Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1267 See you on the rooftop

Chapter 1267 See you on the rooftop

The current era is not the peaceful 21st century, where national defense expenditures account for more than ten to twenty percent of the national budget at every turn.

But like Japan, the military expenditure of the navy alone accounts for one-third of the national budget.

No wonder Japan later had to launch a war to plunder resources. In fact, with Japan's national strength, it was not qualified to compete with several other old imperialisms.

The United States proposed to hold a naval conference in Washington, and also extended an invitation to southern Africa, which had performed well in the world war.

Although Southern Africa did not participate in the arms race, it is still developing offshore defense forces dominated by light cruisers and destroyers, but Southern Africa has shown a potential that cannot be ignored in the navy. During the World War, the aircraft carrier developed by Southern Africa Excellent performance. After the World War, the United Kingdom and the United States have begun to conduct research on aircraft carriers. Even Japan has transformed a cargo ship into a wooden aircraft carrier with upper and lower decks.

The latest action of the United Kingdom is to refer to the southern African aircraft carrier and decide to build two hundred-eyed giant-class aircraft carriers with a displacement of 1.5 tons locally.

This "hundred-eyed giant" must be different from the "hundred-eyed giant" in another time and space. As for why it is still called this name, I have to ask the British Secretary of the Navy John Jericho.

"Of course, although southern Africa has no intention of participating in the arms race, it is also good to participate in the naval meeting to open your eyes." Rock knew what Winston was worried about. The Americans' invitation to southern Africa to participate in the Washington naval meeting was actually a ulterior motive.

Southern Africa is still part of the British Empire, and it is not eligible to participate in the Washington Naval Conference as an independent country.

However, the United States issued an invitation to southern Africa, which was clearly intended to provoke the relationship between southern Africa and the British Empire.

It doesn't have to be entirely provocative.

Southern Africa produced two aircraft carriers for the British Empire during the World Wars, one of which took part in the Battle of Jutland, where it excelled and sank a German capital ship.

These two aircraft carriers are still in service. Although the Southern African Navy is not equipped with aircraft carriers, it has the ability to produce aircraft carriers.

The purpose of the Washington Conference is mainly to determine the tonnage of capital ships produced by various countries to limit the unlimited expansion of the arms race. Aircraft carriers are also one of the capital ships.

In this way, the problem arises. If Southern Africa is not restricted by the Washington Naval Conference, then if the British Empire orders three or five aircraft carriers from Southern Africa, and then puts them in the Southern African Naval Battle Order in the name of Southern Africa, then Who is this for?

The wily Americans certainly cannot allow this to happen.

"Does the Southern African Navy have a plan to install an aircraft carrier?" Winston is very concerned about the Southern African Navy.

According to the information Winston has, the southern African navy has begun to build cruisers with heavier tonnage and larger gun calibers, and then battleships.

In fact, it is a heavy cruiser, but there is no such type of heavy cruiser yet. The heavy cruiser will not be determined until after the Washington Naval Conference. Similar models have already appeared.

In 1915, the Royal Navy built four Hawkinson-class heavy cruisers. The Hawkinson-class heavy cruisers were improved by the British on the existing light cruisers. They had a displacement of 4 tons and were equipped with seven 9750-inch main guns. Known as the "reinforced light cruiser".

The Hawkinson heavy cruiser was ill-fated, the construction process was not smooth, and the service time was too late to participate in the World War. The last one was not in service until 1925, and it is still under construction.

With the strength of Southern Africa in building ships, there is no technical problem in building battleships. After Germany was defeated, Southern Africa obtained many naval ship experts from Germany. The heavy cruisers being built in Southern Africa absorbed the German Bavarian-class battleships. Based on the experience in the Battle of Jutland, some improvements were made to the warship, such as: increasing the caliber of the main gun, improving the protection of the turret, powder magazine and other parts; taking key protection measures and thickening the armor of important parts , Reduce or cancel the armor of non-essential parts; pay attention to horizontal protection and protection against torpedoes below the waterline.

These improvements, in another time and space, only appeared on the post-Jylland battleships. The first representatives were the Nevada-class battleships of the United States, the Nelson-class battleships of the United Kingdom, and the Nagato-class battleships of Japan.

No matter how advanced the reinforced light cruisers in southern Africa are, they still have to stay away from British battleships, and Winston doesn't care.

However, for aircraft carriers, Winston focused on the two aircraft carriers currently under construction in southern Africa, one ordered by France and one ordered by the United States.

The purpose of the French and Americans ordering aircraft carriers is very clear, that is, to conduct research with reference to the aircraft carriers in southern Africa, and prepare for the next step of building their own aircraft carriers.

Rock is not too polite. Each aircraft carrier plus carrier-based aircraft costs 550 million rand, which is twice the price of the two aircraft carriers ordered by the United Kingdom. Buy it or not.

France and the United States pinched their noses and recognized it. How about selling arms to make money? Two words: cool!

"It's definitely not there now, but it will definitely be in the future. Edward Shipyard is researching a cargo ship that can be converted into an escort aircraft carrier. In peacetime, it can do some business with containers to make some money. When war breaks out, it can be brought to the shipyard for renovation. It can be dispatched at any time. Go to the battlefield." Rock didn't want the British Empire to fall so quickly, so he leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The emergency modification of the escort aircraft carrier by merchant ships was not the first initiative of Edward Shipyard. The first aircraft carrier in the UK was refitted by merchant ships. In another time and space, the vast number of escort aircraft carriers in the United States also came from this way. Edward Shipyard only made further research on the basis of the UK. Produce [-] to [-] ships and sell them to shipping companies, and then in wartime, a large number of escort aircraft carriers will burst out in minutes.

Although the escort aircraft carrier has fewer aircraft, slower speed, and slightly weaker combat effectiveness, it is also an aircraft carrier, and if there are too many ants, it will kill people.

As for whether the shipping company will take advantage of this, think about who is the owner of the largest shipping company in southern Africa?

Three, one owner is Rock, one owner is Stoudemire, and the last one is owner Christian.

"Fuck, what the hell is the escort aircraft carrier—" Winston felt his head was going to watts, and he really couldn't keep up with Rock's train of thought.

This is the same as a duel between two people. Winston thought that Rock also used a sword, but who knew that this guy pulled out a Lee Enfield with his backhand. Longer okay.

Well, it's a bit of a sword.

"It's the kind you understand. It's only used for escort, not for decisive battles at sea. Southern Africa has no intention of competing for ocean hegemony." Rock reassured Winston. do not worry.

"Are you going to Washington or not?" Stoudemire's mind was wide open. Roque, the chief of defense, not only manages the army, but also the navy and air force.

At this time, there is no such branch as naval aviation, otherwise it will be under Rock's control.

"No!" Rock was not interested in Washington, and the United States still had the "Chinese Exclusion Act," so Rock didn't want to join in the fun.

But Patton may go at that time. Now that Patton has finished his studies at the Dartmouth Naval Academy, the Edward Shipyard is about to receive the first heavy cruiser of the Southern African Navy.

That's right, the first heavy cruiser of the Southern African Navy, Rock directly named Patton as the captain.

With Patton's qualifications, serving as the captain of the first heavy cruiser seems to be counterproductive, but it is actually quite normal. The Southern African Navy is not as senior as the British Royal Navy. Not exaggerating.

Southern Africa now also has the Ministry of the Navy. The minister is old and will retire in a few years. At that time, it will be logical for Patton to take over.

The current Secretary of the Navy has something MMP wants to say, I am so invisible that I don’t even deserve a name——

In fact, there are, but someone who drinks too much and has a severe memory loss has forgotten, so let's pretend that there is no, it doesn't matter anyway.

"You have to go out often, how can you stay in southern Africa all day." Stoudemire seemed to want to go to Washington, but Rock didn't go, and Stoudemire obviously lacked interest.

"Isn't it good? In my opinion, southern Africa is a paradise, and I don't want to go anywhere." Rock really didn't want to run around. At that time, Rock would rather watch movies at home.

It's a pity that the movie is over, and the last shot is Winston signing the "Versailles Treaty" on behalf of the Allied Powers. This shot was not shot in a studio, but the real shot of Winston signing the "Versailles Treaty". precious.

"How? Do I have the potential to be a director?" Winston was very satisfied with his work.

Rock and Stoudemire didn't want to comment. It's not that the filming of "Winston" is not good, but that the content is too biased, full of exaggeration and individual heroism, and the handling is not very good, giving the impression (feng) (kuang) not (zhuang) good (bi).

"When are you going to release it, and how much will you pay me?" This guy actually has the face to ask for a reward, so he doesn't have a clue in his mind.

"The release must be released, or else you will lose too much—" Rock didn't give a shit about it. For the movie "Winston", Winston didn't spend a penny, and it was all from Rand Bank and Niassa. Lan company investment.

"How do you know that you will lose? "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" can make a profit, so there is no reason why "Winston" can't." Winston is very confident, but the source is unknown.

Rocky smiled, leaving the cinema and going straight to the rooftop.

Don't get me wrong, it's just for drinking tea, this amount of money is not enough to see you on the rooftop.

(End of this chapter)

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