Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1245 Strive after 5 years

Chapter 1245

After coming to Nyasaland, Winston accidentally discovered that Roque, the Minister of Defense, seemed to have a lot of free time. Not only did he have time to travel around with Winston all day long, but he also had time to play with the children to increase their relationship. He will even put more energy on business development. No matter how you look at it, Rock is not as busy as the legend says.

"Besides me, there are three deputy ministers of the Ministry of National Defense, more than 20 directors and deputy directors, and a small hundred directors and deputy directors. If I have to do my best, what do I need them for?" The three deputy ministers each perform their duties, and whoever is in charge of the problem is responsible for it. There is really not much work that Rock must personally handle.

Moreover, in the international environment of southern Africa, looking at the surrounding areas of southern Africa, the Kingdom of Mozambique, the Kingdom of Congo, and the Republic of Congo can be regarded as the subsidiary countries of southern Africa.

Victoria State is a British East African protectorate to the north. Like Southern Africa, it belongs to the British Overseas Territory and has no defense needs. The only hostile area around Southern Africa is Portuguese West Africa, but Portuguese West Africa is definitely in the shadow of Southern Africa. It is also shivering at a glance by Southern Africa.

So now Roque draws his sword and looks around in a daze, but his mood is definitely different from Li Bai's. Li Bai is depressed, angry and depressed. Madagascar dragged it over for a beating.

"No, it's irresponsible!" Winston was also depressed. When he was Prime Minister, he worked hard like walking on thin ice.

"I'm giving full play to the subjective initiative of my subordinates." Rock plausibly said that Winston was constrained by Congress, but Rock had no scruples. Even Ade and Philip didn't care about Rock, and others had no right to control him.

In fact, the key is that there is no problem with the national defense in southern Africa. If there is a problem, then Rock must be obliged to go all out.

It is not completely without problems. For example, recently, the new immigrants in Mesopotamia have been threatened by the Ottoman rebels, and the enterprises in Madagascar have also been harassed by the local rebels. In Portuguese West Africa, Africans rebelled against the Portuguese colonial rule. The riots have also had a certain impact on businesses in southern Africa.

However, these problems are within the scope of control and will not cause too much harm. There is no need to dispatch the Southern African National Defense Forces, and the local armed forces can fully deal with it.

Winston didn't realize how troublesome it was to shoot a film until after the film's preparations had begun.

The main thing is to communicate with the screenwriter and director. Winston wanted to capture his inner panic and struggle during the World War, and finally turn the tide with all his strength, and complete the feat of leading the British Empire to defeat the Allies.

The screenwriters and directors couldn't express the feeling Winston wanted. There was a huge gap between the Winston they understood and the "Winston" in Winston's self-knowledge.

"Your writing and directing are so poor, they couldn't make Winston the way I wanted it to be, it's either hysterical or timid, I feel like they're going to make me a schizophrenic, Not a prime minister who led the empire out of the quagmire of war." Winston did not fully understand himself, and his self-positioning was not clear enough.

"They haven't been prime ministers before, so how could they understand your mental journey accurately." Roque was not surprised. Nyasaland Film Studio is actually in its infancy. It is normal for them to be unable to complete such a difficult task.

"If the shot is not accurate enough, I would rather not shoot it." Winston has high requirements and does not allow a little flaw.

Rock laughed dumbfounded. The problem wasn't that the screenwriter and director didn't have enough requirements, the problem was that Winston's requirements were too high, or that Winston himself was worried about gains and losses. He was worried that the movie would not achieve the expected results when it was released.

It’s like asking an online writer to be unskilled. It’s completely unrealistic. Think about a novel of three to four million words. The key is to be productive——

What can be done is a fairy!

"Winston, take it easy, you have to give the screenwriter and director enough trust." Rock has always left the problem to the experts. In fact, it doesn't matter if there is a "Winston" movie. Wait until the British Empire encounters a similar crisis. Members of Congress naturally thought of Winston.

I just don’t know if Winston is still willing to save the British Empire again by then.

Most likely will.

Rock does not participate in the filming of "Winston", and the general election is about to begin. Rock will stand for Philip this time.

During the last general election, the Progressive Party and the People's Party formed a new party to try to compete with the Liberal Party.

The advantage of the Liberal Party is unshakable, and the new party only got less than [-]% of the votes. Ade was re-elected successfully.

This time the Progressive Party and the People's Party tried to win over the Nyasaland Party to form a united front and continue to compete with the Liberal Party. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party's candidate was replaced by Philip. The Nyasaland Party has no desires. It is estimated that the Progressive Party and the People's Party There will be nothing.

"The Progressive Party and the People's Party have no suitable candidates at all. People with high reputations have publicly stated that they will not run for election. The final candidate is Dr. Starr Jameson." Nyasaland Party-born Congress Congressman Altman Brewster took the initiative to report to Roque that the general election of congressmen has ended, and now there are nine congressmen from the Nyasaland Party in Congress, and their strength is unprecedentedly high.

"Dr. Starr Jameson isn't dead yet?" Rock was surprised. News of Starr Jameson's death was once reported 20 years ago, but he didn't expect that Starr Jameson is still alive now.

"No, I'm alive and well." Altman Brewster was also speechless. Anyway, Starr Jameson is also the leader of the Progressive Party. Surely the obituary will be published in the newspaper.

Rock nodded. He really didn't know about Starr Jameson's life or death. The Progressive Party was relatively powerful in Cape Town, but it wasn't enough in Congress. Now it was even worse than the Nyasaland Party.

It's no wonder that the Progressive Party wanted to join the Nyasaland Party, but it was a pity that Rock was indifferent.

"How is Philip's election situation?" Rock wanted to care about Philip more or less, since he was also his father-in-law.

"I'm optimistic all the way, unrivaled. The only person who can compete with Philip has given up. No one can shake Philip's advantage." Difficult, unless Roque quits the Liberal Party and joins the Nyasaland Party.

In fact, the Nyasaland Party in Congress is stronger than it appears on the surface.

In addition to the Liberal Party, the Nyasaland Party, the Progressive Party, and the People's Party, the Southern African Congress also has members from other parties, such as the Labor Party headquartered in Bechuanaland and the United Party headquartered in Lorenzo Marquez. With two MPs each, the two parties are allies of the Nyasaland Party and could be merged if necessary.

Bechuanaland, like Lorenzo Marquez, is mainly populated by Chinese, and the party naturally has a natural tendency.

If Roque quits the Liberal Party and joins the Nyasaland Party, then there will definitely be a considerable number of Liberal Party members who will follow Roque. At that time, the Nyasaland Party will not say that it will occupy the majority of seats in Congress. If it is with the Progressive Party and the People's Party Unity does not necessarily mean that there is no effort.

Roque nodded. It was Philip's obsession to be prime minister, and he had been talking about it for more than ten years. If he couldn't get his long-cherished wish fulfilled, Philip probably would die in peace.

In the past two years, Philip's health has been deteriorating like Ade's. After all, he is in his 60s, and there may be problems someday.

As the Speaker of the National Assembly, Philip performed very well, at least he did not cause too much trouble for Adelaide. Philip also contributed a lot to the development of Southern Africa to the present.

Roque is not making political deals. Even if Philip makes a mistake as prime minister, Roque and Ade will make things right in time. In southern Africa, no matter who is the prime minister, it will not affect the momentum of the rise of southern Africa. .

"That's good, do your best to help Philip get elected. Don't pay attention to the small moves of the Progressive Party and the People's Party. They can't make a big impact." Rock despises the Progressive Party and the People's Party. There are three seats left, and the People's Party has only two left. Maybe the Progressive Party and the People's Party will disappear from the southern African political arena in the next general election.

"Actually—we—" Altman Brewster hesitated, and Rock had no ambitions for the position of prime minister, which didn't mean that other people in the Nyasaland Party didn't either.

Everyone knows that Roque is Adelaide's chosen successor. If Philip is not Roque's father-in-law, then Philip has no chance of running for prime minister at all.

The degree of economic development of Nyasaland is second to none in southern Africa. In the past few years, the Transvaal was on par with Nyasaland due to its rich natural resources. In the past two years, the Transvaal has also been gradually pull away.

However, in southern Africa, Nyasaland did not enjoy the treatment that matched its status. This is fully reflected in the allocation of the Ministry of Education. Nyasaland has always received the least allocation.

The current Minister of Education in Southern Africa, Douglas, has a very good relationship with Roque. Douglas has nothing to do with this. Compared with the education in Nyasaland, other states have a huge gap. Can Lanzhou provide appropriate assistance to other states?

Rock raised his hand to stop Altman Brewster from continuing. No matter whether Rock argues or not, after Philip, Rock must be the leader.

Rock is only in his 40s now, and there is still plenty of time.

ps: I was mad by some sand sculpture book friends, so angry that I almost didn't stop updating——

(End of this chapter)

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