Chapter 1227

In fact, these scattered Ottoman remnants have hardly threatened the stability of the Garibaldi Peninsula.

For the same reason, the combat effectiveness of a modern army without logistical support is not as good as that of the bandits in the cold weapon era. In the cold weapon era, the spear was more than two meters long, and the longest rifle plus bayonet was only 1.5 meters.

After the surrender of the Ottoman Empire, the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at that time sent people into the mountains many times to persuade them to surrender. Many remnants of the Ottoman Empire have put down their weapons and walked out of the mountains. Now the rest are diehards. Their existence is a hidden danger after all. lifted.

To deal with these scattered remnants, the mountain troops are merciless. Grenade launchers and flamethrowers are the conventional means. What is more extreme is to directly blow up the cave and bury the remnants hiding in the cave alive. The exit counted as their fate. If there was no exit, the remnant soldiers would die without a sound, and the cave became their natural grave.

Angie No matter how the mountain brigade clears up the remnants in the mountains, the peacekeeping force has already begun to take over the defense of the Black Sea estuary area. The entire Garibaldi Peninsula and the strait across the peninsula within ten kilometers are the defense zone of the peacekeeping force.

"Our warships have swept the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara many times. Now there are only our patrol boats and merchant ships in the Sea of ​​Marmara. Without our permission, no ships are allowed to enter the Bosphorus and Dardani. The biggest problem now is that part of our defense area overlaps with the French mandated territory, which may cause some problems, and we are coordinating with the French side." After the mountain brigade joined the peacekeeping force, An Qi became Alexander's superior, Alexander's attitude towards Angie is still very respectful.

"France can still take care of the mandate now?" Angie is not optimistic about the French. After the end of the World War, the French are also in constant trouble, and the reasons are similar to the British.

The term of French President Raymond Poengale also expires next year, so France is now facing a general election.

After the end of the World War, France also placed the hope of making up for its losses on Germany's compensation, but Germany is now unable to compensate at all, which has led to the accumulation of French dissatisfaction with President Raymond Poengale, and with Prime Minister Georges Poengale. Clemenceau's trust was also affected.

"Tiger" Georges Clemenceau's popularity reached its peak at the end of the World War, and then began to decline, especially the long Paris Peace Conference, which has almost exhausted the patience of the French. There are also problems with resettlement. The pensions of many dead and disabled soldiers cannot be paid in time. Last month, veterans in Paris held a large-scale parade to oppose the government's inaction in the resettlement of veterans.

The French government can’t do anything about it. It’s really not that the French government is killing the donkey. It’s that the French government really has no money. Veterans are indeed wronged. , as well as the organization of production and life, a large number of civilians need assistance, and enterprises that suffered heavy losses during the world war also need support.

Compared with these groups who are closely related to the future, veterans——

It is certain that the interests of some people will be sacrificed.

"The French government really doesn't care about the mandated territory now, but if we restore order in the mandated territory, the French government will definitely send someone to take it over." Alexander knows the French better than Angel. very.

An Qi smiled and said nothing. The peacekeeping force is not a charity organization. If the French want to pick peaches, it depends on whether the peacekeeping force cooperates.

In fact, the area controlled by the peacekeeping force has far exceeded the ten kilometers stipulated by the "Strait Management Committee". Already more than 100 kilometers.

This is not a violation. According to the order of the "Straits Management Committee", the surrounding area of ​​the Sea of ​​Marmara is also a defense zone of the peacekeeping forces. Although Sapanca Lake is far from the Bosporus Strait, it is only 15 kilometers away from the Sea of ​​Marmara.

"Clean up, we may be stationed here for a long time." Fan Yao's troops found a former Ottoman army camp near Sapanca Lake. The conditions of the camp were not good. Many barracks were destroyed during the war. After the end, the camp had been ransacked for an unknown number of times, and there was almost no complete window.

The only advantage is that the camp occupies a large area, and there is a small pier next to the camp, leading to the Sea of ​​Marmara along the river, and Fan Yao's troops can get supplies through the river smoothly.

"God, the situation here is terrible. If it is completely repaired, it is estimated that the amount of work will not be much less than a complete reconstruction. We will definitely sleep in a tent tonight." Pullman was in a bad mood. From the well-equipped Constantinople to In the deserted Sapanca Lake, everything will start again.

It can’t be said that it is uninhabited. Judging from the situation around Sapanca Lake, the original economic situation here is still very good. Although it was severely damaged by the war, as long as he has patience, Fan Yao believes that the former prosperity can be restored.

While speaking, Sergei led a few soldiers to drive a large group of terrified Ottomans over. They were ragged and skinny, many of them didn't even have shoes, and their faces were as dirty as beggars.

"What's going on?" Fan Yao raised his hand and called Sergey over.

"This is a group of thieves. They sneaked in while there was no one in the barracks, and they lived in the rooms of high-ranking officers. You can't imagine how those rooms were ruined by them. They are actually in the fireplace—" Sergey's military rank is sergeant major, and he is the bravest soldier under Fan Yao.

"Stop—" Fan Yao felt a little disgusted, and was keenly aware of what Sergey was going to say next, and stopped him in time: "Where are you going to send them?"

"Of course, drive them out, or just throw them into the lake to feed the fish." Sergey was cruel. Don't think that Sergey's Cossacks will become angels if they wear blue hats. They are Cossacks known for their brutality and wariness.

"No, get them some water, let them take a bath, then change their clothes, and then find a place for them to live." Fan Yao wants to make full use of every resource, and now the lower Asia Peninsula has the most human resources. important.

"——" Sergey's eyes widened in bewilderment, it would be good not to throw them into the lake.

"We need someone to work for us." Fan Yao said succinctly that the Asia Minor peninsula is not southern Africa, and the peacekeeping force must make full use of local human resources in order to restore peace in the area around the Sea of ​​Marmara.

"Look at their appearance, maybe a gust of wind can blow them down, what can they do?" Sergey expressed bravely, but it is not a good habit to question the orders of the boss.

"Sergeant Major, carry out the order!" Pullman didn't like Sergey, and the Germans and Russians had done too much damage to each other during the World Wars.

"Yes, sir!" Sergey stood at attention and saluted, then turned around and curled his lips. The Cossacks didn't like Germans either.

Facts have proved that Fan Yao’s decision was correct. The Cossacks searched the entire camp and found more than 200 Ottomans. The boiler room in the camp immediately started to ignite and boil water. Southern Africa has always had high requirements for sanitation work. The same goes for umbrella companies, and now the habit has been carried over to peacekeeping forces.

After taking a shower, changing clothes, cutting hair and shaving, the beggar-like refugee looked much more pleasing to the eye immediately.

After the refugees finished this series of work, they were pleasantly surprised to find that a large pot of beef and potatoes had been stewed in the kitchen. When receiving food, there were soldiers from the peacekeeping force to maintain order. The refugees had to line up and come one by one. The consequences of trying to jump in line Very serious.

These refugees probably haven't eaten beef and stewed potatoes for a long time. When they smelled the aroma of beef, a few guys who hadn't shaved their beards couldn't wait to rush over.

The guy in the lead had a big beard on his face. His stout figure was in stark contrast to the other thin refugees. This guy walked over with an almost arrogant gait. When he saw the beard, the refugees who were waiting in line immediately gave up their seats. .

In the past, most peacekeeping troops would make full use of their beards to strengthen the management of these refugees.

Not now, the peacekeeping force is here to restore order, and all hidden dangers of instability must be eliminated in time.

"Go back and line up, don't jump in line." The soldier maintaining order immediately reminded the bearded man.

"What did you say? I don't understand—" The bearded man's expression was actually a little arrogant.

"I said go back to line up and stand where you should stand—" the soldier's tone became more serious.

The bearded man turned a deaf ear, as if he could do whatever he wanted without understanding.

The soldier didn't talk nonsense, he swung the butt of his gun and hit the bearded man hard on the neck.

The bearded man fell to the ground without saying a word.

Two soldiers came over and dragged the bearded man away, and tied him to the flagpole in the center of the camp. During the tying process, the bearded man woke up and struggled desperately, and then was beaten hard again.

The bearded man has not yet recognized the situation, although he no longer struggles, but his yelling sound seems very angry.

So the bearded man was beaten again.

This time the bearded man was completely honest.

The bearded beard who had been beaten several times in a row was in a state of embarrassment, his beard was covered with grass clippings, his hair was tied into knots and stuck to his forehead, and the clothes he had just changed were whipped to pieces, and they were still stained with bloodstained.

"Shave all his hair and beard, and no one will be allowed to grow a beard in the camp." Fan Yao knows that growing a beard is a local tradition, but what about the tradition, as long as Fan Yao is not satisfied, he can force it to change.

The bearded man looked at Fan Yao with anger and hatred immediately.

Fan Yao is too familiar with this kind of gaze, and hatred is the biggest hidden danger.

(End of this chapter)

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