Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1248 This is an inside transaction

Chapter 1248 This is an inside transaction

Now there are more and more white people in southern Africa who are willing to learn Chinese. Paul Louis really expressed his gratitude to Roque. Roque tentatively regards this as an investment in the future, but he doesn't really take it too seriously now.

According to the procedures for the deliberation of the Southern African Congress, the Congress will hold a vote on October 1920st to produce a new prime minister, and a prime minister handover ceremony will be held on January 1st, 1. Counting from now, Adelaide’s term of office will be approximately There are still three and a half months to go.

Adelaide himself is not just talking. He has decided to go to various places in southern Africa after he resigns as prime minister, and then go to a certain place to live in seclusion.

According to the relevant regulations in southern Africa, Adelaide will continue to enjoy the treatment of the prime minister even after he leaves office, including lifelong pensions, security services, a separate medical team, etc. The expenses of those security personnel and health doctors will be paid by the federal government.

Roque definitely hopes that Ade will settle in Nyasaland after he leaves office. Originally, Roque hoped that Ade would serve as the speaker of the National Assembly after he stepped down as prime minister. This plan was abandoned.

According to Philip's idea, after he becomes prime minister, it is best for Owen to serve as the speaker.

This idea is unrealistic. If Philip becomes the prime minister and Owen becomes the speaker, then southern Africa will really become a father-son team, so the speaker of the parliament still has to choose someone else.

The candidate Roque recommended to Philip was Barker, hoping that after Philip became prime minister, Barker would succeed Philip as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Barker is also considered a veteran in Congress. After the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government, Barker represented the Transvaal in Congress and became a member of Congress. It has been 12 years since then.

In the past 12 years, Barker has worked hard, working with Roque on the inside and outside, protecting the interests of the Transvaal and the Chinese in southern Africa to the greatest extent.

What I want to explain here is that Barker also has a very high prestige in the Liberal Party. Although the leader of the Liberal Party is Owen, the chairman of the National Committee of the Liberal Party is Barker. This structure also imitates the separation of powers, which limits the power of any party to the greatest extent. swell.

Under the premise that Owen cannot serve as the speaker, it is almost logical for Barker to serve as the speaker.

"The only problem is that Barker is Chinese. It seems inappropriate for him to be the speaker of the National Assembly." Owen was not reconciled to this issue. His position is actually very embarrassing. When Ade was the prime minister, it was not Owen's turn to be the speaker. ; When Philip was the prime minister, Owen could not be the speaker; in a few years, if Rock was the prime minister, Owen would still have to avoid suspicion.

It seems that the only thing that could break the situation is that Owen directly runs for the prime minister, but compared with Roque, Owen has no advantage.

"Owen, in fact the Chinese have become the largest race in southern Africa, we must face up to this fact." Rock reminded Owen, and also reminded Philip.

Forget about Henry, Henry generally doesn't express his opinion on such matters, and his ability as the Minister of Justice is the limit.

Sure enough, as soon as Roque finished speaking, the expressions of Philip and Owen were a bit complicated. Although Roque was also Chinese, the reality of southern Africa really made Philip and Owen feel embarrassed.

Rock didn't speak, giving Philip and Owen enough time to think.

"I don't think it's anything. The Chinese are now part of southern Africa. We cannot ignore the political demands of the Chinese group. Without the help of the Chinese, when the federal government is established, we will lose our dominance over the federal government. Even if there is no Bourgeois People, Africans will become our confidant sooner or later, look at the current Congo Free State, you must not want to see southern Africa become like the Congo Free State.” Henry is a bystander, and he doesn’t express opinions, which doesn’t mean he has no opinions .

When the Federal Government of Southern Africa was established, if there were no continuous immigration of Chinese from Roque, then the British would definitely lose their dominance in Southern Africa. At that time, the Boer population in Southern Africa far exceeded the British population.

It is precisely because of the existence of Chinese in southern Africa that the British have stabilized their dominance in southern Africa, and now they are gradually clearing the Africans out of southern Africa, eliminating the biggest hidden danger in the future.

For Philip and Owen, if there are still hidden dangers in southern Africa, it is the threat of the Chinese.

Given the population of the Chinese, once the Chinese make an effort, neither the Boers nor the British can compete with the Chinese.

Of course, Philip and Owen would never say this.

"Yes, Buck is indeed a good candidate." Philip weighed the pros and cons, and had to admit that Roque's proposal was the best choice. If someone else was the Speaker of the Congress, then it would be better than Buck.

"Owen, why don't you try the governor of the Transvaal? This is also a very challenging position." Roque found something for Owen. Philip was the governor of the Transvaal before, and now Philip is going to be the prime minister. The position will be vacant. If Owen is interested, Rock and Philip will work together to easily send Owen to the position of governor.

"Hehe, if possible, I would rather go to Nyasaland to be the governor." Owen is still picky about food. If he goes to Nyasaland, where should Anton go?

"Come on, the job of the governor of Nyasaland is very busy. Are you sure you can do it?" Rock was blunt, and Owen was also high-minded, but Anton worked hard in his job. He worked more than ten hours a day. Owen must be affected. No, if he becomes the governor, he will probably be a hands-off shopkeeper just like Roque.

"The position of governor is good, you can try it." Philip also hopes that Owen can try it. The potential of the Transvaal ranks among the top three in southern Africa, which is still very challenging.

"Okay then, I'll try." Irving decided to shoulder the burden bravely. The reporter of "Le Figaro" asked the wrong question. This is an inside transaction.

After finishing Philip and Owen, Rock will look for Buck later to get Buck ready.

As Rock's earliest companion, Buck is also wealthy and lives in a manor on the outskirts of Pretoria.

Like Rock, Buck also likes keeping dogs very much. There are more than a dozen dogs in the manor. When Rock is in Pretoria, he sometimes lives in Buck's house.

"Being the speaker? I'm afraid Philip and Owen will not agree." Buck was a little surprised, but it was also reasonable.

The Chinese population in southern Africa has far exceeded the white population, but in the Southern African Congress, the proportion of Chinese congressmen is far lower than that of whites, accounting for only about [-]% of congressmen.

On the one hand, this is of course because the Chinese have not fully exerted their strength, and on the other hand, it also proves that the status of the Chinese has not received enough attention.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention that the proportion of members of Chinese descent in Congress greatly exceeds that of white members of Congress, at least it should be equal to that of white members of Congress, so that the interests of Chinese descent can be fully guaranteed.

"They did not agree at the beginning, but they also have to face the reality." Rock also did not want to see the Matilda family in southern Africa, although generally speaking, Rock was also a member of the Matilda family.

The current situation in southern Africa is partly due to historical inevitability.

Rock hopes that in the near future, there will be three to five large families with relatively balanced strengths co-existing in southern Africa, so that they can better check and balance each other, which is more conducive to the stability of southern Africa.

Now it seems that the Matilda family will not weaken in the foreseeable time. When Arthur and Gavin's generation grow up, the Locke family should also have the strength no less than the Matilda family. Ke also pinned his hopes on the Rhodes family. Stoudemire's current performance is actually very good. When Roque becomes prime minister, if Stoudemire is willing, Roque will also pull Stoudemire into the federal government.

Rock, Stoudemire, plus Henry and Owen, if nothing else, Southern Africa 20 years later should be jointly ruled by these few people.

Buck and Anton are both officials of Roque's department, and Philip also has his own staff. Roque believes that Rhodesia and the South African company must also have Stoudemire's helpers. By that time, Southern Africa should be stronger than it is now. .

more aggressive.

"If they agree, then I'm sure it's fine." Buck is full of confidence. The speaker has great power, and in some respects it is even greater than the prime minister. Buck has been in politics for more than ten years and has accumulated rich experience. What he lacks is trust and power , there is no problem in terms of ability.

"That's good. Next, we will increase immigration, and strive to reach 100 million immigrants per year. We will increase the development of Dias and Victoria. From next year, we will increase infrastructure construction. investment, railways, highways, airports, urban construction—the time is not waiting for me!" Rock felt that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier. In the past, Ade and Philip stood in front of him, and Rock had almost no pressure. Now Ade retreated In the second line, Philip is alone, and Rock's good days are coming to an end.

"The work is endless, and it has to be done one by one." The burden on Buck's shoulders is also heavy. After the end of the world war, the global economy did not return to normal, but continued to slump. Now the economic crisis has begun to break out to a certain extent. Southern Africa is also inevitably affected.

In fact, it is not the responsibility of the speaker of Congress to lead southern Africa forward, but the responsibility of the prime minister.

However, Barker is not responsible to the British government, but to the Chinese in southern Africa, so he can't help but feel anxious when he has a heavy burden.

Rock smiled, and it’s fine if you don’t want to be ambitious. It’s still the same sentence. This is a bad era. Southern Africa is facing many difficulties. The same is true for other countries. People can survive economic crisis alone.

(End of this chapter)

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