Chapter 1246 Tricky

Every time there is a general election, there will always be ghosts and ghosts who come out of nowhere, and make some weird remarks that they don't know about, trying to get people's attention.

This time is the same. Just in the past weekend, a professor at the Cape of Good Hope University openly questioned that the election method of the federal government is not open and transparent enough. More parliamentary seats in the state will increase Cape State's voice.

Let’s not say whether this proposal is right or wrong. Increasing the seats in Cape State will cause dissatisfaction in other states. At that time, in order to balance other states, the federal government will inevitably have to increase the seats in other states. The number of seats has indeed increased, but the right to speak is still the same, which is meaningless at all.

It cannot be said that it is meaningless. The professor at Cape of Good Hope University organized a party called "Citizens Party".

The professor estimated that if the Congress increased its seats, the "Citizens Party" might have a chance.

In fact, it is all an illusion. Even if the number of seats belonging to the Cape State increases, the newly added seats will be divided up by the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party. There is no such thing as the Civic Party.

As the general election approached, there was another problem in Orange State. Some people used the tragedy of "Freiburg" to attack the federal government, thinking that the federal government was carrying out a systematic massacre of the Boers in southern Africa. Freiburg is the proof. It is rumored that at least 20 people in Freiburg died in the Wehrmacht blockade.

This is actually nonsense. There are about 5000 people in Freiburg. When it was blocked, the population of the city was about 5000. The Wehrmacht imposed a blockade on Freiburg for three months. When the Wehrmacht entered Freiburg, Fewer than 3000 people remain in Freiburg.

"Where are the other 2 people?" Ade's expression was solemn. In recent months, the federal government issued a gag order, but the anti-people's mouth is stronger than Fang Chuan's. The gag order not only failed to achieve its purpose, but caused all kinds of rumors to fly everywhere Some people will say that more than 10 people died in Freiburg, some people will say that the Wehrmacht launched an armed attack on Freiburg, and some people will say that the League of Nations has intervened and will punish southern Africa after finding out the truth about Freiburg.

Speaking of which, it was Adelaide's order that the Wehrmacht marched into Freiburg. Ade was about to leave office, and he was unwilling to leave the Freiburg issue to Philip to solve. He would rather take the responsibility himself and bet his honor for Freiburg.

"Most of them are dead. These are extreme Boers who have always been hostile to the federal government. Since the Boers in our government, some Boers have refused to cooperate with the federal government. In the beginning, they were the ones who asked for money every day. Later, the federal government No more money, they are the ones who gather crowds to make trouble, every time there is a little trouble, these people will make trouble, they have become the biggest hidden danger in southern Africa, this time I was going to kill the root." Rock didn't want Ade to take the blame, It should be his own responsibility, and Rock will not shirk it.

Adelaide was silent for a long time, Adelaide could understand Rock's purpose, but in Adelaide's view, Rocke's method was still open to question.

"Sidney, prepare a press conference. I want to personally explain to the media what happened in Freiburg." Ade finally made up his mind and asked Roque to attend the press conference with him by name, but Roque could not Answer any questions.

"You are the future of southern Africa. I am old. Let me bear the blame. I still hope to leave you a cleaner southern Africa." Ade really has nothing to say to Rock, his son That's all.

As the status of southern Africa becomes more and more important, mainstream media from all over the world have branches in southern Africa. Most of them are concentrated on a street next to the Palace of Justice, which is called News Street.

Sidney Milner was still very efficient. Two hours later, the press conference was held in the press conference hall of the Palace of Justice. Adelaide and Roque, who was wearing the uniform of the marshal, attended together.

"—That's how it happened. Some rebels gathered in Freiburg and kidnapped the entire city. The Wehrmacht did not get my authorization and could not use force to solve the problem. They could only block Freiburg. Now the Wehrmacht has controlled the situation and is Clean up the ruins of Freiburg, and count the losses, and the situation in Freiburg has been effectively controlled." Ade took all the responsibilities on himself, and at this moment, his emaciated figure was extremely tall in Roque's eyes.

When it was time for questions, Sidney Milner gave the Times senior editor Carl Ryan his first chance.

"Your Excellency, my question is how the Freiburg people were identified as rebels, did they explicitly attack the Wehrmacht positions, did the Wehrmacht suffer casualties in the process, how many people died in this disaster Thank you—” Carl Ryan frowned, this manuscript is not easy to write, and if you are not careful, you will offend many people.

Although Ade wants to take all the responsibility on himself, but with the relationship between Rock and Ade, if Carl Ryan does this, then Rock will be very angry.

The same is true for other newspapers. In the face of capital crocodiles like Roque, feudal officials, and the Marquis of the British Empire, any identity must be cautious for these newspapers.

Among other things, if you dare to write scribbles in the newspapers, the federal government can easily revoke the qualifications of these newspapers to interview in southern Africa. For the newspapers, that is tantamount to a disaster.

"After the death of Minister Louis Botha due to illness, some people in Freiburg took advantage of the rally to spread extreme rhetoric against the federal government, and then the situation deteriorated further. They attacked the city government and killed the city government, including the police chief. officials, and besieged the police station, trying to snatch the heavy weapons stored in the police station-the Freiburg City Police Department must be commended here. Even in the most difficult stage, they are still loyal to their duties and did not retreat. Nearly a thousand The righteous citizens escaped this disaster because of the protection of the police station, and I will award medals to each of them, and they deserve the honor and rewards they deserve." Ade is extremely tough, and Roque seems to have seen the man who was in the Boer War. Kill the decisive governor of Southern Africa.

That's right, the reporters who participated in the press conference only remembered at this time that this person in front of him is a famous killer, and that the second Boer War was provoked by Adelaide.

It was precisely because of Adelaide's decisive decision that the Republic of Transvaal and the Orange Free State were annexed by Southern Africa, and Southern Africa began to enter the fast lane. From this perspective, Adelaide can be said to be the founder of Southern Africa .

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I am a reporter from the "Daily Mail". My question is, the general election is coming soon. Do you have any expectations for this general election? Do you have anything to say about the new Prime Minister—" "Daily Mail" The reporters of the Daily Mail are also their own people, so the questions they asked would naturally not be too exaggerated.

"I hope that southern Africa will get better and better. No matter who is elected, I hope that he can lead southern Africa to move forward--" Ade is unwilling to talk about this issue, no matter what he says is inappropriate, Philip is not small Boy, you don't need Adelaide to teach him how to be a prime minister.

"Lord Halewood, I am a reporter from the Nyasaland Evening News. Our newspaper has just conducted a social survey. 90.00% of the respondents hope that you will continue to stay in southern Africa after leaving office, preferably in Niasa Will you leave southern Africa by then?" Sidney Milner did not give others a chance, such as a reporter from a French newspaper, even if he raised his hand to the ceiling, Sidney Milner would pretend to be did not see it.

"Of course, I will continue to stay in Southern Africa—" Ade finally showed a smile on his face. When Ade resigned as the governor of Southern Africa last time, he left Southern Africa and returned to London. I will make trouble for myself, it is good to stay in southern Africa: "——I have been in southern Africa for 1897 years since 23, and I was less than 50 years old when I came to southern Africa, and I was already 70 in a blink of an eye I am old—now I can proudly say that I have lived up to the Queen's trust and built a powerful southern Africa for the British Empire. Of course I will stay in Southern Africa, and I will never leave this land again. I hope to be here I’m going to spend my whole life in this land—after I retire, I’m going to walk around and see, and of course I’ll go to Nyasaland.”

Adelaide has a strong heart and does not have much attachment to the position of prime minister. He has done everything he can.

The press conference routinely only answered three questions, but Ade made an exception this time, and the fourth question did not allow Sidney Milner to point anyone, but directly pointed to the reporter of "Le Figaro".

During the World Wars, when Roque was Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, his relationship with Le Figaro was not happy.

At that time, several reports of "Le Figaro" made Roque very angry, and Roque almost bought "Le Figaro" directly.

In the end, under the interference of the French government, the acquisition of Le Figaro by Times News Corporation was not successful.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, I am a reporter from the French newspaper Le Figaro—" The reporter of Le Figaro was full of gratitude. If Ade hadn't taken the initiative to roll his name, he would never have had the opportunity to ask questions: "— — Your Excellency, my question is whether Lord Matilda's candidacy is the result of internal discussions within the Liberal Party. Is there any suspicion of insider trading? My second question is that the public is very interested in the situation in Freiburg, When will the federal government allow journalists to freely travel to the Freiburg region for interviews, or in other words, will never open interviews in Freiburg—”

There is a reason for Sidney Milner not to point him out. These two questions are more tricky than the other.

(End of this chapter)

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