Chapter 1256

Part of the Okavango River on the northern border of Dias is the border between Southern Africa and Portuguese West Africa, with Portuguese West Africa on the north and Southern Africa on the south.

The early colonization of Africa by European countries was mostly carried out along rivers, and the same is true for the Okavango River. Many villages naturally formed on both sides of the river, with convenient transportation and relatively developed agriculture.

If you look down from the air, you can see the Okavango River as the dividing line, the two sides of the river are clearly separated, and the south bank is a large area of ​​neat farmland, which is in good operating condition and lush vegetation.

The north bank is deserted, the scattered farmland is basically in a state of abandonment, and many villages have disappeared from the map.

Su Town got its name because most of the new immigrants have the surname Su. The town is very small with only a dozen households, and more residents are scattered in the surrounding farms. Just this small town with a population of less than 23, World War II During the period, [-] people joined the army. Most of them retired after the end of the World War and returned to Sioux Town to join the National Guard and become the militia in southern Africa.

Su Yuankai, the magistrate of Suzhen, also participated in the World War. After the end of the World War, Su Yuankai retired with the rank of sergeant. He bought a farm with an area of ​​180 acres in Suzhen with his retirement compensation. He just got married last year.

Governments at all levels in southern Africa attach great importance to the resettlement of veterans. Su Yuankai won a bravery medal and a contribution medal during the World War. With these two medals, Su Yuankai can receive a pension of three rands every month , plus his salary as a sheriff, and the income from the farm, Su Yuankai's income is quite considerable.

Not every veteran is like Su Yuankai. Another veteran in Su Town, Su Taihang, is more depressed. Su Taihang also received retirement compensation after retiring from the army, but Su Taihang did not buy a farm, and because of his relationship with his family Not so good, I moved to live next to the Okavango River by myself.

"Since Taihang came home, his whole person has changed. He loses his temper at every turn. He stays in the room all day long and closes the windows and draws the curtains in broad daylight. His family members are also cautious when talking to him. I advise him to buy it. It’s a farm, but he spent three hundred rand to buy two horses, isn’t this nonsense—” Su Taixing’s father had nothing to do with Su Taixing.

"It's okay, sir, I'll go and persuade Taihang—" Su Yuankai took the initiative to take the responsibility. The relationship between Chinese families is generally relatively harmonious, and quarrels rarely become so rigid.

"Then please, I must persuade Taixing well. Raising horses is not a real business. It would be great to spend [-] rand to buy land. Raising horses is not a waste—" Su Taihang's father sent Su Yuankai out, Su Yuankai rode his motorcycle and went straight to the river.

It is easy to find a place for Su Taihang to live. The Okavango River is not safe. There are many giant wild animals in the river, which pose a great threat to humans. Few people live by the river.

The two horses probably spent all of Su Taihang's savings and retirement compensation. Su Taihang had no extra money to build a house, so the house looked a bit simple, with bedrooms, kitchens, firewood houses, and stables. The size of the stable was larger than that of the bedroom. bigger.

When Su Yuankai came to the river, Su Taihang was feeding the horses.

The two horses are tall Arabian horses, one male and one female. The mare has a big belly and may be pregnant with a foal. When Su Yuankai walked to the gate of the fence, the two horses turned their heads to look at Su Yuankai. With piercing eyes, Su Yuankai suddenly felt that raising a horse is also good, much better than a motorcycle.

Just a little tired.

Su Taihang was not enthusiastic about Su Yuankai, he gave Su Yuankai a cold look, and didn't even say hello.

Su Yuankai wasn't angry, probably Su Taihang's father laid an ambush, the conflict between Su Taihang and his family should not be so simple.

"It's too good, you don't even have a dog here, be careful that a crocodile will climb up at night and take your horse away—" Su Yuankai took the initiative to greet Su Taixing.

There is a huge scar on Su Taihang's left face, from the corner of the eye to the root of the ear, which looks a bit scary.

Su Taixing didn't reply, crocodiles are a huge threat to ordinary people, but not so threatening to Su Taihang.

Southern Africa can't help guns. Su Taihang hangs a knight's revolver with a long barrel on his belt. This kind of gun is very powerful at close range. It is said that it can kill elephants and crocodiles.

Moreover, Su Yuankai believed that there must be a more powerful shotgun in Su Taihang's bedroom. If the crocodile dared to go ashore to steal the horse, it would probably give Su Taihang a chance to make a fortune.

"Yesterday, the National Guard trained intensively. Why did you go? Why didn't you come?" Su Yuankai was also the captain of the National Guard in Su Town while serving as a security officer.

"I'm going to train, what if the crocodile took my horse away?" Su Taixing's voice was hoarse. The reason seemed to be very good, but Su Yuankai was speechless.

"Okay, then I will train next to your house from now on, so it's okay." Su Yuankai was not discouraged, the job of a sheriff is very complicated, and because Su Town is too small, there is not even a mayor, Su Yuankai is the only one in Su Town " civil servant".

"No, the gunshot is too loud, it will scare my horse." Su Taixing was indifferent, with an aura of keeping strangers away from him, and the stallion next to him snorted unhappily.

Su Taixing raised his hand to touch the horse's head, a smile finally appeared on his face, and the stallion obediently let Su Taixing touch it.

"Taixing, you can't live alone, you have to find a way to find a wife—" Su Yuankai tried to solve the problem fundamentally, Su Taixing's current situation will cause problems after a long time.

In southern Africa nowadays, it is actually very simple to want to marry a wife.

After the end of the world war, there were not too many Europeans immigrating to southern Africa, especially women.

The World War was the most destructive war in European history. About 6500 million people fought, more than 1000 million were killed and 2000 million were injured.

Only the number of military casualties is counted here, and civilian casualties are not counted. After the end of the World War, the French mainland was so miserable that it had to introduce population to supplement the labor force. Britain and Germany were not much better. Countless families overnight Lost husband, father, son—

Now everyone knows that the "Versailles Treaty" cannot bring peace, and war will break out in Europe in the future, so there are not too many people trying to escape from Europe. The population of Britain and France hardly increased during World War I and World War II. This is the main reason .

Southern Africa, which showed great strength during the World Wars, became the first choice of most European immigrants. The "strong" here is not only military power, but more importantly, the geographical location, natural resources, political connections and people in Southern Africa, and the future. development potential.

"What do you think? Swim to the other side of the river to grab one?" Su Taixing's thinking was a bit extreme. Let alone whether he could swim across, all the Africans on the other side of the river had already moved to the inland area, so he didn't have to grab one if he wanted to.

For the same reason, population is the biggest resource in this era. Southern Africa is backed by East Asia, and its human resources are becoming more and more abundant. Portuguese West Africa is much worse. Regardless of the fact that the Portuguese have colonized West Africa for 265 years, the total number of white people in Portuguese West Africa is now No more than 20.

"What's so good about Africans? You can't find them when you turn off the lights at night. You are a hero who participated in the European War—" Su Yuankai earnestly said that he was too similar to those relatives who urged marriage in later generations.

"Turning off the lights is not the same." Su Taixing started driving when he disagreed.

"It's different, you don't want your child to be ridiculed in the future!" Su Yuankai told the truth, the Chinese traditionally regard white as beauty, and marrying an African will give birth to a black charcoal——

The vast majority of Chinese may not be able to accept it.

Of course, there must be some people who can accept it. If there are more than a hundred people, there will be anyone. Think about those orphans in the orphanage. They are willing to throw away their own flesh and blood.

In southern Africa today, not many people can accept this. Relatively speaking, there are more mixed-race people in Cape, but that is the result of the farmer’s whim and try something new. There are still very few white people who are willing to start a family with Africans.

Su Taixing didn't say a word, what he said just now was out of anger, really made Su Taixing marry an African, Su Taixing would rather be single.

"It's okay to go to Walvis Bay or Windhoek. Now Walvis Bay and Windhoek are full of women who just came to southern Africa. They don't care if you have scars on your face, as long as you can stay in southern Africa That's fine." What Su Yuankai said was the truth. Southern Africa no longer allocates land to all new immigrants. If new immigrants want to buy land, they must first live in Southern Africa for five years and obtain Southern African citizenship.

As the number of new immigrants increases, God knows what will happen in five years, so many new immigrants who immigrate to southern Africa will obtain southern African citizenship at the fastest speed through marriage, so that they can buy The land took root in southern Africa.

Of course, there are also people who are unwilling to buy land and buy a property in a southern African city to settle down first. Such new immigrants can only buy apartments, not single-family houses. If they want to buy a single-family house, they have to wait five years. Let's talk next year.

In short, the old good thing that new immigrants reimbursed their boat tickets and got a house and land when they landed is gone. In the future, it will become more and more difficult to immigrate to southern Africa, and the benefits for new immigrants will become less and less.

"Forget it, it's fine for me to live alone—" Su Taixing's tone had already loosened.

"What's good? You take care of two horses by yourself, maybe three in a while, how can you take care of them? What if you have a headache and brain fever, there is no one around to bring tea and water." Su Yuankai was really worried. In Su Taixing's situation, he couldn't hire someone to help.

In Su Town, like other parts of southern Africa, farmers also need to hire foreign workers to help cultivate the land.

Farming the land is different from raising horses. The land cannot grow legs to run by itself, but the horse can be led away.

ps: My friend’s father had a car accident, he had a busy day yesterday, and today is late again, sorry——

(End of this chapter)

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