Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1266 Crazy Japanese

Chapter 1266 Crazy Japanese

Rock did say hello, and Philip knew it.

It has nothing to do with who is the prime minister, even if the father-in-law is the prime minister, he can't do whatever he wants.

"Philip should be very angry—" The work came to an end, and Stoudemire, who had returned to southern Africa for vacation, looked to watch the excitement. The Relief and Rehabilitation Committee did not play its due role, but this had nothing to do with Stoudemire.

Even gods can't save Europe from being like that now.

If at the end of the world war, Winston and Clemenceau could give up their interference in the new Russian government and put their main task on restoring the economy, then maybe Europe would still have a glimmer of life.

Now Europe is on the verge of collapse. The Allies defeated in the World War were devastated and severely injured. Britain and France failed to obtain compensation from Germany. On the contrary, because of the intervention of the new Russian government, the economic situation further deteriorated, production dropped sharply, and a large number of factories It closed down, a large number of workers lost their jobs, their credit relationship was severely damaged, and the entire social economy fell into extreme chaos and paralysis.

In this case, the little help provided by the Relief and Rehabilitation Committee is really not enough to solve the problem.

"No, it's not Philip's proposal. He has nothing to lose." Rock focused on two tasks, chatting with Stoudemire while watching "Winston".

Yes, Winston's autobiographical film is finally completed. This guy shamelessly portrayed himself as a savior who dedicated himself to death. In the film, his own shots accounted for more than half. If you only watch the film, you will think The world war was won by Winston alone. While bearing the pressure of the Congress, he appeased the panicked king and urged the frontline troops to fight bravely. He was still worried about the winter clothes of the frontline troops at three o'clock in the morning.

Fortunately, Winston still has a bit of conscience, and he didn't describe Roque too badly, but Roque in the movie didn't play much role. All the battles were completed under Winston's wise leadership. Diligent like an old scalper, with no more than ten lines.

At this time, there was a scene in the movie of Winston facing Congress's questioning. The Mediterranean Expeditionary Force lost the first battle in the Dardanelles. Congress asked Winston, who was still the Secretary of the Navy at the time, to give a reasonable explanation.

Winston made an impassioned statement: "—it is not the end, the end has not even begun, but it may be the end of the prologue—"

Winston in the movie was emotional, accompanied by exciting speeches, waving his arms wildly, and making the famous "V" gesture.

Oops, old and bold!

Rock laughed dumbfoundedly. The next step should be that Winston appointed Rock as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Rock remembered that Winston was in a state of desperation, his eyes were red, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights, and there was nothing in the movie. elegant demeanor.

So Rock turned to look at Winston's expression.

It turned out that Winston wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hmm, the city (bu) mansion (zhi) is extremely (lian) deep (chi)!

The film has not yet been officially released, and Rock, Stoudemire, and Winston are watching it in the movie theater in Eagle Fort.

Winston was very satisfied with "Winston" and claimed that he would invite Rock to watch it after it was released.

"Do you think someone will really pay to go into a movie theater to listen to you bragging?" Stoudemire was blunt. Except for Rock, Stoudemire rarely gave face, not even Winston.

"Cecil, why don't you make a movie and tell people what Mr. Cecil Rhodes did?" Winston didn't care about Stoudemire's attitude, it seemed that he was addicted to making movies.

Stoudemire's eyes lit up immediately, and it sounded like a pretty good idea.

It was a really big scene. Rock still remembered how Winston looked when he watched "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth". Winston at that time was exactly the same as Stoudemire now.

"Is the situation in Europe really that bad?" Rock was very worried about the Rand Bank's investment. Although the Rand Bank did not lend money to Russia, it lent a lot to Britain, France and Italy, and even Germany. few.

Of course, the part that was lent to Germany was only lent to Germany after the establishment of the Weimar government.

In addition, Rand Bank and Nyasaland have also invested in a lot of public infrastructure in Europe, such as roads, hospitals, and airports. If the European economy is in a long-term downturn, it may be difficult to recover the cost of these investments.

Basically, if the cost cannot be recovered within 20 years, then don't count on it.

"It's very bad. Factories are shut down, workers are unemployed, people can't find jobs, they can only queue up to receive relief food, the crime rate in cities is soaring, there is a shortage of labor in the countryside, officials are busy fighting for power, and the rich and powerful are singing every night—" Stoudemire looked indifferent , the status quo in Europe is not a problem of a certain group, it is caused by everyone.

Rock didn't want to comment, it was indeed a bit bad.

"The situation in Europe is different from that in southern Africa. The main population in southern Africa is still farmers who own farms. Even if the industry is in a downturn, the lives of farmers will not be seriously affected - but Europe has already completed industrialization and has a large industrial population. These people Once you lose your job, life will have serious problems, which will lead to serious social disasters." Winston has a good understanding of the situation in Europe, but the more he understands, the less optimistic he becomes.

At this time in the movie, Winston's office appeared, which was not much different from Rock's memory.

This is normal. Winston himself is the director, so he must be very familiar with the Prime Minister's Office. The movie "Winston" is not to mention, it should be no problem to be persuasive. After all, the world war has just ended, and many scenes have real objects. Can refer to.

"When I was in Munich, I met a professor in Munich living on the streets. The situation in Germany is very bad now. They are unable to pay the compensation, and Europe has lost the engine to restore the economy." Stoudemire did not focus on the movie , the expression on his face was full of embarrassment, with a little joy and fear.

It is estimated that seeing how miserable Germany is now, I can't help thinking that if the Allied Powers were defeated——

The Germany of today is the United Kingdom of that time.

If the Allies were defeated, Southern Africa would not fare much better.

"Aren't you negotiating with the Germans? What's the result? Is there any result?" Winston is also concerned about this issue. Southern Africa and Germany are negotiating about loans, and the Americans have also intervened.

Germany wanted to borrow money from southern Africa and the United States, and distribute it to the Allied Powers as indemnities. This money went to Germany, then went to Britain and France, and Britain and France returned it to southern Africa to repay the loans during the World War.

Perfect loop!

"The asking price of the Americans is too high, and we are still negotiating." Rock really hates the Americans who are fanning the flames everywhere.

The United States gained nothing during the world war, did not receive reparations, did not join the League of Nations, did not open the colonial system dominated by Britain and France, and did not find enough markets for the goods produced by American companies.

Then the United States put its main energy into Asia, hoping to find a breakthrough from Asia.

The United States did not completely abandon Europe. After learning that southern Africa was negotiating with Germany, the Americans took the initiative to join in, hoping to get a share of the pie.

However, the conditions of the United States are relatively harsh, requiring Germany to open its domestic market and allow American goods to enter.

Coincidentally, southern Africa also has this requirement. Although Germany suffered heavy losses during the World War, it still has a good foundation and a large population, so the demand for commodities is naturally also high.

"Washington Naval Conference, do you want to send people from southern Africa?" Winston was not worried about the Germans, and asked this question mainly to test the ambitions of southern Africa.

In November of the previous year, the United States proposed to convene a Pacific Conference to re-divide the colonies and spheres of influence in the Far East and the Pacific region. The main participants in the conference were the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

The meeting achieved certain results, but it did not completely solve the problem. Last year, US Secretary of the Navy Daniels announced that he would build 130 seven warships within five years, "building a world's most powerful and best navy."

Since the United States surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world's number one in gross national product, its ambitions have continued to expand, trying to challenge Britain's maritime dominance globally. Before the outbreak of the World War, the United States formed the "Great White Fleet" and sailed around the world. Secretary of the Navy Daniels' plan can be regarded as an upgraded version of the "Great White Fleet".

Facing the provocation of the United States, the United Kingdom was not to be outdone. The Lord Seal, Andrew Bonar Law, who replaced Winston as the Prime Minister, stated that Great Britain would rather spend the last penny to maintain the navy's defense against the United States or any other country. Advantage.

Also eager to try is Japan. During the World War, Japan turned from a debtor country to a creditor country, and its ambitions expanded to the point where it also wanted to challenge the British naval hegemony.

Just after Daniels announced that he would build 130 Qisou warships in five years, Japan decided to form the "Eighty-Eight Fleet", that is, to have two powerful fleets, each with eight capital ships, and update them every eight years.

Under such circumstances, France and Italy, which already had their own problems, also joined in and participated in this larger arms race with great interest.

The "larger scale" here refers to the arms race between Britain and Germany before the world war.

The arms race before the World War was limited to Europe, but this time the arms race has expanded to the whole world, and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean are all caught in the arms race.

It is against this background that the United States proposed to hold a naval meeting in Washington to ease the pressure caused by the arms race in a new way.

This suggestion of the United States was immediately endorsed by Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. The naval supremacy of the British Empire was not so easy to challenge. France and Italy were too busy to take care of themselves and had no ability to challenge.

The same is true for Japan. Regardless of the high jumps of the Japanese, in fact, the little wealth Japan accumulated during the World Wars is not enough. In order to implement the [-]th Fleet Plan, the Japanese Navy’s allocation has accounted for one-third of the entire national budget.

Really crazy Japanese.

(End of this chapter)

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