Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1247 Qiong Yao is a beautiful jade

Chapter 1247 Qiong Yao is a beautiful jade

As soon as the reporter of "Le Figaro" finished speaking, Sidney Milner immediately glared at him. At this time, he deliberately made Adidas obstructed. Sidney Milner tore his heart.

Rock is not angry, he is psychologically prepared for this situation. It is normal for an accident to happen at a press conference. It is as powerful as the United States, and the president is thrown at his boots. At least that kind of extreme situation did not happen.

However, since "Le Figaro" committed suicide by itself, don't blame Roque for being cruel. As long as "Le Figaro" is willing to die, Roque is willing to bury it. There are many newspapers in southern Africa. A lot, and a lot without Le Figaro.

"First of all, our party's decision on who to vote for is definitely the result of internal discussions. If we don't discuss it internally, should we discuss it with people from other parties?" : "—As for internal transactions, that kind of situation does not exist in our southern Africa. You cannot use the situation in France to infer southern Africa."

Adelaide fought repeatedly, and France is also conducting elections. Not long ago, a bribery scandal broke out.

"As for Freiburg, if I remember correctly, Freiburg has always been interviewed by reporters, isn't it Carl?" Ade directly called the name, Carl Ryan was flattered, wow, the Prime Minister actually remembered my name: "— —As for why your Le Figaro reporter Prince Freiburg is not allowed, I think you'd better find the reason from yourself first."

It is true that there have always been reporters in Freiburg, but there are only reporters from a few newspapers such as The Times, and all reports must be reviewed by relevant departments before they can be published in newspapers.

The reporter of "Le Figaro" blushed. He didn't get the result he wanted, and made an irreparable mistake. He must pay the price for the momentary quick talk.

Killing chickens and scaring monkeys is always effective. Sure enough, when Ade next clicked on the reporter of "Cologne Daily", the reporter of "Cologne Daily" was very disciplined.

"Your Excellency, I am a reporter from the Cologne Daily News. After the end of the world war, aid and reconstruction to Germany have also begun. What I want to ask is whether the federal government of southern Africa has a similar plan, and whether the federal government will extend to Germany Thank you for your help—" The reporter of the "Cologne Daily" was polite, and resolutely refused to ask questions that should not be asked, and asked if they could give Germany some assistance since southern Africa is so powerful.

There is no such benefit.

Adelaide has also been prepared for this issue. Just after the end of the World War, southern Africa began to provide planned assistance to Germany, and it has been going on for more than a year now.

"—So, our assistance to Germany has started more than a year ago. So far, we have shipped about 150 million tons of various food and daily necessities to Germany, and provided Germany with about 5000 million tons through the Rand Bank. A special loan of [-] million rand, we also have a number of companies and German companies are cooperating to accept German immigrants to southern Africa-in short, I believe that Germany will definitely get better." Ade was born in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Germany , the ancestors have German and British dual blood, so I sincerely pray for Germany.

However, the expression of the reporter of "Koln Daily" is not good. Southern Africa has indeed provided a lot of aid to Germany, but the aid is not gratuitous. While aiding, Southern Africa has also received a lot of things from Germany, such as talents and technology.

Adelaide only answered six questions at the press conference. Although there were still many reporters who hoped to ask questions, Sidney Milner decisively ended the press conference.

After all, he is 70 years old, and his energy and physical strength are different from before. Ade's face can hardly hide his fatigue.

Even so, Ade still refused Rock's support, he didn't want to expose his weak side in front of reporters.

Leaving the Palace of Justice, Rock felt a fire in his heart, and when he returned to the Ministry of Defense, he called Jerome, the person in charge of Brad's office in Pretoria.

"I want the reporter of Le Figaro to leave Southern Africa within three days." Rock directly ordered, believing that Brad's office will definitely complete it.

"Yes, my lord, I'll do it right away." Jerome didn't ask the reason, and the less Roque said, the more it meant that "Le Figaro" was not worthy of forgiveness.

There is also the professor at the Cape of Good Hope University who was talking nonsense. Rock originally wanted Jerome to investigate it, but after thinking about it, let it go. Although the professor's behavior is disgusting, it has not broken the bottom line.

Looking back, Roque also fulfilled his promise to stand for Philip, and met with more than a dozen members of Congress within a week to help Philip consolidate his votes.

A congressman named Paul Louis caught Rock's attention.

Paul Louis is a member of Congress from Orange. He has a relatively good voter base in Kimberley, the second largest city in Orange. In the general election just past, Paul Louis was successfully elected as a member of Congress as a Liberal member. After communicating with Paul Louis, I found that Paul Louis coincided with Roque in many concepts.

"The Old Continent is gradually sinking, and the Treaty of Versailles cannot bring real peace. Twenty years later, when a new generation of Europe comes of age, the war will break out again—what we need to do during this period is to accumulate strength and continue to To absorb the population, when the next world war breaks out, we must have at least 20% of the human resources of the United States in order to complete the redemption of the old continent.” Paul Louis is not a time traveler, this is based on facts The inferences, especially the part about the United States, interested Rock.

"Why the United States, and why 60.00%?" Rock was really curious. Many southern Africans, like Europeans, did not have the slightest affection for the United States, but Rock has always regarded the United States as his biggest potential opponent.

"Because before the rise of our southern Africa, the United States was most likely to replace the British Empire's position in the world-now this issue has changed. The relationship between our southern Africa and the British Empire is better, and there is a basis to replace the British Empire. The only The problem is that our population is not large enough. If we have a population of 5000 million now, we can replace the British Empire in no time and become the most important country in the Commonwealth of Nations.” Paul Louis has confidence in the future of southern Africa, and the population has always been It has always been Rock's most concerned issue.

The importance of population does not need to be emphasized. The United States now has a population of 8000 million, which itself is a huge market. The Commonwealth seems to be powerful, but in fact, if the hundreds of millions of people in India are removed, the total population of the mainland and overseas dominions is only [-]. [-] million, there is still a certain gap compared with the United States.

According to the information in Rock's hands, the combined population of southern Africa and the Mesopotamia has just exceeded 500 million. It is almost impossible to increase the population to 20 million within 6000 years without increasing immigration.

This is still based on the premise that the population of the United States will no longer increase. If the natural population growth of the United States is taken into account, then Southern Africa must have a population of at least 9000 million by then to compete with the United States.

In Rock's impression, the population of the United States seemed to be around 5000 million at the time of World War II.

Calculated at this rate, Southern Africa will have a population of up to 4000 million by then.

In another time and space, when World War II broke out in 1939, Britain had a population of 4700 million and France had a population of 4100 million.

In 1913, before the outbreak of World War I, Britain had a population of 4565 million and France had a population of 4146 million.

So here comes the question. From 1913 to 1939, for 26 years, the British population hardly increased, and the French population did not increase but declined. What happened in the middle?

From 4000 million to 9000 million, there is a huge gap between them. Rock originally felt good about the achievements of southern African immigrants in the World War. Hearing what Paul Louis said, he was still in crisis.

There is nothing to say, continue to increase investment in immigration companies, the Far East is in the stage of warlords, starving people are dying, and now immigration is actually easier than before.

"The most important issue now is that the mainland is gradually paying more attention to our southern Africa. The "Tariff Agreement" just passed by the Congress directly targets our southern Africa. Our products are no longer as unimpeded as they used to be. London We are trying to get rid of our dependence on us, we must increase our lobbying in Congress, and if we can, we should use all our strength to get a Prime Minister who sympathizes with us in southern Africa." Paul Lewis has ambitions, Roque has none Seriously thought about this issue.

It can't be said that Roque didn't seriously consider it. Winston and Neville are Roque's biggest reliance in London.

Although Winston resigned and lived in seclusion in Nyasaland, Neville is rising from the British political arena. The strong capital of the Chamberlain family can guarantee Neville's growing influence. If Neville comes to power next, then the impact on southern Africa is still It is a major benefit.

It's not a good thing either, the current UK is a mess, whoever comes to power will be unlucky, if Neville is the Prime Minister of the UK, then Neville probably won't even be as good as Winston.

So Rock sent a telegram to Neville the next day, reminding Neville to be careful, even if he wanted to be prime minister, he had to wait until the economic crisis was over.

At that time, with the recovery of the world economy, whoever is on stage will benefit. This has nothing to do with personal ability. Judging the situation itself is also a kind of personal ability.

Of course, Roque did not forget to recommend Paul Louis to Philip. Although Paul Louis' resume is not good enough, as a qualified staff member, Paul Louis must be qualified. Philip is short of people like Paul Louis.

Philip still trusted Rock, and after getting in touch with Paul Louis, he absorbed Paul Louis into his campaign team.

Later, Paul Louis gave Rock a piece of jade to express his gratitude to Rock.

Throw it with papaya and repay it with Qiongyao?


ps: Even if it is water, it is better than short and weak——

(End of this chapter)

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