Chapter 1217

There are two working groups sent by the League of Nations to southern Africa, one for Dias and one for Victoria. Although Stuart Fanny doesn’t know the situation of the working group for Victoria, he probably thinks about the same. · Van Nistelrooy's team is equally difficult to open up the situation.

According to regulations, the working group of the League of Nations has no right to involve in the internal affairs of southern Africa. Even in Dias and Victoria, the task of the working group of the League of Nations is only to pay attention to and assist in handling. Fanny has nothing to do.

Roque immediately learned that the League of Nations working group had arrived at Walvis Bay and St. George (Dar es Salaam). If the League of Nations working group obeyed the rules, Rock would not mind cooperating with the League of Nations, but if the League of Nations working group was unclear As far as his own position is concerned, Roark is not polite. It is not up to the League of Nations to dictate the internal affairs of the British Empire.

The headache for Stuart Fanny is that Yasushi Maeda was arrested by Brad's office for attacking federal government officials. It is said that Brad's office will file a lawsuit with the court. The face of the League of Nations was lost by Yasushi Maeda.

For Yasushi Maeda, Stuart Fanny had the cheek to go to Wilde again, and this time Wilde was finally in the office.

"Your colleague is too outrageous. Southern Africa has strict regulations in this regard. Anyone who tries to attack a federal government official who is on duty will be sentenced to at least three years in prison, and your colleague Colleagues have refused to plead guilty until now, which will have a great impact on the judge's sentencing, and the sentence may be more than five years." Wilde popularized southern African laws to Stuart Fanny, and the legal construction in southern Africa is still very fast. Yes, there is a special legal committee responsible for improving the law.

However, the office of this legal committee is not in Bloemfontein, the legislative capital of southern Africa, but in Pretoria, the administrative capital.

Just say how invisible Bloemfontein is.

I typed more than 100 words just now, and after thinking about it, I deleted half of them. There is no need to waste so much ink.

"It's just some non-aggressive buns, it can't be considered an attack—" Stuart Fanny tried to exonerate Maeda Yasushi.

"It's really not offensive, but its nature is extremely bad. It's like someone defecating in front of your headquarters in Geneva. It's a serious disqualification and provocation." Wang Ertai's example is not appropriate. In the current situation in Europe, defecating anywhere is really serious. It's normal.

The headquarters of the League of Nations is at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

"Maeda is really too much. I will definitely punish him severely and drive him back to Japan." Stuart Fanny believes that this is the most severe punishment.

Believe it or not, for Yasushi Maeda, driving him back to Japan is really a severe punishment.

Japan is at a critical juncture of leaving Asia and entering Europe. It attaches great importance to the work of the League of Nations. If Maeda Yasushi is sent back to Japan because of his personal behavior, given the extreme character of the Japanese who loves to make horns, maybe Maeda Yasushi will apologize by cutting open his stomach.

"No, no, no, how you punish him is up to you. Since Maeda violated the laws of southern Africa, then Maeda will be punished by the laws of southern Africa. The two are irreplaceable." Wilde's attitude was clear.

"Can there be other ways to replace imprisonment? Maeda is of noble origin, from a noble family in Japan—" Stuart Fanny took another approach.

Europe also has a tradition in this regard. The nobles always have to show respect to each other, especially the royal family, which is very obvious.

In Europe in the 21st century, the kings of many countries have been overthrown, but the royal family still exists. Once a member of the royal family holds a major ceremony such as a wedding, the royal families of various countries will be invited to participate. If you pay attention at this time, you will find that Emma has a lot People, many royal families have never heard of it on weekdays, and they don't know which corner they came from.

Oops, if I write this way, will I be sued by a certain royal family——

If the defendant goes to court, will it be a fire——


"Mr. Fanny, the law is sacred, please respect the federal government." Wilde spoke righteously, and what Stuart Fanny meant was probably a fine or something, just don't even think about it.

Stuart Fanny was disheartened, and he was asked out of Wilde's office before he even had time to ask the Walvis Bay Municipal Government to coordinate the office location of the League of Nations working group.

The appointment time came, and Wilde was so busy that he didn't have much time to waste with Stuart Fanny.

Leaving Wilde's office, Stuart Fanny couldn't help but sigh, Whale Bay is so big that there is no room for the League of Nations working group.

But there is no other way, and back at the Table Mountain Hotel, Stuart Fanny found himself with guests.

The guest was Kazuma Hashito, representative of the Japanese government office in Walvis Bay.

This name immediately aroused the interest of Stuart Fanny. It is said that before the Meiji Restoration, ordinary people in Japan did not have a surname. Surnames, such as Watanabe for people who live next to the ferry, Yamaguchi for those who live at the mouth of the valley, and Yima Qiaotou probably lives at Qiaotou.

A horse at the bridge?

It doesn't look like a name at all.

Kazuma Hashito came to find Stuart Fanny also for Yasushi Maeda, but Kazuma Hashito’s starting point was different from that of Stuart Fanny. It was not to exonerate Taizhi Maeda, but to hope that Stuart Fan Niu gave up Yasushi Maeda, Kazuma Hashitou will send another person to replace Yasushi Maeda to join the Stuart Van Nistelrooy team.

"Why?" Stuart Fanny really couldn't understand the thinking of the bridgehead. Normally, it shouldn't be like this.

"Maeda's behavior shamed the Japanese Empire and his family, and had a very bad impact. Even if Maeda was exonerated, Maeda should also apologize. He must pay the price for his reckless behavior." Kazuma Hashitou held a firm attitude. , regard honor as more important than life.

"Wait, wait, what does apology mean?" Stuart Fanny still didn't understand Japanese culture enough.

"The mistake Maeda made, he should commit suicide by caesarean section, and then ask the wrong person to cut off his head, so that he will suffer less pain." Kazuma Hashitou is ruthless, and the Japanese are like this, always apologizing with death , not only disregarding the lives of others, but also disregarding their own lives.

"This is too much—how could this be—" Stuart Fanny imagined the scene described by Xiaqiaotou, and immediately shuddered.

"Maeda's behavior has also shamed the League of Nations. Only in this way can the mistakes made by Maeda be washed away." Kazuma Hashitou is also very considerate of others. The Japanese thinking of not bothering others is really deep-rooted.

It is very impolite to cause trouble to others in Japan, so the Japanese always say "to trouble you"

"Not to this extent, Maeda did make a mistake, but the mistake is not fatal, it is enough to accept the due punishment." Stuart Fanny still spoke for Yasushi Maeda, after all Yasushi Maeda was a bit careless , but the starting point is good.

"Mr. Fanny, your working group hasn't found a suitable office yet, right?" Kazuma Hashito didn't pester Yasushi Maeda with Stuart Fanny.

"We did encounter a little trouble, but don't worry, everything will be fine." Stuart Fanny kept his mouth tight, and he definitely couldn't admit such a shameful thing.

"We have a vacant three-story office building on Milner Road. If Mr. Fanny doesn't mind, you can use that office building." Qiaotou is eager to think about what others think, and he is simply the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. .

"Thank you so much!" Stuart Fanny was not worried, but his body was very honest. He didn't expect the Japanese to be so generous.

Today's Japan has not established the image of a rich and luxurious nouveau riche, and Stuart Fannik never thought that he would benefit from the Japanese.

It is indeed very generous to have a horse on the bridge. The office building prepared for Stuart Fanny is located on Milner Street in the center of Walvis Bay. "Milner" is Ade's surname, and many cities in southern Africa have "Milner" Street" is the place name.

In southern Africa, Victoria has the most obvious place names, followed by "Milna", and now the place names named after "Rock" tend to come from behind.

What Qiaotou Yima prepared for Stuart Fanny was a brand new three-story office building, which was built with yellow granite throughout. Finished, there is a distinctly Japanese touch everywhere.

Stuart Fanny didn't care about the small thoughts of the Japanese. He had now fully realized the attitude of southern Africa towards the League of Nations, and he no longer expected the privileges that the status of the League of Nations would bring him. Having an office is enough. Very satisfied.

The office building prepared by Qiaotou Yima for the League of Nations working group obviously exceeded Stuart Fanny's expectations.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qiaotou, you have helped me a lot, what can I do for you?" Stuart Fanny believed that he would not get up early without benefit, and that Qiaotou was so attentive obviously had other intentions.

"Mr. Fanny, I don't have any other requests. I just hope that I can provide due help to the League of Nations. This is the responsibility of our Empire of Japan as a permanent member of the council." The words of Qiaotou Kazuma simply made Stuart Fanny My heart is full of enthusiasm, look at this awareness of others, and then look at southern Africa——

But the strange thing is that the eagerness of Qiaotou didn't make Stuart Fanny feel very grateful.

On the contrary, Wilde, who had no good face towards the League of Nations, was more valued by Stuart Van Nistelrooy.

Man, it's cheap!

(End of this chapter)

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