Chapter 1231 Xie Musha

Let’s not talk about the quality of the Japanese soldiers during the First World War. In terms of discipline——


What is discipline?

In fact, the troops of the Allied Powers could not control their belts. During the period when the U.S. troops were stationed in Germany, they made countless mistakes.

But compared with the Japanese, the Americans are more or less a bit face-to-face, and they are more or less restrained in the public.

The Japanese seem to have not evolved at all in this regard, just like Teddy who is always on the go, regardless of other people's strange eyes.

This is not right, the Japanese are still very respectful in front of the Europeans. During the World War, Japan launched an attack on the German colonies in Asia, and sent the German soldiers captured in the colonies back to Japan for management.

How is Japan managed?

The food and drink are offered just like the uncle, and they actually pay the German prisoners of war, and they want to pay them according to the Japanese Navy's standard, but later they really have no money, so they pay the German prisoners according to the Japanese Army's standard.

How happy the German prisoners of war in Japan are, the German soldiers in the POW camp on the banks of the Lane dare not even think about it. How dare you believe that the collective votes of the German prisoners of war in Japan were published in the newspapers.

In the German POW camps in Japan, not only the living conditions are high, but there are also ancillary facilities such as bars, hospitals, and entertainment venues. The Japanese are probably not so attentive to their relatives.

The two famous cartoons in Japan during the period of the new museum fully reflected the attitude of the Japanese towards their elders, so please stop saying that you are inheriting the Han culture. The Han culture is not as unfilial as you.

What I want to explain here is that the Ottoman Empire is bounded by the Bosporus Strait, the Balkan Peninsula to the west of the Bosporus Strait belongs to Europe, and the Asia Minor Peninsula to the east of the Bosporus Strait belongs to Asia.

The Japanese probably feel that their "leave Asia and enter Europe" has achieved initial results, so they are so presumptuous in Lake Sapanca.

After all, Lake Sapanca is still part of Asia. As "honorary whites", the Japanese can naturally feel the arrogance of the colonists in Lake Sapanca.

This "honorary white man" is also very fascinating. I have never seen someone who dislikes his own blood to such an extent. In southern Africa, if someone defines the Chinese as "honorary white man", it will probably cause international disputes.

In Japan's military system, a sergeant is roughly equivalent to a sergeant in southern Africa. The sergeant is called Cao Chang in Japan, and the corporal is the corps leader.

Among the new reinforcements, most of the officers are white or Chinese, and only a small number of officers are Japanese.

When the sergeant laughed lewdly, the three or four chief cao and the sergeant next to him were tacitly aware that it was a matter of men, it is normal for the Japanese to lose their composure after drinking, especially the Japanese who drank a lot of vodka Man, they're still more used to beer-like sake.

In fact, many white people in Europe are not used to vodka, a high-alcohol liquor, but for the Cossacks, there is nothing better than vodka. The drinks at the dinner party are beer besides vodka. The Japanese probably want to challenge themselves. drinking capacity.

"Have they always been like this?" Fan Yao's face immediately turned cold. The military regulations of the peacekeeping force are not as strict as those of the Puritans, but there are some bottom lines that cannot be broken.

The simplest reason is that if the officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping force like an Ottoman woman, Fan Yao will not interfere no matter whether it is by spending money or using charm to win the other party's favor.

But you can't use violence. If you use violence, you will be spurned by everyone. Even when the Cossacks have not accepted the reorganization and stationed in Constantinople, they are severely punished for such things.

"Well, it's often like this. I don't make big mistakes, but I keep making small mistakes. I'm waiting for them to make bigger mistakes. Then I will teach them a lesson that they will never forget." Dylan Hughes also had a gloomy expression, What a shame, Dylan Hughes felt his face burn.

"Hehe, they are constantly testing your bottom line—" Su He couldn't tolerate these things. The army can't be said to be all saints, at least they can't all be demons.

In fact, Fan Yao didn't need to take action, someone immediately stepped forward to teach a few Japanese.

It was Sergey who took the initiative to stand up. Sergey was carrying a bottle of vodka and stood calmly between the sergeant and the maid, who separated the general from the maid.

Then I started to fight wine with the army Cao.

Sergey's height was close to 1.9 meters, and his weight must have exceeded [-].

Sergeants are at most 1.6 meters tall and must weigh more than 1.6 meters.

This really doesn’t mean to belittle the Japanese. For the Japanese of this era, 1.6 meters is definitely beyond the normal standard. The other Cao Chang and Juncao are at most 1.5 meters, and they sit on chairs without their heels touching the ground.

No way, the Cossacks are relatively tall, so the chairs in the camp are a bit high. This is really not aimed at anyone, it is purely because the Japanese are too short.

They are also of yellow race, Fan Yao and Su He are very comfortable sitting in the chair.

Sergey didn't bully anyone, and even took care of the Sergeant a little bit. He filled a cup by himself, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

Sergeant looked at the wine glass, his eyes were a little straightened, and when he looked at Sergey again, he had a bad expression.

Oh oh, I see, Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, so it still has a psychological advantage over the Russians.

Sergey doesn't care about this. Now Sergey has joined the southern African nationality and is a standard southern African.

"Come on, if it's a man, just do it, show the spirit you treated Kaya just now!" Sergey was smiling, but the words in his mouth were a bit unpleasant.

It's useless, the sergeant obviously can't understand Russian, he stutters in English, and can't straighten his tongue.

This is really not to blame the Japanese. Because of Japanese pronunciation defects, the Japanese cannot pronounce the two sounds "r" and "f". They will pronounce "l" and "h". When pronouncing "l", the Japanese It was tongue-twisting again, making it even more incomprehensible.

Sergey's complexion gradually turned ugly, and it was understandable that his pronunciation was not standard, but being vague was intentional negligence.

"Sir, let me come, Shi Yuan is already too strong to drink—" Cao Chang next to him took the initiative to raise his glass, raised his glass to Sergey, and imitated Sergey and drank it down in one gulp.

It's a pity that Cao Chang's alcohol capacity is not very good. If you let him drink slowly, it may be no problem to finish half a glass of wine, but like Sergey, pinch your nose and pour it into your mouth in one breath. If you haven't practiced it, you should never try.

Otherwise, he will be like Cao Chang, who will turn into a whale after being handsome for only three seconds.

"Pfft——" Just as the wine was poured into his mouth, Cao Zhang spit it out like a whale.

It was really spraying, and the height actually reached the ceiling. If it was higher than who sprayed it, Sergey would probably take the initiative to admit defeat.

But now Sergey just wants to hit people.

"You did it on purpose!" Sergey still had vodka dripping down his face.

"Ahem——" Cao Chang blushed, had difficulty breathing, covered his neck and bowed to Sergey while coughing, looking very embarrassed.

"Sir, let me wipe it for you—" a sergeant took out a handkerchief and wiped it on Sergey's face.

"Nimma——" Sergey was not used to this level of contact, and immediately punched the sergeant in the face, knocking the general to the ground.

When the fist was retracted, he took advantage of the situation and hit Cao Chang on the back of the head with another punch, and Cao Chang collapsed to the ground without saying a word.

The sergeant who caused all this hadn't reacted yet, and was kicked directly in front of Sergey's chest.

The sergeant screamed and fell to the ground with the chair, his head fell right at Kaya's feet.

Well, Kaya was wearing a dress.

Even in this situation, the Sergeant lying on the ground tried his best to bow in Kaya's direction.

Kaya couldn't bear it anymore, and directly put the plate in her hand on the sergeant's head.

It's messed up, it's messed up!

When Fan Yao and Dylan Hughes got up to stop them, all six Japanese sergeants and chief Caos were knocked to the ground. The Cossacks are definitely good at fighting in groups, and there are more than a dozen big feet that are longer than those Japanese faces. Kicking over together, the scene is spectacular——

"Stop, stop the fuck!" Fan Yao watched helplessly as the sergeants fought for more than ten seconds before stopping.

Dylan Hughes covered his face with his hands, feeling ashamed.

The sergeants looked very miserable, lying on the ground with bruised nose and swollen face, humming and groaning, unable to stand up. Just now, Cao Chang, who was like a whale, was lying on the ground silently, and someone had put a pot of soup on his head, probably Sergei. .

The sergeant who caused the incident was the worst. His two arms were distorted in an abnormal state. It must be a comminuted fracture. The hand that was rubbing the smell under his nose just now was crushed by someone. The bloody bone stubble are exposed.

After seeing Sergeant Cao's tragic situation clearly, Fan Yao felt that his head was getting bigger, and the Cossacks who were jealous and hated their enemies were too harsh.

There are also doctors in the camp, and they are at the banquet site.

After conducting a preliminary examination on the sergeant, the doctor looked helpless: "The injury is too serious, and I can't handle it here. I must send it to Cyprus immediately—"


Immediately not, wait until tomorrow, tomorrow there will be boats to Lake Sapanca.

"I'm really sorry that things have turned out like this—" Fan Yao expressed his apology to Dylan Hughes, and it was really not Fan Yao's wish that the reception banquet turned into a downfall.

"Oh, it's me who should be sorry, oh, Kaya, right? I'm sorry—" Dylan Hughes knew who to ask for an apology. Kaya also seemed to be a Slav, and she obviously had a good relationship with the Cossacks.

Kaya folded her hands on her chest, leaning on Sergey's shoulders like a little white rabbit.

Women really know how to pretend. During the fight just now, Fan Yao saw clearly that Kaya was not a little white rabbit when she hit Sergeant's head with a wine bottle.

"Okay, that's it, Xie Musha, go back and reflect on yourself, and copy the military regulations ten times." Fan Yao knew how to make Sergey uncomfortable.

However, at this time, "Xie Musha" is still used as an intimate nickname, which can fully reflect Fan Yao's satisfaction with Sergey.

(End of this chapter)

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