Chapter 1228 Barbarians

On the night when the peacekeeping troops entered Sapanca Lake, five people were shot and executed. Except for the bearded men, the other four were guys who tried to sneak into the barracks at night. Their purpose might be just for a meal, but the Cossacks would not give it to them. opportunity for them to explain.

In the event of an emergency at night, the Cossacks will shoot immediately without even a warning. Don’t bring the way of the peaceful era into the war era. Don’t forget that the areas where the peacekeeping troops appear are all dangerous. When terrorists raid a peacekeeper camp, they don't fire warning shots at the peacekeepers.

In the early morning, five crosses were erected at the gate of the camp, and five corpses were hung up directly. The effect was immediate, and no ignorant guy challenged the bottom line of the peacekeeping force.

"We must resume patrolling the area around Sapanca Lake as soon as possible, and we must also persuade those civilians who fled into the mountains during the war to return home. Tomorrow, the transport ship will deliver construction materials, and several warehouses will be built near the pier to store construction materials. and food, as well as weapons and ammunition." Fan Yao was methodical, and the camp of more than 100 people did not need to be too large. The barracks occupied by Fan Yao's squadron could accommodate a division according to the formation of the former Ottoman Empire troops, and there were plenty of open spaces.

According to the standards of southern Africa, six people can be stationed in a barracks of about 20 square meters. Officers have single rooms or suites according to their ranks. In fact, more than 100 people can have [-] to [-] barracks.

Although most of the houses in the barracks were damaged, there were still enough rooms to repair them. The refugees who were full were working hard, and the corpses on the cross at the gate of the camp could also form a sufficient deterrent. In just two or three days, the entire camp The interior and exterior are completely new, and the ground in the living area has hardened, using materials that were removed from the collapsed houses.

"If you want to patrol, you need military horses or cars. If you can't do it, you can use motorcycles." Pullman is not demanding. Armored vehicles are a bit of a luxury for peacekeeping troops. Military horses or motorcycles can still do it. Another consideration To the environment of Lake Sapanca, speedboats are definitely needed.

"Don't think about armored vehicles and war horses, you can still fight for motorcycles." Fan Yao is not greedy. For Cossacks, war horses must be the best, but the times are advancing, and Cossacks must also adapt to the development of the times.

Fan Yao's guess was right. The transport ship that arrived in the afternoon brought over a dozen motorcycles with it. The traffic around Sapanca Lake is pretty good. As long as it doesn't rain, motorcycles are actually more convenient than armored vehicles and war horses.

However, before the troops led by Fan Yao had time to familiarize themselves with motorcycles, the troops received combat orders.

A French army was besieged by locals in a small town about ten kilometers south of Sapanca Lake. The troops were unable to escape and asked for help from the peacekeeping force.


Fan Yao feels that he lives in a different world from the French. It seems that for the French, the world war is not over, and there are still all kinds of wars and chaos.

Don't worry about complaining, the military situation is an order, Fan Yao left some soldiers to defend the camp, and led Sergey's detachment to set off to reinforce the French.

"We were ordered to follow Mr. Johnson to Whitley to collect taxes, but we were resisted by the locals. Mr. Johnson was kidnapped by the locals, and we were surrounded in the mayor's office. Captain Gallup sent me to ask for help. When we went back, Mr. Johnson was still alive." On the way, Norton, the corporal who ordered the players, briefed Fan Yao on the situation.

"Who are Jonson and Gallup?" Fan Yao was also wearing a combat uniform with a backpack and a rifle on his back. From the appearance, he was almost the same as other soldiers.

"Mr. Johnson is the tax collector. There are only six people around Captain Gallup. We didn't expect the locals to dare to resist the taxation." Norton was out of breath. He rode a horse when he came to ask for help, and now the horse is in the camp Rest inside.

Fan Yao was silent, the way the French eat is really ugly, no wonder the locals want to resist.

After the end of the World War, France did not get the compensation it wanted from Germany, so it increased its squeeze on the colonies, which has led to the complete collapse of the situation in Madagascar.

Fan Yao really didn't expect that not only did the French not learn the lesson, but they couldn't wait to search for the mandate right after they had just obtained the management rights of the mandate, which shows that the French have reached the point where they can't choose what to eat.

"Mr. Johnson can't do anything about it. We haven't received our salary for three months. The logistics supply is seriously insufficient. The soldiers go fishing and come back to roast and eat during their off time. The big shots in Congress are busy fighting for power and profit, and they don't care about the life and death of us poor people. ’” Norton was full of complaints, he had just had a full meal in the camp, and his resentment towards the French government was even worse.

Although the salary of the peacekeeping troops is not high, the food is obviously very good. Don’t forget that the Cossacks are good hunters, and they will not go hungry if they hunt casually. Sergey is one of them.

Compared with all kinds of meat, the coffee and fruits of the peacekeeping force are more impressive. In fact, there is no shortage of fruits in the Asia Minor Peninsula. There are many orchards around the Sapanca Lake camp, but they are neglected and no one picks them. It's not good, and it can only rot in the orchard after it matures.

After Fan Yao learned about the situation, he organized the Ottomans in the camp to pick fruits. In the past, the owners of those orchards were landlords, or princes and nobles. Few dare to pick in the orchard.

Now with Fan Yao's order, the Ottomans in the camp are elated and highly motivated to work.

Given that the Ottomans in the camp are very obedient, Fan Yao has already planned to select some of them as temporary employees of the camp to serve the peacekeeping force, cleaning, washing clothes, cooking and so on.

More than ten kilometers were gone in a blink of an eye. The five kilometers in the previous period played a role. The quality of the members of Sergey's team was good.

The size of the town is small, and there are dozens of scattered families scattered on a hillside. The houses are all old stone-built houses. At first glance, they look as if they have a history of hundreds of years. The mayor's office is in the center of the town. In this position, several French soldiers with rifles were confronting one or two hundred Ottomans with various weapons.

"Put away the bayonets, form two formations, and advance in formation—" Fan Yao didn't want to provoke the Ottomans. They just wanted to express their anger and did not attack the French army. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a few people to survive Now.

It is also fortunate that there are few French soldiers, otherwise it is estimated that the French soldiers would have used force to suppress them, and hemp straw would be afraid of beating wolves.

The peacekeepers and soldiers who appeared in line quickly attracted the attention of the French soldiers and the Ottomans. Captain Gallup was a tall but thin middle-aged man. Due to years of alcoholism, Captain Gallup’s eyes were cloudy and his nose was red. Age is the captain, which fully proves his ability.

But it’s hard to say. The French army has always been famous for its rigid structure and bloated structure. It’s normal for truly capable people not to be reused in the French army. Petain and Foch were only colonels when the World War broke out. Their success is of course closely related to their own efforts, and it also has a lot to do with the dismissal and abandonment of many senior French generals after the outbreak of the World War because of their ability.

"Everyone spread out, what are you doing here? Are you going to riot?" Fan Yao came to the side of the Ottoman, and skillfully buckled a big hat.

"Who are you?"

"Get out of our land!"

"Kill all the French!"

The Ottomans talked in a mess, from the old man with white beard and hair, to the urchin who was not as tall as a rifle, and even the aunt whose waist was as thick as a bucket was holding a shovel to help out. They were all soldiers.

Don't underestimate the fighting power of these aunts. A strong man with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of [-] can carry it and walk away, just like carrying a wooden stake.

"Jing Jing, which one of you is the leader, stand up and speak." Fan Yao didn't bother, and couldn't understand with these aunts.

"Good evening sir, I am the patriarch of the Muhammad family—" Finally, someone who knew English came forward, probably educated in Europe.

"Hello, I'm Fan Yao from the peacekeeping force of the International Alliance. Do you know what the peacekeeping force does? Our mission is to maintain regional peace and protect civilians from war harassment. If you have any opinions, you can bring them forward and we will coordinate and solve them. Why use them? Such an extreme way." Fan Yao disapproved of besieging the tax collector at every turn, as this would lead to war.

According to the information provided by Norton, Mr. Johnson, the tax collector, was kidnapped by the Ottomans.

I hope Mr. Johnson is okay, otherwise the French army will definitely retaliate against the local Ottomans.

"It's not that we don't want to pay taxes, but the tax collector asked us to pay 250 francs each without delay. We really couldn't pay the money, and those gentlemen threatened to put us all in prison. "The patriarch was filled with righteous indignation,

250 francs, about 10 pounds, is really a lot of money, and it's per person——

He deserves to be kidnapped, asking for so much money is forcing these Ottomans to death!

"Come in, let's come in and chat slowly. Where's that Mr. Johnson? You didn't hurt him, did you?" Fan Yao seemed to be indifferent, first get the person out before talking.

"Of course not, we're not barbarians." The patriarch was confident, probably in his opinion, kidnapping tax officials and besieging French soldiers was indeed not barbaric.

Soon Mr. Johnson was sent over, but he looked very embarrassed, with footprints all over his body and bruises on his face. It was obvious that he had been "warmly entertained" by the Ottomans.

Oh, it really is not barbaric.

ps: Good news, it’s finally raining——

(End of this chapter)

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