Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1232 A group of harmony

Chapter 1232 Harmony

What Fan Yao didn't expect was that the sergeant whose hands were broken seemed to be a son of aristocrat from a big family in Japan.

If you think about it, you can understand that if you are not a nobleman, you may not be qualified to join the peacekeeping force and go to Europe to be gilded.

However, the Japanese aristocrats seem to have poor morals. They can do such things as public obscenity, and they are caught straight. They don't know whether they should apologize after returning home.

At the reception banquet, the only Japanese chief Cao who did not participate in the fight was called Kitagawa Ichiro. The name probably means the eldest son of a family on the northern hillside. He was extremely calm from beginning to end. After the fight, a Cossack poured a cup of The wine was directly splashed on Kitagawa Ichiro's face. Not only was Kitagawa Ichiro not angry, but he calmly bowed and apologized to the provocative Cossack, and then he was never attacked again.

Dylan Hughes therefore greatly admired Ichiro Kitagawa, thinking that Ichiro Kitagawa is calm and has the style of a general.

However, Fan Yao was wary of Kitagawa Ichiro. He could remain calm in such an environment. One can imagine how deep the city is. Kitagawa Ichiro was almost sent away together.

"Fan, it's best not to do this. Kitagawa didn't make any mistakes, so you have no reason to send him away." Dylan Hughes didn't want to send Kitagawa Ichiro away. Tall, but capable.

Fan Yao also just learned that Ichiro Kitagawa graduated from the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy and performed well in the World War. Before joining the peacekeeping force, Ichiro Kitagawa was already a captain, but because the peacekeeping force did not require senior officers, Ichiro Kitagawa joined as a sergeant peacekeeping force.

Captain, probably equivalent to a captain in southern Africa, has a higher rank than Fan Yao.

"I'm not sending him away. The injured sergeant needs someone to take care of him. He should feel better with his own people around him." Fan Yao did not admit that there were other factors. The Japanese in this period were still very obedient in front of white people. Yes, the extent can refer to the treatment of German prisoners of war in Japan during the World War.

"It's okay, there are Japanese medical staff in Cyprus." Dylan Hughes knew the situation better, and it seemed that the Japanese were indeed well prepared.

Fan Yao finally couldn't find a reason, but it wouldn't make it easier for Ichiro Kitagawa. The next day, Fan Yao arranged for Ichiro Kitagawa to lead the troops to patrol in the direction of Whitley Township.

Now the town of Whitley has been abandoned. It is rumored that the Ottoman rebels vowed to take revenge, and there are many rebels around the town.

Dylan Hughes watched with cold eyes, and came to Fan Yao after Ichiro Kitagawa led the troops to set off.

"Fan, do you have any prejudice against the Japanese?" No matter how dull Dylan Hughes was, he still noticed Fan Yao's abnormality.

"How is it possible, I have no prejudice against anyone." Fan Yao denied it.

"Don't lie to me Fan, I'm not a fool, look at the eyes of Ichiro Kitagawa - not just Ichiro Kitagawa, you can see the hatred that cannot be concealed in the eyes of all Japanese." Dylan Hughes is not stupid, Soldiers are still very sensitive to things like murderous intent.

Fan Yao was silent, leaning back on the back of the chair. The curtains in his office were often only half opened, and the sunlight came in. Fan Yao was hiding in the shadows. Dylan Hughes couldn't see Fan Yao's expression clearly.

"Fan, don't be like this, we are comrades-in-arms, no matter what you have had in the past, now we should let go of our hatred—" Dylan Hughes really didn't want to see accidents happen to his subordinates.

The corners of Fan Yao's mouth twitched, as if he was smiling, but it was uglier than crying.

Dylan Hughes didn't speak, feeling the temperature in the room drop.

Fan Yao got up and went to the window, looking towards the direction of the sunrise in the east, and said in a low voice, "Dylan, my hometown is a city called Lushun——"

"And then?" Dylan Hughes didn't know the history between the Chinese and Japan.

"About 25 years ago, a war broke out between the Qing Dynasty and Japan because of North Korea. The Qing Dynasty was defeated. The Japanese occupied my hometown and slaughtered for four days and three nights. My mother hugged me and hid in the drain. I escaped, my father, my grandfather, my uncle, and our whole family were massacred by the Japanese—" Fan Yao's voice and body were trembling slightly, and his hands were grasping the window lattice with bruises.

"Sorry, Fan, I didn't know—" Dylan Hughes apologized. He never knew that Fan Yao had experienced such a thing.

"Dylan, you don't need to apologize. Those Japanese should apologize. They should apologize for those innocent people."

"Twenty-five years ago, Kitagawa was not an adult—" Dylan Hughes struggled.

"So what? Beichuan was indeed underage at the time, but his father or his elder brother participated in that war. Japan received 3000 million taels of silver in compensation through the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War. After that, the Japanese government 80.00% of this indemnity is used for the military. Perhaps it is because of this indemnity that Beichuan has the opportunity to study in the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. My hometown is still poor and weak. Beichuan and the Japanese will return to Japan after all. Yes, if another war breaks out between Japan and the Chinese, guess whether Beichuan will turn into a beast like his father or brother." Even if there is only a slight possibility, Fan Yao will not allow that to happen.

"The hatred of the previous generation should not be passed on to the next generation." Dylan Hughes was speechless.

"You should tell the French and Germans this and listen to what they say." Fan Yao was blunt, standing up and talking without pain in his back, and persuading others without understanding what happened to others deserved to be struck by lightning.

After understanding it, it is purely bad to persuade others to be magnanimous.

Dylan Hughes was defeated and had no position to discuss this issue with Fan Yao.

For three days in a row, nothing happened, but Dylan Hughes' mood became heavier and heavier.

Nothing happening is definitely not a good sign. If the patrol is attacked by the rebels, then Dylan Hughes can feel more relaxed. There are two possibilities for this situation. One is that the rebels have moved away from Whitby. The other is that the rebels are planning a larger-scale operation.

Dylan Hughes is more inclined to the second.

Fan Yao remained calm, but these days more and more patrols were dispatched, more and more frequently, and there was often only one squad in the camp, which was not enough to even defend the camp.

Finally on the fourth day, Ichiro Kitagawa's patrol did not return to the camp within the stipulated time.

"Fan, there is a patrol team that may be ambushed by the rebels. We need to send people to support it in time." Dylan Hughes was routine, and he couldn't turn his face with Fan Yao for the Japanese.

Dylan Hughes is also a southern African, a British descendant of southern Africa, half French, the grievances between France and Germany——

Well, let the persuasive person die!

"Sorry Dylan, I don't have any troops to mobilize right now. As you know, there is only one unit left in the camp." Fan Yao's face was still expressionless, but his eyebrows twitched a little cheerfully, and his eyes were also very active.

"That's a pity—" Dylan Hughes sat down opposite Fan Yao, and then stood up again: "Do you want a drink?"

That's a good suggestion.

Then have a drink. Fan Yao's office has wine produced in Cape Town. As an officer, Fan Yao still has some privileges.

"I used to agree that French brandy is the best wine in the world. In fact, our southern African wines are not bad." Dylan Hughes looked at the amber liquid in the glass and expressed emotion. The southern African military officer It is true that there is a preference for southern African wines, there is no doubt about it.

"Most of the wine in Cape Town is produced in Oak Town, Cape Town. The earliest residents of Oak Town were the French. They found that Oak Town has a climate and sunshine similar to France, so they made wine in Oak Town—in fact, you should try it. We Chinese make wine, fruit wine, rice wine, white wine, rice wine - there is always one you like." Fan Yao warmly recommended, in fact, rice wine is also a kind of rice wine.

Rice wine is one of the oldest wines in the world. The quality of the yeast koji determines the quality of the wine. It originated from the Chinese, and only the Chinese can make it. Together with beer and wine, it is called the world's three ancient wines. It was about 3000 years ago in the Shang and Zhou dynasties During the era, the Chinese began to brew rice wine in large quantities.

What does this mean? This does not mean that the Chinese are very skilled in brewing wine, but that the Chinese already had surplus grain to make wine more than 3000 years ago. Think about what the white people were doing 3000 years ago——

In 1000 BC, the Greeks along the Aegean Sea had just learned to use iron tools, but until the next 300 years, iron technology did not spread to Central Europe.

As for Western Europe, there may have been no written records in Western Europe at that time. French appeared in the eighth century, and English appeared in the fifth century. European history is so little.

The eighth century and the fifth century here are all later when Old French, Old English, Modern French and Modern English appeared.

The history of the Chinese in the fifth century has already passed the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties are enjoying the landscape freely.

"Hmph--" When it came to history, Dylan Hughes had nothing to say, so he could only hum and pretend to be dead.

There is no way, the history of the Chinese is so glorious and powerful that the Chinese themselves don't bother to mention it, but the white people always talk about the Renaissance.

To be revived, revival at least requires the ancestors to be rich.

"Sir, one of our patrols heard intense gunshots near the small town of Whitley. There may be a battle going on." Sergey's voice was loud, and he was already dressed neatly, obviously eager to fight.

"Get out!" Fan Yao was rude.

Xie Musha looked confused, what's going on?

"Come here, Sergey, and have a drink with your officer. Didn't you see that your officer is in a bad mood?" Dylan Hughes smiled.

"Who, who offended our lieutenant, I want to tear it up!" Sergey was furious.

It looks like a group of peace.

ps: Some things cannot be written in too much detail, brothers forgive me——

(End of this chapter)

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