Chapter 1223 Baa——

The reorganization of the Russian troops is carried out in full accordance with the organization of parachute mercenaries. Under the brigade is the wing, and under the wing are the brigade, squadron, detachment, and squad. The grassroots teams don't even have light machine guns, and they are responsible for fire support tasks with automatic rifles.

After the World War, the Nyasaland Arsenal made appropriate improvements to the weapon system. The weight of the automatic rifle was further reduced, and the effective range was shortened from 600 meters to 400 meters. The butt was also changed from walnut to a cheaper stamped steel plate. After the shortened barrel length, the weight of the automatic rifle is only 3.45 kg, which is lighter than Lee Enfield.

Lee Enfield's weight is 8.8 pounds, about four kilograms.

Lee Enfield was also improved. The engineers of the Nyasaran Armory installed a heavy-duty match-grade barrel on the basis of the Lee Enfield Mk III rifle, and installed a cheek plate on the buttstock. With the 1914-style quadruple scope, it becomes a real sniper rifle.

The weapons sent by the Umbrella Company to the reorganized troops are all Lee Enfields. Although these Lee Enfields are not brand new, they are well maintained. After the end of the World War, nearly one million Lee Enfields were sealed in southern Africa. , the inventory is now abundant.

Looking at the pile of Lee Enfield, Alexander was filled with emotion.

The weapons equipped by Alexander's troops are very complicated. There are Mosin Nagant from the Russian era, and Mauser and Manlicia captured after the war. Mosin Nagant is also divided into the basic type with long barrel and the cavalry type with short barrel. , the models of Mauser and Mannlicher are more complicated, and there are more than ten kinds in total.

Even so, Alexander's troops were still unable to shoot a single shot, and they were extremely short of ammunition. Some rifles were already unusable due to lack of ammunition.

Umbrella sent 2500 Lee Enfields to the integrated unit, along with 20 million rounds of ammunition and nearly [-] hand grenades.

"God, I have known for a long time that Southern Africa has a developed economy, but today I know that the reputation is well-deserved, and now I understand that we did not lose in the world war unjustly." Alexander smiled wryly, his clothes had been changed into the khaki of umbrella mercenaries military uniform.

Except for the different colors, there is almost no difference between the military uniforms of the Umbrella Company mercenaries and the military uniforms of the regular army in southern Africa. They are also divided into dresses (common clothes) and combat uniforms. The style of the dress is similar to that of most countries in this era, gorgeous Fit and dignified, and pay more attention to the waistline design, the officer's dresses are all custom-made.

On the Internet in another time and space, people often blow up how gorgeous, how fashionable, and how elegant the military uniforms of the German Third Reich are.

In fact, it’s really not very fashionable and elegant, and it’s not even gorgeous. You don’t need to compare it with the British and French military uniforms that are famous for their gorgeous fashion. shot.

The dresses for Southern Africa and Umbrella are derived from British dresses, and the dresses for lieutenants and above are also custom-made. Tailors will provide special door-to-door services. After detailed measurement of various sizes, adjustments must be made according to personal habits and body characteristics to make a set It takes about three months to make a military uniform, and the effect of such a well-tailored dress must be outstanding.

Although the uniforms of soldiers are not as complicated as those of officers, they also have a sense of design, mainly in the waist design and the use of outer belts. Although it is more complicated to make, it does look more beautiful and generous.

"Advanced weapons are the prerequisite for victory, but whether the weapons can work or not, the most important thing is strict training." An Qi, who has come to Mesopotamia, is responsible for the reorganization of the Constantinople troops. The official number of the troops is The [-]st and [-]nd Brigades of the Garibaldi Mountains.

The terrain of the Garibaldi Peninsula is dominated by mountainous areas. The troops are then mainly responsible for the defense of the Garibaldi Peninsula and the elimination of the Ottoman remnants in the mountains. Compared with the regular army equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, the mountain brigade is obviously more suitable for Garibaldi. The actual needs of the peninsula.

After the reorganization of the mountain brigade, most of the officers are professional mercenaries sent by the umbrella company. There is no need to worry about the personal qualities of the soldiers. Most of Alexander's soldiers are Cossacks. Compared with personal qualities, organizational discipline is more affected by Angie. Pay attention to.

"Don't worry about the training. If someone dares to disobey the order, all military laws will be followed." Alexander was murderous, he did not control the soldiers, and he would never tolerate soldiers who disobeyed orders.

In the barracks on the outskirts of Constantinople, the troops are undergoing rigorous training as parachute mercenaries.

The instructors sent by these umbrella companies basically have the experience of participating in world wars. Their training for the troops is completely in accordance with the "Infantry Drill Code" compiled by the Southern African Ministry of Defense, and the requirements for discipline are very strict.

The individual quality of the Cossacks does not need to be emphasized. Many of the soldiers under Alexander were hunters before joining the army. Their shooting skills fully meet the standards of precision shooters in southern Africa. Most of the soldiers are from the mountains. They have first-class physical fitness and tough personalities. He is brave in battle and not afraid of sacrifice, he is born a first-class soldier.

"The next thing we are going to do is a five-kilometer cross-country. Don't think it's too far, don't be tired. The next five kilometers will become our daily routine. We must do it at least once a day." The leader of the second squadron of the first brigade of the third wing of the first brigade Lieutenant Fan Yao wears the same combat uniform as the soldiers, also carries a combat backpack and Lee Enfield, and will train with the soldiers.

Mercenaries have no logistical establishment, and all combat materials must be carried with them, and the weight of the items carried with them when performing tasks exceeds 20 kilograms.

In order to be closer to actual combat, the weight of soldiers during training is also about 20 kilograms, and the weight of officers and soldiers is the same. If the training task cannot be completed within the specified time, then the officers and soldiers will also be punished at the same time.

"You should have already smelled the beef stew in the kitchen, that is for us, but only those who complete the task within the specified time can enjoy the delicious beef stew with potatoes, I will prepare it for the team with the best performance A bottle of vodka produced in Johannesburg. The team that finally returns to the camp is responsible for cleaning the whole squadron for a week. Please note that only when a team completes the task at the same time can they be recognized. This requires you to help each other during the training process. Always remember that we are a whole, we are as close as a family, like brothers." Fan Yao always emphasizes the importance of unity, which is actually brainwashing, and a lie repeated a thousand times will become the truth, let alone "comrades" special affection.

"Ulla!" The Cossacks roared loudly. These simple guys only need a little stimulation to transform into fighting bears.

"Let's go, let's go, let me see your fighting power, don't be ridiculed like a little chicken, we are the invincible Cossacks, we are the omnipotent umbrella—" Fan Yao followed the team, non-stop Stimulate with language.

"Lieutenant, do you want me to carry the gun for you?" Sergey, the captain of the second team and the first team, was tall, with a beard and a standard bear figure.

Most Cossacks are tall and tall, but Fan Yao's figure is relatively thinner.

But don't think that Fan Yao's body looks thinner, and you think that Fan Yao's physical fitness is not good. Fan Yao was a precision shooter with 25 victories during the World War, and he was also the top three armed cross-country companies of the Umbrella Company.

The armed cross-country organized by the umbrella company is to carry [-] kilograms for [-] kilometers.

"Hahahaha—Lieutenant, what if you are the last one?"

"Lieutenant, I will clean up for you then!"

"I wash my socks myself—"

The Cossacks were laughing and laughing, but they didn't take Fan Yao seriously. Fan Yao had managed to mingle with the Cossacks in the past few days, but he hadn't really gained the respect of the Cossacks.

"Shut up! Show some respect to the lieutenant." The captain of the first unit, Second Lieutenant Pullman, was of German origin and was very strict with these Cossacks.

The Cossacks immediately shut up, but they didn't look very friendly at Pullman.

"Sergey, you better take care of yourself and don't give me a chance to laugh at you, and you bastards, who finish training after me, will have to do a five-kilometer every night before lights out, until you Until your grades can surpass mine, look at your appearance, how long has it been since you started, you are already limp like a little sheep, do you want me to bring you a shepherd dog, baa——" Fan Yao calmed down, While running, I still had the energy to laugh at the Cossacks who were walking more and more heavily.

The Cossacks wanted to retort, but their increasingly short of breath and heavy footsteps made them unable to fight back.

"Speed ​​up, don't be worse than a bitch—"

"You're worse than sheep, that's why you got beaten to the crap during the World Wars—"


Fan Yao's tongue became more and more poisonous, Sergei was sweating profusely, gritting his teeth and ran wildly, and some Cossacks with slightly weaker physical fitness gradually fell behind.

"Remember what I just said, we are a whole, the mission is only completed when the team has completed the training - pay attention to your companions, help your comrades in time, if there is a battle, you may also need him Your help——" Fan Yao's breath was not at all messy, and there was not a single drop of sweat on his forehead.

Before Sergey could react, Pullman took the rifle from a pale soldier: "How is it? Can you hold on?"

"Second lieutenant—I—I can—" The gratitude in the soldier's eyes was fleeting, and this kind of warmth had never been felt in the imperial Russian army.

ps: Are name stems fun?You Lich Kings, why do I have your book friends——

(End of this chapter)

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