Chapter 1252

The U.S. general election has the term "traditional vote base". The traditional vote base of the Democratic Party is California, Hawaii, New York, etc., and the traditional vote base of the Republican Party is Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee, etc.

This statement is actually not fixed. For example, California was the traditional vote base of the Republican Party before the 20s, but it changed after the 90s and gradually leaned towards the Democratic Party.

The current President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, was born in the Democratic Party. During the World War, Woodrow Wilson had a great sense of existence with the "Fourteen Points". However, during the subsequent Paris Peace Conference, isolationism and freedom in the United States Trade was on the rise again, so that the United States did not even join the League of Nations, and did not get what it wanted in the negotiations with Germany. As a result, the popularity of the Democratic Party plummeted, and the elections all the way down.

Woodrow Wilson was unable to handle government affairs due to a stroke in early October. This situation has never happened in the history of the United States. Now Congress is considering amending the Constitution, but even if a resolution is reached, it will be two or three years later.

No matter how much Ferdinand hated the Nyasaran Automobile Group, after the Nyasaran Automobile Group submitted a lawsuit against Ferdinand to the Los Angeles District Court, Ferdinand still took the initiative to seek a settlement through an intermediary. People suing officials, regardless of the final result , For Ferdinand's political career, they are all stains that cannot be washed away.

If this matter is not handled well, then Ferdinand's political career might end there.

Mike Carlisle was visiting Beverly Hills with Los Angeles Mayor Rock Hope when he got the information that Ferdinand wanted to reconcile.

The current Beverly Hills is not the "world's most prestigious residential area". In the past, it was full of pastures and farmland, and then it gradually developed into a residential area.

After the 20s and 30s, Beverly Hills became the "home of the stars," starting with silent-era movie stars Glass Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, who called their home "Pickfair." , and then comedian Will Rogers, silent film prince Valentino, Tom Max and other big-name stars also moved here one after another. Beverly Hills gradually took shape and became a shining city of dreams.

The Beverly Hills in front of Mike Carlyle and Rock Hope are full of bean fields, without any surprises, and the famous Hollywood is also being conceived, and the impressive row of white letters will not appear until 1923. will stand up.

"Hollywood has gradually formed a scale. More and more people come here to shoot movies and settle down. Those movie stars have a lot of money. This place is very suitable for developing into a high-end residential area. Commercial streets, shopping malls, cinemas, and other leisure activities can also be built. Entertainment facilities——” Mike Carlisle first drew a big pie, which aroused Rock Hope’s interest, and then changed the subject: “—Now that the economic situation is getting worse, why can’t we change our thinking? I heard that Nevada is considering legalizing gambling, and if we can do the same in California, then we can make Los Angeles the West Coast, or the largest casino in the United States.”

In 1931, during the Great Depression, in order to overcome the economic difficulties, the Nevada State Legislature passed a motion to legalize gambling, and Las Vegas became a gambling city, and it rose rapidly from then on.

Purely in terms of conditions, California has more convenient conditions than Nevada. A city in the desert of Las Vegas can rise rapidly, and there is no reason why Los Angeles cannot.

"Legalization - it's hard -" Rock Hope also knows the charm of spinach, but it is not easy to push the state legislature to legalize spinach.

"It all depends on how much financial pressure there is in California." Mike Carlisle is like a devil from hell, what kind of industrialization is he engaged in, or the entertainment industry can make money quickly.

Rock Hope was obviously moved, but this kind of thing couldn't be done overnight, and Mike Carlisle was not in a hurry, he planted the seeds first, and then waited for them to take root and germinate slowly.

After knowing the news that Ferdinand wanted to reconcile, Mike Carlisle returned to San Diego from Los Angeles overnight. No matter how bleak Ferdinand's future is, he is still the governor of California, and he still has to give this face.

What's more, the middleman Ferdinand found was Hoover.

Hoover and Ferdinand appeared at the Nyasaran Automobile Group's factory in California early the next morning. The reason was that the California factory is the largest company in San Diego and should be valued by the governor of California.

The California factory covers an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers. There is no wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, and Mexicans can easily travel between the U.S. and Mexico. Even so, the California factory has built well-equipped dormitories for workers, and There are also entertainment facilities for leisure and relaxation, which can be regarded as unique in this era.

"Yes, our Nyasaran Automobile Group has always attached great importance to workers. Workers must first be in a happy mood before they can devote more energy to work. Therefore, we have prepared sports fields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, There is a billiards room and a movie theater, and these entertainment facilities are usually open to the citizens of San Diego.” Mike Carlisle had a professional and mature smile on his face, and he could not see the slightest discord with Ferdinand.

"That's great, then your workers must be very happy, but Mike, why don't you leave these job opportunities to the Americans?" Hoover served the people with a face, always keeping the interests of the American people in mind.

It can be seen that Nyasaran Automobile Group still has high hopes for the California factory.

Among other things, the environment of the California factory is indeed very good.

Unlike other factories that are dirty and messy, the roads in the California factory have basically hardened. The roads are lined with specially transplanted landscape trees. The factory is divided into two parts: the production area and the living area. There are ten tall factory buildings built in the production area. There are more than one building, each of which is hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters high. Green spaces and gardens can be seen everywhere in the living area, and there are people in charge of special maintenance.

Because the ban has not yet been lifted, the workers in twos and threes in the factory don't seem to be very energetic, but their clothes are neat and in good hygiene, which even the Ford Motor Factory can't do.

Assembly line workers really shouldn't be too demanding.

"Cost - the wages of American workers are too high. The wages of the workers in the Ford factory reach 5 US dollars a day. To be honest, we Nyasaran Automobile Group can't do it. The high wages of the Ford factory are based on the need for workers and suppliers. In terms of pressure, their workers have to work ten hours a day, while in our Nyasaland Automobile Group, workers only need to work eight hours a day at most, so there must be a gap in efficiency." Mike Carlisle said frankly, this is not face-to-face For reporters, there is no need to create saints.

"But you just donated $[-] to the Republican Party, so you are not short of money." Ferdinand clung to this question, which was not actually a question of money.

Mike Carlisle and Hoover looked at each other, and both of them lowered their evaluation of Ferdinand at the same time.

Don't think that politicians are all dragons among men, they are all extremely smart, but there are actually quite a few idiots.

The most direct example, a certain Wang in the future, at best, is a successful businessman. If you ask him to manage an office and manage a country, you really can't do it, and your ability is seriously insufficient.

Especially in a situation where the United States has a strong force and the world has been bitter for a long time.

Knowing what Wang can do, I am afraid he can only save some political capital for his daughter, and then let his son-in-law make money by the way.

"Mike, many people have this question, why can't the price of your Diesel cars be lowered? If you lower the price of Diesel cars to the same price as Model T cars, then the sales of Diesel cars will be higher." Hoover Don't ask why Mike Carlyle donated to the Republican Party, just some idiot screwed up.

Regarding the price of Diesel cars, it is indeed a tangled issue.

Mike Carlisle also considered competing with Ford by cutting prices.

But now it seems that this is not necessary. The production of Diesel cars is not enough to compete with Ford. After the production of Diesel cars increases, Mike Carlisle will consider reducing the price of the T-car.

Otherwise, even if the price of Diesel cars is reduced to the same as that of Model T cars, the insufficient production will not be able to occupy the market.

"Our goal is not to defeat Ford. The United States is a huge market, and no company can monopolize it. We want to work with Ford to maintain this market and produce different cars to meet the needs of different people. This is our goal. "Mike Carlisle calmly praised the United States again.

In fact, Hoover didn't care about the competition between Nyasaran Motor Group and Ford. He came to San Diego this time for a purpose. In the U.S. presidential race, Nyasaran Motor Group is on the sidelines.

Hoover's national speaking tour was itself raising campaign funds.

In the offices of the California factory, Mike Carlisle and Ferdinand finally confronted each other.

"If you expressed your support for me early, there would be no such thing as a ban. The election is for all Americans, and no one can stay out of it." Ferdinand was still arrogant.

"Sorry, we are a British company—" Mike Carlisle pushed back neither soft nor hard.

"But you are in the United States, so you have to abide by the rules of the United States." Ferdinand was extremely entangled, [-] dollars, just gave it to the competitor——

Ferdinand felt his heart was bleeding.

"Okay gentlemen, don't get entangled in these verbal disputes, Mike, you must immediately withdraw the lawsuit, Mr. Governor, you must immediately lift the ban, if you want to be re-elected." Hoover was impatient, and he would make public in Los Angeles tomorrow. Speech, I really don't have time to dwell on such crap.

ps: The weather is finally getting cooler, and the speed of coding is much faster——

(End of this chapter)

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