Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1222 Reorganization

Chapter 1222 Reorganization

During the Paris Peace Conference, the Allied Powers decided that the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia would form a "Strait Management Committee" to be responsible for matters such as shipping, lighthouse management, and navigation in the area.

Russia here refers to the Imperial Russian troops loyal to the Tsar, and has nothing to do with the new Russian government.

Among the six countries, the largest number of troops stationed in this area is the United Kingdom, and it is mainly composed of southern African troops. Alexander wants to withdraw the troops on the east bank of the strait to the west bank, and the troops led by Ruiz should take over.

However, the number of troops under Louis was not large, only a battalion of less than a thousand people, and it was simply not capable of stationing troops on the east coast of the Bosphorus.

"It's okay, even if Kemal's troops occupy the east coast of the Bosphorus, they will not attack our transport ships in southern Africa." Ruiz was not worried after knowing this situation. During the World War, Kemal was The defeated general of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

"Why?" Wilson reacted slowly. His current military rank is captain, and he is still Ruiz's deputy.

"Because Kemal knows very well that if he dares to attack our transport ship, then his troops will be retaliated by us." Ruiz has the confidence. There are still tens of thousands of mercenaries in the Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia, which really pissed off southern Africa. Kemal's few defeated soldiers are not enough to look at.

After the end of the World War, the Asia Minor peninsula was still in chaos, and the various forces were mixed and fighting endlessly.

However, this does not affect the entry of southern African goods into the Asia Minor Peninsula. There is no such thing as the "Arms Embargo Agreement". Weapons, ammunition and daily necessities produced in Southern Africa continue to enter the Asia Minor Peninsula. Transport ship with African flag.

"Then we just watch Kemal's troops occupy the east coast of the Bosphorus?" Wilson was not reconciled. This is actually a good opportunity to control the Bosphorus.

"Otherwise?" Ruiz also knew it was a good opportunity, but Ruiz could not do this, otherwise Southern Africa would become the target of public criticism.

Of course, nothing can be done. With the increase of the garrison, the scale of the camp will continue to expand, and the simple pier will also be upgraded to a permanent pier. Dingyuan Fort has hired more than 1000 local workers for this purpose, and the expansion has been ongoing.

What I want to explain here is that the environment around Dingyuan Fort is still very good. With Dingyuan Fort as the center, there are dense forests within five kilometers around it. The straight-line distance from Dingyuan Fort to the other side of the strait is about 2 kilometers. The distance is less than one kilometer.

In order to expand Dingyuan Fort, Ruiz sent people to Constantinople to collect construction materials, and cut down a large part of the forest around Dingyuan Fort. Now these forests are being transformed into farms, planting some vegetables and fruit trees. It has a very southern African style. In addition to the garrison, Dingyuan Fort also has more than 1000 military family members. These military family members also live in the camp, which is actually not convenient. Ruiz’s main task now is to build a camp next to the camp. The residential area is used to accommodate these military family members.

Building a residential area requires more building materials. It is unrealistic to collect building materials from Constantinople. Fortunately, the Garibaldi Peninsula is also rich in resources, including stone and wood. However, due to war damage, the former quarries and The lumber mills have all closed down, and it is nowhere in sight to resume production.

To resume production, it is necessary to provide military protection, which only Alexander can do in the current Garibaldi Peninsula.

Alexander has people under his command, but lacks supplies, so Ruiz has to cooperate with Alexander to restore the tranquility of the Garibaldi Peninsula.

"Yes, as long as I have enough logistical supplies, I promise to restore order in the Garibaldi Peninsula. Whether it is Kemal or Saeed, as long as they dare to cross the strait, I will throw them all into the Sea of ​​Marmara Feed the fish." Alexander was ecstatic when he heard the news.

The Imperial Russian troops on the Garibaldi Peninsula were actually remnants of the army. The Russian Empire was now destroyed, and Nicholas II was dead. Alexander and his troops lost their allegiance and stable logistical supplies.

Now Alexander's life is very difficult. The Garibaldi Peninsula was severely damaged by the war. The peninsula's economic system was completely destroyed during the World War. Reconstruction is nowhere in sight. Alexander is trying to restore the production of the Garibaldi Peninsula. Force as a guarantee.

The combat effectiveness of the Russians is still trustworthy. If it were not for the poor command and logistics of the Russian Empire during the World War, the Russian Empire would not have lost so badly.

Even so, the Russian Empire also performed brilliantly during the World War. The Russian Eighth Army commanded by Alexei Brusinov once dealt a heavy blow to the German-Austrian coalition forces in Galicia.

If Alexander's army can have advanced weapons and sufficient logistical supplies, then controlling the Garibaldi Peninsula will not be a problem.

"No, no, no, Alexander, you have to figure out one thing. You are not working with Southern Africa, but with the Umbrella Company. Before that, your troops must first be reorganized by the Umbrella Company." Ruiz requested Very harsh, there is never a pie in the sky.

Alexander remained silent. If he accepted the reorganization of the umbrella company, it would mean that Alexander would lose the command of the troops.

Ruiz is not in a hurry. It is impossible for southern Africa to directly provide assistance to Alexander, but the umbrella company can. Now it depends on whether power is more important in Alexander's mind, or the future of 10,000+ Russians is more important.

"If we accept the reorganization of the Umbrella Company, how will the Umbrella Company treat us?" Alexander didn't think for too long. The government had a winner and loser, and whichever side won would have its hands free to deal with Alexander's forces.

If there is no strong backer at that time, the prospects of Alexander's troops are worrying.

"If you want, you can relocate some people to Mesopotamia, or southern Africa. The umbrella company is responsible for this part to ensure that they can live—" Ruiz just spoke, and Alexander almost agreed.

"Of course they can stay in the Garibaldi Peninsula. The most important thing for us now is to restore the order in the Garibaldi Peninsula, ensure the safety of the Garibaldi Peninsula, gradually resume production, and eliminate the guerrillas hiding in the mountains like mice. , to ensure the smooth flow of the strait, and the 'Strait Management Committee' is also happy to see your troops accept reorganization." Ruiz is representing the "Strait Management Committee" to incorporate Alexander's troops. If you accept the reorganization of the umbrella, it means that Alexander's troops are completely break with Russia.

"Okay, I agree." Alexander hardly hesitated.

"Great!" Ruiz finally felt relieved. The [-] troops under Alexander were a time bomb. If the fuse was not dismantled, it would detonate sooner or later.

With Alexander's cooperation, the reorganization work started rapidly.

The Umbrella Company was fully prepared, and immediately delivered a batch of weapons, ammunition and living supplies to Constantinople. At the same time, there were [-] professional mercenaries who would be responsible for the reorganization of Alexander's troops.

According to the umbrella company's plan, Alexander's troops will be reorganized into two brigades, one brigade stationed in Constantinople, and the other brigade stationed in the "Anzac Gulf" where the Anzacs suffered a lot during the World War.

After reorganization, Alexander's troops will accept the command of the "Straits Management Committee" and be responsible for the Dardanelles seafood, the Marmara Sea, and the shipping, lighthouse management, and navigation of the Bosporus Strait.

While the troops were being reorganized, the immigration of civilians was also carried out. Most Russians chose to go to southern Africa, far away from Europe. They were really tired of the war in Europe and desperately wanted to escape.

Some civilians chose to stay in the Garibaldi Peninsula. After the war, most of the farms in the Garibaldi Peninsula were abandoned. The farmers either left their hometowns or died unexpectedly. These farms can resume production after a little tidying up.

In terms of environmental conditions alone, the Garibaldi Peninsula is still very good. The peninsula is rich in resources and its geographical location is important. The Sea of ​​Marmara is rich in aquatic products, and the output of anchovies is particularly high. The local people jokingly say that fishing does not use fishing nets at all. Just put your hands in the water to catch fish.

Most of the Russians in the Garibaldi Peninsula used to rely on fishing for their livelihood.

Relatively speaking, the economic value of anchovy is relatively low, but it still has good development value when the supplies are not abundant.

After Alexander's troops were reorganized, the South African company moved upon hearing the news and planned to set up a canning factory on the Garibaldi Peninsula to process canned anchovies locally and sell them to Europe.

To Alexander's surprise, after the troops were reorganized, he himself was not left in the cold palace or transferred from the Garibaldi Peninsula, but was still appointed as the commander of the troops.

In fact, it is not surprising that the modern army's reliance on logistics has made the power of the commander less and less. Even if Alexander's troops are equipped with the most advanced weapons, if they lose the logistics supply, they will still be unable to exert their due combat effectiveness. Alexander understood it deeply.

The umbrella company not only sent individual weapons to Alexander's troops, but also armored vehicles and patrol speedboats. These patrol speedboats are sharp weapons used to block the strait, and the grenade launchers on the armored vehicles are the best weapons against guerrillas. .

"If we could have such equipment during the World War, maybe the result would be different—" Looking at the armored vehicles being hoisted off the transport ship, Alexander felt dejected.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

(End of this chapter)

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