Chapter 1265

After all, Fern Hansa found four members of Congress to jointly sign, successfully bypassed Barker, and submitted a motion to Congress to cancel the capital status of Bloemfontein and Cape Town.

On February 2, Congress held a public debate on the bill.

"A country with three capitals is ridiculous. The last country to do this was the collapsed Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was still a dual system. There were only two capitals. We have three. Are the tripartite rivals? So we must To change the status quo, the three capitals were determined at the time due to special historical conditions at that time. The current situation is completely different from the original one. The authority of the federal government cannot be shaken. Therefore, it is imperative to cancel the capital status of Bloemfontein and Cape Town. OK!" Fern Hansa said surprisingly, with the gradual popularity of Chinese culture, members of Congress in southern Africa know more and more about allusions in Chinese history.

With the end of Fern Hansa's speech, there was warm applause in the parliament hall. It seems that Fern Hansa's proposal has indeed won the approval of most of the members.

Of course, there must have been boos, but the boos were mainly concentrated in the areas where the members of Congress from Orange State and Cape State were located. Compared with the warm applause, the opposing voices were obviously alone.

Fern Hansa didn't care about the sporadic boos, and when he left the podium, he bowed slightly in a gentlemanly manner, which complemented the reserved smile on his face.

Buck was not in a hurry, and waited for the applause to fade away before knocking on the gavel in his hand.

"Is there any objection?" Buck said routinely, and there were objections without asking.

"I object!"

"It's just nonsense!"

"This is gross disrespect to Bloemfontein and Cape Town -"

There were quite a few opposing voices, and more than a dozen congressmen raised their hands at the same time to ask for a speech.

"Shut up, you have no right to object—"

"You still have the face to object? Look at what you have done all these years?"

"Forget about Cape Town, what qualifications does Bloemfontein have to be the legislative capital?"

The supporters are not to be outdone, and the focus is mainly on Bloemfontein. At the beginning, Bloemfontein was used as the legislative capital to appease the Boers. Now that the Boers have basically digested it, Bloemfontein has lost its status as the capital. qualifications.

At least on the surface.

"Bloemfontein as the legislative capital is a decision of the federal government, as unalterable as the Constitution—"

"Nonsense, the constitution can also be amended—"

When members of Congress quarrel, they are actually not much better than the aunts of the vegetable market, and sometimes even worse than the aunts of the vegetable market. At least the aunts of the vegetable market only quarrel and do not fight, and several congressmen with fierce attitudes have already started to roll their arms. Roll up your sleeves and prepare to convince people with "reason".

Truth is only within the range of the cannon.

"Quiet, please be quiet—" Buck hadn't established enough prestige, and the banging sound of the gavel didn't have much effect.

Then Buck took a deep breath, his face sank like water, his palm was raised high, his forearm drove his forearm, and he slammed it hard on the table: "Shut up!"

Geez, is it really okay to be so rude in such a solemn occasion like Congress.

Regardless of whether it is a gaffe, the effect is still there.

Barker's success as speaker did not depend entirely on Roque's support. At least the members of Congress from the three northern states still had to show face.

Then the situation is effectively controlled.

Well, the representatives from the three northern states are most in favor, and those from Cape State and Orange State are opposed. Other states such as Bechuanaland, Lorenzo Marques, Basutoland, and Swaziland are almost No presence, and they usually don't have an opinion.

Of course, there is still a minimum position. Most of the time, the members of Bechuana and Lorenzo Marquez will maintain the same position as the three northern states.

MPs from Basutoland and Swaziland are vacillating.

This situation may change in the next few years. Now the populations of Basutoland and Swaziland are mainly Chinese. It won't be long before the number of Chinese congressmen will increase significantly.

"Mr. Jameson, the next time belongs to you—" Buck waited for ten seconds before calling the roll, and the opportunity was given to Cape Dr. Starr Jameson.

Dr. Starr Jameson is definitely a legend in southern Africa. It was rumored 20 years ago that Dr. Starr Jameson was terminally ill, but he is still alive. Last year, he wanted to compete with Philip for the prime minister. This guy probably has Nine lives.

"The dual system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has two capitals, two governments, and even two systems. This is different from our situation. Although we have three capitals, they are all under the leadership of the federal government. The chaotic situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , does not happen in our southern Africa—” Dr. Starr Jameson first refuted the dualism of Fern Hanse, and then began his speech: “—when the federal government was established, established There are indeed special reasons for Bloemfontein, Cape Town, and Pretoria to be the capital, but it is not as the Hanseatic MP said, and the situation has changed now - Bloemfontein and Cape Town respectively As the legislative capital and judicial capital, it has played an important role in these years, our laws are gradually improving, the judiciary is fair and just, and southern Africa is booming - so is it really going to change the current situation? Cancel Bloemfontein and Cape The status of London as the capital is very simple, but if we do so, what kind of consequences will be triggered is what we have to consider."

Dr. Starr Jameson is perpetually sickly and bewildering.

He spoke intermittently, his movements trembled, and he felt that he would have to inhale oxygen the next moment.

However, as a veteran politician in southern Africa, Dr. Starr Jameson's words still carry weight. He is right that the removal of Bloemfontein and Cape Town's capital status may trigger a crisis in Orange and Cape Town. The serious dissatisfaction in the two states may be unbearable.

If it affects the development of southern Africa, whether it is worthwhile is a question worth thinking about.

There was a brief silence in the council hall as Dr. Starr Jameson finished speaking.

Then there was the constant buzzing, with members of Congress arguing, some for, some against, some in the middle, and some fanning the flames.

"In fact, the existence of the three capitals has had a huge impact on the efficiency of the federal government. Bloemfontein enacted the law, Pretoria was responsible for its implementation, and finally the trial was held in Cape Town. Open the map and have a look. Three How far is the distance from the capital, and how much time and money will be wasted? We cannot allow this situation to continue because we are worried about the consequences. I admit that this possibility does exist and will always exist, so we are prepared to What to do? Whether to endure the waste of time and money and low efficiency forever, or to take a certain risk and solve this problem forever-I don’t think this needs to be considered.” Fern Hansa is also well prepared.

Fern Hansa is right, there is indeed a danger, but you can't just do nothing just because of the possibility of danger.

"Rep. Fern Hanse, I have to remind you that no matter what decision we have to make, we must carefully consider every possibility that will arise, instead of acting recklessly without thinking—" Buck's position is obvious, the higher the position The greater the responsibility, it is irresponsible to say "no need to think about it".

No matter how correct things are, they need to be fully demonstrated, and then a most suitable solution can be found.

Maybe it doesn't have to be the most suitable, just relatively suitable.

But in any case, you can't make a decision by patting your head.

"Your Excellency, the motion proposed by the five members of Congress is definitely not a reckless act without thinking, but a joint decision after careful consideration." Fern Hansa is still a gentleman. Regardless of whether the bill can be passed or not, Fern Hansa will Already famous.

Buck didn't engage in these verbal disputes. He saw that the fire was about the same, and then began to vote.

Raise your hand if you agree to the motion, and do not raise your hand if you disagree or are neutral. If two-thirds of the members agree, the motion will be passed.

Fern Hansa was the first to raise his hand.

Then the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

In the entire parliament hall, there were hundreds of congressmen, and for ten seconds, no one raised their hand.

Fern Hansa looked like he had seen a ghost.

His proposal was able to bypass Barker because of the joint signatures of four other congressmen, so even if other congressmen disagreed, the joint signatures should always be in favor.

But now, the other four co-signatories did not raise their hands.

Fern Hansa looked at a familiar congressman who also signed the proposal.

The congressman averted his eyes, not daring to meet Fern Hansa's eyes.

Fern Hansa looked at another congressman with the same name.

This time, it finally paid off. This congressman, who was also from the Transvaal, raised his hand reluctantly under Fern Hansa's angry and expectant gaze.

Then, as if an appointment had been made, some councilors finally raised their hands in favor, but the sparse ones were like seedlings in the years of natural disasters.

There is no need to count, obviously less than two-thirds, not even one-third.

Buck still had no expression on his face, but his frown quietly relaxed.

Sure enough, the parliament was never the speaker's parliament, but the parliament of a certain marquis who had never been in the parliament hall.

what is this?

You are not in the arena, but there are legends about you in the arena!

"The number of votes is not enough, the motion has not been passed." Buck finally knocked the gavel in his hand.

Whistles and applause erupted in the parliament hall.

From members of the Orange State and the Cape State.

The other congressmen looked at those congressmen who were applauding and whistling with eyes like looking at fools.

The bill was not passed, and it has nothing to do with these people. If this shit hadn't been greeted by someone, you guys should be in a state of mourning right now.

ps: Don’t set up a flag anymore, there have been too many things recently, the elder who was in the car accident is now a cerebral palsy——

(End of this chapter)

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