Chapter 1257

After sending Su Yuankai away, Su Taihang sat in the yard for a long time.

If you just simply find someone to marry, it's actually not difficult. Although the scar on Su Taixing's face is a bit scary, there is nothing wrong with having complete hands and feet and a strong body. Soldiers who participated in the world wars have more or less brought back from Europe. There are many "souvenirs" in Su Taihang's bedroom, and it is not difficult to sell them and buy a farm.

There was a cool breeze, the sky was getting dark, insects were singing and katydids were flying in the corner of the yard, the Okavango River was flowing quietly, and a full moon was bright and clear in the sky. Su Taixing felt a little hungry, so he got up and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

Although they have separated and have not officially separated, there is no shortage of food in Su Taihang's house, especially various fruits and poultry eggs. In the morning, Su Taihang caught two fish, one steamed and the other stewed. The arrangement is clear, Su Taihang When I was lighting the fire, I felt that what Su Yuankai said was right. It is still necessary to have a dog and a cat, so that the house can be more lively.

Uneasy snorting came from the stable, Su Taixing moved his ears, stood up silently, took out a shotgun from behind the door, and hid behind the window to observe silently.

There was no movement outside the kitchen except for the chirping of insects and the jumping of katydids.

Su Taixing didn't dare to be careless, quietly extinguished the fire in the hearth, at this moment he finally realized the difficulty of living alone.

Su Town is too remote, and there is no electricity supply until now, and the phone must not even be thought of.

Su Taihang lived alone by the river, and he didn't even have a helper when something happened, which was really inconvenient.

"Taihang, are you home?" Su Yuankai was still outside the fence, holding a chicken and a bottle of wine in his hand.

Su Taihang put the gun back, sat back in front of the hearth and continued to light the fire.

Two fish, one chicken, one plate of peanuts and one plate of fruit. Su Taihang also cut a plate of salted duck eggs. The small dining table is full. The silver candlesticks and wine glasses are the highlights. The plates and bowls are made of porcelain. Su Taihang and Su Yuankai still used chopsticks.

To Su Taixing's surprise, Su Yuankai also brought Su Taixing two puppies who had just emerged from their nests. Don't look at the small ones, the two little guys are very fierce, and they are so cute and silly that they want to eat meat.

Su Taihang tore off the chicken breast and divided it among the two little milk dogs.

The two little milk dogs immediately wagged their tails happily, muamua, the South African mastiff is still easy to raise, and it doesn't need to be as delicate as dog food soaked in milk.

There is milk, there is plenty on the farm, but there is really no dog food——

"That's right, you can be a companion if you don't talk about housekeeping and nursing homes. If you deal with people more, you will like dogs more and more. I will get you a cat tomorrow, and you can work together in this family." It's—" Su Yuankai really cares, there are a lot of dog farms, but not many cats.

Dogs can actually catch mice, but they are not as professional as cats. After all, the task of dogs is to guard the house.

"Thank you—" Su Taixing looked at the two little guys, and finally there was some warmth in his eyes.

"Thank you, take one, it's all in the wine." Su Yuankai took the initiative to pick up the wine glass, they are all neighbors in the same town, so there is no need to be so pretentious.

Prompting marriage is not a one-day job. Su Yuankai didn't mention those unpleasant things, and while eating and drinking with Su Taixing, he chatted casually about interesting things in the European War and the latest news. The orange candlelight filled the whole room, The atmosphere gradually heated up.

"—You can't even explain that the president can fall from the train. It took hours for the valet and the head of the bodyguard to find out. If it was in our southern Africa, the valet and the head of the bodyguard would have to go to court. At the very least, it's a dereliction of duty—" Su Yuankai's fried rice is already the plot three chapters ago, and he's still in the water now.

After all, what happened in France, there is still a time difference with southern Africa. Southern African newspapers are happy to publish scandals in these European countries, rather than oiled paper bags and sewers at every turn. This is very helpful for improving the self-confidence of southern African citizens.

"It's not like we didn't know the virtues of the French when we were in France." Su Taixing continued to complain. The world war shattered Europe and shattered people's myths about the Old World.

Objectively speaking, Europe is still the economic center of the world, but the United States and southern Africa have a tendency to catch up from behind. In the past, some people in southern Africa sent their children to study in the UK, but now this situation is becoming less and less.

In southern Africa, a diploma from Oxford University is not necessarily better than a diploma from Nyasaland University, which is also part of improving self-confidence.

"French women are still very good—" Su Yuankai began to enjoy hearing about it again, man, after drinking some wine, he started running the train with his mouth full.

"Fusang women are better—" Su Taixing had a unique vision.

There is no online education girls these days, and they are not allowed to play in movie theaters.

"What's the matter? Su Daming married that man from Fusang, who bends down and bows at every turn, making small steps as if he can't move his legs. The whole person is full of hypocrisy from the inside to the outside, and the donkey dung has a face." Su Yuankai was not polite. , Southern Africa also has immigration companies in Fusang, mainly female immigrants.

You may not believe it, but fifteen rand can buy a 15-year-old young girl in a big empire that is committed to leaving Asia and entering Europe, with all kinds of obedient and soft cute oni sauces. In southern Africa, it is still Very popular.

Su Daming was also a soldier who participated in the European War. He retired after the World War, and then he bought a house and got married step by step. His wife was already pregnant. This is the correct way for veterans in southern Africa.

As for whether Fusang's wife is good or not, that's not important.

Su Taixing was about to speak, but suddenly his expression was startled, and he turned his head to look outside the door.

Su Yuankai's reaction was a little slower. Seeing Su Taixing get up, he realized that there seemed to be someone dimly outside the fence gate.

At this time, apart from Su Yuankai, no one should take the initiative to visit Su Taihang.

Su Taihang had already drawn his gun when he got up.

When the people outside the fence saw Su Taihang, they turned and ran.

At this moment, Su Yuankai finally came to his senses, dropped the chicken wings in his hand and drew his gun backhand, and followed Su Taixing to chase after him.

Su Taihang didn't chase too far, the other party ran all the way, came to the Okavango River and jumped in directly.

Su Taixing also wanted to jump, but was grabbed by Su Yuankai.

"Stop chasing, who is it?" Su Yuankai's mouth was shiny, and he felt inexplicably happy under the bright moonlight.

"It seems to be an African, I haven't seen it before—" Su Taixing stared at the river, the Okavango River at night is really dangerous, God knows what's in the river.

"Africans from the other side?" Su Yuankai couldn't believe it. This kind of thing had never happened before.

"It's possible—" Su Taixing didn't know either.

The guy who jumped into the river could hold his breath and dived more than 50 meters in one breath before showing his head in the middle of the river, and then swam desperately to the opposite bank.


Su Taihang raised the long barrel in his hand and the knight fired continuously.

For a pistol, the hit rate will drop sharply if it exceeds 50 meters. The hit rate will drop sharply if it exceeds [-] meters. The knight with a long barrel is more powerful at close range. Because the muzzle is longer, the jump is more powerful when shooting. Su Taihang has six rounds The bullets were all empty.

That guy swam all the way to the other side of the river, and only after climbing ashore did he turn around and look at Su Yuankai and Su Taihang coldly.

Thanks to the bright moonlight, this time Su Yuankai and Su Taihang saw clearly that they were indeed Africans, and they were wearing the khaki military uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

"Veteran, who killed someone before, probably just retired—" Su Yuankai's judgment was astonishing.

Su Taixing hummed, and he could feel the anger and unwillingness of the guy across the river.

Killing intent.

"It's a pity that you didn't bring a rifle!" As a security officer, Su Yuankai could use a powerful weapon like a rifle.

"Get me a rifle some other day, that guy might have a weapon." Su Taixing turned around and left, not giving the guy opposite him a chance to shoot.

When they got home, Su Taixing went back to his room and took out a shotgun. He and Su Yuankai went around the house with a flashlight, but found nothing unusual.

"Taihang, move back home for the time being, it's very dangerous for you to live here alone." Su Yuankai was worried about Su Taihang's safety, even though there was only one person just now, what if that guy came with a helper another day?

Even if Su Taihang is three-headed and six-armed, a hero can't stand the crowd.

What's more, the opponent had also been a soldier and fought in battle, and his combat effectiveness may not be inferior to Su Taihang's.

"Well——" Su Taixing is not stupid, and living alone by the river at this time is courting death.

At this time, some members of the National Guard finally heard the gunshots and rushed over. More than a dozen people worked together to remove all Su Taihang's belongings at once. The furniture in the house was ignored. It was worthless, and it was also moved in the middle of the night. Do not move.

Apparently Su Taihang and Su Yuankai underestimated each other's hatred, and the other party was indeed ruthless. That night, a fire broke out at Su Taihang's house by the river, and the house and stables were all burned to ashes.

In the early morning, Su Taihang stood expressionlessly in front of the burnt ruins of the house. Fortunately, Su Taihang listened to Su Yuankai's words last night. Otherwise, if the other party set fire after Su Taihang took a rest, Su Taihang probably would have been doomed.

"That guy must still be on the other side. This matter is beyond our scope of handling and must be reported." Su Yuankai didn't insist. The other side of the river is Portuguese West Africa, and the military and police in southern Africa actually have no law enforcement power.

However, this law enforcement power is rather vague. In the case of southern Africa, cross-border law enforcement is actually normal. As long as they stay on the other side of the river, local officials in Portuguese West Africa will turn a blind eye.

Su Taihang took out a German-made binoculars from his satchel and looked across the bank. Su Taihang was fully equipped today. Considering Su Taihang's actual needs, Su Yuankai brought Su Taihang a pair of Lee Enfield.

Su Yuankai wasn't worried about setting fire to the house, as the house could be rebuilt after it was burned.

What Su Yuankai was afraid of was that if the opponent had a rifle, he would snipe at a fixed point across the Okavango River.

So Su Yuankai had to report it. To catch or kill that guy, he needed the cooperation of the Marine Police, Border Patrol, and the National Guard.

ps: The one who broke the leg is enough, I am not raising Gu, there is no such thing as transshipment——

(End of this chapter)

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