Chapter 1233 Spray God

The pure-minded Cossacks have a clear distinction between likes and dislikes. If they like it, they like it, and if they dislike it, they hate it. They never hide their emotions in their hearts, and they are clearly written on their faces.

Fan Yao's work during this period has been fruitful, and the Cossacks' loyalty to Fan Yao is increasing. The last person who could make Sergei so angry was their Tsar father.

Two hours later, as more and more troops returned to the camp, Fan Yao and Dylan Hughes assembled a force to go to Whitley for reinforcements.

Because I don't know Whitley's situation, the troop is advancing very slowly, and they are advancing while searching. This is really not an intentional delay. After all, the reinforcements must first ensure their own safety, and they cannot repeat the same mistakes. God knows the Ottoman remnants who have experienced the world war Have you learned how to surround points to fight for aid? When the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force attacked the Asia Minor peninsula, similar tactics were often used.

Years of wars have caused huge damage to the Asia Minor peninsula, and the road traffic has been severely damaged. Neither the French nor the Ottomans are in the mood to repair it, let alone the peacekeeping forces. The rebels would not be able to enter the area around Lake Sapanca.

There are burned houses and abandoned farms everywhere along the way. In fact, these farms can resume production simply by cleaning them up. However, no one dares to return to their homes amidst endless wars.

After climbing over two mountains in a row and walking along the rugged mountain road for another two kilometers, the sight suddenly opened up.

"It should be near here, but be careful on the hillside in front. The Mediterranean Expeditionary Force and the Ottoman army have fought in this area before. There may be mines on the hillside. Don't leave the road rashly." Sergey's ability to survive in the wild is still quite good Yes, this is all experience accumulated in blood.

"This is also called a road—" Dylan Hughes complained. The road ahead collapsed half of it for some unknown reason, and further ahead, it may be caused by landslides during the rainy season, and the entire mountain road was blocked by mud.

"Welcome to the Ottoman Empire." Fan Yao stuffed the telescope back into the wooden box at his waist, and looked at the distant hillside with a blank expression.

Walking up to the top of the hill along the path in the middle, the reinforcements finally found the Ichiro Kitagawa detachment that was attacked.

Just on the other side of the hillside, dozens of white corpses are neatly lined up on the rugged roadside. The clothes on the corpses have been stripped, the weapons and equipment have been taken away, and some corpses have been destroyed by the rebels. , Kitagawa Ichiro's eyes were wide open and he was dying. He had at least a dozen gunshot wounds on his body, his left arm was cut off from the elbow, and his whole body was bloody.

Dylan Hughes endured discomfort and looked at the corpses one by one. Some corpses were shot and then stabbed, and two corpses had their hands tied behind their backs and their heads were chopped off.

"Is it the Rebels?" Fan Yao asked Dylan Hughes for advice.

"I don't know yet, it may be that the attackers took all their equipment, and the clothes were burned there centrally. This is another demonstration to us. No matter how much hatred you have with the Japanese, we have to do something. "Dylan Hughes complained to Fan Yao, if it wasn't for Fan Yao——

No, this has nothing to do with Fan Yao. Fan Yao normally arranges patrol missions, and the reinforcement operation is also carried out in accordance with the regulations of the peacekeeping force, and there is no intentional delay.

It can only be said that the Beichuan Squad was unlucky and stepped into the encirclement of the rebels rashly. Would they have the ability to break through immediately, leading to the annihilation of the entire army.

"Let's report it first. We're going to carry out a netting operation around here to completely solve the security risks in the area around Sapanca Lake." Fan Yao didn't feel the pleasure of revenge.

The annihilation of a unit must be reported. When Angie got the report, she had just reached an agreement with Neil Boyle, the chief executive of the French Mandate, to restore order in the French Mandate as soon as possible.

The French government finally took action, preparing to transfer a force from the North African colony to cooperate with the peacekeeping force to expel all the rebels in the French mandated territory as soon as possible.

The British government also has requirements for the peacekeeping force, and hopes that the peacekeeping force will lean towards the British mandate as much as possible. Considering the lack of strength of the peacekeeping force, the UK also wants to send troops from other regions to the British mandate for reinforcements.

The British government had drawn the southern African unit stationed in British Somalia, the same unit that Angie had served in before.

"You want the horses to run, and you want the horses not to eat grass. London has not paid for the second cavalry division to be stationed in Somalia this year. Now it is going to transfer the second cavalry division to the more dangerous peninsula of Asia Minor. Just now, Asia Minor A peacekeeping force in the French mandated territory on the peninsula was attacked by the rebels, and about one platoon was killed. I really don’t understand, what benefits does the Asia Minor peninsula have for the British Empire?” Rock asked Kitchener directly Complain, now Britain and France have not realized how much trouble the Asia Minor peninsula is.

It won't take long for the Allied Powers to be unable to bear the quagmire of the Asia Minor Peninsula, completely withdraw from the Asia Minor Peninsula, and hand over the Asia Minor Peninsula to the Ottomans.

Rock has no ambitions for the Asia Minor peninsula, and even Rock doesn't care much about the outlet of the Black Sea. It would be better if he could control the outlet of the Black Sea, but it doesn't matter if he can't. The Black Sea is not the core interest of southern Africa.

The Indian Ocean is.

The Indian Ocean maintains the channel of communication between Southern Africa and East Asia. As long as there are no problems in the Indian Ocean, Southern Africa will be able to maintain close ties with East Asia. East Asia here refers to East India.

"There is no interest and you can't give up. After the World War, Southern Africa got Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. What did the British Empire get?" Kitchener said bluntly.

Rock can only rejoice that the status of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika has been decided before the end of the World War. If Rock hadn't started early, after the end of the World War, Southwest Africa and Tanganyika It is almost impossible for southern Africa to obtain Southwest Africa and Tanganyika if it is discussed publicly at the Paris Peace Conference.

"Southern Africa is also part of the British Empire." Rock firmly grasped this point.

Kitchener was speechless. Jurisprudentially speaking, southern Africa is indeed a part of the British Empire, but the current British Empire is obviously weak and strong, and its influence on overseas dominions and colonies is getting weaker and weaker. These words come from Rock It is a huge mockery of the British Empire to say it here.

"Don't deny the Marshal. The world is moving forward, and it is impossible to stand still. London can give up Canada, Australia, and southern Africa. Why can't it give up the mandated territories on the Asia Minor peninsula?" Rock asked sharply. It is not that the British are so kind, but that London has been unable to maintain the old colonial order, so it has to gradually loosen the ties to the overseas dominions.

The consequences of not letting go are also obvious. Think about how the United States became independent.

Now if southern Africa is fighting for independence, it is really impossible for London to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops from colonies around the world to counter the rebellion in southern Africa like it did 20 years ago.

"Your old friend is in trouble, why don't you think of a way to help him?" Kitchina changed his perspective, Winston is indeed in a huge crisis recently.

For Winston, he himself is determined to participate in the next general election and continue to lead the UK in dealing with the increasingly complex international situation.

It's a pity that the British no longer trust Winston, and even Winston's cabinet members do not approve of Winston's continued election, and more and more people in Congress oppose Winston.

Now Winston is also in a dilemma. Giving up the mandate will show that Britain has completely failed and won nothing in the world war.

If we invest more in the Mandate, we will not see any gains in a short period of time. The Mandate is more like a huge bottomless pit, which will make it even more difficult for the British government, which is already financially stretched.

"Now it's not a question of whether I can help Winston. No matter who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the situation will not get better in a short time, and it may become more and more serious." Roque is not alarmist. If there is no accident, the economic crisis It probably broke out in the past two years.

If the economic crisis breaks out, the British government, which is already in trouble, will be even worse. Whoever is the prime minister will be the scapegoat. Rock has already sent a telegram to Winston, suggesting that Winston retreat bravely, and he is as casual as Kitchener Mix up a job and go to southern Africa to retire.

Pensions are not suitable for Winston. Kitchener will be 70 next year, and Winston is just 45 this year.

Tsk tsk, 45 years old is just the beginning for a politician, 60 years old is young and strong.

"If you come to be Prime Minister—" Kitchener suddenly had an idea.

"Don't hurt me—" Rock was taken aback. He had never thought about this issue, and he didn't even want to be the Prime Minister of Southern Africa.

It is not easy to be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It is smooth sailing like Winston. After the end of the World War, it is still inevitable to fall into the vortex of public opinion. If Rock, a Chinese, becomes the Prime Minister——

Leaving aside the issue of whether Roque can serve as prime minister, I am afraid that if Roque reveals his meaning in this regard, he will be sprayed to pieces by the sharp-tongued British MPs.

Those members of Congress are common Internet trolls in the 21st century. They are good at raising problems, but they have no solutions, and they are good at tearing down when others propose solutions.

Kitchener shook his head and smiled wryly. He also knew that it was unreliable to let Roque be the prime minister, but it was really tempting to think about it.

Based on Roque's performance in Nyasaland, if Roque becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, then Roque may really be able to pull the United Kingdom out of the quagmire.

Just when Roque and Kitchener were worried about the British Empire, on August [-]th, the British Parliament finally initiated the impeachment of Winston, demanding that Winston resign immediately and hold an early general election.

(End of this chapter)

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