Chapter 1235 Versatile

The British Prime Minister actually has greater rights than the US President. The US President must submit to Congress for approval if he wants to appoint cabinet members.

In southern Africa, the power of the prime minister has been further enlarged. The British prime minister can only dissolve the House of Commons, but not the House of Lords. There is only one parliament in southern Africa, and it can be dissolved if it is said to be dissolved.

After the dinner, it was Rock and Winston's private time. Sitting on the large terrace of Eagle Castle, Winston was finally able to open up and speak his mind.

"Actually, I knew this would happen a long time ago, but I didn't know that this day would come so soon. I thought they would at least wait for the failure of the new Russian government's intervention before launching an attack. I didn't expect them to be so impatient." Winston said slightly sadly. After all, he is still not reconciled.

This day will not be too far away. Russia at the end of August is about to enter winter, and the troops of the Allied Powers must end the war before winter, otherwise those waiting for the troops of the Allied Powers will be doomed.

Russian units in winter have unrivaled talent bonuses.

"They?" Rock didn't realize that Winston had so many political enemies.

"Many people, Neville, Andrew Bonar Law, and even the king who never expresses his opinion easily, they need a scapegoat to be responsible for the continuous decline of the British Empire." Winston knew it well, for the British Empire It is said that the concerted efforts during the world wars were only an illusion of last resort under special conditions, and this situation is now the norm.

The political environment is indeed bad enough.

The night dew is slightly cool, the moon is shining, the stars are sparse, and a big unknown bird has been flying over the Eagle Fort. The sound of sirens and music is faintly heard in the distance. The city of Los Angeles at the foot of the mountain is brightly lit, which complements the bright sky above.

"Think about something fun. I'll go hunting with you tomorrow. What do you want to hunt? Antelope? Wildebeest? Or a lion." Rock ate, drank and played with him, satisfying all Winston's requirements.

"There are still lions in Nyasaland?" Winston immediately became energetic when he mentioned hunting.

"Nyasaland doesn't have it, but Tanganyika has it—" Rock's expression was a little stiff. There was a lion wounding a few days ago in Tanganyika, which is only across a lake from Los Angeles.

In the past few days, the Los Angeles military and police departments have collectively dispatched to find out and kill the lion that attacked humans. With the expansion of human beings, there are fewer and fewer wild animals in southern Africa, and large wild animals such as lions and crocodiles are even more inevitable. hiding place.

"Okay, we'll go hunting tomorrow, and we'll eat whatever we hunt until noon." Since Winston became Prime Minister, it has been a long time since Winston has had similar entertainment.

The Winston family stayed at Eagle Castle at night.

There was nothing to say all night, and Rock and Winston set off early the next morning.

Since it is hunting, it must look like hunting. Rock and Winston are both dressed in riding clothes. Winston still wants to ride a horse. Horse racing is very popular in southern Africa, and Eagle Castle has also raised dozens of bloodlines. It was an excellent breed of precious horse. Rock picked out a snow-white sweathorse. Winston still preferred thoroughbreds, so he picked a pure black one.

One black and one white are really contrasting.

Hunting is an aristocratic sport with a long history and is also very popular in Africa.

Rock and Winston definitely don't have to work as hard as ordinary hunters to start looking for prey. Naturally, experienced hunters will take the initiative to drive the prey to Rock and Winston. Rock and Winston only need to aim at the prey and start hunting. Gun shooting will do.

Of course, neither of them was focused on hunting. What Winston and Rock discussed today was the future relationship between the British Empire and southern Africa.

"Although the British Empire is showing signs of decline, the status of the British Empire is still unshakable in a short period of time. If Southern Africa remains in the Commonwealth, both the Commonwealth and Southern Africa will benefit from it. If Southern Africa leaves the Commonwealth, then You will lose the huge market in the Commonwealth, you won’t deny that.” Winston was sure that Rock would not be stupid.

Just last month, the British government just passed the "Imperial Preferential Tariff Revision", which further reduces the internal tariffs of the Commonwealth and at the same time adjusts the tariffs on foreign trade.

The controversy over the preferential tariffs of the empire has been around for a long time. There have been many debates between free traders and protectionists in the UK. Free traders advocate implementing a trade system similar to that of the United States, lowering tariffs and increasing protection for free trade.

Protectionists suggested raising the foreign trade tax rate and increasing the protection of British enterprises.

Rock was originally a trade protectionist, but with the rise of southern Africa in the past two years, Britain's domestic trade protection advocates excluded overseas companies from the scope of trade protection, which made Rock very angry.

Southern Africa is an overseas dominion of the United Kingdom. Once protection trade rises, companies in southern Africa will also be treated as foreign companies. If southern African products want to enter the UK, they will have to pay more tariffs, which will seriously affect southern African products. competitiveness.

"Free trade is unrealistic. The so-called free trade of the Americans is different from the free trade we understand. Americans are best at double standards. When free trade is more beneficial to American companies, Americans will link free trade Literally, when free trade is detrimental to American companies, free trade in the United States will turn into protectionist trade.” Rock will oppose the United States, which is also the voice of the vast majority of British people.

"Yes, unfortunately not everyone understands this." Winston also has a clear understanding of the Americans, but it is a pity that Winston in another time and space is mostly in a dormant state and cannot have enough influence on Britain.

In this time and space, Winston has a much greater influence on Britain.

Although Winston is full of political enemies, but at the same time Winston has many friends. Rock is Winston's best and most important ally.

"Here we come—" There was dust flying in the distance, and then there was the sound of a large group of animals running. Rock subconsciously clenched the shotgun in his hand.

"Hahahaha, look at me!" Full of confidence, Winston aimed at a huge wildebeest and pulled the trigger.


The wildebeest was taken aback, and kept rumbling past the armored vehicle where Rock and Winston were.

Rock was hiccupping while laughing, and Winston was blushing. He was sitting in an office all year round.

Not only wildebeests and antelopes rushed here, but also huge elephants and giraffes, as well as rhinos that ran like trains.

Rock didn't hit those precious animals, he raised his gun and aimed at a huge wildebeest and pulled the trigger.


The wildebeest fell down in response, Rock was triumphant, and Winston looked ugly.

It is understandable that the Prime Minister is not sure, but it would be too shameful if the Minister of Defense is also not sure. Rock is a famous sharpshooter.

Now that the wildebeest has been hit, Rock and Winston will eat wildebeest at noon.

This process certainly does not require Rock and Winston to do it. Naturally, guards will drag the wildebeest away and disembowel them, and then roast the best meat and send it to Rock and Winston. Rock He and Winston built a pergola under a big tree, and the two chatted while drinking iced wine and eating barbecue.

The life of a feudal official in Xinjiang is indeed more enjoyable than that of a cabinet minister.

The key is to do whatever you want, in and around Nyasaland, Rock is king.

"The recent situation in Nyasaland is not good. After the world war, the orders of enterprises decreased sharply. The arsenal had to switch to producing civilian products. Those who made cannons switched to making aluminum pots, and those who produced bullets switched to producing iron barrels. The research and development department was forced to cut their salaries. , The life of civilian enterprises is not easy, London raises tariffs to increase income, southern Africa stimulates exports but lowers tariffs, my factory has been laying off workers since last year, and the economic crisis is coming—” Rock’s mentality is not bad, layoffs All are African employees, and Southern African employees have not been affected much.

During the World War, the enterprises under Roque's name also used a large number of African-American workers, not only with low wages, but also hardworking and capable.

It is impossible to be lazy in the company under Rock's name, and the vicious supervisor makes lazy employees understand what a sweatshop is every minute.

Rock is quite authentic in his work. Although he also squeezes African-American employees, he is paid a lot of salary. The usual food and living conditions are not bad, and there are doctors who regularly check the health of the workers. This era can do Few of these factories are available.

"The local situation is even worse. Workers are unemployed, shops are closed, and government employees have to take the initiative to cut their salaries. When I was the chancellor, my salary was 5000 pounds. When I became the prime minister, I could only receive 3000 pounds. The money is all for you capitalists. Now that you're gone, you still have the face to talk about the economic crisis." Winston looked contemptuous, oblivious to the fact that he was actually a capitalist.

Winston has shares in many of Rock's companies, such as the Adan Company that has already occupied the British oil market, such as the Nyasaland Military Industry Group that received a large number of orders during the World War, and another example that hides powerful companies in southern Africa. Rand Bank behind industries and more.

To put it bluntly, if there was no interest, Winston would not have supported Rock during the World War.

"I didn't take it for nothing. At least the money is still in the Commonwealth and has not been earned by the Americans." Rock was confident, and no one could be cheaper than the Americans.

When they returned to Los Angeles at night, Clementina Hozier and the children had already gone to the manor given to Winston by Roque. Roque had dinner at Winston's manor at night and gave Clement Tina Hozier An opportunity to say thank you.

Before dinner, Winston's eldest daughter Diana performed a piece of violin for Roque, and then sang a song "Auld Lang Syne" with Winston's second daughter Randolph, which was well received by Roque and Phyllis. Compliments.

After all, someone who will be an actor in the future is indeed versatile.

(End of this chapter)

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