Chapter 1253

The influence of Nyasaran Automobile Group in the United States can be referred to the influence of foreign-funded enterprises in the Republic in the early days of reform, which is greater than Mike Carlisle imagined.

Hoover obviously knew the influence of the Nyasaland Automobile Group, but Ferdinand did not know it. In Ferdinand's eyes, the Nyasaland Automobile Group was no different from other companies investing in California or San Diego. He did not understand the term "Locke". There is magic in names.

"Sir, the $15 promised by the Rockefeller family has arrived—" Alan Conrad, director of Hoover's campaign office at the Rhodesia Hotel in Los Angeles, beamed with joy.

Hoover didn't speak, and his expression was full of complacency. In Hoover's view, the Rockefeller family made the right choice, and $15 was actually not much.

Compared to other big families.

"Mr. Mike Carlyle of Nyasaland Automobile Group donated 20 US dollars, and the Marquis of Nyasaland sent you a personal congratulatory message, wishing you a successful election." Alan Conrad also beamed with smiles. The support rate of Hoover is actually not high, but more and more big shots express their support for Hoover, which is just a good sign.

"Call back the Marquis of Nyasaland in my name, and thank him for his support. We will surely create a better tomorrow." Hoover did not make specific promises, but all the promises that should be made are already in place, and some words are unnecessary It's too obvious.

"Bringing back your speech, we must focus on economic recovery and emphasize the importance of free trade. We can give up joining the League of Nations, we can give up influence in Europe, but this does not mean that we give up East Asia, emphasize East Asia , This is a plus item.” Hoover’s assistant Nicholas Pater seized the last time to emphasize that Hoover’s first pot of gold came from East Asia, which is the future economic growth point of the United States.

"The Marquis of Nyasaland is also Asian. I don't want to emphasize the importance of Asia." Hoover has his own ideas, and he subconsciously avoids everything related to Asia.

The reason was the document in Roque's safe. Although Roque hadn't threatened Hoover with that document over the years, it was still a ticking time bomb.

"But Asia is our only breakthrough at the moment. The Philippines, Japan, and the Qing Dynasty—we must pay [-]% attention." Nicholas Pater emphasized that his news is a bit lagging behind. The Qing Dynasty has been destroyed. Now In fact, it is the Republic of China.

"Okay, okay, I see—" Hoover said casually.

Before the staff raised the opening curtain, they did not forget to give Hoover his due blessings.

"Wish you all the best--"

"Thank you—" Hoover took a deep breath, with a professional and mature smile on his face, and he didn't forget to wave to the audience when he went to the speech too many times.

As a presidential candidate, every move of Hoover was carefully designed by the campaign team.

The applause continued for a long time, and nearly 6000 Hoover supporters gathered in the venue, but this did not mean that Hoover could get 6000 votes. To make these people willing to vote for him, Hoover had to continue to work hard.

"Gentlemen and ladies, citizens of liberty and justice, we gather today to create a fairer and freer America - 165 years ago in Philadelphia the great John Adams, Franklin, Jefferson The "Declaration of Independence" declared the establishment of the United States - now 165 years have passed, have we built a fair, just, democratic and free America? No, we have not done it - we have failed the great wishes of the great sages, Lived up to the expectations of the American people—” Hoover’s speech was extremely contagious, and his speech was frequently interrupted by applause and cheers. In the auditorium, staff members arranged by the Democratic Party drove the atmosphere, and the atmosphere quickly reached a extremely warm.

Nicholas Pate and Alan Conrad stood behind the curtain less than ten meters away from Hoover. Alan Conrad lifted the opening curtain, took a look at the lively venue, and felt a little more relaxed.

"It's not bad. Our presidential candidate, at least in terms of demagoguery, has done a good job." Alan Conrad was overjoyed. The Democratic Party has not yet decided who will replace the Democratic Party. Although Hoover started a bit late, but The momentum is good.

"Don't be too optimistic. There must be Republicans in the arena. They will not stand still. Our security forces need to be strengthened. If I ask you, we should hire Umbrella or Delta security personnel. They are professional." Very optimistic, California voters are more inclined to the Republican Party, Hoover came to Los Angeles for a speech tour, Nicholas Pater did not agree.

"The Umbrella and the Delta are both war hyenas. We have to mingle with the voters in order to win the support of the voters." Alan Conrad looked at the high-spirited venue with complacency. Such a speech can raise at least [-] yuan. dollars in campaign finance.

Just when Nicholas Pater and Alan Conrad were thinking about each other, Hoover's speech finally reached its climax.

"—it was our American presence, our millions of troops going to Europe, that saved England and France from the vortex of world war—we are the saviors of the world, the guardians of civilization The latter is the United States representing the future world. We have no intention of competing for world hegemony. We only want to maintain world peace. This is our bounden duty and responsibility of the United States-to win the leadership of the world, we must continue to move forward. Doctrine and free trade cannot do it, we must do everything possible to earn money from Europeans, England, France, Germany, Russia will eventually become our hunting grounds, the future is ours—” Hoover finally ended With his speech, there was a landslide and tsunami-like cheers in the venue, and everyone applauded enthusiastically. Hoover's speech represented the wishes of many Americans.

Then nearly a hundred girls holding donation boxes appeared in the venue, encouraging the audience in the venue to donate.

They are passionate and hot, donating a dollar can get a sweet smile, and if it is ten dollars, you can get a sweet kiss.

Some guys who have been dazzled by enthusiasm donate hundreds of dollars, and their names will be recorded. If Hoover is elected in the future, they may have the opportunity to attend Hoover's celebration banquet.

So now that you understand the concept of $[-], Hoover will bow down to it.

Of course, Hoover was also very grateful. He came to the supporters in person, shook hands with the supporters and greeted them warmly.

The applause continued for a long time, and Hoover got farther and farther away from the stage.

Nicholas Pate and Alan Conrad finally realized something was wrong, and immediately instructed the staff to bring Hoover back.

Hoover was unaware of the crisis, and shook hands with supporters enthusiastically, waving to those who were far away from time to time.

"Thank you, and long live America!"

"Yes, we can definitely win!"

"I will fight all my life for the benefit of all—"

Hoover was pulling his throat and rhythm, but Hoover's voice was drowned out by the huge applause and cheers, and even he, the people around Hoover, couldn't hear what Hoover was saying clearly.

"Herbert, we all support you—"

"Get rid of the Republican Party!"

"Herbert, do you think you can do better than President Woodrow Wilson?"

Most of the time, Hoover has a broad smile on his face.

Hoover was always able to turn a deaf ear to those unpleasant words, and no one could guarantee that he could get [-]% support from voters.

"Herbert, do you think you can do better than President Woodrow Wilson?" There must be discordant voices, and they still refuse to give up.

"President Wilson has done a great job. No one dares to say that he must have done a better job than him, but I am confident that I will be able to lead America to continue to be great—" Hoover answered like a panacea. Normally, this topic ends here. end.

"So was America ever great?" The questioning voice was harsh, and Hoover could hear it clearly.

"Of course we have been great. The United States has always been a great country. We have developed from the original thirteen states in North America to the current thirty states. Our gross national product has surpassed the British Empire and reached the number one in the world. These achievements are all We got it through the efforts of all Americans." Hoover sent a standard answer.

If the subject ends there, it will be just a blip in Hoover's countless speeches.

But the guy who asked the question obviously didn't accept Hoover's answer.

As soon as Hoover's words fell, the face of the guy who asked the question suddenly changed: "You liar, you are as much a liar as Woodrow Wilson—"

In fact, when Hoover came among the supporters, he was accompanied by bodyguards and security personnel.

The guy who asked the question just changed his face.

The security personnel had no time to react.

The guy who asked the question drew a pistol from his arms.

"Liar, go to hell!" The questioner pointed at Hoover with a grim look on his face and pulled the trigger.

Just when the questioner had just pulled out his pistol, the security personnel around Hoover had already reacted.

A security personnel immediately threw Hoover to the ground, and several security personnel rushed over in an instant, pressing Hoover directly in the middle.


The questioner pulled the trigger, but he didn't have a chance to fire a second shot. The moment he pulled the trigger, several security personnel rushed forward and pinned the shooter to the ground.

Hoover, who was thrown down by the security personnel, took a long time to get up,

His clothes were disheveled, his hair style was gone, and he sat on the ground with a dazed expression, not realizing what happened.

The gunman was directly thrown down by the security personnel, and Hoover was quickly evacuated from the venue surrounded by a large group of security personnel.

"Why? Why?" Hoover was puzzled as he left the venue.

"Armored car, armored car, hurry up, we'll get out of here right away." Nicholas Pater grabbed Hoover's arm and was still in shock. He had never seen such a formation.

ps: There is no update tonight, sorry brothers, this chapter is coded out with unparalleled perseverance——

(End of this chapter)

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