Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1264 Hell Difficulty

Chapter 1264 Hell Difficulty

The root cause of the large number of officials of Chinese descent is the emphasis placed on education by Chinese families.

Southern Africa has been committed to promoting compulsory education a long time ago. Before the passage of the "Women and Children's Protection Act", compulsory education only covered the primary school stage. After the passage of the "Women and Children's Protection Act", secondary schools were also covered by compulsory education. Public education puts higher demands on it.

Pretoria City Hall, meeting room on the third floor.

"Why can't it be done? As far as I know, Nyasaland State started to promote compulsory education at the middle school level at least five years ago, and now you have seen the results. Every year, 60.00% of the freshmen at Nyasaland University From Nyasaland State, this is not the result of black-box operations. Nyasaland University treats all candidates equally. Students from Nyasaland State have higher scores than students from other states. Our Transvaal State is admitted to Nigeria every year. Although there are quite a few students at Nyasaland University, most of them are from Johannesburg, and in Pretoria, how many people can be admitted to Nyasaland University every year?" Shi Qi, the newly appointed mayor, made an impassioned speech , the economic strength of the Transvaal is not inferior to Nyasaland, but in terms of education, it is far behind Nyasaland.

Compared with Nyasaland, the biggest advantage of the Transvaal is the Rand mining area and Fawalt in the north of the Transvaal.

Fawalt is the fiefdom of Henry. From the cement factory and steel factory at the beginning, Fawalt's strength in metallurgy has become stronger and stronger. The business scope of Fawalt Steel Group includes but is not limited to steel, iron, copper, gold , manganese, chromium, stainless steel, special steel and other metals. The stainless steel products produced by the Iron and Steel Group are exported to Europe and the United States. The scale and strength are comparable to those of South African companies.

As far as the manufacturing industry is concerned, the largest enterprises in southern Africa are the South African Company and the Fawalt Iron and Steel Group. The enterprises under Rock’s name are relatively scattered. The Nyasaland military industry, Nyasaland automobile, and Nyasaland aviation are about 89 ten. This is not counting Nyasaland heavy industry, Johannesburg pharmaceuticals, a large number of shipyards in Port Edward, and those in the south What about the Adan company and its umbrella, which is getting less and less present in Africa.

Purely from the data point of view, the strength of the Transvaal has not been stretched too far by Nyasaland, but the soft power is much worse. Whether it is education, culture, or health, Nyasaland is far behind. beyond the Transvaal.

"In Nyasaland alone, the city of Los Angeles spends more than 3000 million rand on culture, education and health every year. Our Transvaal state only has 3500 million. Johannesburg alone accounts for 1300 million. I also want to build more schools. , to build more hospitals, but there is not enough funds, we think the University of Transvaal has been thinking about it for five years, and now there is no money to start construction—”Liang Jincheng, the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health, puts the facts and makes sense. It's hard to cook without rice, and you can't do anything without money.

"Don't talk about the past, I will find a way to get you enough funds, what do you say?" What Shi Qi wanted was Liang Jincheng's attitude. The former mayor Greenton Cronin really paid attention to culture, education and health Not enough, but now is not the time for accountability, Greenton Cronin has been sacked, and Pretoria is entering a new phase.

"As long as there are enough funds, there will be no problem. I promise to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education within three years." Liang Jincheng issued a military order, Shi Qi also just took office, Liang Jincheng did not want to be dragged out to sacrifice to heaven.

"Three years is too long. Next year, before next May, all the schools required by the Ministry of Education must be completed, and the work of introducing teachers must also be carried out at the same time. Go to Nyasaland University to get more graduates, go to Nyasaland In short, next year's freshman admission season, I want to see that all schools can accept new students." Shi Qi has high requirements, and he has potential in fact.

"Okay—" Liang Jincheng gritted his teeth and admitted that as long as the funds are in place, the work can start as soon as the rainy season is over. In fact, it is not difficult to complete the task.

"Mayor Huang, how is the situation over there?" Shi Qi continued to roll the roll, and this time it was Huang Hanlin, another Chinese vice mayor.

"Pretoria is the capital of our southern Africa. The Governor, Prime Minister, Speaker, and a large number of members of Congress all live in Pretoria, so Pretoria does not have the foundation for the development of heavy industry. We want to Developing deep processing of agricultural products on the existing basis may be a breakthrough." Huang Hanlin is in charge of industry, including light industry and heavy industry, and even agricultural production is also in the scope of Huang Hanlin's responsibility.

Governments at all levels of the Federation of Southern Africa set up departmental institutions quite casually. At the level of mayor and deputy mayor, each person is responsible for multiple different departments. It is normal for one person to hold several positions.

Don't feel tired, feel that you are not capable enough to do the job, and there are people who want to be tired and have no chance yet.

As far as Pretoria is concerned, there is a state council in the Transvaal, and a city council in Pretoria. Countless eyes are on the city government of Pretoria. No matter what goes wrong, the mayor will be held accountable first.

Therefore, no one dares to slack off from top to bottom. Shi Qi did not perform well as mayor, and the city council may impeach Shi Qi at any time and pull Shi Qi out of office, which means the end of Shi Qi’s political career. There is no such thing as a comeback from another place, and it is unlikely to make a comeback.

Relatively speaking, the middle level of the department is relatively stable. No matter who is the mayor, there must be someone to do the work. However, if there is a major mistake in the work, no one can save it. There is no iron rice bowl in southern Africa. If you don’t want to work, you can directly Resignation, people who want to work are waiting in line.

"This area can be considered, but we can't put all our hopes on the deep processing of agricultural products. We nicknamed Pretoria the City of Gardens and the City of Bigwig. We should make more fuss about this aspect, such as tourism, leisure, and recuperation. , as the level of economic development is getting higher and higher, the demand in this area is also getting higher and higher. Nyasaland has done a good job in this area. Los Angeles City and Star City have formed a prosperous and mature area along Lake Nyasa Business district, you can visit and study if you have time. Our resources in this area are no less than that of Los Angeles. Los Angeles has Lake Niassa, and we also have the Apis River, Fountain Valley, and Rudplatte Reservoir. , These advantages should be used well.” Shi Qi knew it well, and had considered these issues in depth when he was the deputy mayor, but it was Greenton Cronin who was in power at the time, and Shi Qi was useless no matter how great his skills were.

In the field of farm product processing in southern Africa, South African companies are the undisputed giants.

The South African company started in Rhodesia, and the Transvaal side is centered on Johannesburg. The distance between Pretoria and Johannesburg is too close. Johannesburg has a first-mover advantage, and it is difficult for Pretoria to compete.

Relatively speaking, Pretoria has a huge advantage in terms of tourism and leisure.

Don’t forget that Pretoria is not only the capital of the Transvaal, but also the capital of Southern Africa. Huang Hanlin is right. The Governor, the Prime Minister, the Speaker, and so many members of Parliament live in Pretoria. It is indeed unrealistic for Pretoria to develop heavy industries that have too much impact on the environment.

Los Angeles has done a good job in this regard. In the past, Los Angeles was also a heavy industrial city. Nyasaland Military Industry and Nyasaland Automobile were both located in Los Angeles at the beginning.

Now Los Angeles is gradually moving the factories that pollute the environment out of Los Angeles. The factory of Nyasaland Military Industry has moved to Milna in Rhodesia. Nyasaland Motors simply built the factory in Port Edward and Whale Bay, Los Angeles City only retains some logistics departments and research and development institutions, so that the environmental impact on Los Angeles City is minimized.

"Okay, I'll organize people to go to Los Angeles when I get back." Huang Hanlin is no stranger to Los Angeles. He graduated from Nyasaland University ten years ago, then came to work in Pretoria, and returned to Nia within ten years. Saran's no more than three times.

"Gentlemen, you all know what happened recently. Our city government is facing a huge crisis of confidence. This is a danger, but it is also an opportunity. To reverse our image in the eyes of the citizens, we need all of us to work together—" Shi Qi looked around the meeting room, his eyes would stay on everyone's face for two or three seconds.

Those who are eligible to participate in the municipal meeting must at least be at the level of deputy director or deputy director.

Governments at all levels in southern Africa have strict control over officials, and there are only 24 officials who are eligible to participate in the meeting.

Among the 24 people, [-] are Chinese, and the rest of the officials are all white, and most of them are young people.

At the level of Deputy Bureau and Deputy Division, under 40 years old is considered young.

The federal government of Southern Africa has only been established for more than ten years, so the overall age of officials is even younger. Some talents have just graduated from university for five or six years and are now in leadership positions.

Most of these young white officials graduated from local universities in southern Africa. Nyasaland University is naturally the top priority and has made great contributions to southern Africa. Most of these young officials are graduates of Nyasaland University. Then graduate from a prestigious European school.

Famous schools sound bluffing, but in actual work, they are not much better than Nyasaland University graduates, and in some respects they are even worse than Nyasaland University graduates.

At least the college graduates from Nyasaland are proficient in English and Chinese.

And those college students who graduated from prestigious European universities are proficient in English, but they are not good at Chinese, and some of them don't even know it at all.

As a result, there are many difficulties faced at work.

The communication between Chinese and Chinese must be in Chinese, and the northern Chinese is used, and there is not much difference in accent.

Chinese is a language that is less difficult to learn from an early age. If you learn it as an adult, it will be hell difficult for these white people.

ps: Akali, do you want to turn the text into a chat room, and you are not afraid that other brothers will scold you to death——

(End of this chapter)

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