Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1221 The Prisoner's Dilemma

Chapter 1221 The Prisoner's Dilemma

Influence and the right to speak can basically be equated, but many countries, including the United Kingdom, have not paid attention to this issue. Southern Africa urgently needs to expand its influence and obtain an international status that matches its strength. The League of Nations Also the best springboard.

One of the purposes of establishing the League of Nations is to use peaceful means to resolve international disputes as much as possible. This point has been reached after all countries fully realized the destructive power of the world war.

But this does not mean that wars will disappear, and disputes still exist. At this time, a legal way to resort to force is needed. Other countries will realize this sooner or later, so in version 2.0 of the League of Nations, there will be peacekeeping forces.

Rock now wants to get the peacekeeping troops out ahead of schedule, so it doesn't matter if he has to bear part of the League of Nations funds for this. Compared with the harvest, 200 million is nothing.

Ad and Philip needed time to digest Rock's suggestion.

Rock was not in a hurry, and he mentioned it to Sir Drummond first when he turned around, and Sir Drummond immediately fell in love.

Let’s not talk about how much money is given, if the League of Nations can have an army, then it can really effectively enhance the role and status of the League of Nations.

The League of Nations does have needs in this regard. For example, the current Asia Minor peninsula urgently needs the League of Nations to maintain order.

The Ottoman Empire was destroyed during the World War. After the World War, the territory of the Ottoman Empire was divided up by the Allied Powers. The Ottomans who were unwilling to fail rose up to resist under the leadership of Kemal. The surviving members of the Ottoman royal family also took the troops loyal to the Ottoman Empire as the core. Raise troops to try to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire.

In the current Asia Minor peninsula, there are countless forces such as Britain, France, Italy, Greece, Kemal, Said, etc. fighting, and the Garibaldi Peninsula is still stationed with Russian troops and a southern African army. If the League of Nations has armed forces , then it can play a greater role.

The Russian troops on the Garibaldi peninsula were loyal to Nicholas II.

After Nicholas II was executed, the Russian troops on the Garibaldi Peninsula did not follow the order of the new Russian government to abandon the Garibaldi Peninsula. Bosphorus.

Both the British government and the French government tried to incorporate this force, but they were unsuccessful. Now the Allies and the remnants of the Ottoman Empire are unable to attack Constantinople, so this force miraculously survived in this troubled world. survived, even if they didn't even have a logistics base.

It can't be said that there is no war, because there is no war in Constantinople, so the farms and pastures around Constantinople are being restored, and it won't take long for this army to be self-sufficient.

For the troops stationed in the Bosporus Strait in southern Africa, the highest military commander is still Ruiz, who has been promoted to major. The troops stationed have also increased from a company to a battalion, and the station has expanded tenfold compared to before. more than enough.

The troops have now withdrawn from the castle and are stationed in the barracks that have just been built. These barracks are all built using building materials around Constantinople. There is also an airstrip in the tower building and an airstrip in the camp, and a simple pier located in the strait, with extremely convenient transportation.

After the end of the World War, Ruiz and Sofia got married smoothly. Not long ago, Sofia gave birth to a pair of twins. Ruiz named the twins Jill and Zhuang Zhuang respectively.

"How is Jill today?" Ruiz cared about both children, but preferred his daughter.

"It's very good. I can eat and sleep without crying or fussing. When I'm working, Jill seems to be very interested." When Sophia is working, she always takes Jill and Zhuangzhuang with her. Sleep soundly.

Dingyuan Fort is now the largest hospital in the Bosphorus, with a total of 61 doctors and nurses. Sophia is the director of the hospital and is applying to return to work in Nyasaland to prepare for the future education of her two children.

There are now more than 100 garrison family members here. Transnational marriages are very common. The nearest school to Dingyuan Fort is in Cyprus, about 1400 kilometers away. Cyprus is considering setting up a primary school in Dingyuan Fort.

With hospitals and primary schools, it means that southern Africa will have a long-term garrison in Dingyuan Fort, but the garrison is very mobile, about half of which is replaced every two years, and the quality of teaching is definitely not as good as Nyasaland.

"Then let her study hard, and she might become an excellent doctor in the future." Ruiz picked Jill up from the cradle, and Jill was very excited when she saw Ruiz, babbling and vomited happily His face was full of bubbles.

"Sir, General Alexander is here." The guard interrupted Luiz's parent-child time, and Ruiz put Jill back in the cradle and went to the reception room.

Alexander was the supreme commander of Constantinople. After the fall of the Russian Empire, Alexander regained control of Constantinople with the support of the Dingyuanbao garrison. There are now about 12 Russians around Constantinople. , which included about twenty-four thousand troops.

"Ruiz, do you have any good news for me?" Alexander gave Ruiz a warm hug when he saw Ruiz.

For the Russians in Constantinople, all their supplies now come from southern Africa. Cyprus sends supplies to Constantinople every month to fill more than a dozen transport ships. Alexander hoped to send some Russians last month Go to Cyprus or southern Africa, but this is not easy, the new Russian government hopes that southern Africa will interrupt the supply of the Constantinople garrison.

The [-] troops in Constantinople are equipped with the latest weapons, and their combat effectiveness is quite powerful.

The new Russian government hopes that this force can return to Russia to participate in the war between the new Russian government and the White Army.

Alexander disagreed with this arrangement. The Russians in Constantinople, because they missed the Russian Empire, fled Russia to Constantinople after the establishment of the new Russian government. They preferred to go to southern Africa or other European countries.

"Sorry Alexander, you know this can't be decided in a short while." Ruiz smiled. He and Alexander have a good relationship, and a friend in adversity sees the truth.

"Help Ruiz, help urge. After these Russians arrive in southern Africa, they will definitely be loyal to southern Africa and regard southern Africa as their homeland. By then, Lord Nyasaland will be their tsarist father." Alexander has a low profile. The White Army supported by the Allied Powers is not going well in Russia. The new Russian government will launch an attack on Constantinople at any time. As for the defeated soldiers in Constantinople, they will definitely not be able to withstand the army of the new government. crazy attack.

"Ivan, it's not that simple." Ruiz smiled bitterly. Alexander hoped to send all Russians except the army to southern Africa, with as many as 10 people.

It is not difficult to settle 10 people in southern Africa. There is a lot of spare land in southern Africa. The key is how to ensure the loyalty of these Russians and how to smoothly integrate these Russians into southern Africa. Southern Africa is not the place for new immigrants. It's as simple as that.

Ten years ago, southern Africa did not reject new immigrants.

Now the situation has changed. After the end of the world war, the population of southern Africa soared to 1500 million. Last year, there were as many as 80 newborn babies. Southern Africa has shifted its main energy from immigration to basic education for its citizens.

"I know, I have said a long time ago, if you want, I can transfer the control of Constantinople to you, we are now a group of homeless dogs, just want to find a place to breed quietly Living." Alexander was also helpless, he and his subordinates could not accept the new government's treatment of Tsar Nicholas II, but they were unable to avenge the Tsar, so it was a real dilemma.

Ruiz also smiled wryly. He really wanted to help Alexander, but the federal government obviously had its own considerations.

When Alexander left Dingyuan Fort, he took fifteen trucks full of supplies, including flour, vegetable oil, beef, chocolate, coffee and dried coconut.

If possible, Alexander would like to replace the coffee and dried coconut with beef with higher calories, but this is the regulation of the logistics warehouse in Cyprus, and Alexander has no choice.

The current Constantinople is smaller than before, and the part on the west side of the Bosphorus is being repaired. Except for the winding roads near the strait, the roads in the city are horizontal and vertical. Very southern African.

This part on the west side is divided into six districts, with an average population of about 1 people in each district. Each district has supporting facilities such as markets and commercial streets. There are still few hospitals and schools. The entire Constantinople has only A hospital and no school.

The convoy drove directly into the port area closest to the strait, and the pressured deputy Popovich immediately greeted him.

Across the strait was attacked by Kemal's troops, who suffered heavy casualties and asked Alexander for reinforcements.

"Withdraw the troops on the opposite side, we are not capable of defending both sides of the strait at the same time." Alexander was forced to give up, and the Russians in Constantinople had no source of troops, and one died and one less.

"But what should we say about Dingyuan Fort?" Popovich was more thoughtful. If he gave up the opposite side of the strait, it would mean that the supply ships in southern Africa might be attacked through the Bosporus Strait, which would affect Dingyuan. Far Castle had a huge impact.

"Hehe, if Ruiz doesn't want to see this happen, then he can send troops to build a position on the opposite side." Alexander is really not cheating. Compared with the Russian garrison, the Dingyuan Fort troops have more advanced weapons and more With abundant logistics, it is no problem to deal with Kemal.

ps: Sorry, there are only two chapters today——

(End of this chapter)

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