemoration of Louis Botha in southern Africa is still going on. Many cities have named roads or squares after Louis Botha, including Whale Bay. The street where the Table Mountain Hotel is located will be named Louis Botta. tower road.

These news were obviously not what Stuart Fanny wanted. The more silent the newspaper was, the more Stuart Fanny realized that Freiberg had information to dig.

The only problem was that Freiburg was in Orange State, not Stuart Fanny's job.

ps: Although it's a bit late, it's better than nothing - tired and sleepy, sleeping -

(End of this chapter)

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