Chapter 1244

When Nyasaland became the Rock fiefdom, the Boer War had just ended.

Objectively speaking, Nyasaland had the lowest starting point among all the British colonies in southern Africa at that time.

Needless to say, Cape, Cape became a British colony more than 100 years ago. With the blessing of Cape Town, Cape had the best foundation among all the colonies in southern Africa at that time.

The second best foundation is not the Transvaal, but Rhodesia, which Cecil Rhodes has painstakingly managed for many years, then the Transvaal and Orange, and then Basutoland and Swaziland. Silan, the worst condition should be Nyasaland who needs no people, money but no money, and resources but no resources.

Rock was tantamount to starting from scratch, and had nothing but 20 square kilometers of land.

It sounds like 20 square kilometers is a lot, but Nyasaland was notoriously barren at that time, with remote villages and no outlets to the sea. However, Nyasaland has a little value that can be used, Cecil Rhodes will not sell Nyasaland to Rock.

It was on this poor and blank basis that Roque led the Nyasaland people to dredge rivers, build railways, build factories, and open up wasteland. Los Angeles, the largest city in southern Africa, also rose from scratch. In addition, no one thought that the two bullet production lines back then supported the entire Allied Powers to fight against the Allied Powers during the World War.

Every time he came to Nyasaland, he would give Winston a huge surprise.

This time Nyasaran surprised Winston particularly deeply.

When leaving the bar, the bar owner refused to accept Fitch's payment. Rock simply signed a check for the bar owner. The bar owner was so happy that he decided to frame the check and hang it with the photos in the future.

The amount on the check is not much, but with Roque's signature, it should be able to sell for a lot of money when the bar owner's grandson is born.

Back in Los Angeles, Winston tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night.

"What's the matter?" Clementina noticed Winston's abnormality. Since coming to Nyasaland, Winston rarely suffered from insomnia.

Winston was so upset that he simply turned over and went to the balcony to smoke a cigar.

Clementina did not speak, but silently poured some wine for Winston and brought it over. She sat quietly on a chair, waiting to listen to what Winston had to say.

"I went to Star City with Locke today—" Winston's voice was low, with obvious vicissitudes and loneliness.

Clementina remained silent, for she knew that Winston did not need her advice, but only someone to confide in.

"Before I went there, I thought that Star City was an ordinary town with nothing special about it. After I arrived in Star City, I realized that I was very wrong. Locke copied London's Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the White House in Star City. A large oriental-style palace complex was built, and I asked Locke why, and Locke said that those buildings are for making movies—or in other words, those buildings are props, props for making movies.” Winston sat In the darkness, the cigar in his hand flickered on and off, and the sound was intermittent, just like Winston's mood, gray and obscure.

"Of course, it's not just about making movies. Locke also hopes that Star City will attract tourists and become one of Nyasaland's tourist attractions in the future." Winston smiled wryly, not the future, but the reality that is happening now.

"It's a good idea. I want to see what you said. I haven't been to the White House in the United States—" Clementina is good at guiding, and knows how to guide Winston to speak out.

After leaving office, Winston once planned to go to the United States with Clementina, and it is still on the plan schedule.

After Rock learned of Winston's plan, he did not prevent Winston from going to the United States, but reminded Winston to pay attention to the different transportation methods in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Winston in another time and space encountered a serious car accident in the United States. At that time, Winston walked through Fifth Avenue in New York. He forgot that Britain drives on the left and the United States drives on the right, so he only paid attention to the road on the right. , did not notice a car coming from the left, and was hit with 15 broken bones and bruises all over his body.

After being sent to the hospital, the doctor on duty must first ask the patient's family income to determine whether he has the ability to pay for medical expenses.

Churchill endured great pain and proved that he had enough ability to pay before he was sent to the operating table.

"It's nothing to see. The White House is actually a broken house. It was burned down by Canadian troops. The White House became a black house. The United States painted the house white to hide its shame—" Winston, like most British people, looked down on Americans. When it comes to the United States, it gnashes its teeth.

In another time and space, Winston once invested in the U.S. stock market, but it was a pity that Winston couldn't play against Wall Street financiers and was scammed out of his money.

"But that's the office of the President of the United States." Clementina didn't know the story of the White House, but she knew that the United States had surpassed the United Kingdom and became the most developed country in the world.

Winston was silent again, the British Empire in his impression was weakening, and Winston was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.

"Southern Africa is also surpassing Britain now. I didn't realize this problem until I was in Star City. Locke has the courage to replicate the whole world in Star City, but the MPs in London are busy fighting each other. No one pays attention to the people in this country who are crying out for hunger. , and the farmers in southern Africa, they are busy increasing their income, pickling the inexhaustible eggs, and turning the fruit into wine. I read a report in the Nyasaland State Government the day before yesterday, Nyasaland’s farm , the average annual income is about 1000 rand, just because the farm population is relatively large, so it seems that the average income per capita is not much." Winston can still find deeper details, such things as average income are indeed very confusing.

This is the same as other time-space GDP statistics. When India counts GDP, it can’t wait to include cow dung, and the rent of self-occupied houses in the United States should also be included in GDP. However, in the community where Rock used to live, the noodle restaurant at the entrance has never been used. Provide an invoice.

No invoice is provided, which means no data.

"Even if there are ten members of the farmer's family, the average annual income per person would be 100 rand—" Clementina was also shocked by this statistic.

In the UK, an annual income of 100 pounds is the threshold for the middle class. The exchange rate between the pound and the rand is now about the same. In this way, everyone in southern Africa is a middle class!

Per capita middle class?

Clementina doesn't know if this data is accurate. In the UK, it is definitely impossible to achieve the per capita middle class.

"So you should know why I have insomnia. It's hard to say whether such a powerful and powerful southern Africa is a blessing or a curse for the British Empire—" Winston was still worried about his king even though he was far away.

The problem was that when Winston was at the top of the temple, he never thought about these problems.

"I think you are worrying too much. The Marquis of Nyasaland has not shown any detrimental behavior to the British Empire. The Earls of Halewood and Matilda will not allow him to do that. There are still many people in southern Africa who are loyal to His Majesty." Subject, Nyasaland later realized that even if he was in power, he would not dare to risk the disgrace of the world." Clementina is not ignorant, it is said that when Clementina married Winston, although her family Poor, but Clementina is also from aristocratic background, so she still has what she should have.

Otherwise Winston would not have married Clementina.

"You don't understand—" Winston obviously had different opinions on this issue, waving his chubby hand to emphasize: "—you don't understand at all, Earl Halewood has selected Locke as his successor, no matter what Rock does , as long as it is beneficial to southern Africa, Earl Halewood will unconditionally support; as for Earl Matilda, don’t forget that he is Locke’s father-in-law. "

Winston paused, took a deep breath, and finally had to admit: "—Even if the current Locke has no disobedience, who can guarantee that the future Locke, Locke's children will still be loyal to the king."

This is really far!

"My dear—" Clementina had a gentle voice, leaning over and gently holding Winston's hand across the tea table: "—and then, what does it have to do with us—"

Winston was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing. In the darkness, he could feel Winston shaking his head slightly: "Yeah, what does it have to do with us then?"

That's right, major events in the world are divided and combined, the empire is ups and downs, when the British Empire is in full swing, the sea coachman and the Armada are a thing of the past. No one can guarantee that the British Empire will always be strong, and Napoleon can't save France. Empire, Winston is just one of countless capable ministers and generals in the thousand-year history of the British Empire.

The bright moon was in the sky and the night breeze was cool, Clementina yawned and stretched and got up from the chair: "Sleep, I will send Diana to school tomorrow, you may not know that Diana likes acting very much." , has joined the drama club of their school, and I heard that there is a stage play being rehearsed, Congress does not need you to work day and night for the British Empire, your daughter really hopes to get your attention."

"What's so good about the stage play? I'll take Diana to Star City another day, and let her see how her father makes movies." Winston muttered, feeling guilty in his heart.

Yes, it has been so many years, Winston dedicated himself to the British Empire, but ignored the feelings of his family.

It's time to spend more time with the family. Winston decided to send his daughter to school tomorrow, so that when the daughter grows up, she will have more warm memories of her father, not just the "greatest" of the British".

Of course, the current Winston definitely doesn't know how much the movie appeals to the eldest daughter and how much harm it will bring to the eldest daughter.

ps: The comments in the last chapter are heart-wrenching, I beg you to be human——

(End of this chapter)

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