Chapter 1258 Ambush

The matter had completely gotten out of control. Su Yuankai reported it routinely. The marine police and border patrol stepped up their patrols around Su Town, and the National Guard in Su Town was also organized to take turns to watch the night.

At night, Su Yuankai and Su Taihang ambushed in a bush by the Okavango River.

There are a total of 36 members of the National Guard in Su Town, each in groups of six, and they are on duty in three places. If someone is found crossing the Okavangoko, the National Guard is authorized to shoot directly.

Su Taixing held Lee Enfield full of energy. Compared with shotguns, Lee Enfield had a longer range and higher accuracy. Su Taixing was a precision shooter during the European War and had received training in night sniping.

Su Yuankai was wrapped in a field windbreaker, the steel helmet on his head was covered with a net, and tree branches were stuffed in the net to increase the camouflage effect. It is now the rainy season in southern Africa. Although there is little rain all year round in Dias, Su Yuankai and Su Taihang are still Prepared a raincoat.

The sky was overcast, the moon and stars could not be seen, and the visibility was very low.

A gust of evening wind blew, and the leaves on the trees rattled. Su Yuankai and Su Taixing didn't chat, and the voice would spread far away at night.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the tree trunks were blown to this side. Su Yuankai and Su Taixing could smell the storm, and they didn't speak. They put on their raincoats and continued to wait on the tarpaulin. This is a game of endurance.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, accompanied by a thunderclap, big raindrops finally fell. Su Yuankai cursed the damn weather, silently adjusted his posture on the tarpaulin, and wrapped his rifle in the raincoat by the way.

The first lesson for soldiers from southern Africa to join the army is to learn how to maintain their weapons. The rifles used by Su Yuankai and Su Taihang were all sealed up after the end of the World War. They are well maintained and are no different from the new ones.

"It's raining so heavily, that guy doesn't dare to come out—" Su Yuankai finally couldn't help it. The National Guard had to stay on duty for a whole night. The first half of the night was fine, but the second half of the night couldn't survive without finding something to do.

"It's hard to say, if you're not afraid of [-], you're afraid of an eventuality." Su Taixing fumbled for a cigarette in his raincoat, and lit the lighter with his helmet behind him, but there was no trace of flame coming out, which was really amazing.

At this time, a flash of lightning flashed in the air.

Su Yuankai suddenly found someone on the other side of the river.

When Su Yuankai took out the gun, he kicked Su Taixing.

Su Taihang put out the cigarette, stared wide-eyed and observed the opposite bank.

I couldn't see anything, only the white rain and a thin layer of water mist from the raindrops falling on the ground.

It's not a good feeling to hear the rain on the raincoat and the bushes, but not see or hear.

"Someone, I saw at least two people—" Su Yuankai's voice trembled a little, but it wasn't fear but excitement.

After Su Taihang opened the safety of the rifle, he put the pistol within reach.

Not the long barreled knight, but a Luger produced by Nyasaland.

Another flash of lightning, this time Su Taihang also saw it.

There were indeed people, not two but four, paddling a raft tied with branches, and approaching the shore quietly.

To Su Taixing's surprise, these four Africans were all wearing southern African standard military uniforms, carrying Lee Enfield on their backs, and one guy was carrying a machete. Su Taixing was no stranger to this kind of machete. He was participating in the The troops serving in the European War were equipped with knives like this machete.

Unfortunately, after a brief flash of lightning, the river was once again in darkness, and Su Taixing was unable to aim at the target.

In the darkness, Su Taixing felt that the days felt like years, and every second was extremely long. The feeling of knowing that danger was approaching but being powerless to stop it made Su Taixing very uncomfortable.

Finally, the raft docked silently. The four Africans obviously did not expect that there was an ambush on the river bank. They jumped into the water and dragged the raft to the river bank. After checking their weapons, they were ready to go.

The place where the four Africans landed was less than ten meters away from Su Taihang and Su Yuankai.

At this distance, it is still pitch black on a rainy night.

Fortunately, the four Africans went straight to each other, chatting while checking the weapons.

"It's the rainy season now. There may be people patrolling the banks of the Okavango River. We need to make a quick decision and leave as soon as we grab something." The voice of the leading African was low, and there was lightning in the sky at this time. Once Su Taihang finally saw clearly.

That's right, the leading African was the one who had appeared outside Su Taihang's fence. That night, although the African didn't speak, his figure left a deep impression on Su Taihang.

"What should we do if someone dares to stop us?" An African man's voice trembled, but luckily they all spoke English.

Among Africans in southern Africa, English is actually used when communicating.

There is no way, because southern Africa is really too big. There are different sounds and customs in a hundred miles. Some dialects can only be understood by people in one tribe. English has become the common language among Africans.

Especially the Africans who participated in the World War. It has been five or six years since the outbreak of the World War. Even if they did not know English when they joined the army, they can learn a lot after these years.

"As I have said, kill everyone we meet, think what they have done to us, what is now southern Africa should be ours, we fought on the front lines, they took our land in the back, put Our family was kicked out of Southern Africa, we have to take revenge!" The leading Africans were full of hatred, and what Southern Africa did was really unethical, but in this era, the federal government of Southern Africa is already very humane .

At least the Federal Government of Southern Africa did not scalp those Africans and sell them for money, at least the Federal Government did not lock Africans into plantations as slaves, and American soldiers did not receive a penny of retirement compensation after participating in the World War. The government gave at least 200 rand each to African soldiers who participated in the world wars, what else do you want?

This "yet" is used well, which fully proves the humanitarian spirit of the federal government of southern Africa.

"The federal government will not let us go—" The voice was also trembling, and Rock's deterrent power could stop children from crying at night among Africans.

"After we finished the robbing, we went to France. You don't know how rich these southern African farmers are. They can't finish their food. There are too many sheep in the sheepfold. There are dozens of them on any farm. Cow, we just need to grab one and send it—" The leading African didn't look very smart, the things he said were indeed valuable, but how to get them away was a big problem.

With only a small raft, it is estimated that there is no way to get dozens of cows across the Okavango River.

So robbery is also a university question. If you are not educated, you will not be able to rob money, and if you rob money, you will lose your life.

"It's all Obama's fault. If this guy hadn't lost all our money, we wouldn't have taken the risk." An African is still complaining, and that's the problem.

The same two hundred rand was used by Su Yuankai to buy a farm, and then he would have a family business that could be passed down forever.

Su Taihang is used to buy Arabian horses. Although it seems that it is not as cost-effective as buying a farm, the money is not a waste. Raising horses is a personal hobby, and it can also generate economic value. Now the Mesopotamia is also a Class A mandated territory in southern Africa. However, Arabian horses are not uncommon in southern Africa, but the price is still high. A good Arabian horse can sell for tens of thousands of rands.

It’s still the [-] rand, handed over to Africans who are not good at managing money, most of them spend it all in a short period of time, whether it’s gambling or something. Anyway, if you don’t spend all your money, you won’t work. Look at those NBAs that go bankrupt after retirement How many stars there are, you know how high the proportion of prodigal children among Africans is.

Antetokounmpo is a well-known story. After receiving the first salary, he directly gave the salary to his parents to subsidize his family.

The reason why this matter is widely praised is because the vast majority of NBA players either buy luxury cars or houses after receiving their first salary. Bastards don't even know how many there are.

"It's meaningless to say these things now, move, move, act now—" the leading African cheered up his morale, and took the initiative to pick up his rifle and walk up to the embankment.

Su Yuankai and Su Taihang, who were less than five meters away from the Africans, grabbed their pistols and daggers tightly.

At such a short distance, rifles are not as good as pistols and daggers.

Several Africans passed by Su Yuankai and Su Taihang in a file, and they did not have the awareness of keeping a distance. When the last African passed by Su Yuankai and Su Taihang, the first African in the lead was not far away from Su Yuankai and Su Taihang. Five meters.

Su Yuankai and Su Taihang stood up silently at this moment, aiming their guns at the four Africans at the same time.


Bah bah bah——

At such a short distance, there is no need to aim at all, just shoot directly, and the four Africans are all knocked to the ground after a shuttle of bullets is fired.

Su Yuankai and Su Taihang still didn't get close at this time, they changed the bullets one by one and refilled their guns one by one, and they didn't plan to give a confession or anything, so let's talk about the danger first.

The long-term rigorous training has achieved remarkable results. The four Africans were knocked down in an instant, and the one with the quickest reaction did not have time to fight back. This kind of death is very quick and painless, which is relatively lucky.

Su Yuankai and Su Taixing were not careless, the two shuttles emptied and changed bullets, and began to examine the corpses one by one.

Indeed, they are all soldiers who have just retired, and they still have nameplates customized by the Southern African Army around their necks.

The African man in the lead was not completely dead yet, he stared at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Su Yuankai pulled the nameplate from his neck, and it turned out to be a soldier of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. The number and name of the serving troops were engraved on the nameplate: Sergeant Leonard Wilcox, Company C, First Battalion, Third Regiment, 105th Division.

ps: It’s the end of the month, and the number of updates this month has dropped significantly. I hope to catch up next month——

(End of this chapter)

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