Chapter 1234

Roque is very familiar with the British general election. The scene of Aunt May's tearful tears at No. 21 Downing Street in the [-]st century left a deep impression on Roque.

The current members of Parliament in the UK are no worse than those in the 21st century. Aunt May was forced to resign because of her own problems. Winston has made an indelible contribution to the UK.

Even so, those members of the British Parliament still say impeachment and impeachment, without giving Winston the slightest chance, which fully reflects the pragmatism and efficiency of the British Parliament.

Of course, the British Parliament is only pragmatic and efficient in terms of impeachment of the Prime Minister, other aspects——

Ha ha.

Winston also has self-respect. After Roque learned of this situation, before he had time to send a telegram to Winston, Winston resigned angrily and threw the mess in Britain to Congress.

After Winston left office, because the new Prime Minister had not yet been produced, the leader of the House of Commons, Andrew Bonar Law, the Lord Seal, acted as Prime Minister.

Andrew Bonar Law, a Canadian, served as Secretary of Colonial Affairs, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Keeper of the Seal during the World Wars, and had a long-term feud with Winston.

The relationship between Andrew Bonar Law and Winston is very bad. In fact, the two of them have very similar ideas at many times. For example, on the issue of Ireland, Andrew Bonar Law and Winston both advocated tough measures , Andrew Bonar Law was even more radical than Winston when it came to workers' strikes during the World Wars.

At this time, it showed Winston's humility. Although he had a bad relationship with Andrew Bonar Law, during the World War, in order to concentrate all his forces against Germany, Winston still gave Andrew Bonar Law enough trust. , Andrew Bonar Law became an important member of Winston's cabinet.

It is a pity that Andrew Bonar Law did not give Winston enough trust. During his tenure as leader of the House of Commons, Andrew Bonar Law questioned Winston's decisions many times, including Winston's appointment of Rock as the British Expeditionary Force Commander-in-Chief, Andrew Bonar Law at the time was one of the leading opposition forces in Britain.

In fact, as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston has the power to dissolve the House of Commons.

But Winston did not do so, until Winston resigned, Winston did not try to dissolve the House of Commons.

Winston's resignation also had a certain impact on southern Africa.

Everyone knows the relationship between Winston and Rock. They are old friends for more than 20 years. They fought side by side during the Second Boer War and joined hands again during the World War. When Winston was prime minister, he gave enough to southern Africa. Take care, now that Winston has resigned, there should be a change in London's attitude towards southern Africa.

After Winston resigned, Andrew Bonar Law wanted Winston to serve as Minister without Ministry.

This appointment was almost insulting to Winston, who directly rejected Andrew Bonar Law's appointment and left London to sail for Southern Africa.

Winston did not go to Pretoria, the first stop was Nyasaland.

It is already September, and Nyasaland in September is the most beautiful season of the year. The dry season has just ended and the rainy season has not yet begun. All have a faint floral fragrance.

Delighted to finally be leaving suffocating London, Winston and Clementina Hozier, who now have four children, and their children , the eldest daughter Diana just turned ten years old, another time and space Diana was a film actor, committed suicide in 1963.

According to Winston's wishes, Rock did not hold a grand welcome ceremony for Winston, and took the Winston family directly from the airport to Eagle Fort, where they held a small but standard ceremony for the Winston family. Very high welcome banquet.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, welcome to Southern Africa—" Ade greeted him in front of the hall, with Philip and Kitchener beside him, and the three giants of Southern Africa appeared together.

"I am no longer the Prime Minister, and now you are the Prime Minister—" Winston laughed loudly, not seeing the embarrassment and depression of being forced to resign at all.

Prime Minister is really not a good job. He wakes up earlier than a chicken and sleeps later than a dog. The credit is due to the king and the Congress, and there is no blame.

Relatively speaking, the Prime Minister of Southern Africa is much happier than the Prime Minister of the British Empire. Although Winston led the British Empire to win the First World War, but according to the reviews of later generations, Adelaide may not lose to Winston .

"Winston, don't care about those sand sculptures in Congress. I've learned how stupid they are." Kitchener tried to comfort Winston.

"Marshal, don't say that. Although I am no longer the Prime Minister, I am still a member of the House of Lords." Winston was extremely embarrassed, and some facts really did not need to be said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't serve as Prime Minister, you can just take a break and adjust after you step back." Philip didn't seem to be speaking to Winston. Winston smiled and ignored it. What are you rushing to do?

What Rock prepared for Winston was a sumptuous meal combining Chinese and Western styles. The main course was Nyasaland specialty fried whitebait and mushroom soup. It might be negligent to change to other people's dishes, but here in Rock, Never cared about other people's eyes.

Nyasaland is Rock's fiefdom, and on Rock's territory, everything must be obeyed by Rock.

Winston is not too heavy on appetite, as long as there are cigars, he can talk about anything. On the contrary, Clementina Hozier praised the deliciousness of mushroom soup. expect.

That's right, Winston decided to stay in southern Africa for a while to adjust. Since members of Congress felt that Winston could not lead the British Empire to move forward, Winston decided to let go completely.

Interestingly, the prime minister candidate launched by the Liberal Party turned out to be Neville.

Unlike Winston’s political enemies everywhere, both Neville and his father Joseph have a good relationship with Andrew Bonar Law. Looking at it this way, no matter whether Neville or Andrew Bonar Law came to power, it is actually true for Southern Africa. Neither will have much impact.

Winston wanted to live in seclusion in Los Angeles, and Rock certainly welcomed him with his hands up.

Rock has prepared a manor for Winston on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Winston's children can study in the best schools in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles city government is also planning to award Winston the title of "Honorary Citizen". The street will also be named Marlborough Road, in memory of the friendship between Winston and Rock.

"The British Empire did not gain nothing in the world war. The British Empire continues to exist. This is the biggest gain." Winston did not agree with the accusations made against him by the Congress. Compared with other countries at the same time, the British Empire was considered relatively lucky that's it.

The world war directly caused the destruction of the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Russian Empire. After the end of the five great empires, only the British Empire remained. France and Italy also suffered heavy losses in the World War, and other countries In comparison, at least the British Empire has not collapsed, which is enough to prove Winston's contribution to the British Empire.

Of course, although the British Empire has not yet collapsed, the decline is already very obvious.

Compared with the declining British Empire, the rise of southern Africa and the United States is already unstoppable. Southern Africa is better. For the internal market of the Commonwealth, it will try its best to maintain the existence of the Commonwealth. The United States is the heart of Sima Zhao. Everyone knows In fact, it is the United States that the world most hopes for the disintegration of the British Empire.

"But the congressmen won't pay attention to this." Ade is embarrassed to directly accuse the congressmen of shortsightedness, although this is true.

"It is impossible for someone else to be the Prime Minister to do better than Winston." As the Minister of War during the World Wars, Kitchener is undoubtedly the person who has the most say.

"Andrew invited you to be the Minister of Colonial Affairs. This position can actually be considered." Philip started from the balance. The Minister of Colonial Affairs was finally no longer an insulting appointment, but it was not of much value. The current Department of Colonial Affairs, and 20 The Colonial Affairs Office a few years ago was nothing like that.

20 years ago, southern Africa, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were all British colonies. At that time, the Ministry of Colonial Affairs was really powerful.

Now the above-mentioned areas have become British overseas dominions, and India has also established a separate Indian Affairs Bureau. The areas under the jurisdiction of the Colonial Affairs Department are only overseas islands of little value, and the scenery is no longer.

"No, I will not accept anyone's charity." Winston resolutely refused to return to politics in a short time.

In fact, if Winston wanted to make a fuss, it would also make Andrew Bonar Law uncomfortable.

When he was prime minister, Winston was criticized by the opposition party, and even the Liberal Party had many criticisms of Winston.

Now that Winston resigns, as long as Winston is willing, Winston will still be the leader of the House of Lords, no matter who is the next Prime Minister, when Winston was Prime Minister, how did Andrew Bona Law dismantle Winston? , and now Winston could fight an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye.

Think about the desolation and desolation of Aunt May when she shed tears on No. [-] Downing Street when she resigned, and then think about Aunt May's high-spirited attack on Johnson after she returned to Parliament. None.

"Don't do it if you don't want to do it, just enjoy life in Los Angeles, Diana is already ten years old, you should pay more attention to the children." Rock can understand Winston's mood, it's like if the world After the end of the war, the Southern African Congress accused the Southern African Expeditionary Force led by Roque for having suffered heavy casualties, and Naroque would quit.

Not necessarily, if that kind of situation really happened, Roque would probably directly find a way to dissolve the parliament, so as not to swallow his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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