Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1259 You Think You Are God

Chapter 1259 You Think You Are God

During the World War, the 105th Division can also be regarded as a meritorious force. During the European War, it repeatedly made military exploits. After the war, it participated in the intervention of the new Russian government by the Allies. After being disabled, the organization was not restored, but was directly withdrawn.

Four Lee Enfields, two pistols, a machete, and a few odd rands were all the belongings of these four men.

Modern army combat is indeed a bit cruel. All four people were killed in the shortest time without any ability to resist.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the National Guard members on duty at the other two points heard the gunshots and came to reinforce them. Seeing the four corpses, and looking at Su Yuankai and Su Taixing, their eyes were full of envy.

In southern Africa, there are rewards for direct killing of such criminals with huge security risks, and the rewards are very generous.

After dawn, the marine police boat took all four bodies away, and Su Zhen returned to its former tranquility.

Entering December, southern Africa is in midsummer, Europe is already covered with ice and snow, and southern Africa is still warm as spring.

It has been less than a month since Adelaide resigned. Roque stayed in Pretoria for most of the time. The National Guard and military police from all over the country took to the streets to ensure that there would be no major accidents during the handover of the prime minister.

The filming of Winston's film has started smoothly. The chief director is Winston himself, and the executive director is Louis Betsy who filmed "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth". Another film "Turning the Tide" shot by Louis Betsy is currently being screened.

"Turning the Tide" describes that in the first Battle of the Marne, a unit of the Southern African Expeditionary Force was inserted between the German First Army and the Fifth Army, separating the First Army and the Fifth Army, so as to cooperate with the French troops The story of pushing the Germans back.

In the movie "Turning the Tide", Louis Betsy once again used the description technique in "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth", making extensive use of the slowness of the French army and the stupidity of the German army to contrast the strength and bravery of the southern African expeditionary force.

Some of the shots in this movie were shot in Paris. In order to show the German troops approaching the city and the panic of the people in Paris, in one scene, Louis Betsy used nearly 2000 extras.

Some of the actors in the movie are soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who participated in the World War. These witnesses of the World War have an unforgettable understanding of the World War. This also adds more gimmicks to "Turning the Tide", and the humorous " Unlike Escape from the Tiger's Mouth, "Turning the Tide" is real and heavy, vividly reflecting the outstanding performance of the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the European War. It is also a profound patriotic education for the southern African nationals who are far away from the war.

"The movie you made exaggerates the Southern African Expeditionary Force too much. The Allied Powers are not only the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the Anzacs, Canadian Legion, and even the French Army have also made great contributions." Winston just watched it "Turning the Tide", once again questioned Rock's purpose.

"The movies I made don't praise the Southern African Expeditionary Force, but should I praise the Germans?" Roque has good reasons. The rising box office seems to mean that the praise for the Southern African Expeditionary Force is actually not enough.

After half a year of screening, "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" finally grossed 150 million rand at the local box office in southern Africa, and Nyasaland Film Studio sold more than 4000 copies alone.

"Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" is not only popular in southern Africa, but also popular in Britain, France, and even Germany. Before "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" was released, there were only 3 movie theaters in Paris, and now there are 12, even on the other side of the ocean. In the United States, "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" also set off a movie-watching frenzy, and the theaters were full from morning till night.

Winston snorted and said nothing, and now Winston gradually understood Rock's words, and the movie was also serving politics.

"If you want, you can try it in your movie, maybe you will be welcomed." Rock retaliated against him in his own way, saying that it is useless, it depends on the actual action.

"Dream! Why should my film be promoted for France?" Winston immediately stood firmly,

Rock smiled and said nothing. He understood the reason. Don't talk about anyone. If the Australians and Canadians are dissatisfied, they can take pictures themselves.

"Suddenly it's interesting to be Prime Minister in Southern Africa—" Winston said suddenly.

Rock was surprised, did Winston want to run for the Prime Minister of Southern Africa?

This is really possible, after all, it is impossible for Winston to return to the British political arena in a short time, and southern Africa——

It is said that although the background of Southern Africa is not as good as that of the United Kingdom, its development prospects are obviously better than that of the declining British Empire. It is not surprising that Winston has this idea.

Having tasted the taste of power, it is really hard to let go.

"If you were the Prime Minister of Southern Africa, how would you balance the relationship between Southern Africa and London?" Rock was very interested. This is not an exam, and Rock is going to prostitute for nothing.

Such things as free prostitution are really everywhere. When companies recruit people, they often ask some problems that they will encounter in actual work. In fact, this is the standard prostitution. Many people still think of ways for themselves Complacent, but they don't know that other companies don't want to recruit people at all, but want your ideas.

It's not copying. How can it be described as prostitution for nothing.

"The relationship is quite good now. London is considering restoring the gold standard system. What do you think?" Winston is not stupid, this is also a standard prostitution.

During the World Wars, London abandoned the gold standard system. At that time, only the United States and southern Africa still adhered to the gold standard.

After the World War, London found that its position as a financial center was on the verge of collapse, so it had to consider restoring the gold standard system and reshaping the international status of the pound.

This goal is not very realistic now. The world war caused heavy losses in London, the loans to the Russian Empire were lost, and the loans to France and Italy were also meat buns and dogs.

It cannot be said that France and Italy did not pay back, but had no money. After the end of the World War, the European economy did not recover as quickly as people imagined, but fell into a long-term slump, which has continued until now and has triggered an economic crisis.

As a result, France and the United Kingdom caused a change of cabinet, and Italy was even worse. Not long ago, Mussolini, who participated in the World War, formed the "Italian National Party", as the leader of the party, and commanded the party's military organization "Black Shirts". Army" marched into Rome, trying to start a riot and seize power.

No matter how bad the historical evaluation was, Mussolini still had some abilities. Before the outbreak of the World War, Mussolini served as the editor-in-chief of the Socialist Party’s newspaper “Forward”. ", and personally served as the editor-in-chief. Judging from this resume, Mussolini is also very good at writing work, and his ability to deceive people is quite good.

It is precisely because of his superior writing skills that Mussolini's political slogans were cheered by the Italians. Italy's post-war economic downturn also paved the way for Mussolini's rise to power.

Mussolini is now widely regarded as the savior of Italy.

But Roque knew what it was. When Roque saw the name Mussolini, he smelled the smell of World War II.

"How can I see it—returning to the gold standard is a good thing, but the output of the Rand Gold Mine is decreasing year by year, and the gold output is getting less and less. We must be prepared for the gradual depletion of the Rand Gold Mine." Rock called Winston Vaccination, one of the conditions for the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government is that Britain can obtain gold from the Rand Gold Mine to ensure London's status as a financial center.

Now not only London needs the gold from the Rand Gold Mine, but also the Federal Government of Southern Africa. During the World War, although the Rand was still linked to gold, the gold content was constantly decreasing. Before the World War, one Rand could be exchanged for 7.23 grams of gold. Now only 1.5 grams can be exchanged.

Even so, the status of the rand is still rising, and the scope of application is expanding, which poses a certain threat to the international currency status of the pound.

The gold standard system that Britain wants to restore is not the same as the gold standard system implemented before the World War.

The British gold standard system is not a gold standard in the full sense, but an incomplete gold standard in essence. This system is called the gold bullion standard system.

The characteristic of the gold bullion standard system is that gold coins are still used as the standard currency, but gold coins are no longer circulated and used in the market, but banknotes with a certain gold content are used instead of gold coins.

The banknotes at this time could not be freely exchanged for gold coins, but for international payment or industrial gold, banknotes could be exchanged for gold bullion in banks according to the limited quantity specified.

In another time and space, the United Kingdom stipulated in 1925 that at least 400 ounces should be exchanged at a time, which is about 1700 pounds.

400 ounces are about 12400 grams. Converted to one pound, it can be exchanged for about 7.3 grams of gold, which is similar to the exchange ratio before the World War.

The idea of ​​the gold bullion standard system was good, but soon London discovered that it was simply unable to maintain this exchange ratio, so shortly after the implementation, the British government was forced to abandon the gold bullion standard system, and later because of the need for foreign exchange control, in On December 1946, 12, it was still stipulated that the gold content of the pound was 18 grams.

At that time, London's status as the world's financial center had been replaced by New York, and the glory of the British Empire was no longer there.

"Gold run out? No, no, no, it's absolutely impossible." Winston's face was pale. Winston knew exactly what the gold from the Rand Gold Mine meant to London.

Rock was completely speechless. The amount of gold reserves is not determined by Rock and Winston. If you say no, you can't. You think you are God.

ps: It's September in a blink of an eye, time flies so fast——

(End of this chapter)

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